Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Europe's Energy Sector: "The Lehman Moment Just Arrived" / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2022
This company's stock price "broke a support shelf that dates back 14 years"
Back in October 2021, two months before Germany's DAX hit an all-time high, our Global Market Perspective showed a big jump in references to "Lehman" in Bloomberg News.
Of course, the use of "Lehman" in a news article has become synonymous with the collapse of the then financial giant during the depths of the 2007-2009 financial crisis.
The October 2021 Global Market Perspective, an Elliott Wave International monthly publication which covers 50-plus worldwide financial markets, said:
The Lehman moment will come later, after investor optimism has receded and stock prices are well off their highs.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2022
When Will the Fed Throw in the Towel on Rate Hikes? / Interest-Rates / US Interest Rates
By: MoneyMetals
The Federal Reserve finally stopped referring to inflation as “transitory” earlier this year and got serious about trying to control the painful rise in prices it has caused. Officials have jacked the Fed funds rate up by 3% since March.
Thus far they have been willing to inflict pain upon financial markets. The S&P 500 lost roughly 20% of its value since the end of March.
The aggressive tightening has also pushed the Federal Reserve note “dollar” higher relative to other major currencies.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Inflation and Interest rates Implications for the Stock Market / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2022
By: Nadeem_Walayat
So inflation is not going significantly lower anytime soon, interest rates are still trending higher which does not bode well for the outlook for stocks. And then on top of that we have a weakening economy, STAGFLATION! Definitely not a time for investors to contemplate gambling on no earnings, even high multiples growth stocks. For the indices, it means downwards price pressure and then followed by a trading range..
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Tuesday, October 25, 2022
The Only Stocks to Buy in a Recession / Companies / Investing 2022
By: Submissions
By Chris Wood : When you think of “recession-proof” stocks... what comes to mind?
Let me guess… toilet paper and toothpaste?
The widespread (but wrong) belief is companies that sell “essentials,” like Clorox or Johnson & Johnson, are the best way to ride out a recession.
No offense... but I’m not interested in making 5% on a toilet paper stock.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Fate of Stock Market Q4 Rally / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2022
By: Sumeet_Manhas
S&P 500 turnaround was driven by the WSJ article that painted 75bp Nov and 50bp Dec hikes as some kind of a pivot, when it‘s not even a pause. While I had been for weeks of the opinion that this is the most likely route they‘ll take, markets have started favoring 75bp in Dec, and its possibility has been on Friday dialed back to 50% only. That‘s hardly a pause or pivot to me, but the speculation was enough to carry risk-on sentiment reliably into the close.
What I am questioning is whether sustainable bottoms can be made on such a news – even sustainable only in terms of giving rise to a reliable Q4 rally. Not when long-dated Treasuries still haven‘t found a bottom as foreigners are forced to sell in dramatic reversion of seemingly forever trade surpluses and high energy prices, which in case of natural gas can‘t be as regionally comparable as in oil. Together with the Fed balance sheet shrinking, this has implications for the debt markets, which I discussed both in mid Sep and in the above linked article.
The turn in junk bonds is fine for the bulls, but similarly to the S&P 500, it‘s still characterized by a pattern of lower highs after the summer rally fizzled out. It‘s only the Russell 2000 which has managed to keep above the Jun lows – and that confirms the rightful conclusion that the U.S. are best positioned at the moment still to weather the storm. What has become concerning on Friday though, is the dollar‘s daily session – not even sharply higher yields have worked to keep it afloat.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Due Diligence in Private Equity with Mark Hauser / Companies / SME
By: Sumeet_Manhas
There are twice as many private equity firms out there today than there were a decade ago, and private market assets under management have reached an all-time high of $6.3 trillion according to McKinsey’s Private Markets Annual Review. As the market continues to grow and competition along with it, firms must determine how to quickly and effectively evaluate potential deals and identify strong investment opportunities.
According to data from Teten Advisors, the median investor in private companies reviews over 80 opportunities in order to make a single investment. To determine whether an investment is worth pursuing or if it should be passed over all investors conduct a rigorous process known as due diligence, but in the case of private equity a number of unique challenges are presented. Target companies are typically not public, meaning that information typically available in more traditional investments such as SEC filings are not accessible. Additionally, the focus of a private equity company on profits for the fund requires a different perspective from other alternative investments.
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Sunday, October 23, 2022
US interest Rates and Inflation / Interest-Rates / US Interest Rates
By: Nadeem_Walayat
US market interest rates LEAD the inflation rate. even more so than that which the below graph implies as there is a couple of weeks delay in release of inflation data. And then there is the smoke and mirrors inflation game that the Fed plays i.e. core inflation vs CPI, core is CPI less food and energy because obviously people can survive without food and energy so are excluded so that the Fed gets a more manageable inflation number so as to make their job easier than if they had to cope with a truer inflation rate.
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Sunday, October 23, 2022
WTI Crude Oil Is Stuck in a Choppy Trading Range / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Submissions
Oil prices ended the week caught between the headwinds of a tighter global supply and a lacklustre economic outlook eroding consumers' purchasing power.
On Thursday, the greenback took off over the value of 150 Japanese yen – a symbolic price mark – for the first time since the 1990s.
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Stock Market Choppy But Bearish / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2022
By: Monica_Kingsley
S&P 500 turned once again decisively lower yesterday, and the slow grind to the upcoming local bottom continues on rising volume – and that‘s good. Crucially, bonds continued supporting the move – as the key trio on my watch (those always shown in bond charts), reversed intraday. Higher yields are generally supportive of the dollar, and put pressure especially on precious metals, no surprises here (been issuing mostly bearish daily outlooks in PMs for months already), with oil remaining relatively best insulated among commodities.
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Sunday, October 23, 2022
The Fed is forced to pay you to Stay Safe / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2022
By: Gary_Tanashian
As the Fed fights the last war (on inflation) the result is a rare thing; a bear market haven called cash, paying increasing income
Safety Vehicles
Gold: For long-term financial security. Real gold, not ETFs, not allocated gold trusts that you can never actually possess (if you, like me, are not spectacularly wealthy) and certainly not gold mining equities.* Just gold. It’s so simple as to be overlooked by all too many, probably because it pays no income and just sits there over decades holding value.
Cash: Unlike other bear markets in equities over the last few decades when the Fed throttled savers with the likes of Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) at the first signs of trouble for asset owners, today’s Fed is commanded to clean up the mess it was primary in making during the last asset market bailout (H1, 2020), in a battle against inflation’s lagging indicators (e.g. CPI) and headlines (picture the public manning its pitchforks and torches) as cash pays increasingly higher income.
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Saturday, October 22, 2022
US Economy and Stock Market Addicted to Deficit Spending / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2022
By: Nadeem_Walayat
What to know what tends to drive the stock market into the stratosphere? US Deficit Spending! (actually twin deficits including Trade).
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Saturday, October 22, 2022
Euphoric US Dollar Vexing Gold / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2022
By: Zeal_LLC
The euphoric US dollar’s epic parabolic surge over this past half-year continues to sorely vex gold. The dollar’s vertical march to extreme secular highs spawned heavy gold-futures selling, slamming gold. The resulting lower gold prices have scared away investors, leaving gold languishing near deep lows despite an inflation super-spike raging. This fundamentally-absurd market anomaly can’t last, and is overdue to reverse.
Gold is behaving terribly this year, plunging 17.9% between mid-April to late September! That has left even hardened contrarian traders disheartened, increasingly wondering if gold is dead. Speculators and investors alike want nothing to do with history’s ultimate inflation hedge, even with headline Consumer-Price-Index inflation averaging stunning 8.5% year-over-year gains over the last six months. Gold looks broken.
While gold was being slammed lower by relentless gold-futures dumping, the CPI peaked in June at a cycle high up 9.1% YoY. That proved its hottest read since way back in November 1981! So we are literally suffering through a brutal inflation super-spike today, the first since the 1970s. The Fed’s extreme money printing after March 2020’s pandemic-lockdown stock panic has come home to roost, driving up prices.
Gold skyrocketed during those 1970s inflation super-spikes, as it should. The first was born in June 1972 at a CPI trough up 2.7% YoY, then peaked 30 months later in December 1974 with the CPI soaring 12.3% YoY. The monthly-average gold prices during that span soared 196.6% higher! Gold’s supply growth is heavily constrained by mining limitations, so it is bid way up during times of serious currency debasement.
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Saturday, October 22, 2022
Here's Why This Stocks Bear Market is a "Global Story" / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
"The decline started in emerging market stocks way back in February 2021"
A widely accepted measure of a bear market is a drop of 20% or more in a major index from an all-time high.
By that measure, both the S&P 500 index and the Dow Industrials have entered bear market territory since their January peaks.
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Saturday, October 22, 2022
Scan Computers Should You Buy? 18 Months Review, 3SX Custom Build PC, Quality, Reliability, Issues / Personal_Finance / Computing
Here's what to expect when ordering a custom built PC from Scan Computers UK, where in this video in our series we evaluate how the system has performed over the past 18 months, how reliable is the build, what is the quality of tech support and what to look out for after using our scan computers 5950x, RTX 3080, 64gb £3300 monster over the past 18 months.
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Saturday, October 22, 2022
🎃 TESCO Halloween 2022 Shopping - Pumpkins Costumes, Decorations, Lights, Sweets and More! 🎃 / Personal_Finance / Shopping
By: Eliza_Walayat
��Halloween is just around the corner, so we were off to TESCO to see if there is anything to add to our Halloween collection that tends to grow each year. Where Halloween is concerned it's always wise not to leave your shop until the last minute, else you may find everything's gone! Here's what Tesco had to offer for Halloween 2022.
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Saturday, October 22, 2022
4 Best Investment Plans for Medium Term / Stock-Markets / Investing 2022
By: Mark_Adan
Medium-term goals can be a great motivator. They can give you something to focus on in the present moment and help you to stay on track. However, it is important to choose an investment option that will not be too volatile. This way, you can be sure that your money will be there when you need it. Some of the most common medium-term goals include saving for your wedding or down payment of a house. If you're wondering what the best investment options are that will help you achieve your medium-term goals, this list should help. Find the best trading app UK here.
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Friday, October 21, 2022
Quantum AI Tech Stocks Portfolio / Stock-Markets / Investing 2022
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Which brings us to this BEAR market where my strategy has been NOT to seek to buy the bottom because we will only ever see the bottom in hindsight, instead my strategy has been to buy deep discounts in target stocks which has transformed my portfolio from this in January 2022 -
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Friday, October 21, 2022
How Elliott Waves Work with Individual Stocks / InvestorEducation / Elliott Wave Theory
"The primary value of the Wave Principle is that it provides a context for market analysis"
Elliott waves reflect the repetitive patterns of mass psychology -- so they are ideally suited for analyzing the widely traded main stock indexes.
On the other hand, thinly traded individual stocks may not trace out Elliott wave price patterns nearly as well.
That said, there are many individual stocks which are widely traded -- like most of the big and well-known companies (and others which have captured the interest of investors).
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Thursday, October 20, 2022
Stock Markets WORST Month of the Year Could Deliver a Buying Opportunity / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2022
By: Nadeem_Walayat
We have a Dogs dinner of a Tory government, waste of space Quasi Modo has gone, next will be Liz Trustless what a pair of idiots, Hunt as Chancellor is only good for reading scripts he gets given! Come on Boris come back, all is forgiven, what was the worst under Johnson? Parties, the media wasted thousands of hours of air time on parties! MSM Is an irrelevance, dumb, blind, completely clueless after all they are Journalists NOT analysts, they don't have a clue! Quasi has gone, so will Trussless and it could even be as soon as today! Definitely before the end of October, she will be GONE! GOOD RIDDANCE to Britain's worst Prime Minister ever! And paving the way for Britain's first brown Prime Minister!
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Thursday, October 20, 2022
UK in CRISIS - Liz Truss Resigns, Inflation Nightmare, Soaring Interest Rates, Economic CRASH! / Economics / Inflation
By: Nadeem_Walayat
We have a Dogs dinner of a Tory government, waste of space Quasi Modo has gone, next will be Liz Trustless what a pair of idiots, Hunt, the Hunt as Chancellor is only good for reading scripts he gets given!, Come on Boris come back, all is forgiven, what was the worst under Johnson, parties, stoopid media wasted thousands of air time on parties! MSM Is an irrelevance, dumb, blind, completely clueless, after all they are Journalists NOT analysts, they don't have a clue! Quasi has gone, so will Trussless and it could even be as soon as today! Definitely before the end of October, she will be GONE! GOOD RIDDANCE to Britain's worst Prime Minister ever! And paving the way for Britain's first brown Prime Minister!
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