Tuesday, September 15, 2015
ETF Black Magic: What’s Really in the Hat? / Companies / Exchange Traded Funds
MoneyMorning.com Shah Gilani writes: In the investment markets – the portions that affect you and me – exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have emerged as the ultimate market Disruptor.
The first ETF debuted back in 1993. But those funds really came into their own in the past dozen years. During that stretch, in fact, ETFs have displaced regular mutual funds as the investment of choice: The amount of money ETFs hold has skyrocketed more than 2,000% – compared with a paltry 120% for regular funds.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Stock Market Unwinding Without Price Appreciation.... Fed The Last Hope For The Bull / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
When a market is in a certain trend up or down you watch how the daily oscillators behave to understand what's likely next. When things are more bullish you can unwind overbought oscillators without too much price depreciation. When things are turning more bearish you can unwind oversold oscillators without too much price appreciation, and that's where we are right now. We're unwinding oversold oscillators over the past fifteen days when the bear flag first started to form, yet all we've done is remain well below key-resistance flag top at 1993 on the S&P 500.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Crude Oil Price Forecast 2015 and 2016 / News_Letter / Crude Oil
The Market Oracle Newsletter Sept 1st, 2015Issue # 16 Vol. 9
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Pandemonium in the Stock Market, Dow Falls 1,000 points in a week / News_Letter / Stock Markets 2015
The Market Oracle Newsletter Aug 22nd, 2015Issue # 15 Vol. 9
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Will UK Interest Rate Rises Crash House Prices? / News_Letter / UK Housing
The Market Oracle Newsletter Aug 20th, 2015Issue # 14 Vol. 9
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Gold Price Crash - Trend Forecast 2015, Gold Stocks Buying Opportunity? / News_Letter / Gold and Silver 2015
The Market Oracle Newsletter July 22nd, 2015Issue # 13 Vol. 9
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
China Crash, Greece Collapse, Harbingers of Stock Market Apocalypse Forecast 2015? / News_Letter / Stock Markets 2015
The Market Oracle Newsletter July 13th, 2015Issue # 12 Vol. 9
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Stocks Plunge on Greece Euro-Zone Financial Armageddon Blackmail / News_Letter / Stock Markets 2015
The Market Oracle Newsletter June 30th, 2015Issue # 11 Vol. 9
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
US and UK Housing Market Trend Forecasts / News_Letter / Global Housing Markets
The Market Oracle Newsletter June 5th, 2015 Issue # 10 Vol. 9Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Stocks, Gold and Commodities Elliot Wave Theorist Analysis / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2015
Dear reader,
With the market action during the last few weeks, many investors have been operating in panic mode; subscribers to Robert Prechter's Elliott Wave Theorist haven't. Why?
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Monday, September 14, 2015
No Recession, But… / Economics / Recession 2015
I am personally not yet convinced an ultimate bull market top is in despite the obvious similarities of the recent interim top to 2007 [the first sign in this regard would be a loss of the October 2014 and August 2015 lows]. It could also be a 1998 clone, as we have noted by chart similarities and by global financial similarities (China/Asia). However, in 2007 the stock market did a good job of forecasting the coming “Great Recession” (a sanitized way of saying ‘impulsive unwinding of leverage’). Here is what economists think today (ref. Bloomberg article): http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-09-11/here-s-when-economists-expect-to-see-the-next-u-s-recession. 2018 it is, according to a majority of buttoned down dart throwers.
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Monday, September 14, 2015
U.S. Unemployment Rate - A Dirty Game of Numbers / Economics / Economic Statistics
The newest addition of the Bureau of lies’ newest falsified and manipulated document about the employment figures is now out, available for viewing of the ignorant masses. The makers of the report will make sure that they drum it up for the whole world to hear, so that their plans of treachery and deceit stay well on course. Even the mature financial minds at Wall Street will accept it, because they are always in search of positive news to help their financial interests in the market.
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Monday, September 14, 2015
Ted Butler: The Coming Silver Shortage / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
From the very beginning of my epiphany 30 years ago about a silver price manipulation on the COMEX, was the unavoidable conclusion that if prices were artificially depressed as I believed, then at some point a physical shortage must develop. If the price of any commodity were set too low for too long a period of time, then the dynamics of the law of supply and demand would eventually crimp supply and encourage demand to such an extent that a physical shortage must develop and end the manipulation.
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Monday, September 14, 2015
Gathering Storm Clouds - Fourth Turning Crisis Of Trust – Part 2 / Politics / Social Issues
In Part 1 of this article I discussed the catalyst spark which ignited this Fourth Turning and the seemingly delayed regeneracy. In Part 2 I will ponder possible Grey Champion prophet generation leaders who could arise during the regeneracy.
The nearly seven year reign of Barack Obama has resulted in furthering wealth inequality, in spite of his socialistic rhetoric. Notwithstanding his Nobel Peace Prize, military spending is at all-time highs and we are engaged in actual and proxy wars across the Middle East and in the Ukraine. Race relations have never been worse. Poverty levels have never been worse. Real median household income is lower than it was in 1989. Real hourly wages are at 50 year lows.
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Monday, September 14, 2015
Silver Coins and Bars – “Potential From Today’s Levels Remains Enormous” / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
Silver has had a rough year, slumping to major new secular lows. After sliding on balance for years now, even the diehard silver bulls are losing faith in their metal.
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Monday, September 14, 2015
How You Can Win the Government's War on Cash / Personal_Finance / Savings Accounts
MoneyMorning.com Peter Krauth writes: Most point to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers as the main trigger of the 2008 financial crisis.
Perhaps equally as important, but certainly not as well-covered, is what happened the following day…
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Monday, September 14, 2015
UK Average Retirement Incomes 7.9% Lower than a Year Ago / Personal_Finance / Pensions & Retirement
New research by Investment Life & Pensions Moneyfacts has revealed that today’s retirees, who choose to take an income via an annuity, are set to receive annual retirement incomes that are 7.9% lower than those received by retirees last year. It also warns that current pension contribution levels are insufficient to bring retirement incomes back to the levels enjoyed by retirees 15 years ago.
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Monday, September 14, 2015
All Investors Need To Diversify Their Investment Portfolio / Stock-Markets / Investing 2015
Most people that make financial investments understand how important it is to research before money is invested and see how hard it can be without diversifying an investment portfolio. This basically means that the money is put into different assets like property, money markets, bonds or equities. At the same time, international market investment is also included in diversification, meaning that the money is divided in different markets, not just one.In order to understand why an investment portfolio needs to be diversified, here are some facts you have to always remember.
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Monday, September 14, 2015
U.S. Dollar the Most Lopsided Trade, Implications for Gold, Commodities and Stocks / Currencies / US Dollar
I would say without a doubt the most lopsided trade in the world right now is the long dollar trade. Virtually everyone has become convinced that the dollar is going to 110, 120 or even 160.
Folks when everyone is thinking the same thing … then no one is thinking.
So let’s take a look at this “one way” trade.
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Monday, September 14, 2015
Congress Fiddles Whilst the U.S. Economy Burns / Politics / US Economy
Reports that the official unemployment rate has fallen to 5.1 percent may appear to vindicate the policies of easy money, corporate bailouts, and increased government spending. However, even the mainstream media has acknowledged that the official numbers understate the true unemployment rate. This is because the government's unemployment figures do not include the 94 million Americans who have given up looking for work or who have settled for part-time employment. John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics estimates the real unemployment rate is between 23 and 24 percent.
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