Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, December 19, 2011
Why We May See a Rally in U.S. Stocks / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes:
With so much negative news dominating the headlines, investors can't be blamed for being worried or shying away from stocks. But if you take closer look at the market - specifically the Standard & Poor's 500 index - you might be surprised by what you see.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Stock Market Ready to Rally / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Andre_Gratian
SPX: Very Long-term trend - The very-long-term cycles are down and, if they make their lows when expected, there will be another steep and prolonged decline into 2014.
SPX: Intermediate trend - The current action suggests that a wave "C" from 1075 is underway and, after a short consolidation, is about to resume its uptrend.
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Sunday, December 18, 2011
Euro Collapse Crisis Sledgehammer Pounds Into Stock Market Santa Rally / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Santa's Late! The stock market as measured by the DJIA closed the week down at 11,866, showing significant deviation from the santa rally script with barely a week remaining, the lack of progress to the upside has been as a consequences of the increasing mass of unserviceable debt out of the euro-zone where politicians repeatedly show themselves to be ignorant of the facts and what to do to get out of the hole that the euro-zone is sinking deeper into an economic depression each day.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
December Dual Trading in Progress: Views From Inter Market / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Capital3X
December is tracing our views till now. First a rally to 1260 on SP500 and then a muted correction to the confluence zone at 1210 and culminating a rally back to 1250/60 zone area to finish a rather eventful and volatile year which once again brought to the fore the broken structure of the world economy.
We present key major currency charts and macro economic analysis to validate our views.
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Sunday, December 18, 2011
Gold and Stocks Signal Start of a Bear Market for 2012 / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
By: Clive_Maund
Last week saw a severe breakdown in the Precious Metals sector that is now viewed as marking the start of a bearmarket, and that means the onset of a deflationary episode that is likely to prove more serious than that we witnessed in 2008, because it will involve countries going bust rather than "just" banks and large corporations as was the case in 2008.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Stocks Bull Bear Market Inflection Point / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Tony_Caldaro
A somewhat disappointing week as investor sentiment, in many areas, flipped from positive to negative. Losses from 2%+ to 4%+ were observed thoughout all of the world’s regions. Commodities confirmed downtrends losing 4.6% on the week. Crude oil and Gold lost 6%+. Ten year Bond rates confirmed another downtrend, (rising Bond prices). And, the USD resumed its uptrend gaining 2.1%. Risk off was definitely in vogue. For the week the SPX/DOW were -2.7%, and the NDX/NAZ were -3.5%. On the economic front indicators continued to improve as positive reports outnumbered negatives at a 2:1 ratio for the third week in a row. On the downtick: retail sales and industrial production turned lower, while export/import prices remained negative. On the uptick: business inventories, the NY and Philly FED, the CPI/PPI, the budget deficit, weekly jobless claims, excess reserves, and the WLEI all displayed improvement. Next week we’ll receive the final estimate for Q3 GDP, projected around +2.0%, and several reports on Housing. Best to your week!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Stock Market Price is all that Matters, Everything else is Noise / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Tim_Wood
turned CNBC on one morning this past week just to see what the "squawk on the street" was. The primary concern as I listened was over the Fed meeting and whether or not we get a QE 3 in early 2012. A few months ago, as the August/October lows were being made the worry was all about Europe. Tomorrow it will be some other worry and next week it will be yet another. In reality, none of this matters and to sit and listen to the airheads on TV and try to figure out how this or that will impact the market is a fruitless exercise. Given that every piece of news known to man is discounted into price, then from a technical perspective, all we have to be concerned with is the price action itself. The key, of course, is understanding what price is telling you.
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Sunday, December 18, 2011
The Stock Market Bleed Continues / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: WavePatternTraders
In my last report a few days back, I spoke of the 1208ES area, it held for now, but the lack of upside is slightly troubling and with no real help from other risk markets, the markets appear to be still stuck in bleed mode, and stair stepping lower.
A couple of times we have bought into the lows on the end of the trading day and in globex looking for a surprise upside move, although we are getting 20 handle rallies, the bounces are still not seeing enough upside movement to suggest a low in place.
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Saturday, December 17, 2011
The Truth About the Stock Market and Presidential Election Years! / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
By: Sy_Harding
Next year is a Presidential election year, and the stock market is almost always positive in election years. Right? At least that assurance has been a supposed truism for many decades, and repeated as fact each year in numerous interviews and financial columns.
And it makes sense.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Is The Stock Market Following A Script? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: David_Grandey
Is the market following a script? If it is you had better be prepared. Here is what we mean.
Here is a chart of the nasdaq Composite from 2000.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Gaining from the Inflation/Deflation Conundrum / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: DeepCaster_LLC
Amid the Chaos of the Financial Markets and The Economy, One Essential Key to Successful Investing in 2012 is Clear as a Pure Toned Bell.
That One Key Reveals itself to us upon considering just a very few facts.
Via its promise to keep interest rates low until 2013, The U.S. Fed is already engaging in (and prepared to engage in more) QE 3. For example, Operation Twist does provide more liquidity by lengthening Treasuries’ Terms.
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Friday, December 16, 2011
Stock Market Crash Phase Starts Today / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
You may recall yesterday when I identified the triangle in the 10 min. SPX chart. I also mentioned that its target was 1231.00 and that it would either meet its target by the end of the day on Thursday or in the first hour on Friday. My calculation was off slightly… the pattern was over at 10:22 AM Eastern time.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Rehypothecation Is An Old Story: MF Global's Is a Different Story of Filched Funds / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2011
By: Janet_Tavakoli
Yesterday Congress held another hearing on MF Global. One representative seemed to suggest that MF Global's movement of money to the UK may have somehow been allowable under Rule 1.25. It was as if a Member of Congress had become Corzine's PR flack, an apologist for Corzine, and was trying to create a false excuse for Corzine. Jon Corzine has been a big Congressional fundraiser and bundler, and it is interesting to see how cheaply some Members of Congress can be bought.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Europe Bank Run Underway, Why You Should be Worried / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2011
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: On Wednesday, Fitch Ratings Inc. downgraded its credit ratings on five of Europe's biggest banks, and while that decision made headlines, it's not the most important story to come out of Europe this week.
The real story, which the mainstream media is neglecting, is that there are signs of an underground run on Europe's banks.
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Friday, December 16, 2011
Investors Should Prepare For A Chilly Winter / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Puru_Saxena
BIG PICTURE – The verdict is in and investors should prepare for a chilly winter.
You will recall that in last month’s Money Matters, we explained that many key markets were at ‘make or break’ points. Since then, the market has spoken and it appears as though the ‘risk trade’ is in a primary downtrend. If our assessment is correct, investors who are ‘long’ risky assets will feel the cold breeze over the winter months.
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Thursday, December 15, 2011
Pathogenesis Of Central Bank Ruin, Next Ground Zero Is Italy / Stock-Markets / Global Debt Crisis 2012
By: Jim_Willie_CB
Central banks are the current sovereign debt market. It is a vacated market. They are the majority bidders via debt monetization. The monetary inflation has become the New Normal and a travesty. In perverse fashion, the financial markets celebrate the monetized purchases, even calling for higher volume. In the process, bond and stock market integrity has been destroyed. Foreign creditors depart the USTreasury Bond market. Large European banks depart the Southern Europe sovereign debt market. Central banks step in to avert panic as the underlying structure to the global monetary system crumbles. When government bond yields rose quickly in Europe, it was not from abandonment by their central bank. The big Euro banks sell boatloads of bonds while the EuroCB buys only truckloads. The bond market integrity has been deteriorating very quickly. The dependence upon the debt monetization process is vividly clear. It is hyper monetary inflation to fill the void, thus providing the dominant bid. Ironically, the dullard stock market mavens celebrate the arrival of the central bank purchases without truly comprehending the destroyed integrity of the bond market. IQ levels are falling along with stock index levels.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Multiple Stock Market Crash Hindenburg Crash Omens / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
The NYSE gave us a second Hindenburg Omen yesterday. As I said earlier, I just noticed the first one on Tuesday. There may even have been one on Monday, as well. The point is, Hindenburg Omens come in clusters. A single omen has no meaning, but multiple omens are the harbingers of crashes.
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Thursday, December 15, 2011
Do Five 'C's Equal A Market Crash? / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: DK_Matai
1. The first 'C' is for Christmas time and the trading volumes are already getting thin, as they often do, at this time of the year;
2. The second 'C' is for Capital flows which are increasingly leaving illiquid and riskier asset classes like peripheral sovereign debt and currencies like the euro and heading towards perceived safer cash havens like the US dollar, Japanese yen, Swiss franc and UK sterling;
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Thursday, December 15, 2011
Re-Hypothecation ABC in Gold and Securities Markets: What You Need to Know / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2011
By: Casey_Research
Kevin Brekke, Casey Research writes: A new polysyllabic term has entered the Wall Street lexicon and is sweeping through the investing world like a brush fire through a dry canyon: "hypothecation." With its connection to the MF Global bankruptcy and aftermath, it engenders the kind of fear a homeowner might feel while monitoring the approaching flames.
The rise of hypothecation as the lead suspect in the MF Global tragedy has caused a fair bit of confusion about what, exactly, it is – and is not. Proving the idiom that nature abhors a vacuum, the blogosphere has weighed in with all manner of explanations, many of which have been less than accurate.
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Thursday, December 15, 2011
Credit Crisis part 2 or another reprieve? / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2011
By: Clif_Droke

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