Monday, December 03, 2018
Subverting BrExit - AG Confirms May Backstop Deal Means UK Can NEVER LEAVE the EU! / Politics / BrExit
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britain's political and corporate establishment are determined to subvert the settled will of the British people who voted to LEAVE the European Union, which supposedly is now to be achieved via the May 'backstop deal'. A plan that Britain's Attorney General today confirmed would mean that Britain could NEVER actually LEAVE the European Union without the EU's permission, which as Donald Tusk late last work reminded the UK with his statement of there being a stark choice of either the "May Deal or NO Brexit". Which means that the EU is determined to KEEP Britain shackled to the European super state in perpetuity.
Monday, December 03, 2018
4 Commodities Ripe for Opportunity -- NOW / Commodities / Commodities Trading
Dear Reader,
Trading commodities is tough business: It's hard enough to spot a good setup, harder still to time pulling the trigger.
Our friends at Elliott Wave International understand this reality -- so, they've put together a free resource for you: They call it, "4 Commodities Ripe for Opportunity -- NOW."
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Monday, December 03, 2018
Trade War Truce Won’t Fix China / Economics / China Economy
By: Michael_Pento
The Main Stream Financial Media would love to have investors believe that the recent problems in the global equity market are all about a trade war with China. Therefore, everything can be made right just because Trump shook hands with Xi Jinping at the G-20 meeting in Argentina. But the truth is, China’s problems are structural in nature--resulting from a centrally-planned economy that goads its citizenry into pre-fabricated urban areas in order to manufacture a pre-determined rate of growth. Nevertheless, what the Chinese government has actually accomplished is to produce a dystopia; one that was erected upon the largest percentage increase in debt the world has ever witnessed.
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Monday, December 03, 2018
Will 2019 Bring a Free and Fair Gold & Silver Market? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: MoneyMetals
JPMorgan Chase and a number of other bullion banks are in a whole lot of trouble. Evidence detailing years of rigging markets and swindling clients is piling up.Deutsche Bank pleaded guilty two years ago and forked over hundreds of thousands of documents. John Edmonds, a former JPMorgan trader, entered his own guilty plea last month and turned state’s evidence.
The carefully cultivated system of captured regulators may not help the banks this time.
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Monday, December 03, 2018
The Bottled Water Bamboozle / Commodities / Water Sector
By: Richard_Mills
Bottled water is now the most consumed drink sold in a plastic bottle in the United States. The fact that North Americans don’t think twice about paying up to $5 for a bottle of H2O has allowed Nestle Waters - the largest bottled water company in the world - to sell $7.4 billion worth in 2016, and that was just for water, one of dozens of products from chocolate to baby food marketed by the Swiss food and beverage conglomerate.
Perhaps if Canadians and Americans knew what drilling for water, pumping it to the surface, and piping it to a bottling plant was doing to the world’s groundwater supplies, not to mention the world’s oceans where a lot of the plastic ends up, they would switch to the tap. Incidentally, tap water costs Canadians on the order of tenths of a cent per liter.
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Monday, December 03, 2018
Crude Oil After November’s Declines / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Nadia_Simmons
November was the worst month for oil bulls since July 2016. Over the past few weeks, the price of black gold has dived deeply, sometimes dropping even under the barrier of $50. What impact did this price action have on the long-, medium- and short-term picture of the commodity?
Let's start today’s alert with the long-term chart (charts courtesy of
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Monday, December 03, 2018
Global Economic Perceptions Are Shifting - Asia China Markets Risks / Stock-Markets / Asian Economies
By: Chris_Vermeulen
The continued efforts of our research team to identify and quantify the possibility that the capital shift which has taken place over the past 18+ months may be shifting to other assets is in the interest of all global investors. Is there a new, more opportunistic investment that will take away from the capital that has been rushing into the US equity markets over the past 2+ years or is the capital shift towards the US equity markets still intact? These are the questions before us and these are the questions that will determine if the US equity markets continue to rally or continue to top out.
Monday, December 03, 2018
Weekly Charts and Update on Equity Markets, FX Trades and Commodities / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2018
Japan’s Nikkei 225, China’s Shanghai Composite and South Korea’s Kospi stock indexes gained 2.2%, 2% and 1.6%, respectively. The Chinese yuan rose 0.36% to about 6.925 per U.S. dollar. Ahead of the U.S. open, S&P 500 futures also climbed 1.5%. President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping approved the deal on Saturday in Buenos Aires. It offers Beijing a reprieve from a planned increase in tariffs, scheduled for Jan. 1, on $200 billion in Chinese goods exports to the U.S. Tariffs were scheduled to rise to 25% from 10%.
We have been long equity markets in Novemeber from 2640 here: Be long S&P Since our trade, the equity markets have rallied over +4% in Novemeber.
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Monday, December 03, 2018
TICK TOCK, Counting Down to the Next Recession / Economics / Recession 2019
By: James_Quinn
“This country, and with it most of the Western world, is presently going through a period of inflation and credit expansion. As the quantity of money in circulation and deposits subject to check increases, there prevails a general tendency for the prices of commodities and services to rise. Business is booming. Yet such a boom, artificially engineered by monetary and credit expansion, cannot last forever. It must come to an end sooner or later. For paper money and bank deposits are not a proper substitute for non-existing capital goods. Economic theory has demonstrated in an irrefutable way that a prosperity created by an expansionist monetary and credit policy is illusory and must end in a slump, an economic crisis. It has happened again and again in the past, and it will happen in the future, too.” – Ludwig von Mises – 1952
Monday, December 03, 2018
Stock Market Key (Short-term) Support Holds / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
SPX: Long-term trend – Bullish, but correcting within the long-term bull market trend.
Intermediate trend – bearish correction has started which could retrace as low as 2200 before it is complete
Analysis of the short-term trend is done on a daily basis with the help of hourly charts. It is an important adjunct to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which discusses the course of longer market trends.
Monday, December 03, 2018
Stocks Bull Market Tops Are a Process / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Troy_Bombardia
The U.S. stock market rallied last week and is now sitting just under its 200 day moving average.
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Monday, December 03, 2018
DXY: “The Reports Of My Death Are Greatly Exaggerated” / Currencies / US Dollar
By: Avi_Gilburt
For those literary enthusiasts amongst us, you would recognize the title as the line supposedly penned by Mark Twain when it was inquired of him while in London regarding a published obituary written in the United States.
However, more accurately, his response to the reporter’s inquiry was “The report of my death was an exaggeration.” But, I digress.
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Monday, December 03, 2018
More Late-cycle Signs for the Stock Market and What’s Next / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Troy_Bombardia
The S&P 500 is sitting right under its 200 day moving average right now. The stock market is demonstrating various late-cycle signs. These late-cycle signs are not immediately long term bearish, but it demonstrates that the long term winds will change in 2019.
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Sunday, December 02, 2018
A Post-Powell View of USD, S&P 500 and Gold / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2018
By: Gary_Tanashian
The Fed blinked. This was not news to Macro Tourist Kevin Muir or readers of, which is very pleased to publish his work.
Amid a weakening global economy, gathering signs of weakening in the US economy and a dump in inflation expectations, Jerome Powell implied that the Fed may be going on hold for a while after a December rate hike.
This graph from SG Cross Asset Research/Equity Quant by way of Kevin Muir’s article attempts to show that the accumulated rate hike tightening and “shadow” tightening as a result of QE suspension has now met or exceeded the levels that preceded the last two economic recessions.
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Sunday, December 02, 2018
Elliott Wave Analysis: Suggest Supported NZDUSD / Currencies / Forex Trading
By: ElliottWaveForecast
NZDUSD short-term Elliott wave analysis suggests that a decline to 0.6751 low ended primary wave ((2)) pullback. The internals of that pullback unfolded as double three structure where intermediate wave (W) ended at 0.6780 low in lesser degree zigzag structure. Up from there, a 3 wave bounce to 0.6852 high ended intermediate wave (X). Then finally a decline to 0.6751 low ended intermediate wave (Y) in lesser degree double three structure & finally completed primary wave ((2)).
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Sunday, December 02, 2018
Elliott Wave: SPX Decision Time Is Coming Soon / Stock-Markets / Stock Index Trading
By: ElliottWaveForecast
The SPX Index is trading within a Blue Box in our system, these boxes are areas in which the Market needs to define whether it will become an Impulsive sequence which runs in 5-9-13 waves or corrective sequence in which runs in 3-7-11 waves. Many traders who follow The Elliott wave Theory understand the idea of 5 waves followed by 3 waves back as shown in the following chart.
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Sunday, December 02, 2018
Will AUDUSD Rally Higher? / Currencies / Austrailia
By: ElliottWaveForecast
AUDUSD Technical Analysis
AUDUSD BUY/LONG Trade Setup: October 26/2018 AUDUSD found a bottom and bounced higher. The bounce higher has formed a bullish Elliott Wave Impulse Pattern. The current wave count higher can now be seen as a five wave move with red wave 1 terminating at the high of November 16/2018. The pair corrected lower and terminated wave red 2 at the November 27/2018 low which was then followed by a five wave move higher to terminate wave ((i)) at the November 29/2018 high. If looking to trade AUDUSD, traders will need to watch and wait for a pullback lower towards the blue BUY ZONE and watch for the possible termination of wave ((ii)) in that preferred area. Watch for buying signals and a reversal in the blue box BUY ZONE and expect a rally higher for the strong red wave 3.
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Sunday, December 02, 2018
Cryptos: 5 Simple Strategies to Catch the Next Opportunity / Currencies / BlockChain
Dear Investor,
The key to success in cryptos is to approach this wild market in a way that insulates you from the hype, frenzy and rumors -- and helps you act when others flounder.
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Saturday, December 01, 2018
Junior Gold Stocks Q3’18 Fundamentals / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2018
By: Zeal_LLC
The junior gold miners’ stocks have spent recent months mostly languishing near major multi-year lows. That spawned a sentiment wasteland riddled by bearishness and bereft of bids. But these companies’ battered stock prices aren’t fundamentally righteous, as proven yet again by their latest earnings season. Faring far better in a challenging third quarter than stock prices imply, they need to mean revert way higher.
Four times a year publicly-traded companies release treasure troves of valuable information in the form of quarterly reports. Companies trading in the States are required to file 10-Qs with the US Securities and Exchange Commission by 40 calendar days after quarter-ends. Canadian companies have similar requirements at 45 days. In other countries with half-year reporting, many companies still partially report quarterly.
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Saturday, December 01, 2018
Little-Known BDC Stocks Thrive Amid Rising Rates and Earn Investors +7% Yields / Companies / Investing 2018
By: John_Mauldin

The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX)—also known as the Fear Index—has recently hit its highest level in six months. The S&P 500 has lost 10% in 30 days.
The reason is rising interest rates.
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