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Doing Business In Singapore? Learn How To Feel Comfortable There

Companies / SME Sep 02, 2022 - 09:09 PM GMT

By: Steve_Barker


Singapore is often referred to as a "city in a garden," and it's easy to see why – with more than 50% of the island dedicated to green space, the city is teeming with lush parks, tree-lined streets, and beautifully landscaped gardens. Despite its relatively small size, Singapore is a bustling metropolis that is home to a diverse population of around 5 million people. 

If you’re heading to Singapore for a business trip, there are a few things you should know first before you go so that you can feel as comfortable as possible for the duration of your trip. Let’s get straight into it!

Find Somewhere Comfortable To Live

If you're looking for somewhere comfortable to live in Singapore for your business trip, there are a few things you can do. First, you can try searching online for expat forums or blogs. This will give you some good insights from people who have already lived in Singapore. Another option for finding a rental is to contact a reputable real estate agency. They will be able to help you find a place that meets your needs and budget. Finally, you can also ask your friends or colleagues if they know of any good places to live in Singapore.

Get Social!

Depending on how long your business trip is in Singapore, it's easy to feel lonely. However, this doesn't need to be the case! These days, there are plenty of apps to help you make friends even just for a short-term period of time such as for a business trip. After all, it can't be all work and no play! Get out into your local community by joining a social sports team or book club. If you happen to find people within the workplace you get on with - even better! 

Suggest going out for after-work drinks. Making friends in a place you're unfamiliar with is daunting at first, however, everyone has been there at some point. With a little effort, you’ll have a buzzing social life in Singapore in no time. 

Respect Customs And Traditions

When in Singapore, it is important to be respectful of local customs and traditions. One way to do this is to dress conservatively, especially when visiting religious sites. Avoid wearing shorts or revealing clothing, and be sure to cover your shoulders and knees. It is also polite to remove your shoes when entering someone's home. Another way to show respect is to be mindful of your words and actions. For example, avoid public displays of affection, as they are considered offensive. Finally, remember to dispose of rubbish in the proper bins - littering is a serious offense in Singapore. Remember, you're there to represent your place of work! So you don't want to be giving off a bad and lasting impression. 


Be Punctual

In Singapore, time is money. If you're meeting someone for lunch, be on time. If you have a presentation, start on time. This punctuality extends to email communications as well - if you say you'll respond to an email within 24 hours, do it.

Be Prepared

When meeting someone for the first time, it's customary to exchange business cards. Have your business cards ready, and make sure they're of good quality. In terms of greeting the person you're meeting for work purposes, a simple 'hello' or 'good morning' will suffice. If you're not sure what to say, just ask the person how they are doing.

Be Patient

Things may not always happen as quickly as you're used to in Singapore. Be patient and understand that things may take time to get done. The world of work in Singapore may differ greatly from what you’re used to back home. Similarly, what’s expected of you workwise may be a shock at first, but it’s important to be understanding and patient concerning these differences. Work-life balance is an issue in Singapore. With such long working hours, it can be difficult to find time for family and leisure activities. This is something that the government is trying to address, but it is still a challenge for many Singaporeans. Try and unwind when you can by doing some sightseeing or activities you enjoy. 

Have A Successful Trip!

Overall, it's important to be respectful, punctual and prepared when working in Singapore. Be patient with the differences in work culture, and take some time to enjoy the sights and sounds of this amazing country. And remember, sort your accommodation well ahead of your trip! With a little effort, you'll be sure to make a great impression on your colleagues - and have a fantastic time doing it.

By Steve Barker

© 2022 Copyright Steve Barker - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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