Analysis Topic: Commodity Markets - Metals, Softs & Oils
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, February 19, 2020
David Smith: Future Silver Prices Will Shock People, and They’ll Kick Themselves for Not Buying Under $20… / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: MoneyMetals
Mike Gleason: It is my privilege now to welcome back David Smith, Senior Analyst at The Morgan Report and regular contributor to MoneyMetals.com. David, it's good to talk to you as always and how are you my friend?
David Smith: I'm just fine and it's great to be back, Mike.
Mike Gleason: Yeah, well it's been a handful of months since we had you on, and I've got a lot of topics to discuss today so we'll get right into it. Now to start out, here we are about a month and a half into the new year. Metals prices perked up in December but haven't really done much since that first week in January when it looked like we were about to head to war with Iran, which was a short-lived crisis thankfully. But in our view, markets are incredibly complacent, David. Stock prices just keep moving higher and higher. Nobody seems to be worried about risk, this despite there being plenty of reason for concern. To name a few, we've got a virus outbreak. There continues to be extraordinary activity in the repo markets – officials still haven't really bothered to explain what's going on there. And Brexit is finally happening. Maybe we're missing something, but it really feels like markets ignore all this stuff completely.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Gold Price Is Getting Ready For Its Next Breakout / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Avi_Gilburt
In late October and again in November, I began preparing my subscribers for the last rally phase we experienced in the metals complex. I even penned a number of public articles outlining my expectations for the same. In fact, on November 11, I published an article entitled "Gold Is Likely Approaching A Local Bottom." As we now know, gold actually struck its bottom at the time within 24 hours of that article. And, I then reiterated my expectations in a blog post at the end of November entitled "Buy Gold On Black Friday." Even at that time, the GLD was in the 137 region before it began its run almost 10% higher since that time.
Then, on January 5 of this year, I published another article entitled "We Are Approaching A Pullback In Gold."
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Saturday, February 15, 2020
Gold Stocks Still Stalled / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2020
By: Zeal_LLC
The gold miners’ stocks are still stalled, mostly grinding sideways despite higher prevailing gold prices. This lack of progress is really frustrating traders, slowly shifting herd psychology towards apathy. That’s the mission of high consolidations, gradually rebalancing sentiment by bleeding off greed. This healthy process has already come a long way, but still needs to fully play out before gold stocks’ next upleg can run.
The GDX VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF remains this sector’s most-popular benchmark. Launched way back in May 2006, its first-mover advantage has grown into an insurmountable lead over its peers. Its $12.7b in net assets this week are running 38.2x larger than its next-biggest 1x-long major-gold-miners-ETF competitor! GDX’s lackluster price action in this past half-year or so has disheartened traders.
Last summer the gold stocks blasted higher with gold after its first bull-market breakout in several years. The gold stocks caught a bid before that landmark event, starting to rally at the end of May as gold surged on US-tariff fears. By early September GDX had soared 49.0% higher in just 3.2 months! Over 2/3rds of those big gains came after gold’s bull-market breakout. GDX crested with gold on September 4th at $30.95.
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Friday, February 14, 2020
Will the 2020s Be Good or Bad for the Gold Market? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
2010s have certainly been a roller coaster ride for gold. Will the 2020s then be better than the prior years for the yellow metal? Today’s article provides the macroeconomic outlook for the full decade – learn whether the fundamental factors will become in the 2020s less or more friendly toward gold.
People often ask about my economic forecasts for the current year, whether the recession will come or not, etc. I reply that I’m an economist, not a fortune teller. As future is inherently unpredictable, I don’t like the traditional January game of economic forecasting for the year ahead and I avoid providing detailed price predictions. So, my Readers can be surprised by the title of this article – if I don’t like forecasting one year ahead, why the heck I would be forecasting the whole decade?
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Friday, February 14, 2020
Predictive Modeling Suggests Gold Price Will Break Above $1650 Within 15~30 Days / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Our Adaptive Dynamic Learning predictive modeling system is suggesting Gold will rally above $1650 within the next 2 to 4 weeks, then settle into a narrow price range above $1600. If you’ve followed our analysis of Gold over the past few months and years, you already know we expect Gold to rally above $1750 this year and to continue to move higher attempting to breach the $2100 level. It is just a matter of time as far as we are concerned where Metals begin a massive upside rally as the global debt markets become an issue throughout the world.
Right now, there is a very clear opportunity for Gold to rally nearly $100 over the next few weeks. Our ADL predictive modeling system is suggesting this really should begin very soon and will likely propel the price of Gold to levels above $1640 before March 15. Of course, as we’ve seen before if price stays below the $1600 level for another few weeks, this will set up a “price anomaly” where the price will, at some point, attempt to rally very aggressively to the upside to make up the difference.
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Friday, February 14, 2020
Coronavirus, Powell and Gold / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
Coronavirus, Powell and Gold
The number of cases and deaths by the new coronavirus have escalated quickly. However, the fears subsided and the stock market rebounded. How did gold perform, and what can we expect from the king of metals next?
Should We Stop Worrying about the Coronavirus?
Well, that was a quick escalation. On February 2, when we wrote the first Fundamental Gold Report about the coronavirus, there were 14,557 confirmed cases and 305 deaths. Yesterday, the World Health Organization reported almost 45,171 cases and 1115 deaths. So, the number of infections and death toll of coronavirus have surged in recent days. Moreover, China has changed today its diagnosis methodology (to include “clinically diagnosed” cases), confirming 15,152 new cases and 254 additional deaths. Hence, as the chart below shows, the total number of cases in China has reached 59,800, while the global number has already surpassed 60,000.
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Thursday, February 13, 2020
PALLADIUM - THIS Is What a Run on the Bank for Precious Metals Looks Like… / Commodities / Palladium
By: MoneyMetals
The explosive price action seen in palladium recently is indicative of a physical shortage.
Put simply, available inventories are failing to keep up with demand (largely from the automotive industry).
According to Refnitiv GFMS, the palladium market will be under-supplied by 883,000 ounces this year.
Stresses on the physical market are showing up in spiking lease rates, illiquidity, widening bid/ask spreads, and disconnections between quoted spot prices and actual physical prices. Most importantly, the deficit in palladium supply is manifesting in the form of rising prices.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Crude Oil Price Action – Like a Coiled Spring Already? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Nadia_Simmons
Trading slightly above the $50 mark, crude oil hasn’t made a decisive move either way so far. Yesterday’s bullish session has brought us new clues. Let’s dive and examine the strength of the evolving oil move higher.
We’ll start by taking a closer look at the daily chart (charts courtesy of http://stockcharts.com).
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Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Will USD X Decline About to Trigger Precious Metals Rally? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Although its decline was not yet significant, the USD Index finally declined yesterday. Given the recent breakout above the November 2019 highs, this move lower might leave one with mixed feelings.
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Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Copper Market is a Coiled Spring / Commodities / Copper
By: Richard_Mills
As the third most-consumed metal on earth, behind iron and aluminum, copper is all around us. Found naturally in the earth’s crust, copper was among the first metals used by early humans, dating back to the 8th century, BC.
Three thousand years later homo sapiens figured out how to smelt copper from its ore, and to alloy it with tin to create bronze. Bronze was useful for tools and weapons, making it one of the most important inventions in the history of civilization. Copper was later used in roofing, and still is, for its strength and oxidized green look, as well as in works of art. Copper, or Cu, is also essential for all living organisms.
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Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Is Coronavirus the Black Swan That Takes Gold To-Da-Moon? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
Amid the worries about the coronavirus and its impact on the global economy, the US yield curve has briefly inverted again. Recession, anyone? And what exactly does the inversion imply for the gold market?
Yield Curve Inverts Again
Ooops, it happened again – the yield curve has inverted! Please take a look at the chart below. It shows that at the turn of January and February, the spread between 10-year and 3-month Treasuries has dived below zero once again. It stayed below zero only for a couple of days before moving back into the positive territory. The inversion was shallow as the level of the spread did not plunge below minus 0.4.
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Tuesday, February 11, 2020
JPMorgan chase Confirmed as Target of Precious Metals Price Rigging Prosecution / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: MoneyMetals
The U.S. Department of Justice investigation of criminal activity in the precious metals markets has taken an interesting new turn.
According to Bloomberg, prosecutors are targeting the bank itself and not just the individual traders involved in rigging prices. If convicted, the bank as an institution could be held accountable for years of structured and pervasive cheating.
The DOJ investigation of JPMorgan’s metals trading desk began more than two years ago. It came on the heels of a guilty plea by Deutsche Bank.
Sunday, February 09, 2020
Could Silver Break-out like it did in 2011? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Richard_Mills
Silver is expected to begin the 2020s newly burnished, through a combination of higher industrial and investment demand, and tightened supply owing to mine production issues and output cuts. If it does, it would be the continuation of a trend that started last year.
2019 was an excellent year for gold and silver. Both metals began to run last summer after the US Federal Reserve started cutting interest rates. In July the Fed lowered rates three times before freezing the (benchmark) federal funds rate at a range of 1.5 - 1.75% in November. The market is reportedly expecting multiple cuts in 2020.
That, along with similarly dovish policies among other central banks, a record $17-trillion of negative-yielding sovereign bonds, and fresh safe haven demand due to tensions with Iran, and a lack of progress on trade talks, to name two key issues, powered precious metals to new heights.
Spot gold and silver both peaked in early September at a respective $1,552.00/oz and $19.67/oz. Taking a long-term view of silver and gold prices reveals that the precious metals move in almost identical patterns. Over the last year gold and silver have each gained about 25% (trough to peak); over the last five years gold gained 45% to silver’s 40%.
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Friday, February 07, 2020
The Case for Buying Precious Metals / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: The_Gold_Report
Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable speaks with Andy Schectman, president of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments, about the rationale for buying precious metals and the best values at this time.
Maurice Jackson: Joining us for a conversation is Andy Schectman, the president of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments. Recently we discussed the prudence of implementing ratios as an effective strategy for readers in identifying buy and sale signals for their precious metals portfolio. Today we're going to expand the narrative further on buy signals and discuss the best values right now, what to buy should we experience a broken-down system, and a very important topic protecting your financial legacy. Before we begin, Mr. Schectman, for first time readers, who is Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments?
Andy Schectman: This month Miles Franklin is celebrating our 30th year in business in Minneapolis. We're a family owned company. We have eclipsed $6 billion in transactions without ever having a customer complaint, ever. We maintain an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. We're one of fewer than 25 companies ever approved by the United States Mint as an authorized reseller of their product and in a federally non-regulated industry and we're very proud of that reputation. We really are an association with people like yourself and Rick Rule and other icons in the industry. We're very proud of all of our accolades and of our reputation, but the state of Minnesota where we're located could care less about our reputation.
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Thursday, February 06, 2020
Gold Resists Soaring USD – The Show’s Not Over Yet / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: P_Radomski_CFA
The precious metals market didn’t do much yesterday, but – what may seem surprising - that’s quite bullish. It’s bullish, because the USD Index rallied to new yearly highs and this “should have” caused the PMs and miners to decline. It didn’t, which suggests that the decline is not yet ripe for continuation.
In this case, the most likely scenario is that we’ll see another rebound in gold, silver, and mining stocks as soon as the USD Index corrects. Then, PMs could form their final top, and the big decline could begin.
Alternatively, this cycle of back and forth movement could continue a bit longer. Gold could spike, but only if the coronavirus scare gets much worse, as we outlined yesterday. If that happens, silver and miners are not likely to be affected to the same extent as gold – just like what happened in 2014 during the ebola scare.
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Thursday, February 06, 2020
Downside Risk in Precious Metals / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
Last week we noted that the risks in precious metals were primarily technical.
Sentiment and technicals urge caution over the short-term.
The net speculative position in Gold has remained high for months while the 21-day daily sentiment index (DSI) hit 81%. Since the sector peak five months ago, Silver and the gold stocks have corrected in price while Gold has made a new high.
That non-confirmation has persisted and even recently as odds for rate cuts have increased. Last Friday, the market was showing an 89% chance of at least one cut and 61% chance of at least two cuts.
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Wednesday, February 05, 2020
Inverse Energy ETF AT Breakout Level – Could Rally Further / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Following up on an exciting article we shared with friends and followers on January 17, 2020, it appears ERY has reached the first stage for profit taking with a fairly strong potential we may see this rally continue even higher. Please review the following repost of our original research and analysis of ERY back in early January.
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Wednesday, February 05, 2020
Copper-gold Deposits to Help Gold Miners Overcome Depletion Dilemma / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2020
By: Richard_Mills
Every fiscal quarter the World Gold Council puts out a wonderful little report on the gold market, that is made into an article by just about every mining news outlet. For reasons unknowable to mere mortals like us, the report focuses on gold demand. The reader has to go deep into the report to find the other half of the story, gold supply, and in particular, mined gold supply.
Doing so in the WGC’s latest instalment, the full-year 2019 gold market report, reveals some startling conclusions about “peak gold”.
The concept of peak gold should be familiar to most readers, and gold investors. Like peak oil, it refers to the point when gold production is no longer growing, as it has been, by 1.8% a year, for over 100 years. It reaches a peak, then declines.
While gold production has been increasing every year, it’s been growing in smaller and smaller amounts. That is, while gold output in 2018 was higher than 2017, it was only 1% higher - 3,347 vs 3,318 tonnes, according to the World Gold Council. Production in 2017 was 1.3% more than 2016.
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Sunday, February 02, 2020
Gold Stocks HUI Daily, Weekly & Monthly Charts - A “Translation Service” / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Gary_Tanashian
The following is a TA post. It tries not to focus on fundamentals or the negative potential sentiment setup that could develop when Coronavirus relief finally spreads across the land. It’s the short and long-term TA of it, as it stands now.
I found this comment response to the Goldseek version of my article on the long-term gold Commitments of Traders situation to be amusing and also on point, since I know a lot of what I write can be confusing to the untrained eye amid a sea of readily digestible analysis out there. Good one, sir…
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Saturday, February 01, 2020
The Coronavirus Doesn’t Matter Either… We Have the Federal Reserve! / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: MoneyMetals
As the coronavirus continues to spread, global financial markets are showing the symptoms of investor unease.
Chinese and emerging markets stocks have taken a big hit over the past several days, as have commodities. Crude oil prices have dropped 13% over the past two weeks while copper has seen a 12% drop on concerns about the impact of the China virus on global demand.
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