Tuesday, February 07, 2017
Left Coast Liberals Dream for Secession / Politics / US Politics
As the consequences of losing control of the federal government seeps into their delusional entitlement, the ultimate statists of the Left scamper to find a method to regain power. A concept, whose day is gaining acceptance, is the Nation of Pacifica. With the incompatibility between the Trump Nation deplorables and the intolerant collectivists of Leftist state worshipers, the end game is rapidly approaching a final conflict that easily could erupt in a real civil war. Leave it to the beautiful people; their fantasia screen play scripts a peaceful dissolution of the disjointed union. A sample of their dialectic:
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Tuesday, February 07, 2017
Stock Market Nowhere to Go / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
Continue to look for an important top in the Dow near February 10. As the Dow returned to near our price target (20,133) last Friday, this week is set to be a sideways consolidation as equities "spin their wheels" waiting for the big event to commence. Although the Lindsay work would have us erring later than earlier, equities may begin their drop earlier than forecast if they have nowhere to go but down.
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Tuesday, February 07, 2017
The Danger of Being Bearish in a Stocks Bull Market / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
One of the biggest contributors to losses for traders in the financial market is the temptation to sell short. Borrowing shares of a company that are not owned by the seller in the hopes of making a massive profit has shipwrecked more traders than probably any other factor. With stories abounding of the quick and easy profits to be made in selling stocks which are supposedly on the verge of plummeting, it's no wonder that the allure of "shorting" is so irresistible to so many.
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Tuesday, February 07, 2017
Vauxhall Zafira B Fires Second Recall DVSA Offence Warning Letters! / ConsumerWatch / Auto Sector
The Zafira saga or nightmare continues as after an abysmally poor implementation of the first recall, apparently Vauxhall has either become more efficient or has hit the panic button in response to more Zafira B's bursting into flames. The latest is a threatening recorded delivery letter warning of amongst things of an offence for not arranging for a prompt recall!
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Monday, February 06, 2017
Why the Fed Gets Economics Wrong / Economics / Economic Theory
Economics (in general) is populated at its core by a lot of bad ideas. And these bad ideas have come to be accepted as the correct interpretation of how the economy functions and thus have become the basis for economic policy. This news shouldn’t come as a shock since I’ve written about this many times over the years in Thoughts from the Frontline.
Economics is an enormously useful tool for those of us who are trying to understand business and investments and government policy. But to paraphrase Dirty Harry, “An economist has to know his limitations.”
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Monday, February 06, 2017
A Non-Existent US Economic Recovery! / Economics / US Economy
Where is this economic boom that Former President Obama and his administration had taken so much credit for?
The Obama Administration, with the assistance of the Federal Reserve and Company, deliberately kept the U.S. economy from creating any growth at all. The money that flowed from the Federal Reserve, over the last 8 years, had a direct pipeline that flowed only into Wall Street Investment Banks. The American people were sold this false bill of sale that “Quantitative Easing” was going to make lending money to “Main Street America” easier to access. They promised that there would be a boost in hiring which would, in turn, increase aggregate demand and thereby reflect a newly stimulated economic growth!
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Monday, February 06, 2017
Health Tourism Cripples NHS, Nationwide Winter Crisis Paralysis / Politics / NHS
The mainstream press has been reporting on the unfolding NHS crisis over the winter months, one of a building paralysis in the NHS that in large part has its roots in EU out of control immigration and wide spread health tourism abuse that in large part is of african origin. Where people who are ill come to the UK for FREE treatment on the NHS and thus clog up thousands of much needed beds for months at a time, health tourism impacts the NHS across the whole spectrum of services from maternity wards upwards across all age groups costing billions and crippling NHS services.
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Monday, February 06, 2017
Carnage of the Middle Class / Politics / Social Issues
In President Donald J. Trump's inaugural address he promised, "This American carnage stops right here and stops right now." And immediately liberals and the MSM took umbrage to his use of the word carnage, which means the slaughter of a large number of people, claiming it was just too dark a description for America. Maybe so. However, in a recent Bloomberg commentary, Justin Fox cites some sobering statistics that support Trump's statement.
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Monday, February 06, 2017
Gold Price Trend Forecast, Where are the Gold Traders? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
This is the 3rd piece on gold that highlights how unloved gold remains today. Considering the 2016 rally in gold and the turbulent times we now find ourselves in, to be honest I'm rather surprised there are not significantly more gold traders all over this market. Part 1 and Part 2 cover the initial stages of this rally from the December lows. Below is an excerpt from the Financial Tap Member weekly weekend report.
I am rather surprised to read across the blogosphere how a majority of Gold Traders appear to discount and undermine the current gold market. I can appreciate that the longer term cyclical outlook remains unresolved, but in the short-term at least, I believe the gold sector looks to be in great shape.
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Monday, February 06, 2017
SP500 Index Got Closer To Record High - Will The Uptrend Continue? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
Briefly: In our opinion, speculative short positions are favored (with stop-loss at 2,330, and profit target at 2,150, S&P 500 index).
Our intraday outlook remains bearish, and our short-term outlook is bearish. Our medium-term outlook remains neutral, following S&P 500 index breakout above last year's all-time high:
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Monday, February 06, 2017
US Dollar and Gold Markets Update / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
As longer Cycles typically dominate shorter ones, this update will provide both longer and shorter views on the USD and Gold. Why the two together? Obviously due to the negative correlation. No correlation works all the time, however, and I fully expect to see periods where the USD and Gold rise and perhaps fall together. That said, the correlation has been fairly strong over the past year so I find it best to sometimes cover these assets together.
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Monday, February 06, 2017
CRB Commodities Index Deep Dive / Commodities / CRB Index
If you are going to trade the commodity sector, you had best follow the USD, which is why I do. If I am correct that the USD’s longer 15 Year Super Cycle is toping in 2017, then the CRB will be a fun sector where we will focus.
With respect to Weinstein’s 4 Stage Model, here is a great site that is the best I have found that covers his model quite well.
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Monday, February 06, 2017
Betting on President Trump Leaving Office Early, Presidency End Date - Betfair Market / Politics / Gambling
The Trump Reset Tsunami waves continue to wash that which has been built up over the past 40 years away in a manifestation of extreme delirium which I covered both in the run up to the US presidential election of why Trump would WIN, and in my post Trump analysis of why the Trump Reset looks set to culminate in a war with China.
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Monday, February 06, 2017
Inflation – What It Is, What It Isn’t, And Who’s Responsible For It / Economics / Inflation
Inflation is the debasement of money by the government. PERIOD.
It is NOT a general increase in the level of prices for goods and services.
The above statements are critical to an understanding and correct interpretation of events which are happening today – or expected to happen – that are casually attributable to inflation. So, let’s go one step further.
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Monday, February 06, 2017
How Investors Can Profit From Trumps Military Ambitions / Commodities / Metals & Mining
Tesla just activated its battery gigafactory, and China is moving to hoard the world’s cobalt supplies at the same time that Trump promises a military build-up that can only happen with the precious metal. This all means supply panic for everything from the electric car break-out to the military industrial complex.
Right in the middle of this we have small-cap North American explorers—our new potential barons-in-the-making—in whose hands our energy revolution now lies.
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Monday, February 06, 2017
Prognosis Of Financial Markets For 2017 And Beyond / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2017
The right time to consider our future financial markets for investing
Since the presidential election there have been many reports as how the financial markets of 2017 and beyond may evolve. Given the acrimonious post election environment, it would be wiser to forecast the direction of markets after we see Mr. Trump’s full team in action for at least a few months, and more fully understand or experience his actual policies. However, it is clear that at no time in history will a president’s fiscal, trade, national security, or FED’s monetary policies affect our financial markets more, which will determine the future wellness of America’s citizens. At the same time, however, no policies can fully extricate us from our overbearing debt, and the painful economic consequences which we are to experience in the very near future.
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Monday, February 06, 2017
Absolution, Deceit and Renewables / Politics / Renewable Energy
It’s been a while since the Automatic Earth featured an article from Energy Matters, the site run by our longtime friend Euan Mearns, Honorary Research Fellow at The University of Aberdeen, and his co-conspirator Roger Andrews, a British engineer/geophysicist, semi-retired in Mexico. But I read a piece by Roger yesterday that I like, because it allows me to rant against all the false claims emanating from countries and companies about the share of renewable power in their total energy consumption.
Roger focuses on the railway system in the Netherlands, run by NS, which recently claimed that it operates on 100% wind power. This is of course, if you know anything about electricity generation and the grid, a preposterous claim, and that the company has the guts to make such a claim can only serve to prove how little the general public knows about the topic. Or they wouldn’t dare. Green is still so sexy in certain circles, and actual knowledge so poor, that companies like the NS feel no scruples about stretching their ‘greenness’ into absurd theater territory.
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Sunday, February 05, 2017
Retail Prices at wholesale Prices – Next Hot Stocks Sector / Stock-Markets / Sector Analysis
As we close out the first week of February, I’m writing to illustrate the types of great opportunities waiting for all of us. All the trades we share are based on our Momentum Reversal Method (MRM) trading system.
There are two key components of this trading strategy; A. identifying recent price rotation, or B. identifying price resumption of existing momentum. Both examples, today, will focus on two unique examples of the Momentum Reversal Method and two unique setups. Today’s examples are XRT and AIQ, setups that we believe will result in tremendous opportunities for traders over the next 2-3 weeks.
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Sunday, February 05, 2017
Stock Market Testing the High / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
Current Position of the Market
SPX Long-term trend: If the market strength persists, the long-term trend may need to be re-evaluated.
SPX Intermediate trend: SPX intermediate P&F count to 2300 has been reached. A reversal should now occur.
Analysis of the short-term trend is done on a daily-basis with the help of hourly charts. It is an important adjunct to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which discuss longer market trends.
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Sunday, February 05, 2017
Why Trump’s Economic Justice Warriors Will Crash The US Dollar / Currencies / US Dollar
For the last eight years we’ve seen the rise of the Social Justice Warriors (SJW’s), as they had lobbied their man, Obama, for the political power required to direct the force of government in the name of their own peculiarly relativist brand of “social justice.”
While they are still busy demonstrating the violent soul of what is inherent in all brands of statism by breaking storefront windows (masked), under the Trump epoch a new type of statist “warrior” has emerged… let’s call them the Economic Justice Warriors (EJW’s).
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