Sunday, March 20, 2016
Fed Clown Show Has Come and Gone / Interest-Rates / US Federal Reserve Bank
By: Gary_Tanashian
The opening segment from this week’s edition of Notes From the Rabbit Hole has a little fun with the post-FOMC market situation. Unfortunately, there is all too much reality in this clowning around. From NFTRH 387:
Our main theme has been that the ironclad post-2011 confidence in the Federal Reserve among conventional market participants would slowly but surely start to fade because macro parlor tricks, so vigorously employed by the Bernanke Fed, were only tricks or in some cases (Operation Twist) borderline magic, after all.
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Sunday, March 20, 2016
Stock Market Manipulation: You Better Believe / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Gary_Savage
Let me start off and say the longer one continues to operate under the assumption that we still have free markets the less likely you are to make money, and the more likely it is you will lose money.
Folks we have virtually every central bank in the world printing money (and I think this includes the US). We have negative interest rates in many parts of the world and 0 every place else. I can say without a bit of hesitation that market intervention is now just a fact of life in modern markets. To ignore it is to ignore a very big fundamental piece of the puzzle.
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Sunday, March 20, 2016
Even As Russians Withdraw, Their Legacy in Syria Remains / Politics / Russia
As the departure of Russian forces from Syria announced March 14 continues, evidence of construction at Russia's main air base in the country demonstrates Moscow’s intention to maintain a military presence there. Imagery dated March 17 acquired by Stratfor of the Bassel al Assad air base in Latakia province and the naval base at Tartus highlights the ongoing Russian drawdown of its forces in Syria that Moscow contends will be largely completed by March 20.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Erdogan Repudiates Democracy, Freedom and Rule of Law / Politics / Turkey
By: Stephen_Lendman
Tyrants operate their own way, eliminating whatever interferes with their iron-fisted rule - Erdogan one of the region’s worst, a tinpot despot in a part of the world ruled by dictators.
Anyone supporting freedom fighting Kurds he calls “terrorists” are considered enemies of the state, subject to prosecution, imprisonment or assassination.
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Sunday, March 20, 2016
Donald Trump will Make America “Great” (Again?) / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016
By: Michael_T_Bucci
Donald Trump is going to make America “great again”. What is greatness?
Is greatness measured by money and armaments? If so, America is already great. It is the wealthiest country with the largest military in the world. If Mr. Trump wishes the country to be isolationist, he will need to withdraw or reduce 800 military bases in 80 countries and minimize the role of Wall Street in global markets.
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Saturday, March 19, 2016
Major Stock Market Reversal Signal from Waning Enthusiasm for Share Buybacks / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
"State of the Global Markets Report -- 2016 Edition" (excerpt)
Editor's note: The following article was adapted from the just-published State of the Global Markets Report--2016 Edition, one of our most anticipated annual reports for technically minded investors and analysts around the world. We are making the first 10,000 copies of this $99 report available 100% free. Click here to get your free copy now >>
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Saturday, March 19, 2016
Stocks Bear Market Rally Continues / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Tony_Caldaro
The week started at SPX 2022. After a small rally to SPX 2025 on Monday the market pulled back to 2005 on Tuesday. After that the market continued to rise for the rest of the week, with only 10 point pullbacks, to SPX 2052 on Friday. Ending the week at SPX 2050. For the week the SPX/DOW gained 1.80%, the NDX/NAZ gained 1.05%, and the DJ World gained 1.40%. On the economic front reports continued to come in with a negative bias. On the uptick: the NY/Philly FED, business inventories, leading indicators housing starts, and the WLEI. On the downtick: retail sales, the CPI/PPI, building permits, industrial production, capacity utilization, consumer sentiment, GDPN, plus weekly jobless claims rose. Next week we get reports on Durable goods, the Q4 GDP and more Housing.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Gold And Silver - Shanghai Exchange Effect On Silver? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: Michael_Noonan
The trend for silver remains down, for now, but there is something going on within this market that does not confirm a change in trend but "appears" to be indicting a one. It has been acknowledged that the fundamentals for both silver and gold are overwhelmingly positive, yet price has not responded. More accurately, price has not been allowed to respond by the globalist's manipulation via their central banks, in general, and specifically by the both military and money might of the also manipulated United States, the federal corporate government version.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Delivering Quality Education for All Under the Threats of Islamic Terrorism, Refugee Crisis and Budget Cuts / Politics / Educating Children
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew

The humanity is heading towards the unprecedented growth of ignorance and denial of education to millions of children all over the world, including those of the Islamic Terror-ridden Syria, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria and several other African countries. Islamic Terrorism has emerged as the darkest force to deny knowledge and education to its targeted victims, including girls, for, it fears Knowledge, Skills, Education and above all 'Women Empowerment' as the stumbling blocks for establishing its Caliphate or Islamic Republic.
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Saturday, March 19, 2016
Pepsi Max UEFA Champions League Promo Compared Against Walkers Crisps Entries / ConsumerWatch / Freebies and Comps
By: Adnaan_Walayat
After having successfully having won over 80 prizes in the walkers crisps UEFA promo. I decided to try and see what I could win from the Pepsi-Max drinks bottles.
Find out in this video how to enter and whether you have more or less chance to win than the walkers crisps codes entries.
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Saturday, March 19, 2016
Syria's Civil War 5 Years On Explained - 450k DEAD! EU Failure Prompting UK BrExit / Politics / Syria
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This week marks the fifth anniversary of Syria's civil war, that started with Arab spring inspired protests in the city of Derra, that within months engulfed the whole nations and which to date has seen over 450k people killed and 4 million externally displaced as pawns in the games of dictators such as Assad, Putin and Erdoğan of Turkey who today succeeded in black mailing europe into giving access to 80 million Turks for Syrian refugees, and then there is the shame of the whole of eastern europe who having flooded the west with 15 million economic migrants in return closed their borders to refuge seeking syrian refugees.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Stock Market Rally Keeps Going.....Fed Responsible Again.... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Jack_Steiman
What is left to say that hasn't been said already. When you look at the charts from this report over the weekend, you will see that they are very self-explanatory. It's been a straight up move leaving the bears feeling sick. You would think that after so much upside action, the market would have hesitated at the S&P 500 2044 gap. Not to be. Right through at 70 RSI on the daily chart. The Dow got to near 81 RSI today on its sixty-minute, short-term chart. Nothing stopping this machine.
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Saturday, March 19, 2016
Precious Metals Ignore Correction Calls / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
Gold and gold stocks have refused to correct for more than a few days at a time. Weakness is being bought and quickly. Gold has gained over $200/oz but not corrected by more than 6%. The miners (GDX) have endured three roughly 10% corrections in the past six weeks but nothing greater. A few weeks ago we noted a comparison to the 2008 rally which hinted that miners could correct 20% before moving higher. So far, no dice. Many gold bulls continue to expect a correction while losing sight of the bigger picture: precious metals are in a new bull market.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
The Coming Gold Mania - How to Make 10, 20, Even 50 Times Your Money / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: Casey_Research
By Justin Spittler
Regular readers know why I believe the gold price is poised to move from its current level of $1,250 per ounce to $1,500…$2,000…and eventually past $3,000.
Right now, we are exiting the eye of the giant financial hurricane that we entered in 2007, and we’re going into its trailing edge. It’s going to be much more severe, different, and longer lasting than what we saw in 2008 and 2009.
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Saturday, March 19, 2016
BoJ and ECB Bond Buying - Well That Didn’t Work / Interest-Rates / Financial Crisis 2016
By: John_Rubino
The Bank of Japan and European Central Bank eased recently, which is to say they stepped up their bond buying and/or pushed interest rates further into negative territory. These kinds of things are proxies for currency devaluation in the sense that money printing and lower interest rates generally cause the offending country’s currency to be seen as less valuable by traders and savers, sending its exchange rate down versus those of its trading partners.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Marc Faber Warns Trump May Destroy US Economy But Clinton Will Destroy the Whole World! / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016
By: Bloomberg
Marc Faber, author of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, spoke with Mark Barton on Bloomberg Television about the economy and emerging markets.
Faber said the U.S. would not be a sound, well-run economy like Singapore "unless of course the U.S. is run by Mr. Trump. Then the U.S. will improve."
He added, “Given the alternatives, I would vote for Mr. Trump, because he may only destroy the U.S. economy, but Hillary Clinton will destroy the whole world.”
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Friday, March 18, 2016
Surge in Negative Headlines Usually Very Good Stock Market Omen / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Sol_Palha
Watch out for emergencies. They are your big chance. Fritz ReinerOver the past few weeks, the number of individuals in the neutral camp rose, as did the number of bulls, and only the number of bears experienced a drop. When we combine the neutrals and the bears, the total is 72%, and that tells us that the sentiment is still too negative for a crash.
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Friday, March 18, 2016
Gold Stocks Tiny Baby Bull Market / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2016
By: Zeal_LLC
Gold stocks have radically outperformed every other sector in the stock markets this year, blasting higher as investors flock back to gold. This powerful surge is spawning worries that gold stocks’ new bull run is in danger of exhausting itself. But such fears are totally unfounded. A longer-term perspective reveals that gold stocks’ baby bull market in 2016 remains tiny in the grand scheme. This new bull has barely begun.
Successfully buying low and selling high to multiply wealth in the markets demands traders overcome their own innate greed and fear. These ever-present emotions are constantly warring in traders’ minds, impairing their judgment. One consequence of heeding these dangerous emotions is the tyranny of the present. Traders naturally tend to overweight the present and forget the past, which leads to poor decisions.
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Friday, March 18, 2016
Silver Price Soars 4%, Gold Consolidates On Federal Reserve / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: GoldCore
Silver rose 2% yesterday and has surged 4% this week to over $16 per ounce as the Federal Reserve flip flopped regarding interest rates and lowered its expectations for rate rises this year from four back to two or just one rate rise due to “global risks.”
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Friday, March 18, 2016
Junk Bonds... Here we go again! / Interest-Rates / Corporate Bonds
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
MUT is making all-time new highs as this rally sucks in more gullible investors into junk bonds. As I have said before, MUT is the “cream of the crop.” Investors in this index have fared better than in most junk bond funds.
The sad part about this is that MUT is on a similar Cycle pattern as SPX. In other words, it may be about to join SPX in a panic Cycle decline next week.
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