Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, April 06, 2007
The Private Equity Bubble - When smart money does dumb things … / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets
Mike Larson writes : During the housing bubble, a lot of lenders lost their minds. It was as if some mass psychosis took over even the experienced executives, convincing them to do exceedingly dumb things.
They didn't bother checking borrowers' incomes or assets …
They didn't care if the loan covered the entire value of the house …
And they weren't the least bit concerned that all kinds of exotic mortgages were being doled out to people with horrible credit histories.
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Wednesday, April 04, 2007
The Right Market at The Right Time - Canadian Income Trusts a Screaming Buy / Stock-Markets / Canadian Stock Market
Remember when investors could retire and live well on a modest nest egg? Remember when taxes were only 15% a year, and when you didn't have to worry about losing your shirt before the closing bell?That way of life has gradually been taken from you. But this letter is going to bring it all back, courtesy of the Canadian government. They've invented a whole new kind of investment, one that's pulling hundreds of billions of US dollars across the border into Canada today.
In a nutshell, Canadian Income Trusts are a brilliant structure that allows a business to avoid taxes--all taxes. That's one pretty obvious reason they're so popular.
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Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Bubbles, Derivatives and Global Financial Shocks - Itchy Trigger Fingers / Stock-Markets / US Economy
In his new book “FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON” ( ) Michael Panzner paints a chilling picture of how he sees the current global asset and credit bubbles climaxing. Need I say it… not at all well!
Panzner, is “a 25-year veteran of the global stock, bond, and currency markets…(who) has worked in New York and London for HSBC, Soros Funds, ABN Amro, Dresdner Bank. and JPMorgan Chase”.
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Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Four Rules for Investing in Asian Stock Markets / Stock-Markets / Investing
Less than a month ago, everyone was talking about the Chinese stock market's 9.2% single-day loss, and the global sell-off it triggered. At the time, I urged you to hold steady and treat the drop as a buying opportunity. I said,
"I believe this is an unwarranted knee-jerk reaction. But it's also a good thing for longer-term investors. There are dozens of Asian blue chip stocks that have now come back down to levels that look pretty darn appealing to me."
That proved to be good advice. Reason: The Shanghai Composite Index hit a new, all-time high last week. Yup, in just four weeks, the Chinese stock market recovered everything it had previously lost … and then some!
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Monday, April 02, 2007
Brazil the New Back Door to Investing in China / Stock-Markets / Emerging Markets
Martin Weiss writes : This weekend, Elisabeth and I finally got away to our favorite spot — the smallest, most beautiful, semi-private beach in the southern State of São Paulo.
I'm glad. It gives me a chance to contemplate the escalating Persian Gulf crisis from afar, something our editors and I talked about intensely before I left home late last week.
Plus, it gives me a chance to survey the opportunities here.
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Sunday, April 01, 2007
Stocks & Commodity Markets Elliott Wave Analysis - Show me the money! / Stock-Markets / Elliott Wave Theory
Surprise, surprise, another volatile week. The bears got their big selloff, but it was in corn, not in the S&P's! Corn opened down lock limit as the S&P's created great trading opportunities for the “unbiased” trader.
As we ended 2006, I promised 2007 would be the year of volatility, and hasn't that been the truth?! It feels like only yesterday we were grinding up each day point by point. Friday's closing bell wrapped up March, as well as the first quarter, but investors who were pegged to the S&P are in for a surprise when they receive their quarterly statements. The S&P closed 2 points from its 2006 close.
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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Important Global Financial Markets Update - Gold Miners and Japan / Stock-Markets / Investing
Martin Weiss writes : We've just arrived at our beach house in Brazil, where our nephew's two boys also love to spend their vacations.
It's early Saturday morning, and the family is still sleeping. Soon they'll be up and about, ready for a full day of activities.
I'm looking forward to the opportunity to spend some quality time with my family. But I also wanted to send you a quick update while I had the chance.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Stock Market volitility for April but should end the year Strongly Higher / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
Dear Speculators,
We've been studying the 4-year cycle in the stock market for quite some time here. And over the past couple of weeks we've been entertaining two different hypotheses. Our working assumption had been that the 4-yr cycle low came before it was scheduled to in '06, forming in July and launching the new '06 - '10 cycle with the July-February rally from the 1220s up to the 1460 area.
This first chart plots the market's percentage gain off the July low (black line) against the median 4-year cycle performance since 1962 (blue line) as well as against the average performance (red line). The grey lines measure 1 standard deviation from the median. And the horizontal axis measures the number of trading days from the launch of the new cycle; this particular chart plots only the first 2 years of the cycle.
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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Weekly Stock Market Technical Analysis Report - 31st March 2007 / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
The good news is: Next week as well as the entire month of April have had a very positive seasonal bias.
Short Term : Last week new lows on the NASDAQ peaked at 56 on Thursday well below the 159 seen on March 5. The high for the NYSE was 32 on Wednesday also well below the 106 reported on March 5.
The chart below covers the past year showing the OTC in orange and a 10% trend (19 day EMA) of NASDAQ new lows (OTC NL) in black. OTC NL has been plotted on an inverted Y axis so increasing new lows move the indicator downward (up is good).
The upward movement of OTC NL was arrested on Thursday casting some suspicion on rally off the March lows.
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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Will the Sub-Prime Mortgages Implosion Meltdown the Stock Market? / Stock-Markets / Subprime Mortgage Risks
Most of the focus among investors and non-investors alike recently has been the sub-prime mortgage “implosion” and its possible impact on the stock markets and the economy. Therefore I'm dedicating most of tonight's report to an analysis of this special situation.
Since I'm not an expert in this particular area, the best analysis I can offer other than anecdotal evidence based on personal observation is to share with you my own collection of opinions from those whose expertise and analysis of similar situations in the past has proven correct in a vast majority of cases. In other words, we're going to see what some of the best in the business have to say on this subject. Then we'll take the analysis once step further and turn to the ultimate barometer of business/economic conditions, namely the stock market, and see what Mr. Market itself has to say.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Q4 Corporate Profits Sink - Thank Goodness For Wall St / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
The important new information in the Commerce Department's third guess at last year's fourthquarter GDP was its first guess at the same quarter's corporate profits. Commerce guessed low. Before-tax profits adjusted for inventory valuation and capital consumption turned negative sequentially, submerging 0.30% (not annualized) in Q4:2006. In fact, after a Q1:2006 surge of 12.60%, corporate profit growth was downright anemic in the last three quarters of 2006, as was real GDP growth (see Chart 1 below).
With volume growth slowing and labor costs rising, it is no wonder that profits growth is now struggling. It is doubtful things will turn around soon unless Circuit City's plan to effectively cut the salaries of many of its employees becomes the norm.
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
China to Take Down World Financial Markets / Stock-Markets / Chinese Stock Market
We are looking right now at the following situation. China is about to drop the world markets in stemming their bubbles – stocks and real estate and manufacturing. I notified PS subscribers that China is going to prick the world stock bubbles – as the emerging manufacturing giant, just like the USA did in the 1929/30’s.
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The Shanghai Stock Market Bubble and the "Euro/Yen" Tug-of-War / Stock-Markets / Yen Carry Trade
"Free markets for Free men", was a slogan etched on the floor jackets of several traders at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the 1980's. But today, the slogan for traders is "Rigged markets for Central bankers," who try to move currency and stock markets with their control of the money spigots and timely "jawboning" to the media outlets, when markets become unruly. Today, trading in currencies, precious metals, and stock market indexes has turned into a game of central bank watching.
Right now, two of the most important pieces of the global market jig-saw puzzle are the Shanghai Stock Index bubble and the Tug-of-war over the "Euro /yen" carry trade. What happens in Shanghai can have a big influence over China's monetary policy, and is of great interest to commodity traders and Asian stock markets. The upcoming battle over the Euro /yen exchange rate can have a big influence over Japanese monetary policy and stock markets in Europe.
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Great Investment Bargains in Japan - How to participate in the coming boom / Stock-Markets / Japanese Stock Market
While China is indeed growing like a weed, many of its Asian neighbors are growing almost as rapidly. What's more, the stocks in some of these other countries are trading at lower valuations.
Since I was born with the cheapskate gene, I just love bargains. So today I want to tell you about Japan, a great place to find some of Asia's greatest value stocks.
Let's start with three facts:
Fact #1: Japan boasts the second-largest economy and stock market in the world.
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
Summary of Financial Markets and Economic Forecasts / Stock-Markets / Summary Forecasts & Analysis
With so many differing opinions on market direction, each supported by good solid analysis, the reader can become lost in which way appears the most probable.
Therefore the following represent the Editor of the Market Oracle, Nadeem Walayat's summary forecasts of the most probable outcomes, as derived by technical analysis and research, much of which are published as articles to this site. New forecasts & comments to exisitng forecasts are added on each new update.
Commodity Markets |
Gold | Gold Bull Market set to resume, targeting a rally to initially $847 and then $900 by the end of this year. 25/3/07 - Despite recent rally, gold looking weak in the immediate term, though has plenty of time to fulfill the forecast. |
21st Jan 07 | ||||
$636 |
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Harness the Power of China’s $1 Trillion! - Gala Edition / Stock-Markets / Investing
Martin Weiss - The timing of our second international teleconference this week couldn't have been better.
Every single one of the foreign stock markets we covered has since shaken off its earlier correction ... turned sharply higher ... and blasted off toward new highs.
So I hope you were able to make it and call in at the appointed hour. But if you couldn't, this double-length special issue gives you a second opportunity to get the information in a handy, readable format ...
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
Stock & Commodity Markets Elliott Wave Analysis - 25th March 07 - Testing, 1, 2 . . . 3? / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
What a week… again! Once more, the boat was extremely tilted to one side and it had to sink. But not the market, this time it was the bears that really took a soaking. Members of TTC and regular readers of this update, though, continued to bank plenty of profits.
Since the markets broke from the top a few weeks ago, I've insisted on two things. The first was that I wasn't going to label the big picture yet. Even though we were fortunate to be among the few, if not the only ones to navigate last year's rally all the way to the top, I didn't like that drop last month at all – at least not as the start of a bear market. It would have been easy to take a bow, and congratulate myself on a job well done, but I'm always looking for the next trade and I said the fast selloff from 1461 opened doors for alternatives that included new highs AND new lows.
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
Weekly Stock Market Technical Analysis Report - 24th Mar 07 / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
The good news is: Last week new lows evaporated. On the NASDAQ new lows declined on both Thursday and Friday in spite of declines in the NASDAQ composite (OTC). The picture was similar on the NYSE with only 7 new lows recorded on Friday.
Short Term
Martin Zweig's up volume indicator got a lot of publicity in technical circles when it was triggered last week. The indicator was also triggered on March 6, but analysts' were probably too afraid to notice that time.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Amex Oil Index (XOI) getting set for a possible strong Upside Breakout / Stock-Markets / Oil Companies
The chart of the XOI is getting more and more interesting each week. The XOI has shot up the past few days and is set to break out of an apparent wedge structure; should it break to the upside then the next impulsive move is underway. The Bollinger bands are still contracting, indicating a contraction in volatility (sorry, not revealing much information in their current pattern).Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, March 23, 2007
Stock Market Bounce due to Fed Liquidity / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
The Fed pumped in a ton of liquidity that is supporting the market's up movement. Sometime next week, the S&P 500 (and the other indexes) will meet resistance when they close their gaps as seen on the chart below.Read full article... Read full article...