Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Thursday, September 06, 2012
Super Mario Draghi Triggers Stocks Stealth Bull Market Rallies to New Bull Market Highs / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Stock prices soared today to stealth bull market highs in response to Super Mario Draghi igniting the euro-zones own Inflation mega-trend as he announced the O.M.T. (One More Try) proposal to print unlimited euro's to monetize the bankrupting euro-zone nation's debts (buy government bonds), in a very similar manner to the money printing quantitative easing that has fed the stealth bull markets in asset prices since the UK and US first announced their own QE programmes way back in March 2009, that I termed at the time as being Quantitative Inflation (05 Mar 2009 - Bank of England Ignites Quantitative Inflation ) which has subsequently manifested in economies such as the UK experiencing inflation of more than 15% despite economic stagnation.
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Stock Market Tiring?....... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Jack_Steiman
That's the big question I am asking myself based on the action I'm seeing over the past several days and weeks. So many stocks are starting to break down below key moving averages while some are breaking out, but then, falling right back down. Not what you see when a market is getting ready to move appreciably higher. Lots of key stocks as well are breaking. Look at the move in railroad stocks today. It's just horrible as the sector itself broke down with stocks such as Norfolk Southern Corp., CSX Corp. (CSX), and Union Pacific Corporation (UNP) really having bad days on big volume. FedEx Corporation (FDX) warned last night, and after an attempt to recover, it fell hard late. The transports are just not acting well. You don't usually see the transports acting badly when things are about to blast higher. Add in the commodity stocks, and the industrial stocks, it isn't the best for the bulls right now.
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Thursday, September 06, 2012
No Central Bank Solutions: Liquidity vs Insolvency, Gold and Silver Renewed Vigor / Stock-Markets / Global Debt Crisis 2012
By: Jim_Willie_CB
The Hippocratic Oath dictates never to do harm to the patient. The central bankers instead take the Hypocritical Oath that dictates to cripple the patient, to drain the blood, to preserve power by tightening the straps, to erode buying power from hard work, and to render life savings a weak shell, while whispering lies in the ears on blame for what went badly wrong, against the background din of endorsed war themes. The effectiveness of the latter oath is seen in the systemic failure of the USEconomy, whose financial and economic structure has been destroyed by bad economic policy, the poor paper financial foundation from the monetary system, corrupt bond market practices marred by $trillion frauds, and a marriage between the state and sanctioned large corporations whose only efficiency is seen in dark corners protected by criminal impunity. The Fascist Business Model showed itself in bold terms in the 1990 decade, in the strengthened links between state and major corporations, where inefficiency, favoritism, and corruption produce the bitter fruit of a sclerotic financial structure and weakened body economic. The Gold price responds to the systemic failure of the ruinous financial and economic policy, aggravated by the devoted ghoulish doctors and their perverse solutions that neither fix anything nor attempt to apply remedy.
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Diverging Stock Market, UK Crash Expected and Spanish Bank Runs / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Christopher_Quigley
Market Divergence: Labour Day is done, the holidays are over, schools and colleges are back: game on. Expect one wild ride in the markets between now and the November US presidential election results.
Internally the technicals are weakening. There is a significant divergence between the Dow 20 Transports and the Dow 30 Industrials. The Dow 20 is moving towards lower lows and a break below 4850 will be an indication that the overall market is going to move much lower, fast.
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Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Attempts to Save the Euro Could Propel Stock Market Higher / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Andre_Gratian
SPX: Very Long-term trend - The very-long-term cycles are down and, if they make their lows when expected (after this bull market is over) there will be another steep and prolonged decline into late 2014. It is probable, however, that the steep correction of 2007-2009 will have curtailed the full downward pressure potential of the 120-yr cycle.
SPX: Intermediate trend - SPX is in a limited intermediate uptrend which may have ended in August. We need confirmation.
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Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Marc Faber Expects US Fed to Launch QE3, Though U.S. Stock Markets Are Discounting QE3 / Stock-Markets / Quantitative Easing
By: Videos
Marc Faber - Eyes on Global Macro -
Expect US Fed to launch Qe3 Programme. US Markets have outperformed, Agro-commodities doing well. Negative sentiments about Eurozonr. Fears of slowdown in China. Indian Stock Markets rebounded.
Sunday, September 02, 2012
The Bear Case For the S&P 500 Stock Market Index / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Richard_Shaw
Today’s comments by Fed Chairman Bernanke gave equity markets a boost, but it also caused US Treasuries and gold to rise more strongly in a run to safety.
There are important voices on both the bull side and the bear side of the US stock market predictions.
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Sunday, September 02, 2012
Stock Market Trends and Central Bank Balance Sheet Expansion / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Submissions
George Tsiourvas writes: It’s been a slow week, we spent it mostly waiting to get to Bernanke’s speech at Jackson Hole. When we finally got there exactly what we were expecting happened: nothing! A substantial part of Bernanke’s speech went into details regarding cost vs benefit with respect to making monetary policy with non traditional tools. He acknowledged that additional asset purchases have the potential to impair the functioning of securities markets. Read the whole speech here: http://www.federalreserve.gov.... .
Saturday, September 01, 2012
Stock Market Mayhem.... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Jack_Steiman
Following is a brief holiday report.
You have to love this market. It's like the weather in Maine. Blink your eyes and it changes. It really doesn't know what it wants to do. There's enough bad news around for everyone to keep the bears thinking it'll work out in their favor, but they don't have the biggest factor in their favor, which would be Mr. Bernanke. He is giving the market protection. Once again today, he basically said he'll do what it takes to keep the market afloat. That he's ready to implement whatever is needed to keep the economy moving along in a positive fashion.
Saturday, September 01, 2012
Can the Stock Market Avoid the Election Year Dip? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Sy_Harding
If the last three election years are any indication, the history of the three-month period of August, September and October usually being a downer doesn’t go away just because it’s an election year.
Perhaps ominously, this year the market is following a similar pattern to the election year of 2000, the year of the bitter George Bush Jr./Al Gore election. There was a sell-off from April to an early June low. That was followed by a similar summer rally that carried the market all the way back to the April high by the end of August. The Dow then plunged 15% to its October low. The Nasdaq plunged 27% to its October low, and 38% to another low in November.
Friday, August 31, 2012
The Global Infrastructure Investment Deficit / Stock-Markets / Infrastructure
By: Richard_Mills
Infrastructure is the physical systems – the roads, power transmission lines and towers, airports, dams, buses, subways, rail links, ports and bridges, power plants, water delivery systems, hospitals, sewage treatment, etc. – that are the building blocks, the Legos, that fuel a countries, a cities or a community’s economical, social and financial development.
There is an undeniable, an unarguable connection between the quality of a countries economic competitiveness and its infrastructure. Yet study after study shows the global economy running an infrastructure deficit of anywhere from US$ 40 trillion to $70 trillion.
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Friday, August 31, 2012
Gold Profit Nuggets From Grand Delusions / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
By: DeepCaster_LLC
“Keynesian and monetarist economists claim all that’s needed to return prosperity in the PIIGS countries is looser money and their own currencies. The next best thing would be transforming the character of the euro from that of the German mark to the Italian lira. They’re wrong. A policy that tries to restore conditions that existed before the euro crisis will fail, just like the foolish U.S. policy effort to reinflate the housing bubble. Prosperity comes from savings and investment, not government deficits and welfare state programs financed by the printing press.” (emphasis added)
Dan Amoss, CFA, Agora Financial, 8/24/12
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Friday, August 31, 2012
Stock Market Double Pop-N-Drop / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
Have you noticed that stocks elevate just prior to any of Bernanke’s speeches? The press reports this as if the market hangs on every word that he speaks. Today there was nothing to hang on to.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Stock Market Warning You Should Be Aware Of / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: InvestmentContrarian
Sasha Cekerevac writes: While many investors are concerned about the global economy, the stock market continues to move up. Some might be feeling left out of the party. When it comes to getting a feeling of what’s happening in the global economy, starting with the basic raw material commodity firms is a good first step. The global economy depends on mining stocks to extract valuable inputs, such as iron ore, that go into making things, such as steel. If the global economy starts to slow down, less demand for the final product means that mining stocks will receive lower prices for the extracted materials.
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Thursday, August 30, 2012
The Dogs of the Global Stocks Bull Market / Stock-Markets / Global Stock Markets
By: Donald_W_Dony
The BRIC countries have long been touted by analysis and economists as the 'darlings' of the global economy. China, Brazil, Russia and India have had some of the highest GDP of any countries in the world over the past 5-10 years. These economies have all of the right fundamentals for a thriving equity markets. Yet these four countries have produced some of the worst indexes performances in the last two or three years.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Currency Twisters and Firestorms on Central Banks Obvious Failure / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2012
By: Jim_Willie_CB
Begin with a preface to a meaningful event that could change the entire US landscape, a redux of what happened four years ago. Consider the next Wall Street financial firm failure. It is in progress. It is not avoidable. It will have numerous ramifications. It will open the door to account thefts, the burial of documents, the ransack of undesired leveraged positions, the concealment of wrecked derivatives, and a path toward the merger of surviving (selected core) firms. It will urge an extreme defensive posture. Back in 2008, both Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers fell. The former because they had too much gold exposure with anti-US$ hedges. The latter because they led in mortgage exposure. Both failures were greatly exploited. My favorite item was the reload given to JPMorgan on a quiet Saturday morning (convened at 6am no less) at the Bankruptcy court of Manhattan. The shadowy syndicate titan was handed $138 billion to handle the private accounts from the fallen banks. Instead, the funds represented a reload for JPMorgan to continue their gold suppression game. Of course, they have been defending American freedom with vigor, preserving the integrity of the US banking system, and assuring the way of life in the nation, while leeching $billions from the public trough. Since their grant, the unassailable JPM has seen fit to gobble private accounts at both MFGlobal and PFG-Best, with regulatory blessing as the courts sprinkled fascist holy water.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
VIX Warns That Stocks Are in Trouble, Pre-Crash Formation / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
I changed the Elliott Wave pattern in the VIX to conform with that of SPY. As you can see, it broke above intermediate-term support and is preparing to break above Cycle Top resitance at 16.72 and the 50-day moving average at 17.11. The VIX has a very long way to go in a very short period of time. The open gap at 34.49 still waits to be filled.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
How to Protect Your Gains in Today's "Toppy" Stock Markets With Options / Stock-Markets / Options & Warrants
By: Money_Morning
Larry D. Spears writes:
With so little enthusiasm, this summer's "slow-motion" rally may be coming to an end.
In fact, both the S&P 500 and the Dow Industrials lost ground last week, marking their first weekly declines since early July.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Fasten-Your-Seatbelt, Financial Markets Heading For Heavy Turbulence / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
By: DK_Matai
For every one corporate executive distinguished member of the ATCA 5000, who expects the global economy to improve over the next 12 months, there are at least two senior executives who now expect the global economy to get worse over the coming 12 months. In the aftermath of the Beijing Olympics, four years ago, Lehman Brothers collapsed in mid-September 2008. Are we heading for a similar outcome in the autumn or fall of 2012 post the London Olympics? The last few months of 2012 could really mark a major inflection point in the next phase of a global systemic crisis and the inadequate solutions proffered by those in authority to address the crisis so far. Sadly, we have never even come close to recovering from the last global financial crisis which began in August 2007 and this next crisis might -- should it arrive in late 2012 -- end up being even more painful than the last one. Having said that, there's a clear top 5% of beneficiaries from the last global financial crisis who have profited from quantitative easing and other monetary and financial policies to the detriment of the remaining 95% who have by and large seen their disposable income go down whilst inflation has ratcheted upwards.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Reasons Why The Fed Will Not Announce QE 3 This Friday / Stock-Markets / Quantitative Easing
By: Graham_Summers
The biggest even this week is Ben Bernanke’s Jackson Hole Speech which will take place on Friday August 31. It was at Jackson Hole in 2010 that Bernanke hinted at QE 2. With that in mind, many investors believe that the Fed is about to unveil or at least hint at a similar large-scale monetary program this Friday.
We, at Phoenix Capital Research, disagree for three reasons. Number one, stocks are at or near four-year highs. With stocks at these levels, there is little reason for the Fed to use up any of its remaining ammunition.
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