Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, April 23, 2012
Stock Market Investors Taking Risk / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
Darah Bazargan writes: I have been warning, for some time now, that investors should be prepared for an imminent correction that will ultimately wipe out all of their gains of the last several months. For those who don't believe in taking opportunities on the bearish side of the market are only kidding themselves. Now more than ever is the market in position for it's most profitable investment of the year. It just takes a little courage on your part.
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Sunday, April 22, 2012
Stock Market Downtrend to Resume Shortly / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
While Europe was trying to rally for most of the week US economic reports were weighing down the US markets. Reports for the week were mostly negative with 10 declining and 4 rising. On the downtick: retail sales, the NY and Philly FED, business inventories, the NAHB, housing starts, existing home sales, leading indciators, the WLEI and jobless claims rose. On the uptick: building permits, capacity utilization, the M1 multiplier and the monetary base. For the week the SPX/DOW gained 1.00%, while the NDX/NAZ lost 0.65%. Asian markets gained 0.5%, European markets gained 0.8%, and the DJ World index gained 0.8%. Next week FOMC meeting on tues/wed, Q1 GDP, and more Housing data.
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Saturday, April 21, 2012
Going Nowhere Stock Market Continues On... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
I will say it over and over. There's nothing bullish going on. There's nothing bearish going on. What there is is a market that wants to work off incredibly overbought conditions for a while to come so it can gain momentum to move higher once again. When you're overbought on the daily oscillators for months straight, months are going to be spent to not being overbought on those oscillators. It's as simple as that folks. We are not going to get overbought again just like that.
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Saturday, April 21, 2012
Investors How to Speculate Your Way to Success / Stock-Markets / Investing 2012
So far, 2012 has been a banner year for the stock market, which recently closed the books on its best first quarter in 14 years. But Casey Research Chairman Doug Casey insists that time is running out on the ticking time bombs. Next week when Casey Research's spring summit gets underway, Casey will open the first general session addressing the question of whether the inevitable is now imminent. In another exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Casey tells us that he foresees extreme volatility "as the titanic forces of inflation and deflation fight with each other" and a forced shift to speculation to either protect or build wealth.
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Saturday, April 21, 2012
Apple Stock is Less than 5pts Away From a Flash Crash / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
Apple Computer is only 5 points away from its 50-day moving average at 569.23. Selling could explode once it falls beneath that level. Whether it happens today or not depends on which major player pulls the trigger first. But they have to be sweating and praying that it won’t happen.
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Saturday, April 21, 2012
Investor Essential Knowledge for Maximizing Real Gains / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
“Since its inception in 1913, The Federal Reserve Board has been responsible for almost 95% devaluation of the U.S. Dollar. All this has been achieved through its ability to continually inflate the money supply.
And, between 1985 and 2005, the Federal Reserve Board has increased the money supply by five times. This extraordinary money creation is merely the catalyst for debt creation. In a fiat money system, money is debt…there is absolutely no way this money can ever be repaid except by continued inflation. But, now that the credit bubble is blown up, inflation is no longer an option; bankruptcy looms.”
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Saturday, April 21, 2012
Stocks Bear Market Focus Point: Bull Trap Warning / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
Metal prices – A robot canary in the economic coal mine
Relative weakness in industrial metal prices can be a further sign of how the unravelling of the world’s major consuming economies can have a negative feedback effect on all countries down the supply chain. This includes countries supplying raw materials, through to low wage countries in the manufacturing sector – all of whom are at the mercy of market forces, corporate and government corruption and greed. Fear and greed are the mind killers. There is still plenty of greed left in the system and fear is just round the corner. Just ask the nouveau riche exporting their billions in cash out of China into Hong Kong and elsewhere. They know what’s coming and are preparing for their day of reckoning.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Real Asset Investments as a Hedge Against Inflationary QE / Stock-Markets / Inflation
Adam Waldman writes: Since the financial crisis and the “Great Recession” began in 2008, western central banks have responded in a number of different ways. The one method linking all of these central banks activities together has been the use of Quantitative Easing, or QE as it is more commonly called.
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Friday, April 20, 2012
Euro-zone Collapse, And Yet Another PIIGS Bites the Dust / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
To all those who say that deflationary collapses cannot happen in paper monetary systems, I ask you: don't the PIIGS-ies of Europe count? Because they're all falling, one right after the other, like dominoes. Today, the Spanish stock market ($SMSI) closed below its spring, 2009 lows. Here's a 5 year weekly chart through today's close:
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Friday, April 20, 2012
The Kondratieff K Wave Strikes Back, a multi-generation long wave debt cycle / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
The Kondratieff long wave cycle (aka The K Wave) provides the only good explanation of the current state of the global economy and financial markets. It is clear that a multi-generation long wave debt cycle has driven individual, government and corporate debt to crisis levels that are now in the process of a slow motion implosion. The debt is coming due, but central banks and governments have transferred much of the debt to innocent parties and postponed the due date. These misguided monetary and fiscal policies only bought a little time.
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Friday, April 20, 2012
Stock Market Turning Points: Has Wall Street Ever Warned You in Time? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
In the play "The Secret to Freedom," Pulitzer prize writer Archibald MacLeish had a character say this:
The only thing about a man that is a man is his mind. Everything else you can find in a pig or a horse.
MacLeish knew how to state the truth plainly.
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Friday, April 20, 2012
How to Handle an Economic Implosion, Conquer the Crash Collection / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
I came across some research on the subject of worry. Here's how it was presented:
Things People Worry About:
- things that never happen - 40%
- things which did happen that worrying can't undo - 30%
- needless health worries - 12%
- petty, miscellaneous worries - 10%
- real, legitimate worries - 8%
Thursday, April 19, 2012
One of the Telltale Signs Behind Risky Stocks / Stock-Markets / Eurozone Debt Crisis
Martin Hutchinson writes: Short-term corporate thinking has been blamed for many of America's economic ills.
With little foresight beyond next year, management sometimes closes down plants and fudges accounting to make this year's earnings look better and boost the stock price.
Often, it is simply because management is excessively rewarded by short-term incentives such as stock options.
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Thursday, April 19, 2012
Why Wall Street Can’t Escape the Eurozone Debt Crisis / Stock-Markets / Eurozone Debt Crisis
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: Despite all of its best hopes, Wall Street will never escape what's happening in the Eurozone.
The 1 trillion euro ($1.3 trillion) slush fund created to keep the chaos at bay is not big enough. And it never was.
Spanish banks are now up to their proverbial eyeballs in debt and the austerity everybody thinks is working so great in Greece will eventually push Spain over the edge.
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Thursday, April 19, 2012
Stocks Bear Market Focus Point: Bull Trap Warning in equities still holds / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
Two months ago in my last posting, I warned of an impending Bull Trap in equities. As the hedge funds do their ‘thing’ during this week of expiring options, we see as in previous times, how easily they can create at will, short sharp rises in selected equities, that somehow seem to magically materialise from nowhere and often end up actually going nowhere. These are just the market plays of yet another market Bull Trap.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Stock Market April Fears Ahead of Fed, Spain and China / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
Forced Liquidation or Improved Sentiment?
Recent intermittent bounces in EURUSD in the face of surging Eurozone spreads are said to be reflecting possible liquidation by European banks unloading US assets to relieve an ensuing shortage of US dollars. Other explanations were attributed to the IMF buying Irish and Portuguese bailout tranches during the late European trading hours, taking advantage of cheaper levels (lowest since Feb 15). But as long as traders find no confidence in battling the coordinated efforts of asset-buying central banks and the Fed produces no new dissenters to the ultra low rates til 2014 mantra, risk currencies may be assured to find support.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Stock Market Primary Trend is Up / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
The world’s most influential central bank wants to inflate American asset prices; thus it is conceivable that the ongoing rally on Wall Street will continue for several months. Look. The Federal Reserve has made it clear that it will keep rates on hold until at least December 2014 and it is also buying US Treasuries across the entire yield curve. Put simply, Mr. Bernanke is suppressing interest rates and he is forcing investors to search for yield.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Stock Markets Short-term Top? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
It is not often that there is alignment as we have today!
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Apple, Nasdaq Pressure Stock Market / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
The stock market started the week off on a very soar note, particularly on the Nasdaq 100, as Apple Inc. (AAPL) pressured stocks all day and dropped a whopping 25.10 to under 600 at 580.13, just 2 points off its low and way off its high. The bottom line is that weakness in Apple and some of the other market generals, including Intel Corporation (INTC), put a lot of pressure on the NDX.
The day started out with a sharp move up quickly, followed by a hard rollover into the session lows on the NDX at 2661. The S&P 500 at that point was under 1366. They bounced, pulled back, and then bounced again to nominal new highs on Nasdaq 100, and even more so on the S&P 500, reaching 1376 from 1365, or around 11 points. In the last couple hours, though, they drifted lower in an orderly fashion, and closed near the afternoon lows on both indices, sliding substantially on the Nasdaq 100.
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Stock Market Beta Be Gone.... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
There are many different ways for the big money to get rid of overbought sentiment. Take the market down one sector at a time, or just attack all the high beta stocks from all over the market place and knock them down at the same time. (PCLN), Apple Inc. (AAPL), and Inc. (AMZN) just to name a few. The list is very, very large, indeed, and that's what we saw today. The Dow stocks were holding up very well as the market participants ran to safety, with those high dividend lower beta stocks. Sometimes you can run and hide and sometimes you can't. In a bull market, if you're lucky enough to be positioned in the right place, you can get away with the selling. If you're in the wrong place, however, it's lights out. If you were in beta today, it was a lights-out day, and not a fun day at all.
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