Thursday, December 30, 2021
Stock Market Santa Rally Challenge / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Monica_Kingsley
S&P 500 feels like hanging by the fingernails – tech down and value retreating intraday. Correction of prior steep upswing is here – the bears will try some more, but I‘m not looking for them to get too far. The signs are there to knock the bulls somewhat down, and fresh ATHs look to really have to wait till next week.
Checking up on the VIX, financials and consumer discretionaries confirms the odds of the bears stepping in today, and perhaps also tomorrow (depending upon today‘s close). The repelled HYG downswing likewise doesn‘t represent a significant risk-off turn (yet) – instead, we appear to be on the doorstep of another rotation, and its depth would be determined by how well tech is able to hold near current levels.
Looking at precious metals, commodities and cryptos, the sellers of this risk-on rally have good odds of closing in the black for today. Earliest signs of stabilization would come from bonds, tech and cryptos – that‘s where I‘m mostly looking today.
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Sheffield Christmas Market Stalls, Sights and Sounds 2021 / Local / Sheffield
By: Eliza_Walayat
Here's a look at the wonderful sights and sounds at Sheffield Christmas Market where the prime attraction this year is the giant Ferris Wheel brought over from Llandudno Wales. Llandudno Pier owner Adam Williams rolled the the £1million Wheel all the way from Wales to Sheffield Christmas Market after being taken down from the Llandudno pier last month that takes centre piece at Sheffield's christmas festivities. So watch the video as we share the sights and sounds of Sheffield's Christmas Market 2021
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Thursday, December 30, 2021
Investment Roadmap for 2022 / Stock-Markets / Investing 2022
Cryptos competing with USD and EUR. NFTs competing with Rembrandt and Da Vinci. Electric car makers with $0 revenue but market cap bigger than GM, Ford or Toyota.
How do you make sense of today's financial trends?
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Thursday, December 30, 2021
2022 – The Year of (Gold) Inflation? / Economics / Inflation
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
High inflation won’t go away in 2022. Good for gold. However, it is likely to continue to climb and reach its peak. That sounds a bit worse for gold.If 2021 was tough for you, I don’t recommend reading Nostradamus’ predictions for the next year. This famous French astrologer saw inflation, hunger, and much more coming in 2022:
So high the price of wheat,
That man is stirred
His fellow man to eat in his despair
Yuk! So, life is about to get a little more complicated: we must now avoid becoming infected and being eaten by our fellow citizens! If you are interested in how cannibalism will affect the gold market, I’m afraid that I don’t have adequate data. Anyway, if you end up in the pot together with vegetables and your colleagues, gold’s performance probably won’t be your top priority.
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Thursday, December 30, 2021
Overvalued Stocks and Housing Perfect Storm for Gold / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021
By: Nick_Barisheff
In December 1997, The Financial Times ran an article entitled “The Death of Gold.” Since then, the gold price in US dollars has increased 519% from $288 to $1,780. Today, after many political events and crises we have evidence of the continuous and in many ways spectacular growth of the gold price. This confluence of many current events is creating a perfect storm for gold to increase dramatically more than we imagined.
Currency Devaluation
Typically, currency devaluation is always at the heart of a rising gold price. This has been taking place in all of the major fiat currencies, resulting in an average annual price increase in gold of over 10% since 2000.
Read full article... Read full article...For the naïve there is something miraculous in the issuance of fiat money. A magic word spoken by the government creates out of nothing a thing which can be exchanged against any merchandise a man would like to get. How pale is the art of sorcerers, witches, and conjurors when compared with that of the government’s Treasury Department.”
Thursday, December 30, 2021
My Most surprising Crypto call to date / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Stephen_McBride
Crypto stood before Congress two weeks ago…The CEOs of six crypto businesses testified in a highly anticipated session in Washington, DC.
Republicans and Democrats grilled them on blockchain technology, digital dollars, and regulation.
But one thing really stood out to me while listening to the hearing.
It lasted almost five hours, and guess what was hardly mentioned?
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Thursday, December 30, 2021
What is a Rehab Clinic and How It Is Beneficial for People? / Personal_Finance / Health and Fitness
By: Submissions
Rehab clinics are beneficial for people who have been injured or ill. They provide medical care and help the patient recover from going back into society, which we all want.They also provide rehabilitation services such as counselling, therapy, and even hospitalization in some cases if necessary. You can have more information about addiction herein this article.
Moreover, rehab clinics are a way for people who have been hurt or injured to get the medical attention they need.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Cathy Wood ARK Garbage Funds Could CRASH By Another 50% During 2022 / Companies / Exchange Traded Funds
By: Nadeem_Walayat
A warning to all the hodlers of such growth tech stocks and funds such as Cathy Woods's ARKK, the price drops may not even be half way done!
You know how much garbage is out there when analysts stop following the fundamentals and pluck metrics out of think air. For instance Price to Earnings is THE primary metric but for many stocks that populate the likes of Cathy Wood garbage funds that doe snot work, so what do they use? Price to Sales? Price to Users, Price to cotton buds in the CEO's bottom drawer!
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Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Stock Market Predictive Modeling Suggests 7~10% Rally In SPY/QQQ Before April 2022 / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2022
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Has the Santa Rally arrived late this year? Are traders trying to position for a Q4:2021 earnings blowout before the end of 2021? Let’s take a look at what predictive modeling can help us understand.
The recent rotation in the SPY/QQQ has shaken some traders’ confidence in the ability of any potential rally – blowing up expectations of a Santa Rally. Yet, here we are with only five trading days before the end of 2021, and the US major indexes are nearing all-time highs again.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Llandudno's Ferris Wheel Fun at Sheffield Christmas Market Stalls and Lights 2021 / Local / Sheffield
By: Eliza_Walayat
Here's a look at the wonderful sights and sounds at Sheffield Christmas Market where the prime attraction was the giant Ferris Wheel brought over from Llandudno Wales. Llandudno Pier owner Adam Williams rolled the the £1million Wheel all the way from Wales to Sheffield Christmas Market after being taken down from the Llandudno pier last month that takes centre piece at Sheffield's christmas holiday festivities.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Computer Goes BANG! Disaster Recovery, What to Check - PSU, Motherboard, Capacitor / Personal_Finance / Computing
Disaster strikes! Computer goes bang! Trips the mains, and strong smell of burning electronics! Time to diagnose what's gone wrong, best case scenario it's the PSU, worst case the motherboard and other components have been fried! Find out what to do your computer goes BANG in the night!
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Wednesday, December 29, 2021
6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Investing Your Money / Personal_Finance / Investing 2022
By: Steve_Barker
So you finally have some money lying around and you wonder what to do with it? Well, if after a bit of thinking you're not sure whether to buy a new smartphone or get your teeth straightened at the dentist, then why not invest your money into something that has been known to generate massive returns over time.
It doesn't even have to be a huge chunk of your savings, just put away whatever you can afford and before you know it you'll start seeing money coming back into your bank account. That is how to double your money instead of letting it sit there in your bank account where your bankers use it for business.
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
ROBLOX - High Risk Metaverse Stock Analysis for Investing 2022 and Beyond / Companies / Metaverse
By: Nadeem_Walayat
As you know after dumping 80% of my AI stocks portfolio during the summer months I went on a high risk stocks buying spree, where ROBLOX was at the top of that list along with Western Digital and Corsair given the importance of GAMING, of which the 'metaverse. is a subdivision of. For if it is not already clear, the metaverse's are basically online gaming environments. UNFORTUNATELY, to date I have bought NO ROBLOX, for the reason that I deem the stock to be a lot higher risk than either Corsair or WDC given that it is along way from making any profits. The stock has soared to $125 on the back of Facebook's metaverse announcement and improving financials, though still makes a loss. The stock is trading on an eye watering Market cap of $64bn! That's on annual sales of $1.6 billion.
However the key metric to focus on is the number of monthly users where I am not seeing much growth during the past 3 quarters, though it looks like Roblox tends to get a spike in new users in the final quarter of the year, so Q4 should see a jump in paying users.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Is the End of Transitory Inflation the End of Gold Bulls? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
The debate about the nature of inflation is over. Now the question is what the end of transitory inflation implies for gold. I offer two perspectives.Welcome, my son. Welcome to the inflationary machine. Welcome to the new economic regime of elevated inflation. That’s official because even central bankers have finally admitted what I’ve been saying for a long time: the current high inflation is not merely a transitory one-off price shock. In a testimony before Congress, Jerome Powell agreed that “it’s probably a good time to retire” the word “transitory” in relation to inflation. Bravo, Jay! It took you only several months longer than my freshmen students to figure it out, but better late than never. Actually, even a moderately intelligent chimpanzee would notice that inflation is not merely temporary just by looking at the graph below.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Sheffield Peace Gardens Christmas Lights and Displays Fun 2021 / Politics / Sheffield
By: Eliza_Walayat
Here's a look at the wonderful sights and sounds at Sheffield Peace Gardens, christmas lights, and the giant bauble and gift box light displays. So do visit Sheffield and check out the light shows as well as the sights and sounds of the Christmas market and Barkers Pool amongst other shows in our other videos.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Can You Get A Personal Loan if You Have Bad Credit? Find Out Here / Personal_Finance / Debt & Loans
By: Steve_Barker
So you have less-than-perfect credit. Perhaps you've been late on a few bills, or you've had to file for bankruptcy recently. Or maybe your credit has already taken a hit for other reasons and you're looking for ways to rebuild it. The good news is, there are still ways to get a loan, whether you want to buy a car or pay off some debts. However, bad credit loans are not the same as "normal" loans and often require a bit more work and research on your part to find the best option. So how do you go about getting one? This article will take a look at what all bad credit loan is, and just as importantly, whether you can qualify for one.
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Monday, December 27, 2021
Crypto's, Bitcoin on Cusp of BreakOut Trend Trigger to All Time Highs, BTC $100k Alt Coins Higher / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The crypto markets from Ethereum to Cardano to Polka dot right down to Ravencoin are at the cusps of breaking a significant trend triggers that would set them on course to new all time highs, of course led by the number 1 crypto that they are all leveraged to BITCOIN! How high could BTC go ? $100k all within a couple of months with far higher targets for the alt-coins. Find out why in my latest crypto video posted BEFORE the breakout moves take place..
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Monday, December 27, 2021
How to Change Land Rover Key Fob Battery Before Thieves Steal Your Cars Contents - Discovery Sport / Personal_Finance / Land Rover
There is going to come a day when your key fob stops working, stops locking and unlocking the car from the press of a button. However whilst the buttons may no longer work your car will respond for a while to the presence of the key fob. Nevertheless, here's why you don't want to chance your car being unlocked whilst you ponder changing the battery which is a much easier job to do than most imagine as this video illustrates.
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Monday, December 27, 2021
Will Santa Give Us Interest Rate Hikes for 2022? / Interest-Rates / US Interest Rates
By: P_Radomski_CFA
If the Fed normalizes its balance sheet and markets freak-out, it will be a bridge too far. But interest rate hikes won’t crash a strong US economy.
With Fed officials increasingly hawked up, the narrative shifted from a tapering of asset purchases to potential interest rate hikes. And now, with whispers of the Fed plotting to normalize its balance sheet, questions have arisen over the potential impact on the PMs.
To explain, I wrote on Dec. 20:
After admitting that inflation “is alarmingly high, persistent, and has broadened to affect more categories of goods and services,” Waller implored the Fed to sell some of its bond holdings.
For context, tapering means that bonds are purchased at a slower pace or not at all. However, even zero purchases result in the Fed’s nearly $8.76 trillion in bond holdings remaining constant. Conversely, if the Fed reduces its balance sheet by selling bonds to private investors, it’s akin to a taper on steroids. Waller said:
“If we start doing some balance sheet runoff by summer, that’ll take some pressure off, you don’t have to raise rates quite as much. My view is we should start doing that by summer.”
Monday, December 27, 2021
Stock Market Still More to Come / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Monica_Kingsley
S&P 500 Santa rally goes on, and risk-on markets rejoice. What a nice sight of market breadth improvement, and confirmation from bonds. Financials and industrials are lagging, but real estate, healthcare and tech are humming smoothly. As I told you yesterday about volatility:
(…) The VIX is calming down, now around 21 with further room to decline still – at least as far as the remainder of 2021 is concerned.
We got the lower values, and today is shaping up to look likewise constructively for the bulls across both paper and real assets. Yesterday‘s dollar decline has helped as much as well bid bonds. Inflation expectations aren‘t yet doubting the Fed, there is no more compressing the yield curve at the moment, so it‘s all quiet on the central bank front. That‘s good, the Santa rally can go on unimpeded.
Precious metals are peeking higher in what looks to be adjustment to the lower yields and dollar, and commodities upswing remains driven by energy, base metals and agrifoods. Cryptos hesitation may hint at slimmer gains today than was the case yesterday when instead of a brief consolidation, we were treated to improving returns.