Saturday, July 13, 2019
Stock Market SPX and Dow in BREAKOUT but this is the worrying part / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
SPX and Dow are in BREAKOUT mode. There are things that are worrying even as markets climb to new highs. The new highs need to be confirmed via volume and market internals. We take a look at some of them.
Our Twitter feed has all the feed news as they release. Follow us on twitter
Fed Chair Jerome Powell testified before Congress yesterday and effectively communicated that the Fed would lower rates at the end of this month. However with data not yet supportive of a rate cut and inflation starting to rear its head again, capital outflows remain a key risk for the US in case of a rate cut. Sensing the dilema, bond markets have started
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Saturday, July 13, 2019
Key Stage 2 SATS Tests Results Grades and Scores GDS, EXS, WTS Explained / Personal_Finance / Educating Children
By: Anika_Walayat
Britain's 600,000 10 and 11 years got their Key Stage 2 SATS results this week with assessments and scores for English, Grammar and Maths tests that took place at the end of Key Stage 2 just prior to their move to secondary school in September. So find what the SATS results are all about, what do the terms GDS, EXS and WTS exactly mean our latest video.
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Friday, July 12, 2019
INTEL Stock Investing in Qubits and AI Neural Network Processors - Video / Companies / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Are you ready for the exponential machine intelligence mega-trend?
In this series of videos I present my Top 10 AI stocks to invest in to profit from the exponential machine intelligence mega-trend.
My Top 10 AI stocks are ranked in terms of risk vs reward and volatility. So I consider my Top 5 stocks as primary, then the next 3 as secondary and the last 2 as far more risky tertiary stocks. And remember that when investing in the stock market that your capital is at risk. There are NO SURE BETS!
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Friday, July 12, 2019
The Hidden Reason Why Fed and "Systemically Important" Banks Oppose a Gold Standard / Interest-Rates / US Federal Reserve Bank
By: MoneyMetals
Chairman Powell’s testimony this week was closely scrutinized not just for its economic implications but also for its political overtones. Powell cited “trade tensions” as cause for concern about the strength of the global economy. He clearly seemed to be blaming President Trump’s tariffs.
But if the tariffs are what ultimately move the Fed to cut rates, Trump will have finally gotten what he wants out of Powell. In recent weeks, Trump has stepped up his attacks on the central bank, calling it the biggest problem facing the economy, floating the idea of firing Powell, and suggesting his administration would match China’s and Europe’s "currency manipulation game."
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Friday, July 12, 2019
Gold Price Selloff Risk High / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Zeal_LLC
Gold surged dramatically in recent weeks, powering higher to a decisive bull-market breakout. Gold’s first major secular highs in years have really improved sentiment, with bullishness mounting. But gold-futures buying fuel is largely exhausted, after the colossal amount expended to catapult gold back over $1400. That leaves this metal at high risk of suffering a major selloff, a healthy correction in an ongoing bull market.
Even the most-powerful bull markets flow and ebb, taking two steps forward before one step back. Gold is certainly no exception. At best in late June, its current bull extended to modest 35.4% gains over 3.5 years. Those weren’t linear, the path to gold’s recent breakout high was quite volatile. It included a 29.9% upleg, a 17.3% correction, a 20.4% upleg, a 13.6% correction, and today’s upleg running 21.2% at best.
This alternating repeating bull-market pattern is simple, uplegs are inevitably followed by material selloffs often extending into correction territory. Periodic corrections are essential to keep bulls healthy, working off the excessive greed that builds as uplegs peak. That risks sucking in too much capital too soon, prematurely burning out bulls. Corrections rebalance sentiment, bleeding away greed to extend bulls’ longevity.
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Friday, July 12, 2019
State of the US Economy as Laffer Gets Laughable / Politics / US Economy
By: Peter_Schiff
While the willingness to abandon long held beliefs for political gain has always been a common trait among public figures, the spectacle has recently taken on shocking levels of casual audacity. The contempt for even minimal levels of intellectual consistency has allowed Kamala Harris to condemn Joe Biden for his past opposition to Federally mandated busing while simultaneously taking the exact same position herself. These somersaults are particularly common with former economic conservatives seeking to curry favor with President Trump's decidedly non-conservative policies.
We have seen former free-trader Larry Kudlow awkwardly embrace high tariffs and big deficits, and economist Stephen Moore disavow decades of monetary hawkishness to position himself as a potentially reliable Trump loyalist. But the most dizzying reversal came this week when supposedly conservative Reagan administration economist Arthur Laffer (in what I believe to be an audition for a job in the Trump Administration) hit the airwaves to make the case that the Federal Reserve should be run directly by the President, not by the Fed's supposedly independent governors. Come again? Direct political control of a central bank has always been the bogeyman of any conservative economist. Was he serious?
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Friday, July 12, 2019
Dow Stock Market Trend Forecast Current State / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Most market commentators remain confused, flirting between being bearish or bullish usually AFTER the fact, AFTER the market has risen or fallen. Take when I last looked at the Dow and the market was in a downtrend eyeing an assault on Dow 25,000. At the time the reasoning was 'surprise' failure to resolve the US China trade war for why stocks had fallen. All without understanding the underlying mega-trend drivers that remain constant regardless of what Trump announces or tweets or threatens, which are the trends towards war with China, Climate Change, the Inflation mega-trend (money printing), AI mega-trend and Africa's population explosion amongst others that come to mind. All of which were in motion BEFORE Trump came to office and will remain so for decades after Trump leaves office.
Friday, July 12, 2019
Stock Investors Buckle Up, the Trade War is About to EXPLODE / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Graham_Summers
And when it does, smart investors will lock in TRIPLE DIGIT… and possibly even QUADRUPLE DIGIT RETURNS.
Stocks performed a backtest of the broken rising wedge formation (red lines in the chart below) yesterday.
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Friday, July 12, 2019
Silver Price Very Long-term / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Gary_Tanashian
Just for fun because I am a chart guy who all too often bores you (and me) to death with ratio and indicator charts and all too seldom makes charts just for the fun of it anymore…
So this long-term silver chart is just for the fun of it. What do we have here?
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Friday, July 12, 2019
Powell Testimony Propels Gold Above $1,400 - the Countdown to July’s FOMC Is On / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
Hot Wednesday is behind us. We had both the Powell’s testimony to the Congress and the released minutes from the latest FOMC meeting. The biggest yesterday’s winner is clearly gold. If you would like to know why – and what situation the yellow metal is in currently – we invite you to read our today’s article!
Powell Fails to Push Back Against Market Expectations of Rate Cut in July
What a day! Gold is back above $1,400, as one can see in the chart below. What happened exactly?
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Thursday, July 11, 2019
Stock Market Major Index Top In 3 to 5 Weeks? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Our researchers rely on a number of proprietary tools and cycle forecasting technology. Additionally, we use custom index charts to help measure price cycles, trends, support & resistance and many other aspects of the markets. Recently, we posted an article relating to the US Dollar and foreign currencies using custom index techniques. In the past, we’ve highlighted our Custom Price Cycle index that we use to gauge market sentiment, topping and bottoming setups. All of these tools are essential for our team of researchers while they attempt to identify trade setups and larger market events.
Currently, we are highlighting a number of our custom index chart that suggest a market top may only be 3 to 5 weeks away and the setup of this market top may surprise many traders. We posted a good forecast chart here also.
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Thursday, July 11, 2019
Platinum Price vs Gold Price / Commodities / Platinum
By: Submissions
Platinum has not been this cheap vs. gold since 1907 AD.
In other words, in over 110 years, we have not seen platinum values slump this far versus gold.
Here at SD Bullion, we have covered Platinum fundamental investment factors as well as information about supply-demand factors at play today.
South Africa is the major miner of platinum ore in the world, accounting for about 70% of all new line platinum annually.
But given that we often have bullion sales on Platinum coins and Platinum bars.
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Thursday, July 11, 2019
What This Centi-Billionaire Fashion Magnate Can Teach You About Investing / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
There are 2,208 billionaires on earth, according to Forbes. But only three are rich enough to qualify as “centi-billionaires”—worth $100 billion or more.
Amazon (AMZN) CEO Jeff Bezos is #1.
Microsoft founder (MSFT) Bill Gates is #2.
#3 will probably surprise you.
It’s not super-investor Warren Buffett. It’s not Facebook (FB) CEO Mark Zuckerberg. It’s not a hedge fund manager, a banker, or a Russian oligarch.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Stock Market Fundamentals are Weakening: 3000 on SPX Means Nothing / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
Even as markets climbed above to 3000 on SPX, we are fairly bearish on equities for the forseeable future. Algo continue to trip the stops higher. The levels to watch are mentioned below on where you could position your stops.
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Thursday, July 11, 2019
This Tobacco Stock Is a Big Winner from E-Cigarette Bans / Companies / Investing 2019
By: Robert_Ross
In late June, San Francisco banned e-cigarette sales completely. That means no brick and mortar sales. And no e-cigarette deliveries for online purchases.
Many cities already restrict vaping and e-cigarette sales. But San Francisco is the first major US city to ban sales outright.
Granted, it’s a cultural and political outlier. But other cities are already considering similar laws. So this looks like the start of a bigger trend that could weigh heavily on certain tobacco companies.
Despite this thread, tobacco companies are still a great, recession-proof investment. And there’s one tobacco stock that will benefit from the crackdown on e-cigs big time.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Investing in Life Extending Pharma Stocks / Companies / Healthcare Sector
By: Nadeem_Walayat
We are currently galloping full speed along an exponential curve that unlike the neural nets of the 1990's, that promised a lot but delivered very little, this time it really looks like we are on the verge of AI success, not only that but it heralds changes in every aspect of our lives most of which we cannot even imagine today, hence the term the singularity is often used, the AI event horizon beyond which we cannot see.
My latest analysis in this series focuses on how to profit and capitalise on the unfolding machine intelligence driven mega-trend through investing in leveraged to AI Human Life Extension stocks.
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Thursday, July 11, 2019
Predictive Modeling Suggest Oil Price Headed Much Lower / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Our Adaptive Dynamic Learning (ADL) predictive price modeling system is suggesting Crude Oil will likely continue to find resistance near $64 as a price ceiling and trend lower over the next 3 to 5 months – eventually breaking below the $40 price level near the end of 2019 or in early 2020.
Our research team believes this move could very well be contingent on a continued decline in global economic activity as well as our research suggesting that global currencies could be setting up for a breakdown event.
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Thursday, July 11, 2019
How to Pay for It All: An Option the Presidential Candidates Missed / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2020
By: Ellen_Brown
The Democratic Party has clearly swung to the progressive left, with candidates in the first round of presidential debates coming up with one program after another to help the poor, the disadvantaged and the struggling middle class. Proposals ranged from a Universal Basic Income to Medicare for All to a Green New Deal to student debt forgiveness and free college tuition. The problem, as Stuart Varney observed on FOX Business, was that no one had a viable way to pay for it all without raising taxes or taking from other programs, a hard sell to voters. If robbing Peter to pay Paul is the only alternative, the proposals will go the way of Trump’s trillion dollar infrastructure bill for lack of funding.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Mining Stocks Flash Powerful Signal for Gold and Silver Markets / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2019
By: MoneyMetals
The second half of the year is setting up favorably for the precious metals sector, which was led in the first half by gold and gold mining stocks.
Of course, the Wall Street-beholden financial media is largely ignoring metals and mining – preferring instead to give celebratory coverage to every move toward new highs in the Dow and S&P 500.
“The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied 7.2% this month [June], notching its best June performance since 1938,” CNBC reported. “The S&P 500 posted its best first half of a year since 1997, soaring 17.3% and reaching an all-time high.”
Thursday, July 11, 2019
My SATS Results SHOCK! / Politics / Educating Children
By: Anika_Walayat
It's Sats results day when 600 thousand 10 and 11 year olds will be getting their Sats scores for English, Grammar and Maths tests that take place at the end of Key Stage 2 just prior to the move to secondary school. So find what the SATS results are all about and if my scores live up to expectations in my latest video.
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