Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, August 31, 2012
Stock Market Warning You Should Be Aware Of / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
Sasha Cekerevac writes: While many investors are concerned about the global economy, the stock market continues to move up. Some might be feeling left out of the party. When it comes to getting a feeling of what’s happening in the global economy, starting with the basic raw material commodity firms is a good first step. The global economy depends on mining stocks to extract valuable inputs, such as iron ore, that go into making things, such as steel. If the global economy starts to slow down, less demand for the final product means that mining stocks will receive lower prices for the extracted materials.
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Thursday, August 30, 2012
The Dogs of the Global Stocks Bull Market / Stock-Markets / Global Stock Markets
The BRIC countries have long been touted by analysis and economists as the 'darlings' of the global economy. China, Brazil, Russia and India have had some of the highest GDP of any countries in the world over the past 5-10 years. These economies have all of the right fundamentals for a thriving equity markets. Yet these four countries have produced some of the worst indexes performances in the last two or three years.
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Thursday, August 30, 2012
Currency Twisters and Firestorms on Central Banks Obvious Failure / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2012
Begin with a preface to a meaningful event that could change the entire US landscape, a redux of what happened four years ago. Consider the next Wall Street financial firm failure. It is in progress. It is not avoidable. It will have numerous ramifications. It will open the door to account thefts, the burial of documents, the ransack of undesired leveraged positions, the concealment of wrecked derivatives, and a path toward the merger of surviving (selected core) firms. It will urge an extreme defensive posture. Back in 2008, both Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers fell. The former because they had too much gold exposure with anti-US$ hedges. The latter because they led in mortgage exposure. Both failures were greatly exploited. My favorite item was the reload given to JPMorgan on a quiet Saturday morning (convened at 6am no less) at the Bankruptcy court of Manhattan. The shadowy syndicate titan was handed $138 billion to handle the private accounts from the fallen banks. Instead, the funds represented a reload for JPMorgan to continue their gold suppression game. Of course, they have been defending American freedom with vigor, preserving the integrity of the US banking system, and assuring the way of life in the nation, while leeching $billions from the public trough. Since their grant, the unassailable JPM has seen fit to gobble private accounts at both MFGlobal and PFG-Best, with regulatory blessing as the courts sprinkled fascist holy water.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012
VIX Warns That Stocks Are in Trouble, Pre-Crash Formation / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
I changed the Elliott Wave pattern in the VIX to conform with that of SPY. As you can see, it broke above intermediate-term support and is preparing to break above Cycle Top resitance at 16.72 and the 50-day moving average at 17.11. The VIX has a very long way to go in a very short period of time. The open gap at 34.49 still waits to be filled.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012
How to Protect Your Gains in Today's "Toppy" Stock Markets With Options / Stock-Markets / Options & Warrants
Larry D. Spears writes: With so little enthusiasm, this summer's "slow-motion" rally may be coming to an end.
In fact, both the S&P 500 and the Dow Industrials lost ground last week, marking their first weekly declines since early July.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Fasten-Your-Seatbelt, Financial Markets Heading For Heavy Turbulence / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
For every one corporate executive distinguished member of the ATCA 5000, who expects the global economy to improve over the next 12 months, there are at least two senior executives who now expect the global economy to get worse over the coming 12 months. In the aftermath of the Beijing Olympics, four years ago, Lehman Brothers collapsed in mid-September 2008. Are we heading for a similar outcome in the autumn or fall of 2012 post the London Olympics? The last few months of 2012 could really mark a major inflection point in the next phase of a global systemic crisis and the inadequate solutions proffered by those in authority to address the crisis so far. Sadly, we have never even come close to recovering from the last global financial crisis which began in August 2007 and this next crisis might -- should it arrive in late 2012 -- end up being even more painful than the last one. Having said that, there's a clear top 5% of beneficiaries from the last global financial crisis who have profited from quantitative easing and other monetary and financial policies to the detriment of the remaining 95% who have by and large seen their disposable income go down whilst inflation has ratcheted upwards.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Reasons Why The Fed Will Not Announce QE 3 This Friday / Stock-Markets / Quantitative Easing
The biggest even this week is Ben Bernanke’s Jackson Hole Speech which will take place on Friday August 31. It was at Jackson Hole in 2010 that Bernanke hinted at QE 2. With that in mind, many investors believe that the Fed is about to unveil or at least hint at a similar large-scale monetary program this Friday.
We, at Phoenix Capital Research, disagree for three reasons. Number one, stocks are at or near four-year highs. With stocks at these levels, there is little reason for the Fed to use up any of its remaining ammunition.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Stock Market Tired?......Nothing Bearish..... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
The market was playing off the news that came in just after the close of action on Friday. It was, as usual, good news about Apple Inc. (AAPL) and their lawsuit against Samsung. The jury voted in their favor for a huge cash reward and licensing issues. The stock soared $20 after hours, and thus, the futures shot up as well. Google Inc. (GOOG) was adversely affected, but isn't as heavily weighted. The futures held up overall over the weekend, with Apple gapping up nearly all of those $20 it received after hours on Friday. The S&P 500 and Dow gapped up, but those gap ups were very tiny in nature. Again, Apple being the stock market.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Stock Market Elliott Wave Analysis Update / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
After making a new bull market high on tuesday, SPX/NDX, the market immediately pulled back into the upper 1390′s before recovering on friday. For the week the SPX/DOW were -0.70%, and the NDX/NAZ were -0.15%. Asian markets were -0.7%, European markets were -1.6%, and the DJ World index declined 0.3%. On the economic front the numbers were quite even. On the uptick: existing/new home sales, durable goods orders and the WLEI. On the downtick: FHFA housing prices, new home prices, the monetary base and weekly jobless claims rose. Overall the pullback looked quite contained and normal for this stage of the current uptrend.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012
George Soros Explains How to Protect Your Wealth / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
Why read , watch, listen, and think hard about: Because it is clearly worth while to listen to an address delivered by George Soros this past June, and then think hard about what he says. Reflect on what has happened in the Eurozone in the past two months by way of both events and progress in crisis-solving, in circumstances where Mr. Soros says in his address he believed in June the following three months were very important ones for Eurozone politicians to ‘get ahead of the curve’.
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Sunday, August 26, 2012
How to Make a Fortune on Doomsday / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
The world continues to move towards the December day when another doomsday is expected. While the collective psychosis comes and goes in waves, resonating with apocalyptical information propagating through media channels, the smartest ones are trying to make money on it.
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Saturday, August 25, 2012
Investor Opportunity Before The Financial Storm / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
“Many members [of the Federal Reserve rate-setting committee] judged that additional monetary accommodation would likely be warranted fairly soon unless incoming information pointed to a substantial and sustainable strengthening in the pace of the economic recovery…” Minutes from the Fed’s recent policy meeting, released 8/22/12
Rarely do the Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals and Actual Share Values line up so Favorably as now, but only for a very few select Sectors.
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Friday, August 24, 2012
Even the Eurozone Debt Crisis Gets a Vacation …But Not For Long / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
Martin Hutchinson writes: The Eurozone debt crisis has taken a late summer vacation. Since it would be very inconvenient for a disaster to erupt while everyone is on holiday, it doesn't.
That's not to say this rule is infallible. One year, all the decision-makers went on holiday in late July, and came back to find themselves embroiled in World War I.
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Thursday, August 23, 2012
What Caterpillar’s Warning Means for Your Investments / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
Sasha Cekerevac writes: With the global economy continuing to limp along, we’re all looking for some signs of a rebound. GDP growth has been lackluster in the U.S., negative in Europe, and decreasing in China. After so many years with a weak global economy and trillions of dollars in monetary stimulus failing to provide the spark yet, GDP growth is still not able to accelerate.
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Thursday, August 23, 2012
Fed Minutes Old News, There Will Be No QE3! / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
The Fed Minutes are from the July 31-August 1 meeting, this was before they latest run-up in asset prices. For example, WTI was $88 dollars a barrel then, now it is $98 and with the new asset prices any QE3 thoughts have now been priced out of the market. In short, the Fed minutes from three weeks ago are outdated. There is no way with eight dollar corn prices and 4 dollar gas that the Fed does any major QE3, just forget that notion.
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Thursday, August 23, 2012
Post FOMC Market Analysis and Trade Setups / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
FOMC did exactly what it was supposed to do: DO NOTHING and yet give the feeling that it was going to do the biggest asset purchase in its history. Looking at forex markets, it seemed QE was going to begin this week. But for us traders, we couldnt care less if they did QE or not. We leave those to for skillful pens of financial journalists and the analysts out there who feast on every word that comes from FED mouth. We are far too buzy to analyse the language of FED and if he has used “an” or “a” or “the” (sarcasm implied). It splits me up when I read some of the things on the net about how Bernanke is using words like “appropriate time” and “extended” to imply his hearts deepest desire to print. Well they may have a point but that is not trade-able advice and hence ignore it.
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Thursday, August 23, 2012
Stock Market Reaction, Fed Minutes And QE3...... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
So the market tried very hard to follow through to the down side after yesterday's reversal, and was doing so successfully, until those Fed minutes were read at roughly 3:00 PM Eastern Time. That was the end of the deeper selling as those minutes pretty much said QE3 was a done deal and would happen almost assuredly sometime in the not too distant future. We all know by now that the market loves free money. Who doesn't, I guess. Although the market didn't explode due to overbought conditions, it did come well off the lows with the Nasdaq leading the way up and performing the best of all the indexes. Froth leading, which is a necessity. The dollar fell and gold rose.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012
SP500 Stock Market Manipulation Telling Action / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
Unnaturally tight upward ranges like this are generally the sign of a 'market operation' to take equities higher.
The question of course is by whom and for what reason.
It could just be the tendency of the wiseguys to take it higher in the absence of real activity, just because they can, until it becomes priced for fantasy.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Copper Prices Signaling Stock Market Top / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
The past 5 – 6 weeks have seen equity prices move considerably higher amid growing concerns regarding the European debt crisis, the instability of the Middle East, and ultimately the potential for a major economic slowdown in the United States.
U.S. equity indexes have continued to climb the proverbial “Wall of Worry” since the first week of June and have put on an incredible run. This past Friday saw the S&P 500 Index (SPX) post the highest weekly close of 2012. The perma-bears have been calling for a top and continue to run scared as light volume and volatility have given the bulls an edge during August.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Significant Stock Market Top, Next Leg Down: Export led World Economic Collapse UNDERWAY / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
- Italy: Time to put a fork in it. It’s done!
- 50 year lows equal 50 year highs in FEAR and MONEY printing!
- Faces of CRONY Capitalism!
- Stock Market Top of significance?
- Next leg down: Export led world economic collapse UNDERWAY!
As the Developed World’s Currency, Financial systems and economies move towards their ultimate denouement the next 4 months are JAMMED packed with prospective catastrophes. A number of canaries in the coalmines are singing loudly signaling their COMING demise as the grim reaper continues its march to them. This era in mankind’s evolution will be written about and studied for centuries into the future. Illusions fostered by GOVERNMENT-controlled schools, the main stream media and a global banking cartel are set to FALL.
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