Saturday, May 23, 2020
4 Essential Car Trade-In Tips To Get The Best Value / Personal_Finance / Motoring
By: Steve_Barker
If you want to get the best value on your car trade-in, you need to be ready to negotiate. Most likely you will be trading in your vehicle at a dealership in order to purchase a new car. Dealing with a dealership to trade-in your car can be far less time-consuming than selling your vehicle privately.
It is pretty convenient to trade-in your car to buy a new one. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as one may think. Dealerships are experts at flipping numbers in their favor in order to get the most money from your new car purchase.
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Saturday, May 23, 2020
Budgie Heaven at Bird Land / Personal_Finance / Animals & Pets
By: Anika_Walayat
Think of a big budgie cage, now double it and then times it by 10! That's what we've goBudgie Heaven at Bird Landt here,. Budgie Heaven at Bird Land.
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Friday, May 22, 2020
China’s ‘Two Sessions’ herald Rebound of Economy / Economics / China Economy
By: Dan_Steinbock
As the coronavirus fallout is spreading in Western economies, China’s rebound has begun. Global recovery requires global cooperation, however.
Today, international interest in the annual Two Sessions of China’s top legislative and political advisory bodies - National People’s Congress, and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference – which starts on Thursday, is exceptionally high.
Due to the global pandemic, the Sessions take place under strong anti-epidemic measures, including social distancing, and will be significantly shorter and rely more on videoconferences. Such measures are in line with the science-based health policies, which the central government adopted in late January.
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Friday, May 22, 2020
Signs Of Long Term Devaluation US Real Estate / Housing-Market / US Housing
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Continuing our research into the Real Estate market and our expectations over the next 6+ months or longer, we want to point out the disconnect between the current US stock market rally and the forward expectations related to the real economy. Our researchers believe the current data from as well as forward expectations suggest a major shift related to “at-risk” real estate (both commercial and residential).
Unlike the 2008-09 credit crisis, the COVID-19 virus event is quickly disrupting consumer engagement within the global economy and disrupting spending activities. Spending is shifting to online, fast food, and technology services for those that still have an income. For those that have lost their jobs, spending is centered around surviving the COVID-19 virus event and hoping to see new opportunities and jobs when things open back up.
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Friday, May 22, 2020
Reading the Tea Leaves of Gold’s Upcoming Move / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: P_Radomski_CFA
To be bullish or not to be – that is the question. Or it might have been the question, if someone named Shakespeare wrote a piece titled Investhamlet.
The choice whether to be bullish or bearish or neutral on a given asset should be made each day, each time based on the information that is currently available. Let’s check the new signs that we saw yesterday.
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
Gold, Silver, Mining Stocks Teeter On The Brink Of A Breakout / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Chris_Vermeulen
This week has been a wild and emotional one and it’s just started!
With Monday’s big pop in the stock indexes, the big rally was based on vaccine news and bullish comments from the fed, convincing most traders and investors to be overly bullish this week.
My volume flow indicator showed a reading of 10 all day yesterday, which means ten shares were being bought on the NYSE at the ask, to everyone share being sold at the bid. Any reading over 3 is considered bearish short term, so ten was extreme. After the pop on Monday, stocks/indices closed lower by 1-2% on the session respectively the following session.
I have reiterated over and over, big moves (and gaps) in the price in the stock indexes that occur from the news are generally given back within a few days. This is still what I feel is going to happen in the coming days, albeit the last hour on Tuesday may have started that retracement.
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
Another Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus / Interest-Rates / Banksters
By: Ellen_Brown
Insolvent Wall Street banks have been quietly bailed out again. Banks made risk-free by the government should be public utilities.
When the Dodd Frank Act was passed in 2010, President Obama triumphantly declared, “No more bailouts!” But what the Act actually said was that the next time the banks failed, they would be subject to “bail ins”—the funds of their creditors, including their large depositors, would be tapped to cover their bad loans.
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
Do No Credit Check Loans Online Instant Approval Options Actually Exist? / Personal_Finance / Debt & Loans
By: Submissions
Thursday, May 21, 2020
An Eye-Opening Perspective: Emerging Markets and Epidemics / Stock-Markets / Emerging Markets
People across the entire planet remain very much aware of the COVID-19 health threat.
The global disruption associated with the pandemic far surpasses other major health scares in modern history.
Even so, you may recall 2009 news articles similar to this one from the New York Times (June 11, 2009):
It came as no surprise [on June 11, 2009] when the World Health Organization declares that the swine flu outbreak had become a pandemic.
The disease has reached 74 countries ... .
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
US Housing Market Covid-19 Crisis / Housing-Market / US Housing
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Continuing our multi-part article related to our belief the Real Estate sector is about become the next big segment to begin to collapse as a result of the COVID-19 virus event and the extended shutdowns taking place throughout the globe, we’ll continue to review the data and explore various options for skilled technical traders.
In Part I, we shared some recent data that suggests the housing market is starting to fracture at quite a fast rate. Today, we’ll explore additional data that could help us understand where opportunities exist and how to prepare for this potential second phase of a broader financial collapse.
Over the past few years, the housing market has continued to rally past almost everyone’s expectations. The COVID-19 virus event was simply a catalyst for a revaluation event within a hyper-inflated financial system. For nearly 20 years, global central banks continued to pour capital in the global markets attempting to spark inflation rates that supported rising interest rates. This is like pumping Helium into a failing balloon attempting to keep it inflated and floating. As long as the structure of the balloon does not rupture, it might hold up for a while longer. Once the structure bursts, it’s all over.
With the housing market, the revaluation event that usually takes place is a contraction in price that usually lasts about 3.5 years. Are we setting up another revaluation event in the housing market?
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Coronavirus Just Hit the “Fast-Forward” Button on These Three Industries / Companies / Investing 2020
By: Stephen_McBride
I believe the coronavirus is the most disruptive event since WWII. This pandemic will change entire industries forever. It’ll ignite certain ones. And be the final nail in the coffin for others.
Recently, I shared three industries that the coronavirus will wipe out for good. It was one of the most popular essays I’ve written. And the feedback continues to pour in. So today, we’re doing something similar.
I’ll show you how this crisis is speeding up three super-important industries. These three industries were accelerating before this pandemic took over—but now, they all just officially moved into hyperdrive. And now’s the time to take advantage.
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
AMD Zen 3 Ryzen 9 4950x Intel Destroying 24 core 48 thread Processor? / Personal_Finance / Technology
It's only a few more months to go for our wait for AMD's latest Intel destroying retail processors will be over! It's ZEN 3 4th Gen processors, the 4000 series that look set to do to Intel what the 3rd Gen did last year. Even now Intel's latest offerings, it's 10th Gen processors have NOT managed to catch AMD's 3rd Gen processors up, so AMD looks set to soon widen it's lead over Intel, and thus encourage many more users to make the leap from Intel to AMD. Even the more costly XE's with their 18 cores can't beat the 16 core 3950x so what hope did the 10 core i9 10900k have? Okay maybe for gaming just manages to edge the 3950x by a few percent given the hgiher boost clock speed of 5.3ghz but for productivity it comes nowhere near.
But enough of Intel, what can we expect to start upgrading to from September onwards when AMD is expected to announce the 4900x and then within a couple of months the 4950x, how many cores and what clock speeds?
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Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Dow Stock Market Trend Analysis and Forecast / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2020
By: Nadeem_Walayat
My last analysis focused on the unfolding economic consequences of the corona catastrophe that really should never have happened. Instead due to gross incompetence and negligence of our governments we are rapidly descending down a black hole the depths of which we can only guess at, as economic contraction numbers for Q2 range from -20% to -40% for the UK and the US. For worse than anyone could have imagined even a few weeks ago as the gauge of possibilities were mostly centered around the Financial Crisis of 2008. Where this crisis apparently looks set to be many times worse! ALL courtesy of the headless chickens in charge with their mad scientists advising them.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Credit Markets Gave Their Nod to the S&P 500 Upswing / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2020
By: Paul_Rejczak
Yesterday’s session did away with the non-confirmation of last week’s reversal from the 50% Fibonacci retracement. Junk corporate bonds lent their support to the stock upswing, and the S&P 500 closed above the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement. Will the bulls be strong enough to confirm the breakout, or is a correction next?
S&P 500 in the Short-Run
Let’s start with the daily chart perspective (charts courtesy of ):
Steadily rising in the runup to the start of the US session, stocks opened with a sizable bullish gap. And they haven’t looked back since, closing on high volume above the key resistance, the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement. Reflecting the upswing, the daily indicators turned largely supportive.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Where to get proper HGH treatment in USA / / Health and Fitness
By: Submissions
There are many adults suffering from issues related to hormone deficiencies and they don't even know it.
What Do Hormones Do?
Our body's hormones are linked with aging because it is hormones that keep our bodies at their peak levels. The human growth hormone is responsible for making sure children grow taller, muscles grow larger and body organs function properly. It is no wonder science is now looking at HGH as a way to improve people's quality of life as they get older.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Silver Is Ensured A Prosperous 2020 Thanks To The Fed / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Hubert_Moolman
In my previous article, I’ve written about how important US dollar movements are for future Silver prices. The chances of a significant Silver rally during US dollar strength is very low; and it is very high during US dollar decline.
The structure of the Silver bull market since 2001 has a lot in common with that of the 70s bull market. However, one of the important differences pertains to US dollar movements.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2020
WARNING: Shady “Rare” Gold and Silver Coin Dealers Are Circling Like Vultures / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: MoneyMetals
Nervous investors have been pouring into the gold and silver markets over the past two months.
Money Metals Exchange is proud to have helped almost 20,000 new customers with a precious metals purchase in recent weeks, many of whom came over from other dealers struggling with inventory shortages and ridiculous delivery delays.
A new wave of investors is getting the message; the Federal Reserve will never stop printing currency units and punishing savers with lower interest rates, Congress will never put deficits under control, and the government-terminated U.S. economy may not recover for years.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2020
It’s Not Only Palladium That You Better Listen To / Commodities / Palladium
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Whenever one hears the words precious metals, gold and silver spring to mind. But this world is much richer, and precious metals don’t end with the yellow or white metal. The less well known cousins, platinum and palladium, can and do send valuable signals too. Before we examine silver, let’s take a look at something interesting in palladium.
The interesting detail is palladium’s weakness. This precious metal was the one that soared most profoundly in the past few years and while it recovered some of its 2020 declines recently, it appears to be back in the bearish mode as its unable to keep gained ground, even despite the move higher in the general stock market.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2020
It’s Make Or Break For the Crude Oil Bulls / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Nadia_Simmons
Just like the precious metals market, black gold ended the previous week with a sizable upswing. The rally continued in the early Monday trading, as crude oil moved decisively above its previous April highs.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2020
DJIA Stock Market Technical Trend Analysis / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2020
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Dow Short-term Analysis
The uptrend off the March 23rd low appears to be tiring, running out of steam, as evidenced by the MACD that is showing early signs of starting to roll over after having unwound ALL of it's earlier over sold state. So as I warned last week the Dow does appear to want to go lower rather than higher in the immediate future.
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