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Analysis Topic: Commodity Markets - Metals, Softs & Oils

The analysis published under this topic are as follows.


Saturday, February 01, 2014

Turning Point in Junior Gold Mining Stocks? / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2014

By: Doug_Horning

It's not exactly news that gold mining stocks have been in a slump for more than two years. Many investors who owned them have thrown in the towel by now, or are holding simply because a paper loss isn't a realized loss until you sell.

For contrarian speculators like Doug Casey and Rick Rule, though, it's the best of all scenarios. "Buy when blood is in the streets," investor Nathan Rothschild allegedly said. And buy they do, with both hands—because, they assert, there are definitive signs that things may be turning around.

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Saturday, February 01, 2014

Tapering Blues for Gold and Silver / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014

By: Alasdair_Macleod

The second tapering reduction, a further $10bn per month, was announced this week. It was we are told by the news channels fully expected. This is probably the initial reason why US Treasury prices rose on the news, because bears would have bought back their positions. However, weakness in emerging market currencies indicates that there is a safe-haven element developing in US Treasury bond prices.

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Friday, January 31, 2014

Silver Junior Stocks Struggles / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2014

By: Zeal_LLC

It’s been an incredibly tough last couple years for the miners.  Not only have they had to endure sharply falling metals prices, they’ve had to battle continually rising operating costs.  For the producer companies this combination has been a margin killer.  And for the non-producers it’s been flat-out devastating.

Mining companies that are non-producers obviously don’t generate any revenue.  They are junior-level companies in various stages of exploration and/or development.  And they primarily rely on investor capital to fund their operations.  In some cases they are able to procure bank loans, but this is the exception.

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Friday, January 31, 2014

Market Price Manipulation Awareness May Keep the Mainstream Away / Commodities / Market Manipulation

By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis

If the new-found mainstream awareness of price manipulation of precious metals is embraced with anything close to the impact of LIBOR and similar scandals, the news may ultimately be a sweet sorrow.

The Financial Times is a long time staunch defender of the status quo and therefore, by default, negative and misguided toward precious metals. Recently, for the first time, the publication broke a story about price manipulation in the gold market.

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Friday, January 31, 2014

Silver and Gold Prices Rangebound Before the Storm / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014

By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis

The central bank driver world macro structure is in full can-kicking mode. The fuels that have built up are almost too numerous to mention, though some issues continue to be recycled as if they were needed to explain the latest potential spark.

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Friday, January 31, 2014

Silver Price Rally Could Mean Another 1,000% Bull Run / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014

By: Money_Morning

Peter Krauth writes: Let's face it, 2013 was rough on silver.

The precious metal started out the year at $31, and ended at $19.50, continuing an overall slump dating back roughly to mid-2011.

That, however, obscures a massive run, like gold, that silver embarked on in 2001 when it was near $4, eventually topping out around $49 in April 2011. At its peak it generated a return of 1,091%.

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Gold Price Faces Complex Recovery / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014

By: Gregor_Horvat

On gold we are tracking an incomplete complex corrective recovery from 1181 which can be a double zigzag. If that is the case then gold should make another higher, in 1280-1300 to complete a second zigzag. Only a break of 1230 will suggest that top is already in place. In such case we will turn directly bearish on gold for possible move back to 1181.

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cyclical Bear in Stocks, a Catalyst for Gold and Silver / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014

By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne

The non-static, changing correlation between precious metals and equities is something we’ve written about several times in the past few years. We last wrote about this in June in Epic Opportunity in the Gold Stocks. The mainstream is entirely oblivious to the fact that gold stocks (and precious metals) can have rip-roaring bull markets when equities are in a bear market. The precursor to this is two-fold: precious metals are in a secular bull and the correlation between the two has been negative for more than a year. The current negative correlation has been in place for more than two years and now gold stocks have bottomed (in our view) and equities are looking toppy.

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Gold Crybabies Are Born to Lose / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2014

By: The_Gold_Report

Geologist, engineer, Midas-touch investor and financial newsletter publisher Lawrence Roulston has little patience for investors without the nerves to hold onto a good thing during tough times. Gold has been the main embodiment of value for thousands of years, Roulston points out, so why should tomorrow be different? In this interview with The Gold Report, Roulston has some tips on how to double down on gold investments and wipe away the tears.

The Gold Report: Let us be brutally frank, Lawrence. Is investing in gold dead as a reasonable investment strategy?

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Gold Stocks Are About to Create a Whole New Class of Millionaires” / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2014

By: Jeff_Clark

Bear markets always end. Has this one?

Evidence is mounting that the bottom for gold may be in. While there's still risk, there's a new air of bullishness in the industry, something we haven't seen in over two years.

An ever-growing number of industry insiders and investment analysts believe the downturn has come to a close. If that's true, it has immediate and critical implications for investors.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Gold and Silver Price Ready To Rumble Higher? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014

By: David_Banister

We have been writing about the bottoming process of the Gold Bear Cycle (Elliott Wave Theory) since December 4th 2013, and our most recent article on December 26th reiterated that the best time to accumulate the Gold/Silver stocks was in the December and January window. Specifically this is what we wrote:

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Why Gold Looks Good to Me in 2014 / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014

By: DailyGainsLetter

Sasha Cekerevac writes: Just the other day, I was talking to a friend of mine who seemed extremely cheerful. I asked why, and he said that his investments have performed well over the past few months and he saw no reasons to worry.

This is a common problem with investor sentiment; people tend to become complacent and only look to the recent past as an indication of what tomorrow will bring.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Where Are Gold and Silver Heading into the Future ? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014


The State of the Global Markets 2014 special 50 page report includes videos such as an 8-minute piece from Steve Hochberg's 'Elliott Speaks: What Lies Ahead?' Steve gave this presentation at the New Orleans Investment Conference where he showed how sentiment indicators signaled the top in gold and where gold and silver are headed in the future.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Gold Price BOOM! / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014

By: John_Mauldin

By Grant Williams

"What a year this has been for gold. 

"The price of the yellow metal fell almost 30% from its peak at the end of August a year earlier, to bombed-out lows amidst a wall of selling which included several very sharp and somewhat counterintuitive selloffs, including violent plunges in both the April-May time frame and again into year-end.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Coming Economic Collapse Will Be Much Worse Than Most Realize / Commodities / Commodities Trading

By: Steve_St_Angelo

Citizens of the U.S. and the world are heading into a future that few have prepared for.  It will also turn out to be much worse than most realize as it will be unlike anything we have witnessed in the past.

Part of the reason we are in such a bad fix has to do with the compartmentalization and specialization of our modern educational and economic system.  There are many intelligent people in the market doing smart things; however, they often have no clue on what the hell is going on in other industries or professions.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Gold Price Exploding In Emerging Markets / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014

By: GoldSilverWorlds

Mainstream economists and mainstream media remain convinced that the economy and markets are in full recovery mode. Along the same lines, gold is unanimously expected to decline in the year(s) head.

One of the most recent appearances of that kind was the 2014 outlook of IMF economic counselor, Olivier Blanchard, who explained last week that global growth would average 3.7% in 2014.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Silver Price Bottom Is In / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014

By: The_Gold_Report

When the bulls are running for the doors, that is a sign that we have hit bottom and wise investors should hold on to their portfolios for the ride up, says Editor David Morgan in this interview with The Gold Report . It may take a couple of resource war-addled years for gold and silver prices to move back to profitable levels, but the right companies—and he points to five from the members-only Morgan Report files—could make money all the way up.

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Monday, January 27, 2014

How Long Can Gold Prices Be Held Down - Supply Factors / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014

By: Julian_DW_Phillips

Supply changes coming?

On the supply side, we note that newly mined gold supply in 2013 was around 2,800 tonnes [final figures yet to be published] and scrap gold was around 1,400 tonnes, before U.S. sales [which were around 1,200 tonnes in 2013]. That totaled 5,400 tonnes.

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Market Disruptor: Nuclear Restarts Spells Trouble for LNG / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: OilPrice_Com

There are two major factors that have emerged in the last five years that have sparked a surge in LNG investments. First is the shale gas "revolution" in the United States, which allowed the U.S. to vault to the top spot in the world for natural gas production. This caused prices to crater to below $2 per million Btu (MMBTu) in 2012, down from their 2008 highs above $10/MMBtu. Natural gas became significantly cheaper in the U.S. than nearly everywhere else in the world.

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Monday, January 27, 2014

US Natural Gas Glut To Gas Panic – Time For A Bull Run / Commodities / Natural Gas

By: Andrew_McKillop

Feast to Famine

Friday 24 January, as global stock markets and emerging market currencies took another hit, natural gas in the US – the world's lowest priced gas - soared by 9.6% in a single day, rising to $5.18 per million British thermal units (MBTU) pricing it at $30.04 per barrel of oil equivalent at the Henry Hub. Over the week, prices gained close to 20%. US gas prices on Friday were at their highest since June 2010.

Related to the Emerging market exit panic and the US taper down threat, from the Fed buying $85 billion a month of “troubled debt and assets”, to a mere $75 billion a month, investors had to run somewhere. Starkly underpriced US natural gas was the weekly winner.

Reeling back the story to 2010, the last time US gas was priced at $30.04 per barrel of oil equivalent, compared to the “natural price of oil” at nearly $100 a barrel, the “shale gas revolution” had gone critical and was running riot. Today, the sequels are coming fast.

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