Analysis Topic: Commodity Markets - Metals, Softs & Oils
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Gold's Secular Bull Market - Past, Present & Future / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Michael_J_Kosares
A secular bull market, according to Investopedia, is one "driven by forces that could be in place for many years, causing the price of a particular investment or asset class to rise or fall over a long period of time. In a secular bull market, strong investor sentiment drives prices higher, as there are more net buyers than sellers. . . Secular markets are typically driven by large-scale national and worldwide events, which occur in combination. For example, wars, demographic/population shifts and governmental/political policies are all events that could drive secular markets. A secular bull market will have bear market periods within it, but it will not reverse the overlying trend of upward asset values. For example, most economists agree that U.S. equities were in a secular bull market from about 1980 to 2000, even though the stock market crash of 1987 occurred within the same time period."
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Gold and Silver's Achilles’ Heel / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
In the grand scheme of things, people have traditionally had more faith in silver as a currency than in paper fiat currencies.
Furthermore, since modern paper currencies are only backed by the creditworthiness of the authority issuing them, if that authority goes into default on its debt, the currency it issued could become virtually worthless.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
The Silver Price Enigma: Buying Low, Trading High / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
For the long-term silver holder, investor or conservationist — as differentiated from the active derivatives or physical trader — two strong psychological phenomena tend to exert influence over their decisions:Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Four Things Suppressing Crude Oil Prices Today / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes:
The collapse of talks between Iran and the "Big 6" (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) should have accelerated international crude oil prices.
And yes, they are higher.
But the real spike hasn't hit. Not yet.
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Monday, July 09, 2012
GOLD Deja Vous? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Tony_Caldaro
Thanks to the FED’s recent addition of the London PM fix data, April 1968 to date, we have uncovered an unmistakeable repetitive pattern in Gold. The chart below displays the price data for the entire period.
Monday, July 09, 2012
Gold "Alternating Between Up and Down Weeks", More QE "Appropriate" for US Economy / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Ben_Traynor
U.S. DOLLAR gold prices held above $1580 an ounce Monday morning in London – broadly in line with last week's close – while major European stock markets were broadly flat on the day, with the exception of Spain's Ibex.
Gold prices ended down last week, falling back below $1600 on Friday, following the release of June's US nonfarm payroll data, which showed the economy added 80,000 private sector jobs last month. Although this was lower than many analysts' forecasts, it was higher than a month earlier. April and May's nonfarms figures were revised higher, while unemployment held steady at 8.2%.
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Sunday, July 08, 2012
Signs of Gold Bulls Cracking, A Glimpse of Gold Capitulation? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: WavePatternTraders
Looking around it seems we finally have some clues to the bulls cracking and throwing in the towel, yet I have been telling members that Gold or Silver is not a buy as the trend has been down since the Feb 2012 highs. Staying under $1641 on Gold has been key for us and try as they like the Gold bulls have failed at every attempt, although the usual crackpot excuses are coming out, like JPM made the markets lower and the markets are rigged etc.
Saturday, July 07, 2012
Why Gordon Brown Sold England's Gold on the Cheap to the Bailout the Banks / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Jesse
Although this is nothing new, as I and several others have reported this several times in the past, with a very nice documentary on it having been done by Max Keiser, this is still a very important article for two reasons.
First, it lays out rather nicely the gold panic of 1999 and Brown's Bottom, which is the low in the price of gold achieved by the dumping of 400 tons of gold into the world market at an artificially low price by the British government.
Saturday, July 07, 2012
Weak U.S. Jobs May Mean More Money Printing and Higher Gold and Silver Prices / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Jeb_Handwerger
Gold (GLD) is consolidating after hitting a two-week high. Investors are witnessing renewed strength in precious metals after the Fed announced the expansion of Operation Twist until at least the end of the year.
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Friday, July 06, 2012
Gold, The Ancient Metal of Kings / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Richard_Mills
"The fundamental factors that have driven the gold bull market... remain very much in place." ~ Morgan Stanley.
"Fears of another banking crisis amid a Greek exit from the euro zone are growing. This also raises the likelihood of further central bank action to calm markets and alleviate a possible slump. Money printing, along with the European Central Bank's large liquidity injections for the banking system, has been good for gold. And real interest rates are negative in much of the developed world, which will also fuel fears of an eventual jump in inflation." ~ Moneyweek.com
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Friday, July 06, 2012
Deflation Black Hole Turns Into Runaway Inflation, What of Gold and Silver / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Julian_DW_Phillips
In a Democratic world as well as in undemocratic nations the political and social consequences of deflation are considerably worse than those of inflation.
But the concept of inflation is poorly understood. In today's world it is thought of as simply rising prices due to shortages. In economics there are several forms of inflation that appear in different circumstances.
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Friday, July 06, 2012
The Next Time Silver Crosses Above $30.00 Will Be The Last Time / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Bob_Kirtley

The European Central Bank (ECB) made the headlines with a widely anticipated cut to its key interest rate of a quarter of a percentage point to a record low 0.75 per cent in an attempt to ease Europe's financial crisis and boost its stagnating economy. This move by the ECB will make it cheaper for people and the business community to borrow and ultimately spend this cheap cash.
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Friday, July 06, 2012
U.S Gold Net Exports Increased Substantially During First Quarter 2012 / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Steve_St_Angelo
Something very interesting took place in the first three months of 2012. Last year, the United States was a net importer of gold during the first quarter. However this year, the U.S. became a huge net exporter of gold during the same time period. This information was acquired from the latest USGS Gold Mineral Industry Surveys.
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Silver, Gold and The Coming Deflation / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Hubert_Moolman
Historically gold has made its significant gains, relative to other assets (as well as nominally), not during inflation, but during deflation (Note: I am using the terms inflation and deflation very loosely in this case). These significant gold rallies historically occur when value flees instruments such as stocks and certain commodities.
Since the 1920s there have been three major gold rallies (1930s, 1970s and the current rally).
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Thursday, July 05, 2012
Russia & Brazil’s Strategic Alliance Continue / Commodities / Metals & Mining
By: Anthony_David
Russia and Brazil, both major commodity nations, make a strategic pair with Russia ranking among the world’s top producers in the energy and metals sectors while Brazil is a strong exporter of agricultural products, cars, machinery and iron ore. Trade between the two countries grew five-fold in the period from 2002-2008. In 2010 Brazil and Russia entered into an agreement to boost trade between their countries and enter into strategic partnerships in the areas of energy, infrastructure and space exploration.
Thursday, July 05, 2012
India Profits from Downturn in World Steel Production / Commodities / Metals & Mining
By: Anthony_David
The EU crisis and global recessionary trends have dampened steel production. With lowered prices and falling demand, steel producers are looking to cut costs by shutting down unprofitable plants. According to researcher World Steel Dynamics, prices for hot rolled steel have fallen by 12% since February 2012 and a further drop in price is expected. Capacity utilization is also down to 76% from 80%. To keep prices stable in the current global environment, steel production needs to slow down. Germany’s ThyssenKrupp AG is trying to sell its loss-making sheet-metal plant in Alabama, while Arcelor-Mittal has closed a Belgian plant and is idling some of its other plants.
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Thursday, July 05, 2012
The Return of the Gold Standard / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Peter_Schiff
In my latest book, The Real Crash: America's Coming Bankruptcy - How to Save Yourself and Your Country, I devote a full chapter to the merits of the historical gold standard and reasons to reinstate it. What I did not mention and few investors notice is that central banks are already returning to gold as the ultimate safe haven asset.
I believe this change in policy, combined with continued inflation of Western currencies, is creating a stable floor for the gold price and an even brighter upside potential.
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Thursday, July 05, 2012
SocGen Advises "Holding Gold Tight" as ECB, China Cut Rates, UK Prints Another £50bn / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Adrian_Ash
WHOLESALE Dollar prices to buy gold eased 0.5% from a new 2-week high at $1624 per ounce Thursday lunchtime in London, as the Euro currency fell hard following a widely expected cut to European Central Bank interest rates.
The ECB cut its key lending rate to a new record low of 0.75%, and also cut the interest rate paid to commercial banks holding cash on deposit at the central bank to zero.
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Expected ECB Rate Cut Likely to Push Gold Prices Up / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: GoldCore
Today’s AM fix was USD 1616.75, EUR 1292.99 and GBP 1037.58 per ounce.Yesterday’s AM fix was USD 1617.00, EUR 1285.37 and GBP 1032.90 per ounce.
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Wednesday, July 04, 2012
The Godmother Ran Out Of Luck: Saudi And Global Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Andrew_McKillop
In a recent (29 June) Market Oracle article, Andrew Butter writes: "One suspects that behind the Saudi rhetoric about keeping oil prices fair for the sake of the world economy and world peace…like a modern day fairy-godmother-of-last-resort, there is the thought that if prices stay above $120 or so for long then some serious E&P investment is going to get directed into that area, rather like the investment in the North Sea in the 1970’s which kept prices a long way lower than “fair”…until that oil ran out".
Quite right, but the not-so-new Saudi Nice Price of $75 is now cheap oil, and itself proves we have Peak Oil in a wholly unexpected way.