Thursday, March 28, 2019
Planning to Start a Small-Scale Manufacturing Business? Don't Proceed Without Reading These 5 Tips / Companies / SME
By: Steve_Marks
Entering a new business is scary. Not only will you have to learn the ropes of something that’s completely unfamiliar to you, there’s always the risk of things not panning out the way you had planned. But such is the world of business; while there are no guarantees (nor are there in life in general), there’s a way to minimize the risk. Implement the following 5 things you’re about to learn, and you’ll be at least one step closer to success:
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Thursday, March 28, 2019
The Failure Of Party Politics / Politics / BrExit
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Bit unusual, but why not. I was reading British press earlier, trying to figure out what the fcuk is going on in London two days before March 29, and in an article in the Guardian I saw this comment, and thought it should be saved for posterity.
Since the article is/was one of those live updates ones, which tend to get very long, and moreover at the point I read it it already had well over 11,000 other comments, posting it here seemed to be the way to go to achieve that.
It was posted by someone who named themselves Tintenfische (German for squid, octopus?!), and that’s all I know about this person(s), who imagines a speech someone should stand up and deliver in the house. I think it says exactly what needs to be said, what politicians should say, in Britain where civil unrest is much closer than anyone wants to see, in the US where very similar scenarios are playing out, and in many other countries.
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Thursday, March 28, 2019
Gold GLD Fund: Divergence Signals Shortage / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Jim_Willie_CB
A Perfect Storm is hitting the Gold market, with an internal factor (QE), an external factor (SGE), and a systemic factor (Basel). All three forces are positive in releasing Gold from the corrupt clutches of the Anglo-American banker organization. The East has an all-out blitz to ditch the USDollar and to adopt the Gold Standard in its early form, namely trade payment. In the last ten years since the Lehman Brothers failure, all systems have undergone the same reckless treatment that the mortgage bonds endured. Slowly the realization is coming to the fore, stated by a few astute analysts. In the last decade, the US-UK banksters have created the USTreasury bond as the global subprime bond. This is the result of astounding persistent magnificent QE abuse, debt explosion, and hidden corruption. The so-called financial stimulus is actually hyper monetary inflation, which has destroyed the bond market. There are no legitimate USTreasury buyers outside the US foreign vassal states.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
US Military Power Depends on This Fastest-Growing Defense Stock / Companies / US Military
By: Stephen_McBride
You’ve likely seen kids playing with toy drones at the local park…
The US military also employs drones, but they are different animals. They can glide through the sky at 300 miles/hour, carry 4,000 lbs. of bombs, and cost up to $17 million apiece.
American military power relies on drones these days. In fact, the US Air Force now recruits more drone pilots than actual pilots!
And one little company makes the “brains” of these important machines.
It’s growing faster than any military stock I’ve ever seen. And it’s set to soar as it wins billions of dollars in defense contracts over the next few years.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Why it is Still Best to use an Agent for your Financial Investments / Stock-Markets / Investing 2019
By: Submissions
When it comes to investments, any one of us might be tempted to go it alone. Gone are the days when there was no other way to access the markets save through a stockbroker, and you needed to make an appointment with your bank manager in order to move your money around. Now, anyone can buy, sell, invest and manage their portfolio online, provided they have the inclination and a modicum of financial understanding.
Nevertheless, there is still much to be said for going through an agent when it comes to managing your investments. An investment agent can be broadly described as any person or body empowered to represent or act on behalf of another person or party in financial negotiations. Depending on the nature of the contract between agent and client, the agent will be authorised to perform certain services and to act in the client's interests in certain matters. Because of this, the agent cannot enter into other contracts that may create a conflict of interest.
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Wednesday, March 27, 2019
How Market Valuation Affects Future Stock Returns / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Valuations
By: John_Mauldin

In the secular bear market of the 1960s and ‘70s, shrinking P/E ate away almost all the return from earnings growth and dividend yield.
In the 1980s and ‘90s, rising P/E more than doubled the return for investors.
But P/E’s effect goes beyond earnings and capital gains. It has a big effect on dividend yield, too.
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Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Are Investors Blind To The Stocks Upside Super Cycle? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Our research team believes the upside pricing potential of the US market could be under-estimated by global traders and investors. We’ve been pouring over the charts and data trying to substantiate our hypothesis with our proprietary price modeling systems and technical analysis systems for the past few days. Our results suggest the US stock market, in comparison to the global markets, could still be under-priced at current levels based on investor sentiment and this could be just the beginning of a super cycle rally we have seen happen one before.
Last year during the price rotation in February 2018, we hypothesized the current rotation was not the end of a 5-Wave Elliot Wave formation. We believe the January 2018 highs are potentially the end of Wave 3 which is part of a much larger Wave A upside price swing. Our research suggested that the retracements in 2010 and 2011 were not sufficient to qualify as any type of traditional Elliot Wave structure, thus the retracement in 2015 qualified as a Wave B formation. This presented an upside Wave A size of +366%, or +$89.66, on the QQQ chart. The Wave C move, from the lows of 2015 to the highs of 2018, presented an upside Wave C size of +121%, or +$102.77. Given these Wave A and C sizes, we believe the upside potential of a final Wave E (the last wave higher) in the US stock market could be at least 100% to 161% the size of the last Wave C formation.
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Wednesday, March 27, 2019
ZN_F Elliott Wave Analysis, USDJPY and SPX / Stock-Markets / Elliott Wave Theory
By: ElliottWaveForecast
ZN_F has rallied throughout March so in this video blog, we will take a look at the Technical outlook for ZN_F (US 10 Year Note Futures), present Elliott wave count and also correlate it with USDJPY and $SPX to explain to readers and viewers how it could impact the Yen and $SPX.
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Wednesday, March 27, 2019
So Why Should You Own Gold? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: MoneyMetals
Maybe you have some gold (and silver) but not enough. Maybe you haven't added to your stash for quite awhile, and you kinda' forgot why you bought it in the first place.
Or perhaps you don't own any precious metals at all!
If one of these circumstances fits you, then it's time to refresh your memory on the multiple reasons why you should own gold, assess your risk profile and unique financial circumstances... then act!
The oft-stated Gresham's Law tells us that when a government dictates the exchange rate between different types of money, the "good," or undervalued method of exchange gets chased out by the "bad," or overvalued version.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
March Analysis Update - UK House Prices and Machine Intelligence Stocks Investing / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2019
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Here's a quick heads up on what I am currently working on. I aim to complete two further pieces of analysis before the end of March that will first be made available to Patrons who support me work.
Firstly a continuation of my UK house prices series of analysis, with my fifth piece seeing if house building says anything different to my preceding analysis that continues to paint a bullish picture for UK house prices for many years.
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Wednesday, March 27, 2019
The Fed Broke This Economic Cycle—and It’s a Game Changer for Investors / Economics / Economic Theory
By: John_Mauldin
Here’s a quote from my friend Peter Boockvar that has drawn an enormous amount of interest:“We no longer have business cycles, we have credit cycles.”
Let’s cut that small but meaty sound bite into pieces. What do we mean by “business cycle,” exactly? Well, it looks something like this.
A growing economy peaks, contracts to a trough (what we call “recession”), recovers to enter prosperity, and hits a higher peak. Then the process repeats.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Yield Curve Has Inverted. Will Gold Rally Now? / Interest-Rates / Inverted Yield Curve
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
The yield curve followed suit of the Fed and also inverted. Inverted yield curve is a sign of an incoming recession, they say. However, what is the background of this yield inversion and how will gold react to its emerging story?
Red alert! Or, actually, a yield alert! After months of worries, the yield curve has finally inverted. Well, maybe not the whole yield curve, but one of its segment. As one can see in the chart below, the spread between US 10-year Treasury and 3-Month Treasury dived on Friday to its lowest since 2007.
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Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Has The Fed Finally Lost Control Of US Interest Rates? / Interest-Rates / US Interest Rates
By: Avi_Gilburt
Back in the 1940’s, Ralph Nelson Elliott once noted:
At best, news is the tardy recognition of forces that have already been at work for some time and is startling only to those unaware of the trend.
So, rather than be startled by the news of the past week, I have been trying to warn anyone who was willing to listen that if you want to know what the Fed is going to do, simply read the bond charts. You see, the Fed does not lead the market. Rather, the Fed follows the market. And, the market told me back in late 2018 that the Fed is about to fall behind the market.
Yet, almost every single person who reads this article will think I am crazy for saying something so ridiculous. Right? But, that is why I was prepared for the action seen in the bond market this past week, and not shocked as most participants seemed to be. In fact, one of my subscribers laughingly posted an article in our chatroom entitled "Riding the Bond Rally No One Saw Coming," while noting how our members were certainly quite prepared for this rally in the bond market.
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Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Loyalty Still Doesn’t Pay if Savers Stay with Biggest Banks / Personal_Finance / Savings Accounts
By: MoneyFacts
Savers searching for a flexible home for their hard-earned cash will still not find the best rates with the biggest banks*. Despite an increase to the Bank of England base rate in August 2018, many of the largest banks on the high street still fail to beat, or even match, its current level of 0.75%.
Indeed, the latest analysis by shows that as rates within the easy access market continue to improve, the difference in interest that savers could earn between smaller brands and high street names is widening. Now, the top rate overall pays 10 times more than the lowest big bank rate, which could equate to a difference in interest of £135 a year (based on a £10,000 minimum initial deposit)**.
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Wednesday, March 27, 2019
FCA to Introduce a Price Cap to be Introduced on Rent-to-own Goods / Personal_Finance / Shopping
By: Submissions
The Financial Conduct Authority will be introducing a price cap on rent-to-own goods from April 1st this year. The FCA are hoping that the price cap will save consumers in the UK around £22.7 million every year on the cost of products that are of everyday use such as fridges, cookers and televisions.
According to reports, in certain cases, consumers of rent-to-own goods are currently paying in total around 4 times more than the price of the good itself. The FCA hope to introduce the price cap to ensure that credit charges are unable to be more than the cost of the product itself. As well as the price cap, firms will have to benchmark their prices, such as delivery and installation, against the prices that are charged by three mainstream retailers. This benchmark will prevent firms from significantly rising their prices to get back the profits that they may lost from the cap on their prices.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Stock Market Crash Edition / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Troy_Bombardia
With the 10 year – 3 month yield curve now inverted, it is time to look at the long term bearish case for stocks.
Long Term
Only 2 factors affect the stock market’s long term outlook: valuations and fundamentals (macro).
The U.S. stock market’s valuation is high. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. The financial media, financial experts and social media have been saying “U.S. stocks are expensive!” for most of the past 10 years.
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Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Handy Ways to Boost Your Home Income / Personal_Finance / Money Making
By: Thomas
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
US Treasury Bond Yield Inversion and Political Fed Cycles / Interest-Rates / Inverted Yield Curve
By: Chris_Vermeulen
With so much news hitting the wires regarding the Treasury Inversion level and the “potential pending recession”, we wanted to shed a little insight into this phenomenon and what we believe the most likely outcome to be going forward. Our researchers, at Technical Traders Ltd., believe the Treasure inversion is a reactionary process to overly tight US Fed monetary policies, consumer demand factors and outside cycle forces. There is very little correlation to inverted Treasury levels and causation factors other than the US Fed and global central banks. We believe consumers and consumer sentiment also play a role in setting up the conditions that prompt yield inversion. The one aspect we believe everyone fails to consider is the uncertainty that is associated with major US election cycles.
The US Fed is obviously a driving force with regards to yields and consumer expectations. In the past, the US Fed has rotated FFR levels up and down by enormous amounts (in some cases 200 to 500%+ over very short spans of time. Consumers, you know those people, the ones that are the actual driving force of the local and state level economies, have been the the ones having to deal with wildly rotating FFR levels and the consequences of their debt rotating from 4~7% average interest rates to 8~25%+ average interest rates over the span of just a few years.
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Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Golan Heights Oil all about the Shekels / Politics / Israel
When the Zionists absorbed the Syrian Golan Heights during the Six-Day War of 1967, most of the postmortems proclaimed that Israel was establishing a defensive barrier that would prevent future assaults. Well, guarding the territory on high may discourage artillery attacks might resonate with proponents of a Jewish state, most of the rest of the world condemns the illegal occupation. Now that President Trump has capitulated to the Neocon Israel-First State Department by recognizing the integration of the Golan Heights as part of the imperial Israeli dynasty, the dooms day clock approaches rapidly towards Armageddon.
After losing the annihilation of the Syrian Bashar al-Assad regime, the eternal Shylock motivations shift to exploit the oil and gas reserves that have been handed out to several of their supporters and loyal operatives. Do not hold your breath for objective reporting on the financial inside dealings to line the pockets by exploiting the natural resources of Syria.
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Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Falling Yields a Catalyst for The Gold Catalyst / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
Since last spring we’ve written over and over again about a Fed rate cut being the catalyst for a bull move in gold stocks.
The history is almost bulletproof. Many lows in gold stocks over the past 60 years coincided with the end of rate hikes.
At present the Federal Reserve is in pause mode and the market is on the cusp of pricing in a rate cut. Friday, Fed funds futures showed a 56% chance of a rate cut by January 2020.
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