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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Stocks Bear Market 2016 Illusion Persists Despite Dow Targeting New All Time High / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The so called great stocks bear market of 2016 that apparently began following the Dow's May 2015 all time high of Dow 18,351, has seen bear market rhetoric reaching its most fever pitch as the Dow bottomed out in late August 2015 at Dow 15,370, and then again more recently in January of this year. So how has this so called bear market been progressing? A bear market heralded by even those who may have been bullish from time to time.

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

“Bernie’s gone” and the “new” Trump towers after NY Primary / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016

By: Michael_T_Bucci

“Bernie’s gone. You know that? Bernie’s gone,” Trump said on April 20 at a rally in Indianapolis, Indiana, the day after Hillary Clinton routed Sanders in the New York primary. “I love running against crooked Hillary,” he said. “Bernie wouldn’t be as much fun.”

Every election year promises full employment in industry sectors that serve the public with almost daily opinion polls that tell you what one- to two-thousand people (a sampling) think about every candidate and issue; and, in case you can’t think for yourself, a generous assortment of pundits (usually biased) who will connect the dots and tell you what “most Americans think”.

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

US Presidential Election Candidates Confirm: No Stock Market Crash This Year / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Clif_Droke

A CNN Money article this weekend provided contrarian investors with a moment of clarity.  “Trump and Cruz predict stock market ‘crash’” the headline proclaimed.  Contrarians couldn’t find a more emphatic statement of mainstream bearish capitulation than that.

The market opinions of high-profile public figures are always as fascinating as they are instructive.  Most public figures have only an elementary grasp on the financial markets; this is doubly true for politicians and political candidates.  In instances when these figures make public predictions about the market it’s almost a guaranteed contrarian bet that they’ll be wrong.

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Stock Market Sloppy-Choppy, Topsy-Turvy Day / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Harry_Boxer

The stock market indices had a topsy-turvy day today as they were up and down more times than ocean waves during a bad storm. They opened to the upside, went down and then up several times, until they had a strong rally to resistance at about 4560 Nasdaq 100, pulled back mid-afternoon, rallied back to that level, took it out by a point, but couldn’t maintain. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 was making higher-highs all day, reaching 2111, not confirmed by the Nasdaq 100. In the afternoon in the last hour, they sold off pretty sharply, gave back a big chunk of the gains, but still managed to close slightly positive.

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

All Hail the Mighty Silver Bugs… / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016

By: The_Gold_Report

Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger examines silver's recent moves upward.

In my business, there is a great deal of travel, be it to properties in the Peruvian Andes or the Canadian Yukon or to the investment conferences in New Orleans or San Francisco or London, so I get a full psychographic cross section of every type of investor imaginable. First of all, the audiences I have encountered at the "Sound Money" conferences in Nassau or Bermuda are usually quite conservative and usually well-dressed and well-groomed. When the topic is gold and it is a controversial speaker looking for "the end of Western civilization," the audiences tend to be a tad different with hair length and dress code noticeably more avant-garde.

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Stock Market Can't Sell....Froth Ramping Quickly... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Jack_Steiman

The market is in the zone. No sellers. It tries to sell, but simply can't. The S&P 500, after gapping up early, fell back about a ten handle. Once it goes red the buyers come rushing back in. Complacency at its finest. And how strange that we opened higher since last night the futures were hit down after Intel Corp (INTC) reported a very weak yearly outlook on top of twelve thousand layoffs. The stock was down 3%, only, of course, to come rocking back today. As usual the futures recovered, and the market said sorry bears. There doesn't seem to be anything that can hit this market lower. Think about it. Most of the big names thus far have had very poor reports. The market doesn't care. Even if that stock falls the market simply rotates away.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Who is Voting for Trump and Why / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016

By: Mike_Whitney

30 years of wage stagnation followed by one wealth-eviscerating asset bubble after another has drained the optimism from the collective American psyche.  Most people now think things are going to get worse for themselves and their children.  This pervasive pessimism shows up in other surveys as well,  like this recent Gallup poll in which the sample-group was asked, “In general, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States at this time?”

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Another Record Collection from Federal Taxes / Politics / Taxes


There is not a single American alive that has a recollection of a time without a Federal Income Tax. Yet, the country existed and prospered greatly before the constitution was perverted to fleece the pockets of Americans. As with most deceptive schemes to defraud, the sales pitch seldom resembles the reality of the final outcome. The fact that the excessive growth, reach and scope of the District of Criminals government has developed into an oppressive empire during this time, is no accident.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Lithium War Heats Up After Epic Launch Of Tesla Model 3 / Companies / US Auto's

By: OilPrice_Com

The unveiling of Tesla’s Model 3 electric car was no less than the lifting of the final curtain on a game-changing energy revolution. And if we follow that revolution to its core, we arrive at lithium—our new gasoline for which the feeding frenzy has only just begun.

Unveiled just on 31 March and already with 325,000 orders, it seems that the market, too, understands that the Model 3 is more than just another electric vehicle. In one week alone, Tesla has racked up around $14 billion in implied future sales, making it the “biggest one-week launch of any product ever.” (And if you think the “implied future sales” negates the news, think again: Each order requires a $1,000 refundable deposit.)

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Stocks or US Dollar About to Enter a Bear Market / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016

By: Michael_Pento

The first month and a half of 2016 were brutal for the U.S. equity market, as the major averages plunged over 10%. The culmination of the decline came on Feb 11th when the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 1.6%, and the S&P 500 decreased 1.2%. Since then, the market has managed to hobble back to its 2015 closing level, leaving major averages relatively flat for the year.

But to understand where the market is heading from here we need to recognize what caused the selloff in early 2016 and what led to the recent rebound.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Silver Price Breakout, Shanghai Gold Exchange, Bitcoin and the Web Bot - Video / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016

By: Mario_Innecco

Transcript Excerpt: I did so Wednesday April 20th 2016 its 7 a.m. London time so I'm really video
today I'll be talking about Bitcoin silver gold of course as well and the
new Shanghai remain be denominated gold and precious metals contracts yesterday
the Shanghai Gold Exchange started fix Windows yet you want or remembering
denominated precious metals contracts and the EU there's been a lot of talk in
the you know the Internet in the precious metals blogs that you know this
is the reason why you know silver had such a great day yesterday was that
almost you know like four percent at one point
broke about $17 gold as well did well even though we haven't broken due to

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

NFLX has Negative Impact on Nasdaq / Companies / Tech Stocks

By: Harry_Boxer

The stock market indices had a very intriguing day today with the Nasdaq 100 under pressure from Netflix, Inc. (NFLX) dropping 14 points on bad earnings. The day started out with a surge to the upside on the Nasdaq 100, and then it came down hard, while the S&P 500 actually rallied. They both rolled over midday, reaching their session lows around noon, rallied in the afternoon, pulled back midafternoon, tried to get through the highs, but was unsuccessful, and backed off just a little bit to close mixed on the day.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

George Osborne's UK Treasury BrExit Dodgy Dossier Latest Remain Propaganda / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum

By: Nadeem_Walayat

Chancellor George Osborne led the charge of the light brigade by publishing a UK Government (Treasury) report that concludes that leaving the EU would cost the UK potential future GDP growth of 6.2% (Canada model) per annum by 2030 in relative terms i.e. that if BrExit happened annual GDP whilst still growing would be 6.2% lower by 2030 than if Britain had Remained within the EU.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Gold Trading Model and COT Data Are in Conflict / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016

By: The_Gold_Report

Technical Analyst Jack Chan says his trading model is indicating that the gold sector is on a new major buy signal, but the COT data is bearish, so he is waiting for the COT to return to bull market values.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Corporate Earnings Actuall Now Matter? or Are They Too Bad To Ignore? / Companies / Corporate Earnings

By: Gordon_T_Long

With John Rubino & Gordon T Long

Bank profits are in trouble!. Don't be fooled by the "beat analyst estimates" charade, because that is exactly what it is. First quarter bank earnings can only be described as an unmitigated disaster.

With the aid of 24 charts, John Rubino and Gordon T Long discuss what they see in this 32 minute video, what is important to be aware of and what is being hidden from public scrutiny.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

End Of The Petrodollar: Saudi Arabia Threatens To Dump $700b In Treasuries If Blamed For 9/11 / Interest-Rates / US Bonds

By: Jeff_Berwick

Every day a new major piece of news comes out showing a system that is on the verge of collapse… and a planned shift to a new global order. In the last two weeks alone, all of this has occurred:

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Deutsche Bank Settles Lawsuit for Price Rigging, Turns “State’s Evidence” on Other Banks / Companies / Banksters

By: MoneyMetals

Prior to last week, Deutsche Bank made headlines for a string of huge losses and massive exposure to risky derivatives. The last time the firm’s shares traded at prices this low, the world was in the midst of 2008’s financial apocalypse.

Deutsche Bank didn’t need more bad news, but a group of investors who brought suit against the massive German bank for cheating them by rigging the London “fix” price for gold and silver certainly must be smiling. Last week, the bank offered to settle their class action suit for an undisclosed amount.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Stock Market Advance/Decline Line / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016

By: Ed_Carlson

The cumulative advance/decline line (not to be confused with the "other" advance/decline line) has thrown a wrench into the bearish equity scenario as it exceeded the old April high and made a new high last week. This indicator is watched far and wide by technicians as a reliable (yet, not perfect) indicator. In Aug 2014 it reached to a new high only to see the Dow drop 7.00%. In July 2011 it hit a new high and was followed by a decline of 19.00% in the Dow. Nevertheless, bears need to stay on their toes.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Woe-Mart: The Retail Giant Walmart Has Faltered / Companies / Retail Sector


The era of "always low prices" no longer translates into always high profits. Learn what we think is behind the shift

Walmart founder Sam Walton said:

"There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else."
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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Obama Syria, Iraq 'No Boots on the Ground' Backpedaling Begins / Politics / US Military

By: Mike_Shedlock

President Obama's "no boots on the ground" pledges have been broken so many times it's hard to keep track.

Today the president is back at it. Another 200 boots are on their way to the Mideast.

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