Saturday, November 09, 2019
Gold This Is NOT Bearish! / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Avi_Gilburt
Oftentimes, you need to have patience when it comes to the metals. You see, while they move very quickly when they do move, the rest of the time they simply consolidate until they are ready for their next big move.
We have been waiting to see if the market is going to provide us that deeper pullback we wanted to see, and today seems to have triggered that potential. But, not all charts are showing the same degree of weakness.
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Saturday, November 09, 2019
Oil Price Reversal in Progress / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Nadia_Simmons
Let's take a closer look at the chart below (chart courtesy of ) and assess the likely crude oil price path ahead.
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Saturday, November 09, 2019
How Do YOU Know the Direction of a Market's Larger Trend? / Commodities / Commodities Trading
Fundamental analysis versus Elliott wave analysis: the winner for predicting the 9-year long commodity bear market is clear.
95% of traders fail. It's a day-drinking, country-music kind of statistic. Think: "Friends in Sell-Low, Buy-High Places."
One article attempts to quantify the reasons, citing: "SCIENTIST DISCOVERED WHY MOST TRADERS LOSE MONEY -- 24 SURPRISING STATISTICS." See number 14:
"Investors tend to sell winning investments while holding on to their losing investments."
In other words, their timing is off key. And when it comes to seizing market opportunities, nothing is as important as timing. Our friends at Elliott Wave International said it best in the pages of their educational reference guide, Elliott Wave Principle -- Key to Market Behavior:
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Saturday, November 09, 2019
BEST Amazon SMART Scale To Aid Weight Loss for Christmas 2019 / Personal_Finance / Health and Fitness
This is a review of the MPow SMART Scales currently sold on Amazon for £25 ( This smart scale not only calculates and tracks your weight but also gives you important info like your Muscle Mass, BMI, Bone Mass, Body Fat, Viceral Fat % and a lot more all easy recorded and tracked on their App.
Many of you will be wondering how does it gather so many stats, It's not just a simple weighing scales. If you noticed in the video it has 4 electrodes on which you stand and those send a very small current in your body (you don't notice it) and it uses advanced Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis from that to gather the other stats.
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Friday, November 08, 2019
Why Every Investor Should Invest in Water / Companies / Water Sector
By: Robert_Ross
This might surprise you, but water is a fantastic investment.
Take water utility stocks like American Water Works (AWK) and Consolidated Water Co. (CWCO), for example. In the past six months alone, their stocks have shot up 19% and 28%, respectively.
Industrial water companies like Danaher Corp. (DHR) are also on a great run. Danaher has climbed 10% in the last six months:
Friday, November 08, 2019
Wait… Was That a Bullish Silver Reversal? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
Silver plunged on Tuesday, just as it was likely to after the triple reversal that we’ve been writing about, and it was declining strongly during Wednesday’s pre-market trading. And then it all changed. Silver soared before the U.S. markets opened and the white metal ended the session in the green. We definitely saw a silver reversal. But, was it significant and can it be trusted?
We doubt that and the below chart shows why.
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Friday, November 08, 2019
Gold, Silver and Copper The 3 Metallic Amigos and the Macro Message / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Gary_Tanashian
This morning in pre-market the Amigos’ futures charts update the macro story…
…which goes something like this…
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Friday, November 08, 2019
Is China locking up Indonesian Nickel? / Commodities / Nickel
By: Richard_Mills
As it has done with cobalt, graphite and rare earths, China appears to be locking up the nickel market.
Nickel’s top producer, Indonesia, in early September decided to accelerate a scheduled ban on ore export shipments, from 2022 to January 1, 2020. The ban which instead took immediate effect on Oct. 28, is to encourage the building of domestic smelters instead of exporting raw nickel, and other metals, for processing abroad. (the country did the same thing in 2014 but lifted the ban three years later).
No coincidence
Is it any coincidence that Indonesia decided in September to ban nickel ore exports, just a few weeks after a meeting between Indonesian president Joko Widodo and Chinese industrial executives, including Xiang Guanda, who in partnership with his wife, runs Tsingshan Holding Group?
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Thursday, November 07, 2019
Where is the Top for Natural Gas? / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: Chris_Vermeulen
We wrote a very telling research article on October 24th, 2019. We never published it because we had other articles scheduled to be published over the next few weeks in the queue and because our subscribers get our trade alerts before the general public. At this point, we are sharing that past article as well as some current research for Natural Gas that should be very interesting to you.
Pay very close attention to the original October 24th article, below, and our prediction that the $2.75 to $2.85 level would be a likely target for the upside price rally from the basing level below $2.30. Currently, Natural Gas is trading at $2.87 – reaching our initial target level.
If our research is correct, strong demand and limited supply globally may push Natural Gas well above the $3.20 to $3.40 level after a very brief pause happens near $3.00. In fact, Natural Gas may be getting ready to rally past 2018 highs ($4.93) if the situation presents itself for such an incredible price rally. What would it take for a rally like that to happen? Much stronger demand for natural gas because of an early, extreme winter and extended global demand.
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Thursday, November 07, 2019
Why Fractional Shares Don’t Make Sense / Personal_Finance / Investing 2019
By: Jared_Dillian
Charles Schwab wants to offer investors the ability to trade fractional shares of stock. You know, in case you don’t have enough money for one share of stock.
I oppose this, because as you all know, I am the Grinch who wants to take Christmas from all the Whos down in Whoville.
I’m sure some people will say that about me. I am accustomed to it. Let’s rationalize this.
The average stock is about $30.
Thursday, November 07, 2019
The Fed Is Chasing Its Own Tail; It Doesn’t Care What You Think / Interest-Rates / US Federal Reserve Bank
By: Kelsey_Williams
Did you ever watch a dog get caught up in the act of chasing its own tail? It continues to run in a circle as the object of its fascination and intention continues to elude it. The action is quite comical, almost hilarious.
The expectations of the animal are both foolish and amusing. You might feel inclined to want to communicate the unrealistic expectations to the engaged participant, but you know your efforts would be in vain.
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Thursday, November 07, 2019
China’s path from World’s Factory to World Market / Economics / China Economy
By: Dan_Steinbock

Speaking at the second China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, Chinese president Xi Jinping pledged China will stimulate increased imports, continue to broaden market access, foster a world-class business environment, explore new horizons of opening-up and promote international cooperation at multilateral and bilateral levels.
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Thursday, November 07, 2019
Where Is That Confounded Recession? / Economics / Recession 2019
By: F_F_Wiley
“Ah, excuse me. Oh, will ya excuse me. I’m just trying to find the recession. Has anybody seen the recession?”
Ask that question in a roomful of forecasters, and you’ll hear plenty of reasons why the next recession is dead ahead: the inverted yield curve, the tariff war, weak PMIs, the global manufacturing downturn.
Events might eventually prove those recession forecasts to be correct, although I would say not until mid-2020 at the earliest, and a recession at that time remains just a possibility. I say that because we haven’t yet seen enough cause for alarm in the three areas that most reliably predict recessions. Before every recession, we see at least one, usually two and often every one of the following three precursors:
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Thursday, November 07, 2019
Shades of 2007–2008 - Modern Central Banking Is More Vulnerable than We Think / Interest-Rates / Central Banks
By: John_Mauldin
Banks are a place where you store your cash, right? Not exactly.When you deposit money in a checking or savings account, you aren’t just letting the bank hold it on your behalf. You are lending the bank that money and the bank is borrowing it.
That’s why deposits show as a liability on the bank’s balance sheet.
We think of banks as lenders, and they are, but they’re also borrowers. They make money by lending at higher rates than they pay as borrowers, and by leveraging their deposits via fractional reserves.
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Thursday, November 07, 2019
FREE eBook - The Investment Strategy that could change your future / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Submissions
Out of 35 closed trades have 31 winners with a return on capital of 17% already."
Dear Fellow Trader,
With the right strategy, you could make a huge income from the financial markets. The key is a simple, rules-based approach, which is exactly what Trendsignal provides. Our Award-Winning Investment Strategy generated a fantastic 10,709 pips last year! Trading at a modest £3 per pip, that's £32,127 tax-free annual income. And best of all, our Strategy takes as little as 20-minutes trading each evening to achieve great results like this!
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Wednesday, November 06, 2019
Is There a Stock Market Breakout Ahead? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Harry_Dent

Q3 just came in at 1.9%, just below the 2.0% last quarter. And that covers over the bigger decline in consumer spending down from 3.03% in Q2 to 1.93% in Q3. Business investment continues to trickle down as did last quarter.
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Wednesday, November 06, 2019
These Indicators Aren’t Putting to an Economic Resurgence / Economics / US Economy
By: Harry_Dent

He recently showed some updates and these were the two that most caught my eye. Both of these are from the more cyclical sectors that most often cause recessions.
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Wednesday, November 06, 2019
Stock Market Ongoing Acceleration Phase / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Ricky_Wen
After Sunday night's grind up, Monday’s regular trading hours session was just a very tight consolidation overall range of 3083-3072.5 on the S&P 500, trapping and baiting traders as it gets ready for the next move. Price action could not gather enough strength yet to break above the 3085 key level and force a mini squeeze towards the 3100 major short-term level.
The main takeaway from this session is that the market is still showcasing the ongoing acceleration phase from last week’s breakout above 3029.5 (prior ATHs). However, the market is battling against the 3085/3100 resistance zone, and based on the current odds showcasing another temporary top setup before ramping higher. If it does not, then it opens up a rare scenario where 3193.75 target could be reached directly with a vertical squeeze to erase all doubts/odds. Know your timeframes because ultimately a temporary top/consolidation setup allows the market to backtest significant trending supports in order to reset the internals and ramp higher at a later date.
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Wednesday, November 06, 2019
Understanding the Different Types of Travel Insurance / Personal_Finance / Travel & Holidays
By: Submissions
Travelers usually find it hard choosing the best type of travel insurance for their trip. Essentially, there are three common types of insurance plans: travel medical plans, specialty plans, and package plans.
Package plans are perhaps the most popular ones since they offer comprehensive coverage- they combine numerous options into a single plan that’s designed to cover all the mishaps plus disasters that could happen on your trip. But at the same time, they’re the most expensive form of travel insurance- costing approximately 6 to 8 percent of your total trip cost. Generally speaking, there are three common types of insurance you may want to consider. The choice you make will solely depend on your budget, travel needs, and personal preferences.
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Wednesday, November 06, 2019
The Biggest Gold Story Of 2020 / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2019
By: OilPrice_Com