Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, March 11, 2012
Mr. Market: Get It Through Your Head, The PSI DOESN’T Matter / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
By: Graham_Summers
I don’t know how many times I have to say this, but I’m saying it again.
Greece and the Euro are finished. The math is impossible. There is no way on earth that this Second Bailout accomplishes anything worthy of note. The idea that this country will somehow return to economic growth within two years, based on an additional €130billion in bailouts is outright insane.
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Sunday, March 11, 2012
Post Greek PSI Deal, We Are Not BULLish or BEARish, We Are GORILLAish / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
By: readtheticker
The Greek PSI deal is done, deadline passed, the ISDA has called a credit event on bonds that did not voluntary sign up for a 70% plus haircut. However what all the folks in Wall street are doing this weekend are trying to work out how long the queue is outside the door of the ISDA (the folks who trigger CDS deals) Monday morning coming, to see what debts will be forced to be reported on profit and loss statements.UPDATED2
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Fed On Deck... Jobs In Line... Stock Market Strength Continues... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Jack_Steiman
It seems over and over there's build up to a report that's going to make a huge difference in what takes place in the stock market. It could be the ISM Manufacturing Report. After that, we hear about the NY State index, or the Chicago PMI. Then we get the news on the big jobs report, and in between, week after week, on Thursday, we get the jobless claims report. We get durable goods, etc. Some of the reports are far from great.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Why Financial Markets Ignored Jobs Report and Greek Debt Deal! / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
By: Sy_Harding
There was much anticipation in advance of Friday’s Labor Department employment report for February. The report has a reputation for often coming in with a big surprise in one direction or the other that creates a dramatic market response. This time it did not. The consensus forecast was that 213,000 new jobs were created in February, and the unemployment rate would remain at 8.3%. The actual report was that 227,000 new jobs were created, and the unemployment rate remained at 8.3%.
Friday, March 09, 2012
Handicapping The Collapse / Stock-Markets / Global Debt Crisis
By: Jim_Willie_CB
Scattered diverse and almost uniformly unfavorable and dangerous events are unfolding, as the global economy and financial structure undergoes the equivalent of endless earthquakes and bombardment of solar emissions. Reporting is difficult, since information is distorted toward the sunny side. Events are moving fast, as quickly as the danger level is rising. As conditions worsen, the hype and spin has risen almost out of control. The political machine, tied at the hip to the banking apparatus, has ramped up the growth story even as the strain on the information spin has become more visible and subject to heavy criticism. A re-election year is always fraught with risk of unmasked falsehoods making headlines. For some reason the Mayans have been lifted in prominence despite their cultural vanishing act. Like calling the dodo bird the epitome of future evolution in the aviary world of ornithology. The Jackass prefers the eagle, hawk, and falcon. Nonetheless, the list of acts on stage is replete with stories of collapse. A review is useful. Keep in mind that whatever happens to Greece will serve as vivid preview of what is to come in Italy, Spain, and perhaps France. Much more ruin comes. Witness the great unraveling. The only winners will be tangibles, like gold, silver, crude oil, and farmland.
Friday, March 09, 2012
Stock Market Affected By... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Submissions
Mark Blair writes: The stock market is affected, short-, mid-, and long-term, by The Things That People Do. Sometimes those things are riots and revolutions. My thesis is that, as things go from bad to worse, people will indulge themselves in these pastimes, and that will impact negatively on the markets.
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Friday, March 09, 2012
Don't Let the SEC Tread on Your Money Market Funds! / Stock-Markets / Market Regulation
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes:
SEC chairman Mary Schapiro announced last week that she has set her sights on your money market funds.
I'm sorry, but that makes no sense at all. Losses on money market fund investments have been trivial in the almost 40 years they have existed.
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Friday, March 09, 2012
How Big Money and Insiders Use Options to Manipulate the Stock Market / Stock-Markets / Market Manipulation
By: Sam_Chee_Kong
Anything that has to do with investments will be subjected to risk and return. Normally, the higher the risk the higher will be the return. Is there any investment that will provide you the opposite, where the potential risk is reduced while the return will actually increased? The answer is YES and it is through Options.
Before we delve into how ‘Big money and Insiders’ use options to manipulate the Stock Market, I think we should educate ourselves on the inner workings of the options market so that we as an investor will also can benefit from the versatility that options can offer.
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Friday, March 09, 2012
Commodity and Financial Markets Recap / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
By: Chad_Bennis
Today unfolded as was expected with the metals and shares closing higher while the dollar sold off as traders expect the Greek drama to resolve without financial systemic risk being triggered.
Gold performed well today and will probably thrust higher on the Greece news tonight.
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Thursday, March 08, 2012
Incomplete Correction in eMini S&P / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Mike_Paulenoff
Both my pattern and momentum work argue that the rally in the emini S&P 500 off of Tuesday's low at 1343.00 into today's high at 1360 represents an "intervening recovery bounce" that will roll over into another downleg within an incomplete larger correction off of the 1377 highs on Feb 29 and Mar 1.
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Thursday, March 08, 2012
“Planets’ Amazing Influence on Stock Market. What Lies Ahead?” / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
By: Submissions
Dincer YILMAZ writes: Since the ancient times, Sun has been thought of representing gold. Today’s modern astrology not only relates gold to Sun but also general stock market and speculative motivations. Horoscope’s 5th house represents children, public amusement, love, speculative markets and collective human action. The ruler of the 5th house is deemed as Sun, so other planets’ influence on Sun can help us to forecast which way the market will go in the future.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Where’s The Problem With The Stock Market? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: David_Grandey
So where’s the problem? What problem? Look at the charts below. See any problems with this uptrend? We see nothing that makes us stand up and take notice. What we do see are indexes that are in clearly defined uptrends that are pulling back off highs to prior support levels and moving averages — plain and simple.
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Stock Market VIX Indicator: What this Contrarian Index is Telling Us Now / Stock-Markets / Volatility
By: Money_Morning
Don Miller writes:
Most investors think of the VIX Indicator (VIX) as the "fear gauge."
True to form, the old saying with the VIX is, "When the VIX is high, it's time to buy."
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Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Stock Market Flash Crash, Fat Fingers, and Positioning for a Correction / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes:
Speculation is running rampant about what really happened to the markets last week.
In case you missed it, as Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke was chatting up Congressional clowns last Wednesday morning, Treasury bond prices collapsed in one minute flat, and gold dropped 3.73% in less than an hour, ending $90 an ounce (or 6%) lower.
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Wednesday, March 07, 2012
The Stock Market, Sunspots and Geomagnetism / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: John_Hampson
The solar peak is forecast for February/March 2013, which means sunspot counts should peak around then. The chart below shows that sunspots picked up from their December 2008 minimum gradually, becoming significant in 2011. In the last few months though, they appear to have died away.
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Financial Crisis 2012, Why Central Bank Liquidity is No Longer Enough / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2012
By: Ashvin_Pandurangi
Since Lehman's failure in 2008, the name of the game has been to paper over deeply-rooted solvency issues in large institutions/countries with cheap liquidity. What helped keep markets afloat more than the liquidity itself, though, was the perception by the wealthiest segments of society that their solvency issues were being mitigated or resolved with a combination of loose fiscal/monetary policy and time. That perception was a more powerful and addicitng drug than the actual liquidity or promises of liquidity in the future.
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Has the Stock Market Correction Finally Begun? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Toby_Connor
Today is a classic example of why I have been warning traders not to push the long side of the stock market. When these creeper trends finally break they often generate a crash or semi crash type of profit-taking event.
The last 2 1/2 months were a classic example of why I have been warning traders not to short the stock market. These creeper trends can go on much longer than many people expect and shorts just end up getting whipsawed out multiple times until they're so shell shocked that they can't hold on when they finally do catch the top.
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Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Massive Up-Spike in Nasdaq Ultrashort QID / Stock-Markets / Stock Index Trading
By: Mike_Paulenoff
The upmove in the UltraShort QQQ (QID) has created a massively powerful momentum up-spike, which is a relatively rare occurrence, except for when a significant counter-trend move is in progress.
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Singapore Stock Market is the World's Biggest Bargain / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes:
Having spent three years there as a child, I have happy memories of Singapore.
In those days, most of the locals lived in "atap" palm-frond-roofed huts and bathed by standpipes.
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Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Financial Markets Waiting on European 'Surprise' / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
By: Paul_Lamont
Last month, we compared the investment herd to the buffalo that were stampeded over the cliffs of the Great Plains by Native American hunters.
Buffalo don't meander over cliffs. Neither does the stock market. The stampede is on and investors won't see that the ground has given way until it's too late.
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