Monday, July 08, 2019
Slow Down the Ageing Process by Lifting Weights to Increase Lean Muscle Mass / Personal_Finance / Life Extension
By: Nadeem_Walayat
We are currently galloping full speed along an exponential curve that unlike the neural nets of the 1990's, that promised a lot but delivered very little, this time it really looks like we are on the verge of AI success, not only that but it heralds changes in every aspect of our lives most of which we cannot even imagine today, hence the term the singularity is often used, the AI event horizon beyond which we cannot see.
My latest analysis in this series focuses on how to profit and capitalise on the unfolding machine intelligence driven mega-trend through investing in leveraged to AI Human Life Extension stocks.
- Intro & Humanities Quest for Immortality
- Extending Telomeres
- Slowing Down the Ageing Process - Strength Training
- Slowing Down the Ageing Process - Metformin
- LIMITLESS - Improving Cognitive Function and Fighting Brain Ageing Right Now!
- Investing in Life Extending Pharma Stocks
- Stock 1 - Primary
- Stock 2 - Tertiary
- Stock 3 - Tertiary
- Stock 4 - ETF
- AI Stocks Investing Portfolio Update
Monday, July 08, 2019
Is the Global Debt Crisis About to be Reborn in 2020? - PART II / Stock-Markets / Global Debt Crisis 2020
By: Chris_Vermeulen
There are some key elements of political and economic Super-Cycles that all traders must stay aware of listed below. But if you have not yet read PART I do so now.
_ Very often, 12+ months before a major US political election cycle, the US stock market typically enters a Bearish trend phase that lasts until 8+ month before the actual election date.
_ The Transportation Index has not recovered to levels from the September 2018 peak. This lower price rotation in the Transportation Index suggests the global economy is not expecting growth in the near future.
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Monday, July 08, 2019
Stock Market Minor Cycles Peaking / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
SPX: Long-term trend – Finallong-term phase on the way? How much longer, is the question.
Intermediate trend – The intermediate-term correction continues to unfold.
Analysis of the short-term trend is done on a daily basis with the help of hourly charts. It is an important adjunct to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which discusses the course of longer market trends.
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Monday, July 08, 2019
Kospi Stock Index Long Term Cycles Remain Bullish / Stock-Markets / South Korea
By: ElliottWaveForecast
The KOSPI Index in the long term has been trending higher with other world indices since inception in 1983. The index began with a base value set at 100 and trended higher until it ended that cycle in 1994. The index then corrected that cycle with the dip into 1998 lows during the Asian Financial Crisis. That is where the monthly chart pictured below begins. From the 1998 lows the index did three bullish swings higher into the November 2007 highs. The pullback from there until October 2008 was strong enough to suggest it was correcting the whole cycle up from the June 1998 lows.
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Monday, July 08, 2019
Slowing Western economies will force new QE: Trading Setups and Deep analysis / Economics / Global Economy
The world is slowing down dramatically. At the same time, the largest economy is hurtling towards an election. Al governments who go to election will try to massage the numbers and pump the stock markets. So while the economy slows, the governmment is buzy pumping markets higher with his tweets.
The slowing down economy can be seen in numerous metrics and we believe central banks will be forced to begin a new round of QE. This time they will need to face up to inflation even as they pump in money.
Key metrics and charts shown below.
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Monday, July 08, 2019
Gold - Silver Ratio / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Gold-Silver ratio is trading at an historic extreme of 90.31, at a level not seen for over 25 years. In comparison the historic average is 50 which on the current Gold price of $1330 would have the Silver price trading at $26.60. Which just goes to show how much of a coiled spring Silver tends to be as it eventually tends to swing sharply in the other direction at mania peaks.
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Monday, July 08, 2019
Why Trump Will Easily Win In 2020 / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2020
By: Raul_I_Meijer
July 7 2019, just another tequila Sunday. There are elections here in Greece, and the right wing will take over. Bad idea, because it will bring out the left wing resistance that have remained subdued while Syriza reneged on all their promises, but they were left wing, and how does left protesting left work exactly? They didn’t know. Better lay low. No more.
From now on in, it’s women and children first. And there are so many pent up grievances. Youth unemployment is still at 40%. While ever more Greeks are evicted from their homes through Airbnb alone. This ain’t gonna go well. That strong economy the right promises will be there exclusively for their own richer supporters, at the ever-increasing cost of the poor.
The US women’s soccer team just became World Champions again. That’s the last time in a very long time. Because traditional soccer countries now also have women’s teams. There’s a very peculiar division at the bottom of this. In Europe and South America and Africa, soccer is a men’s game.
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Monday, July 08, 2019
Huge Gap between US Markets and International Trade / Stock-Markets / US Stock Markets
By: Dan_Steinbock

Since the mid-1980s, the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) has been used as a barometer of international commodity trade. It is also seen as an economic indicator of future economic growth and production.
During the years of globalization, the Index heralded the peak of the oil prices and soared to a record high in May 2008 reaching 11,793 points. But as the financial crisis spread in the advanced West, the BDI plunged by 94% to 663 points, the lowest since 1986. That’s when marine shippers were moving dangerously close to the combined operating costs of vessels, fuel, and crews.
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Monday, July 08, 2019
Is The Debt Crisis About To Be Reborn In 2020? / Stock-Markets / Global Debt Crisis 2020
By: Chris_Vermeulen
We have been focused on the upside price move in Gold and Precious Metals, we’ve been engaged in multiple private conversations with members and friends about the potential for a renewed debt crisis between now and the end of 2020.
This research post should help to put some perspective into what we believe the next 16+ months of trading and what the US economy should look like for our followers.
First, we want to talk about one of our most favorite topics of the past 24+ months – the “capital shift” phenomenon. We first identified this facet of global economic dynamics back in 2015 or so.
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Monday, July 08, 2019
Warning Stock Market May Go Off the Cliff, Stagflation Like Never Before / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: MoneyMetals
Welcome to this week’s Market Wrap Podcast, I’m Mike Gleason.
Coming up Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies joins me for a tremendous interview on what he sees as pending doom in the stock market and why he believes we’re in for a bout of stagflation that will make the 1970s look like a walk in the park. He also makes a compelling case for gold during an interest rate environment that he believes will soon be turning profoundly negative in real terms. So don’t miss a must-hear interview with Michael Pento, coming up after this week’s market update.
Following yesterday’s Independence Day celebrations, perhaps more Americans will wake up to the need to declare their independence from the financial system. One of the best ways to do that is by shifting dollar-denominated wealth from bank and brokerage accounts into physical precious metals.
Although the public isn’t yet clamoring in huge numbers to buy bullion, we have seen some encouraging price action of late in metals markets. The main fireworks have been in gold – rising to a multi-year high – and palladium.
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Sunday, July 07, 2019
Record-Long Economic Expansion and Gold / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
Ladies and Gentlemen, it has finally happened! The current expansion already goes on for 121 months, becoming the longest economic boom in the US history. Should we celebrate now? Or should we worry, as all good things come to an end, and whatever lasts long, ends up even faster? We invite you to read our today’s article, which assesses the vitality of the current expansion, and find out whether the U.S. economy in a good shape or on the edge of collapse, and what all of this implies for the gold market.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it has finally happened! The current expansion already goes on for 121 months, which means that the previous record of 120 months is now history. Thus, it has become the longest economic boom in the U.S. history. Should we celebrate now? Or should we worry, as all good things come to an end, and whatever lasts long, ends up even faster? Is the U.S. economy in a good shape or on the edge of collapse? Let’s make an assessment!
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Sunday, July 07, 2019
Stock Markets Don’t Care About the News, Nasdaq 10,000? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Harry_Dent

On Friday, I explained that markets were at that critical point where they could either roll over and die or zoom to the moon. Today’s market action shows we’re clearly following the Dark Window that I forecast back in January already. I hope you’re taking advantage of it.
I first mentioned the Dark Window opportunity in January. While I’ve updated you on the market’s progress along this scenario many times since then, it’s been a long time since I spelled out my forecast. So, in light of today’s market madness, let’s take a trip down memory lane and re-read an email I sent you on January 9th.
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Sunday, July 07, 2019
APPLE Stock Investing to Profit from AI Machine Learning Mega-trend - Video / Companies / Apple
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Are you ready for the exponential machine intelligence mega-trend?
In this series of videos I present my Top 10 AI stocks to invest in to profit from the exponential machine intelligence mega-trend.
My Top 10 AI stocks are ranked in terms of risk vs reward and volatility. So I consider my Top 5 stocks as primary, then the next 3 as secondary and the last 2 as far more risky tertiary stocks. And remember that when investing in the stock market that your capital is at risk. There are NO SURE BETS!
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Sunday, July 07, 2019
Sheffield River Don 'Banksy' Sculptures - Must See Art Work! / Local / Sheffield
By: Anika_Walayat
Sheffield has a new hidden gem courtesy of our own river Banksy that most Sheffielders let alone visitors to the city will be totally unaware of. Painstakingly erected Sculptures IN the river Don that first started appearing 3 years ago and currently number more than 20. The sculptures can be found just behind the Wicker, not far from where Castle Market once stood, and can be viewed from the embankment as well as the road bridge and foot bridge.
This video shows the 20+ sculptures as they were in July 2019, that includes footage of the artist at work so you get to see how these magical pieces of art were put together in situ, in the river. So if your in Sheffield then do pop down and see them whilst they last as all it take is a few days of heavy rain fall for the river Don to wash many of the 20+ pieces away.
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Saturday, July 06, 2019
Stock Market Surging 25%... or Falling 25%? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Harry_Dent

It’s likely we saw the first wave up into early May with two more strong surges ahead. We have just made new highs on the Dow and S&P 500, with the Nasdaq coming close to a new high.
Is this a breakout in the next wave up?
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Saturday, July 06, 2019
JLR Electric Land Rovers Coming Soon Following Climate Change Collapse of Diesel Car Sales / ConsumerWatch / Land Rover
So Jaguar Land Rover has finally woken up to realise that the petro car age is coming to an end so it is going to invest £1 billion in developing electric cars. This follows the announcement of a record £3.6 billion annual loss and 6,500 job losses last year following the collapse of diesel sales which has seen a 50% CRASH in UK new car sales due to increasing climate change panic and government announcements to move towards a zero carbon emissions economy by 2050
Where carbon emissions are concerned, the number 1 culprit is transport that generates green house gasses of more than twice that of conventional power stations with emissions down less than 3% since 1990.
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Saturday, July 06, 2019
Will Millennials Decide the Next US Presidential Election? / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2020
By: Rodney_Johnson

As the process unfolds, I vote that Andrew Yang gets the first question at every debate, since he was given all of three minutes out of 120 on Thursday night. And Marianne Williamson gets to interject anytime she wants, because she’s so off the wall as to be entertaining during an otherwise dreadful affair. If she ever sings “All You Need Is Love,” a Capella on the debate stage, I’ll strongly consider giving her my vote.
But back to the debates…
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Saturday, July 06, 2019
Gold’s Summer Doldrums? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Zeal_LLC
Gold’s incredible strength this summer is very unusual, as early summers are the weakest times of the year seasonally for gold, silver, and their miners’ stocks. With traders’ attention diverted to vacations and summer fun, interest in and demand for precious metals normally wane. So this entire sector tends to suffer a seasonal lull, along with the general markets. This June’s bull-market breakout is a momentous anomaly.
This doldrums term is very apt for gold’s usual summer predicament. It describes a zone in the world’s oceans surrounding the equator. There hot air is constantly rising, creating long-lived low-pressure areas. They are often calm, with little or no prevailing winds. History is full of accounts of sailing ships getting trapped in this zone for days or weeks, unable to make headway. The doldrums were murder on ships’ morale.
Crews had no idea when the winds would pick up again, while they continued burning through their limited stores of food and drink. Without moving air, the stifling heat and humidity were suffocating on these ships long before air conditioning. Misery and boredom were extreme, leading to fights breaking out and occasional mutinies. Being trapped in the doldrums was viewed with dread, it was a very trying experience.
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Friday, July 05, 2019
Gold and Silver Uber-Bull Run Is Upon Us / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: MoneyMetals
GLD (SPDR Gold Shares NYSE) is the world's largest gold-centric Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). On Friday June 21, 2019 – one day after The Gold and Silver Volcano is Ready to Erupt was posted on this site – a record single day's inflow (gold buying) of over $1.5 billion took place.
This stampede, led by hedge funds and "algos" (automated computer buy/sell programs based upon volume flows and trigger price points) involved dollar amounts substantially eclipsing the record set during the 2008 global panic.
The price of gold rose to a 6-year high, left a series of gaps on the way up, and smashed through all sorts of technical "resistance" points on traders' charts around the globe.
Friday, July 05, 2019
The Fed May Give Trump His Interest Rate Cut, but It Won’t Help / Interest-Rates / US Interest Rates
By: Patrick_Watson

For some, it’s because they expect the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates and otherwise “stimulate” the economy. They believe (correctly) it would drive stock and real estate prices higher.
At the risk of stating the obvious… higher asset prices mainly benefit those who own the assets. Which, in the stock market’s case, is not most Americans.
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