Friday, November 18, 2016
Trump’s Agenda Stacks the Odds in Gold’s Favor / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: John_Mauldin
"It's the economy, stupid."
This was the catch-phrase Bill Clinton’s campaign used in 1992 to help defeat George H.W. Bush. In this year’s presidential race, the slogan “Make America Great Again” branded the Trump campaign as a referendum against the economic policies of the current administration.
No matter the race—be it in local or national politics—the economy plays a crucial role in determining whether the incumbent party will retain office or relinquish it to another group.
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Friday, November 18, 2016
Crude Oil Bears State Prices Headed Lower - Bulls-Eye or Rubbish? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Sol_Palha
"Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained." ~ Arthur Somers Roche
2015 was a terrible year for oil and it looked like 2106 would even worse; oil dipped below $30.00 and all cockroaches (oops we mean analysts) started to state $10.00 oil was next. When we heard this nonsense, we penned an article titled will the crude oil price crash become even worse in 2016?
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Friday, November 18, 2016
UK Might Be on the Verge of Another Political Crisis / Politics / UK Politics
By: John_Mauldin
BY GEORGE FRIEDMAN : It’s the season for amazing electoral events.
On November 3, the High Court of England and Wales ruled the Brexit vote does not let the prime minister officially notify the EU of the UK's intent to withdraw. Rather, Parliament must authorize the prime minister’s actions.
This raises the possibility that Parliament might refuse to authorize notification. More likely, Parliament could choose to oversee the terms the UK offers and agrees to.
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Friday, November 18, 2016
Gold Sell Off On Fed Noise – “Interesting Times” To “Support Gold” / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: GoldCore
Gold prices in dollar terms came under renewed pressure today testing strong support at the $1,200/oz level. Gold dropped another 1% to near a 6 month low and is set for a second week of falls after the dollar soared again after Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen suggested a U.S. interest-rate hike could come “relatively soon.”
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Friday, November 18, 2016
May Never Get Another Opportunity to Buy Gold at this Level Again / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: Chris_Vermeulen
America has chosen Donald Trump to be its next President and the world markets, whether metals, gold, bonds, equities or Forex are all highly volatile. In fact, I got long GDX and NUGT last week for a quick 5% and 11% gain with gold miners, a get-in and get-out type of trade to take advantage of these extreme volatility levels.
While the initial projections were for a Brexit type turmoil in most markets, those predictions did not prove to be correct. The markets quickly reversed course and gave a strong Thumbs up to Trump’s policies.
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Friday, November 18, 2016
Are The Saudis About To Reveal The Best Kept Secret In Oil? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
One of the oil world’s longest and best kept secrets may finally be revealed. Saudi Arabia is preparing to unveil how much oil it holds, a closely guarded state secret that has been kept quiet for decades.
The decision to bring such important data to light comes as Saudi Aramco is preparing to partially privatize its assets, an IPO that could bring in some $100 billion. The IPO will be a monumental event, one that the Wall Street Journal says could offer Wall Street some of the largest fees in history.
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Friday, November 18, 2016
5 Reasons You Should Buy Trump Insurance—And It’s Not Trump’s Fault / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2017
By: John_Mauldin
Olivier Garret writes: As the US licks its wounds after one of the most divisive elections in history, the markets appear to anticipate a positive economic outcome.
On the election night, the overnight futures markets plummeted with the expectations of a Clinton victory. But it didn’t take long for a rebound. By morning, the markets returned back to normal.
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Friday, November 18, 2016
The Numbers Look Great—As They Always Do Before a Stock Market Crash / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: John_Mauldin
It’s quarterly report time for US stocks. If you just casually glance at the earnings news, you might think companies are having a great year. Many are beating expectations and reporting impressive revenues and profits.
The markets reward companies for meeting expectations (as we shall see below). But the reality is that the S&P 500 is on track for a sixth straight drop in year-over-year earnings.
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Friday, November 18, 2016
If Only These Two Things Come to Pass, Crude Oil Prices Will Rise / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: John_Mauldin
Will oil prices recover as Wall Street presumes? That depends on the balance of supply and demand.
Climate change agreements notwithstanding, the world still burns and will go on burning a lot of fossil fuel. Slowing economic growth has reduced energy demand growth, but the absolute numbers remain strong. This will change as greener technology spreads, but very slowly.
The real mystery is on the supply side.
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Friday, November 18, 2016
How to Make Easy Money Investing off a Trump Administration / Stock-Markets / Investing 2017
By: John_Mauldin
BY JARED DILLIAN : So, we’ve got ourselves a President Trump. Now, let’s talk about how to make money off a Trump administration.
It is so easy, a caveman could do it.
The bond market and President Trump
I’ve already talked a lot about this topic. Please read this before you go any further. It’s something I wrote back in April.
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Friday, November 18, 2016
Stock Market Late Rally Takes Them Into the Positive Column / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Harry_Boxer
The stock market indices had a solid day today. The day started out with a little bit of a move up, they pulled back, tested successfully, ran up solidly into midday where they reached their session highs, came down again for a retest, held successfully at support, and then came on strong at the close with the Nasdaq 100 making a new high. Although the S&P 500 couldn’t, they still ended the day in the positive column.
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Friday, November 18, 2016
Euro Price Action Post-Election: "We Expected That" / Currencies / Euro
Our Currency Strategist Outlines His Long-term View of the Euro
[Editor's note: The text version of this interview is below.]
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Friday, November 18, 2016
Copper - When the Pendulum Swings / Commodities / Copper
By: The_Gold_Report
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger equates the position of the financial markets to that of a protagonist in a classic horror story and reflects on recent moves in the copper market.
One of the greatest pastimes I enjoyed as a youth was reading books, and until adolescence, when I began to focus on history, my favorite reading genre was horror. Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," Bram Stoker's "Dracula,” and "The Mummy" by Anne Rice were all books that resided in the bookshelf in our family room.
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Friday, November 18, 2016
7 Gold & Silver Mining Companies to Buy Before the End of the Year / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2016
By: The_Gold_Report
Headline news results in rash decisions; don't let Trump's victory distract you from the bigger picture, says Matt Geiger of MJG Capital. He explains why now is an excellent time to deploy capital into mining equities and highlights seven companies poised to deliver outsized returns.
We are still in the early stages of a four- or five-year resource bull market. Those who own hard assets will be heavily rewarded; those exposed to the general stock market (or, god forbid, government debt) are in for a rude awakening. What we are witnessing is reversion to the mean after a five-year period in which commodity prices slumped as financial assets inflated in price. The tide has shifted, and Trump instead Hillary in the Oval Office will have little effect on this reality.
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Friday, November 18, 2016
Stock Market Air Pocket Due / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Brad_Gudgeon
The stock market is in a position where it should see a 2-3% air pocket Friday November 18th and possibly early into early Monday the 21st. The SPX has a downside target of 2120's to the 2140's. Monday is the ten week low from Sept 12.
The pattern is bullish after the sell-off with another higher high due late next week. The Jupiter aspects are strongly bullish into about the Thanksgiving Holiday.
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Thursday, November 17, 2016
Trump’s $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan:Lincoln Had a Bolder Solution / Politics / Infrastructure
By: Ellen_Brown
Donald Trump was an outsider who boldly stormed the citadel of Washington DC and won. He has promised real change, but his infrastructure plan appears to be just more of the same -- privatizing public assets and delivering unearned profits to investors at the expense of the people. He needs to try something new; and for this he could look to Abraham Lincoln, whose bold solution was very similar to one now being considered in Europe: just print the money.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Google and Facebook Targeting Growing Influence of Alternative Media? / Politics / Propaganda
By: Stephen_Lendman
Alternative online media sites are gaining popularity at the expense of unreliable mainstream sources of news, information and analysis - notably during the disgraceful US presidential election coverage, concluded last week, along with every time America goes to war.
Media scoundrels suppress what everyone needs to know, lies, damn lies and Big Lies substituting - propaganda, not reliable journalism, why their readership and viewership are declining, maybe disappearing altogether one day if the current trend continues.
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Thursday, November 17, 2016
Make Money Great Again: Vote for Gold / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: MoneyMetals
Who could possibly have predicted the astounding results of the November 8th presidential election?
A lot of folks, it turns out. Better than 60 million at last count. But that doesn't include highly paid, and obviously over-paid, pollsters.
And it doesn't include "journalists," who showered their elitist agendas on television screens, in newsprint headlines and across cyberspace during the 17-month presidential campaign.
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Thursday, November 17, 2016
Islamic Gold – Important New Dynamic In Gold Market / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: GoldCore
Next month, 1.6 billion people will have a new ‘gold investment standard’
- Gold bullion investments to become accessible to 25% of planet
- Islamic finance market expected to grow to US$5 trillion by 2020
- Islamic asset classes have all under performed compared to gold
- In 10 years, gold has risen over 367% in US dollar terms and by more in currencies used in Islamic countries
- Gold bullion products additionally appealing to Islamic banks due to Basel III rules
- New Sharia Gold Standard will impact gold price
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Donald Truimp the King of Debt Takes the Reins / ElectionOracle / US Debt
By: Peter_Schiff
The election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 provides the best recent precedent for the unexpected triumph of Donald Trump (in my opinion, the other post-war Republican takeovers of the White House -- Ike in '52, Nixon '68, and W. in '00 - did not constitute a real break from the status quo.) As many people expect great changes from Trump, it is worthwhile to look at what the Reagan Revolution actually wrought.