Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Thursday, October 07, 2010
Stock Markets Downside Risk Mitigated By Fed, Economy, and Technicals / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Chris_Ciovacco
From current levels, the downside risk in stocks, and risk assets in general, is probably not as significant as many believe. Three factors mitigate the risks relative to a gut-wrenching correction in risk assets: (1) the Fed, (2) the economy, and (3) a significant band of support in the S&P 500.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
New Quantitative Easing Will Launch Emerging Stock Markets Boom / Stock-Markets / Emerging Markets
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: In Wall Street circles, it's known as "QE2" - for "Quantitative Easing - Round 2."
The U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England (BOE) are moving rapidly towards it, and the Bank of Japan (BOJ) has pledged to enact it.
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Thursday, October 07, 2010
The Asset Allocation Model And Pension Value Investing / Stock-Markets / Pensions & Retirement
By: Christopher_Quigley
Academic Background - “In 1986, Gary Brinson L. Randolph Hood, and Gilbert L. Beebower (BHB) published a study about asset allocation of 91 large pension funds measured from 1974 to 1983. They replaced the pension funds' stock, bond, and cash selections with corresponding market indexes. The indexed quarterly returns were found to be higher than pension plan's actual quarterly return. The two quarterly return series' linear correlation was measured at 96.7%, with shared variance of 93.6%. A 1991 follow-up study by Brinson, Singer, and Beebower measured a variance of 91.5%.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Stock Market Leaders Are Now Lagging? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Wednesday’s session closed mixed on the day. The DOW posted a third of a percent gain while the tech sector closed down almost nine tenths of a percent. While technology stocks have been leading the market higher in the recent months, today they took the back seat while the DOW took control.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Nasdaq Gives Way in Mixed Session / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Harry_Boxer
The stock market indices suffered losses today in the non-blue chip sectors as the Nasdaq 100 was down 18.11 at 2006.52. The S&P 500 ended up near-unchanged, down to 0.78 at 1159.97, and the Dow was up 22.93 at 10.967.65.
There was a distinct 3-wave decline today, as the indices dropped sharply in the morning, bounced mid-morning, and then dropped into early afternoon for the session lows near 1992 on the NDX and near 1155 on the SPX. At that point they worked their way back and took back some of the losses, but still ended up sloppy on the day.
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Thursday, October 07, 2010
High Pole Stocks Snap... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Jack_Steiman
You won't have to look long or hard to find carnage wherever you turn with those high pole stocks, meaning stocks that have run up straight with hardly a pullback for months. They're all over the place, and we warn you to stay away from them daily. Not only have they run straight up, but many of them have incredibly high PE's that are simply unsustainable. 100 PE's and sometimes 200 or more. Stocks such as VMware, Inc. (VMW), Equinix, Inc. (EQIX), Salesforce.com (CRM), and F5 Networks, Inc. (FFIV) to name just a few of the carnage hits today.
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Wednesday, October 06, 2010
S&P 500 Stock Market Trends Forecast for October 2010 / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Hans_Wagner
Following the trend in the market is a well known strategy. Has the recent market action given us any clue on the current trend and if it is about to change?
The break through resistance that has lasted since Spring 2010 is not overwhelming. The market needs to at least pause before resuming its upward trend. On the other hand, this could be an overbought situation where we will see a pull back. I am leaning more toward a pull back. Time will tell.
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Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Hussman Bearish on the Stock Market and Economy / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Mike_Shedlock
John Hussman is bearish on the economy and stocks. He backs up his beliefs with good commentary and a series of charts in Economic Measures Continue to Slow .
Please see the article for some excellent economic charts. Here are a few snips regarding equity returns.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Don’t Let September’s Stock Market Rally Trick You / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Claus_Vogt
You’ve probably heard the optimistic hype surrounding September’s stock market performance. The S&P 500 gained an impressive 8.8 percent during a month that has a bad reputation among stock market investors.
Measuring stock market performance on a calendar basis is indeed common. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it makes a lot of sense. In fact, it’s totally arbitrary to look only at monthly performance figures …
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Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Commodities and QE2 Buoys Stock Markets / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: PaddyPowerTrader
Tuesday was turnaround day – markets began to rally over lunchtime in a move that would last until the end of the session. There was no concrete explanation as to what started the move, though some cited positive Meredith Whitney comments while others suggested it was on the back of whispers the ISM number would be much better than consensus. In the event the services ISM number printed 53.2 v a 52 consensus, allowing markets to push on. S&P 500 traded through the key 1150 level. Europe finished near the days highs, with banks the biggest gainers as those with peripheral exposure gained on the back of Moody’s saying they are ‘impressed’ with Greek government actions.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Will the Fed’s Spending Drive Stocks Back Up to Pre Credit Crash levels? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Money_Morning
Jon D. Markman writes: The Standard & Poor's 500 Index is up more than 10% in the past month, and it finally looks like all of the thin threads of strength we've seen over the past few months are starting to twine together into a single rope that may be strong enough to pull stocks back up to pre-crisis levels.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Gerald Celente on Gold $5,000, Crurency Crsis and the Crash of 2010 / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Videos
We’re looking at a currency crises. In an effort to increase exports, countries are devaluing their currencies. Adjusted for inflation, gold should be selling for over $2,300 an ounce and could reach $5,000 an ounce.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Big Day for the Stock Market Bulls / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Harry_Boxer
It was nearly a perfect session for the bulls today as the stock market indices gapped up at the opening, ran steadily all morning, slowed down the ascent, but continued to rise into late in the session and were near their session highs with less than a half hour to go before a little bit of a pullback chipped off a small chunk of the gains. Still, it was a very big day.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
This Reliable Stock Market S&P 500 Formation Could Make You Money / Stock-Markets / Stock Index Trading
I have just finished a short video on the S&P 500 that I believe is worth watching. In this video I detail out a particular chart formation that has proven to be very reliable in the past. If I'm right, we could see a further move and run in the S&P500 to the upside.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Stock Market Boosted by Thirty-Five Trillion Yen Tuesday / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: PhilStockWorld
Go go BOJ!!!
Acting under pressure from the Government to DO SOMETHING, the Bank of Japan announce a 35,000,000,000,000 Yen ($418Bn) monetary easing program this morning, finally taking that last step and cutting rates to ZERO. That’s right, the BOJ will literally give you money for nothing (no word yet on whether the chicks will also be free). Ironically enough, though, the logic of giving out free money now is the same as it was in the early 80’s - the BOJ is well aware that:
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Stock Market Red Flag From the Stalling Number of New Highs? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Marty_Chenard
In the past few weeks, we have been pointing out that the daily New Highs on the New York Stock exchange were not behaving in a fashion that suggested a healthy rise in the market. We commented that healthy rallies had buyers chasing stocks and bidding them up higher ... which in turn pushed the number of stocks reaching New Highs up higher in a trending fashion.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Bank of Japan Rate Cut Steadies Stocks / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: PaddyPowerTrader

Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Stock Market and Commodities Traders Front Run the Federal Reserve / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Michael_Swanson
Last month marked one of the best Septembers in years as the DOW rallied 7.7%, which made for the best September for the DOW since 1939. Bulls are excited about the rally and market while bears are wondering what is behind it. There are no signs of a big economic boom around the corner to justify the stock market going higher. In fact economic data continues to be weak and all of the talk is that the government needs to do more stimulus to boost the economy and the Fed may engage in more money printing.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Gold, Silver, Lumber, Farmland, Foreign Real Estate Alternative Investments To Consider / Stock-Markets / Investing 2010
By: Lorimer_Wilson

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Monday, October 04, 2010
U.S. Stocks Not Cheap, S&P Earning Estimates Still Overly Optimistic / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Valuations
By: Mike_Shedlock
Bloomberg reports S&P 500 Profits Cut for First Time in Year by Analysts.
Read full article... Read full article...For the first time in more than a year analysts are cutting their forecasts for Standard & Poor’s 500 Index earnings, jeopardizing gains from the biggest September rally since World War II.