Friday, August 12, 2022
Steps to remember while playing live roulette online / Personal_Finance / Gambling
By: Submissions
You must be very excited to start your gambling adventure by playing roulette. So let us help you ease your first moves with a few tips and tricks that are proven helpful for novice roulette players.
Before that, ensure you know the basics of roulette games. The live roulette game is real-time play, and you must be well aware of the ideas to get an excellent experience.
You may already know that a live casino functions to give you the same experience as a land-based casino. That means the roulette game offered should be of supreme quality.
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Thursday, August 11, 2022
China Bank Run Protests - Another Potential Tiananmen Square Massacre? / Politics / Financial Crisis 2022
By: Nadeem_Walayat
China's property market is collapsing that an inept CCP is attempting to prop up through DICTATS, as if a few words on a scrap of paper can fix the fundamentals. A crisis that has now spilled over into the banking system which has seen many ordinary chinese fall victim the chinese banking triad as their hard earnings savings supposedly in 'safe' regional banks have VANISHED over night after the CCP members had withdrawn their funds or had their funds ring fenced for protection whilst ordinary Chinese folks seeking to withdraw their funds are met by hired goons in the hundreds to beat them away from the bank doors. This is the reality of Ray Dalio's China! A brutal tyrannical state that he some how see's as forging the new world order!
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Thursday, August 11, 2022
Silver Coin Premiums – Another Collapse? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2022
By: Kelsey_Williams
In 1972, a bag ($1000 face value) of “junk” US silver coins sold for approximately $1300-1350. The average closing price of silver that year was $1.68 oz; hence, the silver content (715 ounces) value was $1200 per bag. The remaining difference was a premium of about ten percent.
A lower silver price would generally result in higher percentage premiums because the face value of $1000 represented a ‘floor’ which limited the risk of holding the coins. In other words, the real investment risk was limited to the amount you paid over the $1000 face value.
For example, if the price of silver were to fall to $1.00 oz., the silver content value of the bag would be $715 ($1.00 oz. x 715 ounces) Since the coins were legal tender and still accepted at their face value, though, the full bag of coins retained its face value of $1000.
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Thursday, August 11, 2022
Gold-to-Silver Ratio Heading Lower – Setup Like 1989-03 / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2022
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Fear is starting to become an issue. Traders are starting to realize inflation, CPI, PPI, and global currencies are reacting to the sudden policy shift by the US Fed and global central banks. This fear is showing up in the Gold-to-Silver ratio as well.
My research suggests the closest comparison to the current Gold/Silver setup may be found by looking at the early 2000~2003 US markets. Let’s investigate this setup a bit further.
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Thursday, August 11, 2022
Severe Stocks Bear Market: Will You Be Among the Prepared 1.5%? / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
"Oftentimes, rallies will end with an inter-index non-confirmation"A long-long time ago in a galaxy far away... errr, on the heels of the year 2000 dot-com crash, to be exact -- which is ancient history for many investors today -- the February 2003 Elliott Wave Theorist, a monthly publication which has covered financial markets and major cultural trends since 1979, published an interview with Elliott Wave International President Robert Prechter.
Prechter was asked if he was surprised by investors' lack of capitulation since the bear market started in 2000.
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Thursday, August 11, 2022
There's a Hole in My Bucket Dear Liza, UK Summer Heatwave Plants Watering Problem Song / Personal_Finance / Travel & Holidays
By: Eliza_Walayat
UK Heatwave demands I water my plants, but there is a HOLE in my Bucket Dear Liza, Dear Liza, there's a whole on my bucket!
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Tuesday, August 09, 2022
Why PEAK INFLATION is a RED HERRING! Prepare for a Decade Long Cost of Living Crisis / Economics / Inflation
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The idiot in charge of the Bank of England Bailey now warns of 13% inflation, 5 quarter deep uk recession, and requests Britains workers not ask for high pay rises due to the risks of the wage price spiral, despite paying himself 575,000 for making a dogs dinner of the economy. So are his predictions going to come true, we'll a year ago he was barking about transitory inflation and a growing economy ahead! Completely clueless idiot!
The problem is this the Bank of England CAUSED the INFLATION by means of rampant money printing that they then used to monetize near half of UK government debt! That's what caused the inflation! And now the morons are trying to fight 10% inflation with 1.75% interest rate, Bailey and his fellow morons do not have clue, they are literally fumbling in the dark for the light switch and we pay the price for these clowns!
As for the wage price spiral, it does not exist, there is no wage price spiral instead it is a price wage spiral! i.e. Wages are trying to catch up to out of control inflation and failing to do so hence the cost of living crisis where wages cannot keep up with prices in the shop.
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Monday, August 08, 2022
FREETRADE Want to LEND My Shares to Short Sellers! / Personal_Finance / ISA's
By: Nadeem_Walayat
FREETRADE for the past 3 months have been trying to get me to agree for me to lend my shares to short sellers, where I get ALL of the risk and they get ALL of the return, this despite paying them £8 per month for their SIPP AND 0.45% fee on every trade. Now after some months after I joined they are bombarding me with this BS, that not only could see my shares vanish but also that I may not be able to sell them when I want to because they have been loaned out which illustrates customers sign up for one thing and get another some months down the road leaving a bitter taste in ones mouth as I don't want to bloody lend my shares to gambling short selling hedge funds that are dropping like flies.
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Monday, August 08, 2022
Stock Market Unclosed Gap / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2022
By: Monica_Kingsley
S&P 500 bulls made a good run, but didn‘t deal with the bearish outcome looming, The renewed tightening bets spurred by strong headline NFPs figure, will take their toll on risk-on assets that had been driving Friday‘s run. Bets on another 75bp hike in Sep have increased dramatically, practically proving Daly or Kashkari right in that the Fed isn‘t done yet or even close to the Fed funds rate to really get inflation down. While they claim that 2% is doable and soft landing within reach, the progression from 9% downwards just doesn‘t go fast like that. At best (repeating myself for months here), they would get to 5-6% CPI, which means a tough Sep and one more FOMC still this year. Combined with balnce sheet shrinking projections, that would take a great toll on the real economy – one that is being softened by the still very expansive fiscal policy.
Let‘s look around the world (apart from the troubles in Europe and Asia such as shown in JPY weakness), many other central banks are tightening, Latin America is also tightening. It‘s not only UK and the implications discussed on Friday:
(…) Let‘s have a look at yesterday‘s Bank of England moves, kind of foreshadowing what‘s reasonable to expect from the Fed. In the UK, the prospect of entering recession Q4 2022 amd remaining in it for more than a couple of quarters, is being acknowledged. The central bank though intends to keep tightening anyway, preferring to take on inflation after it ran out of control longer they publicly anticipated. Meanwhile in the States, unemployment claims have edged higher – indicative of growing softness in the labor market.
Long-dated Treasuries continue rising as is appropriate in these conditions of economic slowdown slowly gathering pace. Similarly to inflation expectations, they‘re not yet taking the Fed‘s hawkish rhetoric absolutely seriously unlike commodity prices that are at best carving out a bullish divergence (still in the making, therefore without implications yet). Precious metals appear farther along the route of acknowledging the upcoming stagflationary reality as I continue looking for inflation to remain in the stubbornly high 5-6% range no matter the Fed‘s actions over the next 3 FOMC meetings at least. Obviously, the hotter the underlying markets, the more tightening has to be done, and that‘s extra headwind for the markets, and one making the Fed pivot a bit more elusive.
The key thing that has changed from the above, is the turn in yields – Treasuries would have a harder time rising now, but given that I expect better CPI on Wednesday (oil is down and hasn‘t bottomed yet etc), yields should retreat in what I look to be a positive market reaction – one of hoping that the Fed wouldn‘t tighten that much as is feared today they would. This wouldn‘t however save the stock market bulls.
Monday, August 08, 2022
The End Game for Silver Shenanigans... / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2022
By: MoneyMetals
The federal criminal trial of JP Morgan executives Michael Nowak, Gregg Smith, and Jeffrey Ruffo began on July 8th. These senior bankers are accused of running a years-long scheme to manipulate precious metals prices through what is known as “spoofing.”
Perhaps the three will be found guilty, but it isn’t likely to have much impact on trading in the paper silver markets. If there is solution to artificially rigged prices, it will come from somewhere else.
It isn’t that regulators don’t have a lot to go on. Investigators had the goods when prosecutors got Deutsche Bank to plead guilty and cooperate.
Monday, August 08, 2022
WARNING Corsair MP600 NVME2 M2 SSD Are Prone to Failure Can Prevent Systems From Booting / ConsumerWatch / Computing
NVME drives are supposed to herald greater speeds coupled with greater reliability over traditional platter spinning drives. However clearly the technology has yet to mature. And worse than mechanical hard drives when they go they tend to go fast! As illustrated by this 1tb Corsair MP600 drive which despite being listed as being 93% Good died within minutes, with the failure resulting in preventing the system from booting from it's good boot drive. So a sign that your NVME2 is on the verge of dying is if you experience failure or slow boot times.
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Saturday, August 06, 2022
Elliott Waves: Your "Rhyme & Reason" to Mainstream Stock Market Opinions / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
R.N. Elliott's stock market observations fell together "into a general set of principles"
It's understandable why investors with little experience consult the market opinions of professionals.
But many of these new investors are left scratching their heads. Two headlines from July 29 indicate why:
- [Fundstrat Managing Partner] says the 2022 bear market is over, stocks could hit new highs before year-end (CNBC)
- Stock market's post-Fed bounce is a 'trap,' says Morgan Stanley's [Chief Investment Officer] (Marketwatch]
Yes, two directly opposing opinions that were published on the same day.
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Saturday, August 06, 2022
COST OF LIVING CRISIS NIGHTMARE - Expect High INFLATION for whole of this DECADE! / Economics / Inflation
By: N_Walayat
The Inept Governor of the Bank of England has miserably FAILED in the banks primary remit of pegging inflation at 2%. This video illustrates why the Cost of Living Crisis will soon become a decade long nightmare for most Brits.
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Friday, August 05, 2022
By: Nadeem_Walayat
When one looks under CPI inflation hood then one sees strong signs of inflation topping, given what we have already seen transpire in the commodities markets such as Gasoline prices having fallen since the May inflation report and many of the components such as Airfares also turning lower.
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Friday, August 05, 2022
Recession Is Good for Gold, but a Crisis Would Be Even Better / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2022
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
The US economy fell into a technical recession. As a safe-haven asset, will gold soar now?What Is Recession, Anyway?
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the technical recession! According to the initial measure of the Bureau of Economic Analysis, real GDP dropped 0.9% in the second quarter, following a 1.6% decline in the first quarter (annualized quarterly rates). As the chart below shows, on a quarter-on-quarter basis, real GDP decreased by 0.4 and 0.2 percent, respectively. Thus, the US economy recorded two quarters of negative growth, which implies a technical recession.
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Friday, August 05, 2022
Stock Market Rallying On Slowly Thinning Air / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2022
By: Monica_Kingsley
S&P 500 rose, driven by tech at expense of value, which is normail in economic slowdowns. The junk bond rally however stands out – a prime candidate to attract selling at the nearest whiff of risk-off. The many fundamental reasons described in Monday‘s article, remain intact, if there weren‘t geopolitical ones. Tellingly, the yield curve inversion continues deepening, and bonds aren‘t buying the tightening story in the least – they fear the Fed overdoing it. And that‘s a key catalyst behind yesterday‘s decline in real assets, with its new interpretations of neutral Fed funds rate, or „having enough not to make trade-offs“ inflation remarks.
Sure, ISM services PMI provided a daily boost to the rally, and so the revamp calculations behind tomorrow‘s non-farm payrolls would work (would the pesky hours worked sending the opposite message, get recalculated as well?) in a bid to keep the increasingly FOMO confidence in the S&P 500 rally going. It still has the hallmarks of a short-covering rally, and not of genuine animal spirits – that doesn‘t square with the dreaded R word.
Friday, August 05, 2022
SILVER’S BAD BREAK / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2022
By: Kelsey_Williams
Bad breaks can be tough to recover from. The process can be arduous and can take a long time. Sometimes a full recovery remains elusive and distant.
Silver has a history of bad breaks over the past half-century. Below is a series of charts that tell the story…
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Thursday, August 04, 2022
Stock Market Trend Pattren 2022 Forecast Current State / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2022
By: Nadeem_Walayat
My stock market big picture remains to expect the Dow to target a trend towards 29,600 by late August / Early September. Note 29,600 is a TARGET for a low and NOT THE LOW, No one can KNOW THE LOW with any degree of confidence, all one can do is arrive at a high probability target and then look to see if the market confirms that expectation or not, so far the market is confirming it is heading for 29,600.
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Thursday, August 04, 2022
Should We Be Prepared For An Aggressive U.S. Fed In The Future? / Interest-Rates / US Interest Rates
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Traders expect the U.S. Fed to soften as Chairman Powell suggested they have reached a neutral rate with the last rate increase. The US stock markets started an upward trend after the last 75bp rate increase – expecting the U.S. Fed to move toward a more data-driven rate adjustment.
My research suggests the U.S. Federal Reserve has a much more difficult battle ahead related to inflation, global market concerns, and underlying global monetary function. Simply put, global central banks have printed too much money over the past 7+ years, and the eventual unwinding of this excess capital may take aggressive controls to tame.
Thursday, August 04, 2022
Will the S&P 500 Stock Market Index Go the Way of Meme Stocks? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2022
Here's what usually happens when "financial lunacy" is prevalent
You don't hear much about the meme stock craze anymore -- and for good reason.
It's all but dead and has been for months (Barron's, Jan. 28):
A Year After It Began, Meme-Stock Mania Is on Life Support
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