Thursday, April 14, 2016
Stock Market Cycle Top Final Stretch / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
The Cycle Top is holding support for SPX at 2079.26 thus far. It appears to have completed all but the last probe higher to complete the pattern. The target range appears to be 2085.88 to 2086.99. It may happen yet this morning or early afternoon, so stay alert. The first sign of a reversal comes when the Cycle Top no longer provides its support.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Saving Middle-Class Jobs in America: Is It Worth $30 Socks? / Politics / Employment
By: Rodney_Johnson

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Thursday, April 14, 2016
Why We’re About to See the Largest Wealth Drought in Modern History / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2016
By: Harry_Dent

But if diversification and asset allocation are the key to preserving wealth, then the Chinese get an F!
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Thursday, April 14, 2016
Tesla Motors - U.S. Congress Has Created a New Tax Credit…at Your Expense / Politics / US Auto's
By: Rodney_Johnson

Well, maybe affordable isn’t the right word. With a base price of $35,000, it’s more expensive than the entry level Mercedes, but it’s also less than half the cost of the vaunted Tesla Model S, which starts at $76,000.
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Thursday, April 14, 2016
The Winter of Discontent / Economics / US Economy
By: Peter_Schiff
The Winter of 2015-2016, which came to an end a few weeks ago, has been officially designated as the mildest in the U.S. in 121 years according to NOAA. While this fact will certainly add a major talking point in the global warming debate, it should also be front and center in the current economic discussion. The fact that it isn't is testament to the blatantly self-serving manner in which economic cheerleaders blame the weather when it's convenient, but ignore it when it's not. If economists were consistent (and that's a colossal "if"), the good weather would be taken as a reason to believe the economy is weaker than is being reported.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Why is The MSM Covering Up Recessionary Data? / Economics / Recession 2016
By: James_Quinn
The Census Bureau put out their monthly retail sales report this morning. During good times, the MSM would be hailing the tremendous increases as proof the consumer was flush with cash and all was well with the economy. Considering 70% of our GDP is dependent upon consumer spending, you would think this data point would be pretty important in judging how well Americans are really doing.
It's not perfect, because the issuance of debt to consumers to purchase autos, furniture, appliances and electronics can juice the retail sales numbers and create the false impression of strength. That's what has been going on with auto sales for the last two years.
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Thursday, April 14, 2016
Stocks Continue Their Rally As Investors Remain Bullish Ahead Of Earnings Releases / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Paul_Rejczak
Briefly: In our opinion, speculative short positions are favored (with stop-loss at 2,100, and profit target at 1,950, S&P 500 index).
Our intraday outlook is bearish, and our short-term outlook is bearish. Our medium-term outlook remains bearish, as the S&P 500 index extends its lower highs, lower lows sequence:
Intraday outlook (next 24 hours): bearish
Short-term outlook (next 1-2 weeks): bearish
Medium-term outlook (next 1-3 months): bearish
Long-term outlook (next year): neutral
Thursday, April 14, 2016
EUR/USD Is Sending Currency Bears Message / Currencies / Euro
By: Nadia_Simmons
Earlier today, official data showed that euro zone industrial production declined by 0.8% in Feb (month-on-month), missing analysts' forecasts. Additionally, industrial production (year to year) rose less-than-expected in Feb, which pushed the euro lower against the greenback. As a result, EUR/USD declined under the Feb high, invalidating earlier breakout. How low could the exchange go in the coming days?
In our opinion, the following forex trading positions are justified - summary:
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Thursday, April 14, 2016
Bootstrapping A Business – How To Self-Fund Startups / Companies / SME
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Funding is a huge challenge for many entrepreneurs, especially those that are now starting their business journey. It does not really matter what option is considered since it is a certainty that everything will be complicated. You want to invest like a fund manager and even if you are really good, when you launch your own business, it is a certainty that everything will become subjective to some degree. That is why bootstrapping a business is normally a failure.Read full article... Read full article...
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Tesla And Other Tech Giants Scramble For Lithium As Prices Double / Commodities / Lithium
By: OilPrice_Com
Demand for lithium -- the hottest commodity on the planet and the only commodity to show positive price movement in 2015 -- is poised to continue on its upward trajectory, becoming the world's new gasoline and earning the moniker of "White Petroleum". And the battle for market share in and around this commodity has everyone from major tech players to trend-setting investor gurus vying for a foothold.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Stock Market Dow Rally Almost Done / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Austin_Galt
The Dow just keeps plugging higher but all good things must eventually end so let's review the daily chart to see where the good times are likely to end.
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Thursday, April 14, 2016
Nice Stock Market Session for Wall Street Indeed / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Harry_Boxer
The stock market indices had a very strong session today. The day started out with a gap up from the get-go, extending the gains, and then consolidating. When the S&P 500 went to higher-highs at 2080, the NDX failed to break out, they pulled back midafternoon, but not too badly. They then came on again, got up to 4560 Nasdaq 100, and 2083 S&P 500.
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Thursday, April 14, 2016
For a Longer Healthier Life in America, Get Rich (or move to Maine or Vermont) / Politics / Social Issues
By: Michael_T_Bucci
If you are feeling chronic stress, anxiety, apprehension and are worried about money, work, family matters, personal health and the economy you are in the majority.
Since 2007, the American Psychological Society (APA) has conducted a “Stress in America” survey. It found that money and work are the top two sources of “very or somewhat significant” stress (67 percent and 65 percent in 2015, respectively). This year, for the first time, the survey reveals that family responsibilities are the third most common stressor (54 percent), followed by personal health concern (51 percent), health problems affecting the family (50 percent) and the economy (50 percent).
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Thursday, April 14, 2016
Stock Market Breaking Out A Bit... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Jack_Steiman
It wasn't the biggest, most forceful breakout above trend-line resistance I've ever seen, but it was a breakout and should be treated as such unless we immediately lose it back tomorrow. I know that seems unlikely, but this is the stock market, and all possibilities need to be respected. If the breakout had been more forceful then I wouldn't be talking about losing the move up, but it was fairly tepid, so we keep it in the back of our minds.
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Thursday, April 14, 2016
UK House Prices Bull Market Accelerates on Panic Buying / Housing-Market / UK Housing
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Barely a few weeks on from when Britain's housing market bears were starting to reappear on the scene in the mainstream press with perma doomsday headlines that followed Februarys 1.5% plunge and on the back of news of a fast slowing UK economy. Now out pops the Halifax with its latest data that show average UK house prices have once more accelerated to above 10% per annum! By galloping ahead by a whopping 2.6% for March near double Februarys 1.5% drop, and despite Februarys drop are up by 2.9% so far thus year which converts into an annual inflation rate of 11.6%.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Bringing Everyone into The banking System so They can Establish a One-World Bank and Taxation System / Currencies / War on Cash
By: Gordon_T_Long
FRA Co-founder Gordon T. Long is joined by Jeff Berwick in discussing the article Central banks beat Bitcoin at own game with rival supercurrency, the central banking system, and blockchain technology.
Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante, CEO of TDV Media & Services and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast. Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world's freedom, investment and gold conferences including his own,Anarchapulco, as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, Bloomberg and Fox Business.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
The Millennial Moment and the Global Crisis / Economics / Demographics
By: Clif_Droke
It's a trite saying but a profound one all the same: "History always repeats." We've all heard this bromide countless times, yet how many of us have truly pondered its significance?
The truism that history tends to repeat itself over time is the basis of the cyclical view of human affairs as applied to the financial market. Cycle investors believe that by studying past episodes of a similar character they can divine the outcome of currents events. It's not surprising then that the cyclists among us have turned their attention toward the global financial market slowdown and tepid pace of the U.S. economy recovery.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Turkey's Erdogan Hardening Dictatorial Rule / Politics / Turkey
By: Stephen_Lendman
Erdogan is one of the world’s most ruthless despots, Turkey a NATO member, a valued US ally.
Washington largely ignores his tyrannical rule, his abolition of press freedom, imprisoning critics, his war on Turkish, Syrian and Iraqi Kurds.
Turkish lawmakers have immunity from prosecution. Erdogan wants pro-Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) members (the country’s third largest parliamentary bloc) stripped of their fundamental right for opposing ruthless regime policies.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Gold and Silver Shares – How High Can They Go? / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2016
By: Dudley_Baker

“The 21st Century Gold Rush:
How High Can Gold and Silver Stocks Go?
Higher Than You Might Think!!”
Being a bull on the precious metals I thought then what a great article. I have been in touch with Edward and he has given me permission to use his article.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Silverdale, High Storrs, City Council Determined to Destroy Sheffield's Best State Schools / Local / Sheffield
By: N_Walayat
An analysis of Sheffield's school league tables reveals a bleak picture of virtually all of Sheffield's best state schools on a downwards trend trajectory where the only school to buck the trend being Tapton, whilst Sheffield's best ranked state school (Silverdale) also shows a marginal decline. However, further down the league tables the downwards spiral in performance accelerates with King Ecgbert, Bradfield and High Storrs leading the way.