Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Stock Market Investors’ Limitless Risk Appetite / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Troy_Bombardia
Investors are buying anything and everything in a manner that’s reminiscent of the 1990s. The best stocks to buy these days: money-losing tech companies. The more losses, the better because growth is the name of the game. In the 1990s, profits didn’t matter. All that mattered was “eyeballs” and user growth.
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Wednesday, January 27, 2021
3 Dividend Paying Stocks to Ride the New Housing Boom / Housing-Market / Housing Stocks
By: Robert_Ross
Dear Reader,
The Cleveland Browns are playing in the postseason for the first time since 2002. But this almost didn't happen because of a COVID-19 outbreak at their training facility.
The Browns didn't miss a moment of practice time. Rather than hit the field, players and coaches huddled over Zoom (ZM). And they went on to win their matchup with the Pittsburgh Steelers that made this 17-years-in-the-making victory possible.
Even if the Browns don't make it to the Super Bowl on February 7, their MVP moves will go down in history as a sign of these unusual times.
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Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Biden Seeks Huge Spending, Globally Coordinated Tax Hikes / Politics / Government Spending
By: MoneyMetals
As a new administration took power in Washington this week, investors weighed new opportunities as well as new risks.
The Biden administration promises to undo much of the policy agenda President Donald Trump had implemented. However, those expecting a new era in American politics are likely to be disappointed – or relieved, depending on their perspective.
Joe Biden is anything but new or transformational. He seems to view his mandate as that of reassembling the Obama-Biden administration for a third term.
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Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Will Inflation Make Gold Shine in 2021? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
Inflation will be one of the greatest upside risks for gold this year. Will it materialize and make gold shine?The report about gold in 2021 would be incomplete without the outlook for inflation . We have already written about it recently, but this topic is worth further examination. After all, higher inflation is believed to be one of the biggest tail risks in the coming months or years, and one of the greatest upside risks for gold this year .
Most economists and investors still believe that inflation is dead. After all, the only way to justify the central banks’ unprecedentedly dovish actions is the premise of low inflation. And the only way to justify the buoyant stock market amid the new highs in the number of Americans in hospital with COVID-19 is the expectation of an inflationless economic recovery this year. In other words, many people forecast the return to the Goldilocks economy after the end of the pandemic .
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Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Amazon AI Stocks Investing Analysis 2021 / Companies / Amazon
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Amazon had soared into the stratosphere, literally doubling in price from its March low, breaking above $3400 early July putting Amazon on an eye watering EC level of 148, prompting me to sell over 50% of my holdings which I flagged ahead of time in the comments, following which Amazon did correct down to $2900 though not to anywhere near it's buying level of $2525. Following which Amazon did manage to break to a new high of $3552, but again it was not able to hold the levels due very high valuations which currently has Amazon trading down to $3099 and it looks like I'm not the only one who thought Amazon had become a bit too expensive as Jeff Bezos sold another $3 billion of Amazon stock early November bringing his total sales for 2020 to $10 billion.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Why You Shouldn’t Get Excited About Gold Price Mini-Rally / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Gold seems to be sleeping off its latest mini-rally and lacks the momentum to reach new highs. What happens from here? Has the USD bottomed? And what does it mean when we factor in the EUR/USD pair and poor economic indicators from Europe into the equation?
Not much happened yesterday (Jan. 21), but what happened was relatively informative. And by “relatively” I mean literally just that. Gold moved lower yesterday and in today’s pre-market trading, doing so despite another small move lower in the USD Index. The moves are not big, but they are meaningful. They show that gold’s inauguration-day rally was likely a temporary blip on the radar screen instead of being a game-changer.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
The Truth About Personal Savings Everybody Should Know and Think About / Personal_Finance / Financial Education
By: Sumeet_Manhas
Whether we like it or not, finances impact everything in our lives. It is, essentially, freedom. It is unfair how many of us struggle with personal savings, especially in wealthy countries, where, logically speaking, it shouldn’t be the case. Why does this happen? We will talk about how psychologically we are connected with money and the relationship we have with it and some everyday things that impact our financial status. Our financial health is essential, and we tend to neglect it, not because we are necessarily guilty of that, but also because the country we live in doesn’t paint the picture quite right. If a country is wealthy, why are many people who live from paycheck to paycheck? Why do poor people have to face much higher costs for everything, especially when faced with monthly bank fees? The truth is, personal savings are more about what the world dictates and if you are going to abide by it or not. It’s also what kind of relationship you built with money as a kid.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
4 Economic Challenges for 2021 / Economics / Coronavirus Depression
By: John_Mauldin
This year will bring several economic challenges in the U.S.—some we may not yet foresee. But I can already identify at least four.
First, the coronavirus pandemic is permanently changing certain parts of the economy.
I’ll start with the one most familiar to me: business travel. It came to a screeching halt last spring. Airlines, hotels, and so on since recovered a little but are nowhere near normal, nor are most profitable. They’re just holding on.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Scan Computers 2021 "Awaiting Picking" - 5950x RTX 3080 Custom PC Build Stock Status / Personal_Finance / Computing
It's now 3 weeks since I placed my custom build PC order with Scan Computers UK (, a Ryzen 5950x, Asus RTX 3080, 64gb ram etc.. Full specs in the video and below. Anyway we all know demand is high and supply is low, so where does my custom order now stand in terms of build and delivery expectations as a guide of what to expect when ordering a custom built PC in January 2021 from likely most custom builders and not just Scan Computers.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
The End of the World History Stock Market Chart : Big Pattern = Big Move / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Rambus_Chartology
We hear so much negativity from both sides of the isle that if a Republican is elected to the presidency then everything is going to hell in a hand basket and if a Democrat is elected then you will be better off to find another country to live in because things will be so bad in the US you won’t want to live here anymore. Conspiracy theories are running so rampant right now that the average American doesn’t know what to believe.
Beside the stock markets giving me financial freedom it has also taught me how to think for myself which can be pretty tough these days. You’ve heard me say this a million times, “playing the stock market is a game of psychological warfare more than anything else.” A good example right now is how most members keep wanting to short the stock markets because everything they read says the markets can’t keep going up for a myriad reasons.
The Great Rescission that began in 2007 and lasted until early 2009, scarred many investors for a lifetime. I saw the same thing with my dad who grew up in the Great Depression. During the 1990’s bull market, which was the greatest bull market of all time at that time, he could never understand how the stock markets could keep going up because of all the fundamental reasons he thought should stop secular bull market dead in its tracks. We had some great debates on the direction of the markets but I wasn’t scarred emotionally by what happened in the Great Depression so I had an open mind and could view the charts with an objective point of view.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Stock Market Recent Sector Triggers Suggest Stocks May Enter Rally Phase / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Recently, our Best Asset Now (BAN) Hotlist generated a new trigger on the SPY chart. Typically, this type of trigger suggests the SPY is starting a new, potentially explosive, upside price rally. But what really interests us is the potential that the strongest sectoral ETFs may continue to see a much stronger upside price rally as a result of this new trigger.
Recent BAN SPY Trend Trigger
The strength of the BAN Hotlist is not the general market triggers it gives, such as the SPY, Dow Jones, or NASDAQ, but instead the ability to align these major market triggers with the strongest performing sectoral ETFs. This allows those using the Hotlist and BAN strategy to take advantage of the best-performing assets in the markets in any market trend. The new SPY trigger, seen on the chart below, suggests the US stock markets may be starting a new upside price trend, which will cause capital to rotate into different sectors. Our simple BAN Hotlist and strategy helps us identify these sectoral opportunities.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
3 Top-Performing Tech Stocks for 2021 / Companies / AI
By: Robert_Ross
Dear Reader,
One of my favorite reads to start off a new year is Byron Wien's list of 10 surprises, which he's published for 36 years.
While I could spend an entire article debating each point in his 2021 list, today I want to tackle the last part of No. 8:
"The equity market broadens out. Stocks beyond healthcare and technology participate in the rise in prices…
"Big cap tech… stocks are laggards for the year."
Big techs lagging the broad markets this year would indeed be a surprise. But I'm making the opposite bet—that tech will be the year's top-performing sector.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
5 Tips to Manage Your Debt / Personal_Finance / Debt & Loans
By: Submissions
Monday, January 25, 2021
Stock Market Intermediate Trend Intact / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
SPX Long-term trend: There is some good evidence that we are still in the bull market which started in 2009 and which could continue into the first quarter of 2021 before coming to an end.
SPX Intermediate trend: May continue until SPX recaches 4150 in February.
Analysis of the short-term trend is done daily with the help of hourly charts. They are important adjuncts to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which determine longer market trends.
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Monday, January 25, 2021
Precious Metals Could Decline Before their Next Attempt to Rally / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021
By: Chris_Vermeulen
My team prepares Custom Valuations Index charts to understand how capital is being deployed in the global markets alongside US Dollar and Treasury Yields. The purpose of the Custom Index charts in this article is to provide better insight into and understanding of underlying capital movements in various market conditions. Recently, we discovered the Custom Index chart shares a keen alignment with Gold (and likely the general precious metals sector). Let’s explore our recent analysis to help readers understand what to expect next in precious metals.
Weekly custom valuations index chart
The first thing that caught my attention was the very clear decline in the weekly Custom Valuations Index recently, as can be seen in the chart below. The second peak on the Custom Valuations Index chart occurred on the week of August 3, 2020. Gold also peaked at this very same time. This alignment started an exploratory analysis of the Custom Valuations Index and the potential alignment with the precious metals sector.
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Monday, January 25, 2021
Great Ways of Choosing Good CMMS Software for a Business / Companies / SME
By: Travis_Bard
The inception of CMMS (computerized maintenance management system) has completely changed the face of facilities management and maintenance and may improve the general appearance of small or large departments.
Therefore, what is CMMS used for? CMMS software is used to optimize, measure, plan, and track things related to maintenance on a digital platform. Basically, CMMS will open up a new door to possibilities for your maintenance duties and team. To achieve this, here are some ways you may consider to choose excellent CMMS software:
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Monday, January 25, 2021
The Dark Forces behind American Insurrectionists / Politics / US Politics
By: Dan_Steinbock
On January 6, 2021, a mob of white supremacists stormed the U.S. Capitol, presumably to overturn Trump's defeat. Their final goal may have involved assassinations of elected officials, however.
After the “failed insurrection,” dozens of the mob were found to be watch-listed in the FBI Terrorist Screening Database. Most are suspected white supremacists. But the ultimate goals of some may have been even darker.
In a court filing, federal prosecutors have targeted one of the mob’s most colorful figures, Jacob Anthony Chansley; the shirtless “QAnon Shaman” with a headdress of coyote skin and buffalo horns. "The intent of the Capitol rioters,” the prosecutors believe, “was to capture and assassinate elected officials in the US government.”
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Monday, January 25, 2021
Economic Stimulus Doesn’t Always Stimulate – Pushing On A String / Economics / Coronavirus Depression
By: Kelsey_Williams
The word stimulus has become an oft-repeated term, sometimes overused. We are referring to the non-biological meaning below.
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Monday, January 25, 2021
Can Karcher K7 Pressure Washer Clean a Weed Infested Driveway? Extreme Power Test / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
Is this costly Karcher K7 Pressure washer any good? Find out in our latest video where we put it through it's paces in tackling an extremely weed infested driveway/. If it can get rid of these weeds then it can clean anything!
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Monday, January 25, 2021
Lockdown Sea Shanty Craze - "Drunken Sailor" on the Pirate Falls Crazy Boat Ride / Local / Coronavirus 2021
By: N_Walayat
The sea shanty lock down craze has swept Britain and likely much of the english speaking world, So here is the Drunken Sailor on the crazy Pirate Falls boat ride.
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