Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Thursday, December 08, 2011
How to Make Money in a 'Fugly' Stock Market / Stock-Markets / Gold & Silver Stocks
By: The_Gold_Report
Despite the "fugly" future that Bob Moriarty, founder of 321gold.com, talks about in this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, he's downright bullish on the U.S. dollar for the time being. He says it's not only a safe haven but "the best investment to be in for the last six months." As for equities, Moriarty makes it clear that he takes no pleasure in watching a company lose 25% of its value in a week when there is nothing wrong with the company. At the same time, he's alert to bargains. Any time you have the opportunity to buy cash at a discount, he advises, "throw money at it."
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Stock Market Journey to Nowhere, Been a Wild Trip Since August / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Trader_Mark
Futures are being pushed around by the normal push-pull of the rumor mill out of Europe - it has reached the point of jump the shark. Late yesterday the market rallied for about an hour on news of a second bailout fund to run along the already mocked ESFS. Then the question of how it would be funded came to be asked, and the market sold off. It's just trial balloon after trial balloon. Tomorrow (morning for Americans) we hear what the ECB is doing with interest rates - a cut is expected, but will it be 25 or 50 basis points and most important are there any 'additional cookies' to be handed out to the class of unruly 2nd graders demanding Oreos by the dozens. Then Friday everyone awaits a new bazooka.
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Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Bob Prechter is Back... and Shockingly, Still Bearish on Stocks / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Trader_Mark
It's been almost a year since I posted a Bob Prechter video, and (sit down for this) ... he is bearish, comparing this current period to the late 1930s. Other than a few short massively oversold periods in 2008 and 2009 I can't recall Prechter really being bullish - but I don't watch him that closely. For the Elliot Wave crowd however, please see below
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Stock Market Cycle Turn Day / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
Good Morning!
Today is the Trading Cycle turn date. You may recall that I had suggested that this may be an inverted cycle. I had originally inferred that the Master cycle low (November 25) would coincide with the Trading Cycle, which is normally a low. But the Master cycle bottomed 12 days too early. The Trading Cycle only allows 4 – 8 days for a turn window, which have now passsed. What’s left is an inversion, which sets us up for a potential crash.
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Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Testy Stock Market – More Stimulus PLEASE! / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: PhilStockWorld
What a crazy ride!
The chart on the left is a take on market sentiment but it’s the kind of mood swings that should be talking place over a span of weeks or months, not HOURS – like it has been recently.
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Wednesday, December 07, 2011
How to Survive and Prosper in the Coming Financial Meltdown / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Sam_Chee_Kong
The current global financial crisis can be said to be caused by the macroeconomic expansionary monetary policies of global governments and also at the same time the lack of regulatory framework from the authorities. As a result of the expansionary monetary policies the market is full of liquidity or in other words too much cash is available. The lack of regulatory framework from the authorities actually help to hasten the process of the financial crisis. The current financial crisis can be best described with the following three stages of manifestation.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Timing China's Financial Meltdown and Housing Market Crash / Stock-Markets / China Economy
By: Janet_Tavakoli

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Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Europe's Debt Crisis and Solutions / Stock-Markets / Eurozone Debt Crisis
By: Bloomberg
Sir Howard Davies, former deputy governor of the Bank of England and former director of the London School of Economics, spoke to Bloomberg TV's Erik Schatzker and Sara Eisen this morning and said that it is will not “make a huge amount of difference” if the S&P downgrade the Eurozone. He also said that there needs to be a European finance minister.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Are the Stars Aligned for a Stock Market Year-End Rally? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Frank_Holmes
December has historically been one of the strongest months of the year for equity markets. Taking a look over the past 20 years, the S&P 500 Index in December has averaged 2 percent.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
A Simple Solution to Fixing the World's Capital Markets / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2011
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes:
Banks need fixing and capital markets need fixing. There's no debate about that.
Still, there's plenty of debate about what to do about it and too little agreement on exactly what to do about systemic issues, both in domestic and global markets.
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Tuesday, December 06, 2011
S&P 500 Warnings Excuse For Some Selling..... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Jack_Steiman
The Dow and S&P 500 were up against their near-term down trend lines at 12,200 on the Dow and 1265 on the S&P 500. The market was churning there for hours, but not falling very much. Yes, the 60-minute short-term charts were a bit overbought, but the market was hanging tough. The bears needed an excuse to get the bulls to calm down a bit. It came in the form of the S&P 500 warning they would downgrade some Eurozone countries below the top rating of AAA. Later in the day they expanded it to a more specific seventeen countries under that watch away from AAA. The total result was a drop of roughly 150 points on the Dow from the highs to the lows.
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Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Global Economy and Financial Markets 2012 Outlook / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
By: Bloomberg
Kenneth Jacobs, chief executive officer of Lazard Ltd., spoke about the global economy, the European debt crisis and banking regulations during an interview with Judy Woodruff on Bloomberg Television.
On the global economic outlook for next year:
"Assuming we get through this crisis without a discontinuity, a break in the markets, a catastrophe, then next year probably looks a lot like this year did: modest economic growth in the United States, tough economic climate in Europe, and probably a decent story continuing in the emerging markets."
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Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Cyclical Sell Signal for Stocks and Gold / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
SPX nudged up against the intersection of the smaller hourly Broadening Wedge and the larger daily Broadening Wedge first violated in early August. They both have a downside target of 980.00. It has just fallen beneath mid cycle trend resistance at 1257.70, giving it a cyclical sell signal. Crossing below intermediate-term trend support at 1233.46 will confirm that sell signal. Welcome to wave 3.
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Monday, December 05, 2011
Risky Moves Spark Quick Market Rally / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: John_Browne
Last week, with liquidity concerns reaching a crisis point for Europe, central banks around the world, led by the U.S. Federal Reserve, stepped in to provide emergency measures to insure that the financial gears continue to turn. At the same time, the European Central Bank (ECB) yielded to political pressure to rescue the world's second currency by using an IMF smokescreen to circumvent its own prohibition against making loans directly to member countries. Lastly, Germany indicated possible agreement to provide more bailout funds if Eurozone countries would agree to yield more fiscal sovereignty to German control. Taken together these measures have certainly provided some relief to markets, as the current rally attests, but the long term ramifications are harder to assess.
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Monday, December 05, 2011
Stock Market Wave2 Complete Giving a Pre Crash Formation / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
-- The VIX deepened its retracement to test daily mid-cycle support at 26.11, then closed above monthly mid-cycle support at 27.30. Short-term, it has lost its daily buy signal as long as it stays below intermediate-term trend support/resistance at 31.25. However, longer-term the VIX remains above critical support and maintains its buy signal on a weekly and monthly basis. It appears that the diamond formation that I had been pointing out the last several weeks has had a false breakout. The cycles, however, point to a higher year-end for the VIX. Perhaps the VIX will meet or exceed the target suggested by the Diamond pattern by year-end.
Monday, December 05, 2011
Stock Market Microwavable Rallies / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Barry_M_Ferguson
Question: How do you cook a stock rally?
Directions: Empty wallet into a microwavable bowl. Mix in any stock index of choice. Add a cup of central bank intervention and a cup of PPT spice. Microwave on high for five minutes. Eat immediately as spoiling will occur quickly as reality sets in.
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Monday, December 05, 2011
Stock Market Wave C Due for a Pause / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Andre_Gratian
SPX: Very Long-term trend - The very-long-term cycles are down and, if they make their lows when expected, there will be another steep and prolonged decline into 2014.
SPX: Intermediate trend - Last week's action suggests that a wave "C" from 1075 is underway.
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Sunday, December 04, 2011
Gold, Eurodollars, and the Black Swan That Will Devour the US Futures and Derivatives Markets / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Jesse
The Eurodollars estimate in the chart below is based on the BIS Banking Statistics from Commercial Banks and may not include official reserves held by Central Banks.
As you know the Federal Reserve stopped reporting Eurodollars some years ago, with the consequence that it also stopped reporting M3 money supply.
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Sunday, December 04, 2011
Stock Market New Uptrend Nearly Confirmed / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Tony_Caldaro
Markets, worldwide, surged this week on new optimism to a resolution of the European sovereign debt crisis. See the beginning of wednesday’s update for further details. European markets rose 9.6%, US markets +7.2%, Asian markets +5.9%, and the DJ World index +8.4%. Bond prices and the USD weakened, while Crude, Gold and the Euro rallied. Positive economic reports outnumbered negative reports by a ratio of 2:1. On the downtick: new homes sales, Case-Shiller, the WLEI and monetary base, plus weekly jobless claims rose. On the uptick: pending home sales, FHFA housing prices, construction spending, consumer confidence, the Chicago PMI, ISM, auto sales, the ADP and monthly Payrolls, plus the unemployment rate dropped. Next week ISM services, Consumer credit and the Trade deficit highlight a light economic agenda.
Friday, December 02, 2011
Investor Realities, Opportunities & Threats Preview 2012 / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
By: DeepCaster_LLC
“The E.C.B. has a fire hose — its ability to print money. But the bank is refusing to train it on the euro zone’s debt crisis.”
Wrote Jack Ewing, New York Times, November, 2011
“Why not? According to the November 28th Wall Street Journal, ‘The ECB has long worried that buying government bonds in big enough amounts to bring down countries' borrowing costs would make it easier for national politicians to delay the budget austerity and economic overhauls that are needed.’
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