Analysis Topic: Economic Trends Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Thursday, April 29, 2010
Greece Financial Markets and Economic Collapse Sinking Euro Zone Economy / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: John_Mauldin
This is a special Outside the Box. I got this letter from my good friend Greg Weldon last night and got permission to pass it on to you. I think it illustrates the problems that the world is facing from the sovereign debt crisis that is building in Europe.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Greece's Bill Is Now Due - And Others Will Be Next, Debt Denial and the Five Stages of Greece / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Justice_Litle
The phenomenon of "debt denial" has gripped not only Greece and the eurozone, but the entire roster of rich Western nations. When the smoke finally clears, you'll want to own gold coins...
The eurozone is slowly but surely imploding under an unsustainable debt load. Greece is still center stage, but the woes will soon spread. Ultimately, Greece is the first domino in a long chain of looming debt defaults... and at the end of that chain lies the United States.
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010
How Much Is This Economic Recovery Going to Cost? / Economics / Government Spending
By: Justice_Litle
The perception of stimulus-driven recovery that has so lifted the Federal Reserve’s reputation has not been purchased without cost… and that cost may prove too much for us to bear.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
UPDATE: America’s Second Great Depression (Part 1) / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Mike_Stathis
Overview - Washington, Wall Street and their partners in crime, the media, have continued to spread the myths of an economic recovery since late summer 2009.
In response to the propaganda, the stock market has continued to rally. But most individual investors have been left out of this tremendous rally.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The “V” Shaped Recovery in Inflation / Economics / Inflation
By: Michael_Pento
A viable “V” shaped recovery in the economy and markets has now become the accepted view. My view, however, is that the economic recovery will be ephemeral in nature, whereas the real and lasting recovery will be unfortunately found in the rate of inflation. While nearly everyone on Wall Street remains unconcerned about inflation, the cornerstone for increasing prices has already been laid and the foundation is nearing completion.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
China's Nonexistent Economic Rebalancing Act / Economics / China Economy
By: Mike_Shedlock
In March, China's trade surplus turned into a deficit, prompting some pundits to proclaim that China's economy was rebalancing. Others pointed to a surge in auto buying as proof consumer demand in China was picking up steam.
I did not buy either of those arguments, and instead proposed the numbers were indicative of collapse in US demand for Chinese goods coupled with massive surge in Chinese buying of commodities at ever increasing prices.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Bailouts, Stimulus Packages and Jobless Recovery, Crisis of Wealth Destruction / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Henry_CK_Liu
The financial crisis that broke out in the United States around the summer of 2007 and crested around the autumn of 2008 had destroyed US$34.4 trillion of wealth globally by March 2009, when the equity markets hit their lowest points.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Russian Economy From Recession to Recovery / Economics / Russia
By: Pravda
In his annual report to the Russian Parliament on the Government’s handling of the economy, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin declared on Tuesday that the recession is over, that healthcare reforms are on the way, promising to restructure the financial management of the financial sector, while stating that optimism is fuelled by the provisional forecasts after Q1 of 2010.
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Monday, April 26, 2010
China Imports Boom / Economics / China Economy
By: Frank_Holmes
Just as the U.S. consumer is key for Chinese exporters, so too is the Chinese consumer key as an export destination for the rest of emerging Asia.
Monday, April 26, 2010
U.S. Economy Could Be Facing More of a Downturn Than a Recovery / Economics / Recession 2008 - 2010
By: Gerard_Jackson
All is well. Reuters declared that the US is experiencing a "sturdy recovery". This is the same phony news agency that used to choke on the word recovery when used by the Bush administration. Now some American conservatives are warning that Republicans are being dangerously bearish on the economy, that there are signs, weak as they are, that a recovery is underway. Matthew Continetti of the conservative Weekly Standard states that the "natural tendency of economies is to grow". Nevertheless, he seriously questions whether Obama would now benefit from a recovery.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Washington Detached From Reality Producing Phony Inflation Statistics / Economics / Inflation
By: Larry_Edelson
Our leaders in Washington are so detached from reality, I am thoroughly convinced that they are smoking something.
And I’m not talking about the insane amounts of spending that’s going on in our capital, or even about the patently unpayable debts and promises they’re making to all of us and our foreign creditors. Although I think these things, too, result from whatever drugs they’re on inside the beltway.
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Sunday, April 25, 2010
Argentina From Economic Depression to Recession to Resuscitation to Debt Retirement / Economics / Argentina
By: Daniel_Bruno
After nearly a decade of depression, recession and resurrection, Argentina wants to retire its remaining unpaid debt at about 50 cents on the dollar and rejoin world financial markets.
It all goes well, Argentine debt and the peso could be a very good investment.
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Sunday, April 25, 2010
Inflation or Deflation, What to Do and When to Act / Economics / Inflation
By: Gary_North
Have you ever seen a documentary where the herd of zebras is at the river's edge? The lions are behind them. The crocodiles are in front of them. What's a wise zebra to do?
Most of them wait. Then, without visible warning, they either run like mad or else plunge into the river.
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Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Six Key Drivers of Emerging Markets / Economics / Emerging Markets
By: Frank_Holmes
Emerging markets are changing the way the world works by developing into global powerhouses. The latest edition of our “What’s Driving?” series identifies the six key drivers and the effect they have on the economic vitality of emerging markets.
Friday, April 23, 2010
U.S. Debt and Bankruptcy / Economics / US Debt
By: Andy_Sutton
There has never been as much attention paid to the situation of a looming American bankruptcy since the National Debt Clock made its debut many moons ago. It is hard these days to pick up a newspaper or look at a TV program without hearing someone mention our massive debt. And they’d be correct in saying we’re in big trouble. Numerous articles have asked the question ‘Is America Bankrupt?’ While bankruptcy on a family or individual scale is a fairly simple construct to grasp, such is not the case when it comes to a nation or group of nations, as is the case in Europe. This week’s essay is dedicated to making a rather complex question a little easier to understand, and more importantly – to arrive at a more definitive answer.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Reports of Our Economic Recovery Are Greatly Exaggerated / Economics / Economic Recovery
By: John_Browne

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Thursday, April 22, 2010
No China Asset Bubble, Healthy Economic Growth to Continue / Economics / China Economy
By: Dian_L_Chu
Olivier Blanchard, chief economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), talks with Bloomberg this morning about the prospects for an asset bubble in China. Blanchard, speaking from Washington, also discusses the impact of sovereign debt on global economic growth.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Teaching Inflation / Economics / Inflation
Hunt Tooley writes: I had a great teaching experience early last school year. I taught the history of inflation, and I have never timed a course better. I have taught in colleges and universities since 1985, and I have often thought about doing a course on the history of inflation. But this time, current events pushed me to go ahead.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Real U.K. Unemployment is 5.5 million, the Jobless Economic Recovery? / Economics / UK Economy
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The latest U.K. Unemployment and claimant count data released Wednesday show a confusing mixed picture which allowed both Labour and the Conservatives to broadcast election propaganda in their own favour.
- U.K. Unemployment ROSE to 2.502 million for January 2010, which elevated the Jobless rate to 8%
- U.K. Benefits Claimant Count (seasonally adjusted) FELL by 33,000 to 1.54 million for Feb 2010.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Money Supply Metrics, the Austrian Take / Economics / Money Supply
By: Michael_Pollaro
All economists, whether they are of an Austrian, a Keynesian or a Monetarist bent, as well as nearly every investor, would agree that money plays a vitally important role in the economy. And a correct measure of its supply is an indispensable input into every economic and financial forecast. How could it not, for money is one half of every economic transaction.
Yet, despite its importance, the money supply metrics used by the majority of today’s economists and investors are seriously flawed, for they are founded on a faulty definition of money.
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