Monday, June 04, 2018
NASDAQ Leading the S&P is a Bullish Sign / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bull Market
By: Troy_Bombardia
The NASDAQ and S&P are both up this year from January – May. However, the NASDAQ has massively outperformed the S&P by more than 6%.
Here are all the historical cases in which the NASDAQ outperformed the S&P by more than 6% from January-May (while both indexes are positive), and what happens next to the S&P for the rest of the year.
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Monday, June 04, 2018
FREE Entry to LEGOLAND Windsor Summer 2018 / Personal_Finance / Theme Parks
By: Anika_Walayat
Summers has arrived and families are busy planning their holidays that usually include many trips to Britain's Theme parks where the king of UK attractions is Merlin with it's 32 theme parks spread out across the UK. We'll here some great money saving news because you can gain entry to Merlins premier kids resort LEGOLAND for FREE. See our latest theme parks video for the full details.
Monday, June 04, 2018
Close Look at Hanging Bar 2 Minute Challenge Rotating / Spinning Bar / ConsumerWatch / Theme Parks
By: N_Walayat
Summers here and everyone's off to the theme parks where your likely to come across the 2 Minute Hanging from a Bar Challenge to win a big toy prize or even cash! Should be easy enough, but only one problem, the bar rotates / spins! Which makes it that much harder to hold onto for the duration of the Challenge as opposed to a normal fixed bar.
So here we take a close look at the actual bar, to see how much it actually spins, and several things instantly stand out as you will see in the video such as that the bar is ultra smooth! And has ball bearings which makes it very easy to spin. So watch the video of why you should think twice before handing over cash. However I also do show how you can actually hold on for the whole 2 minutes.
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Monday, June 04, 2018
The Next Phase Of The Blockchain Revolution / Currencies / BlockChain
By: OilPrice_Com
Monday, June 04, 2018
Which Is Developing A Bigger Bubble: Bitcoin Or The Stock Market? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Avi_Gilburt
Bubbles in Nasdaq, bubbles in financial assets, bubbles in cryptos . . . bubbles are being reported everywhere. Moreover, more and more analysts are pointing to some financial crisis after another as each day goes by. Whether it is because of the cessation of QE, or because of the issues in Italy, or trade wars, etc., we are clearly not lacking for any reasons as to why this market should crash.
The problem is that most bubble-callers have no objective perspective through which they can determine that any market is in a bubble. As an example, one article I recently read suggests we are in a bubble in the Nasdaq because we have exceeded the 2000 bubble high in the market. Well, along those lines, maybe the Dow should not have exceeded the “bubble high” it struck in 1929!?
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Monday, June 04, 2018
US Tariffs vs China, EU, NAFTA – and the Rest of the World? / Politics / Protectionism
By: Dan_Steinbock
After months of trade war with China, US subjected its EU and NAFTA partners to steel and aluminum tariffs. EU leaders missed a year seeking appeasement with Trump’s protectionism. It’s time to defend the multilateral trading regime.
Unsurprisingly, the European Union (EU), Canada and Mexico have lambasted the US steel and aluminum tariffs. European Commission (EC) President Jean-Claude Juncker criticized Trump’s tariffs and pledged retaliation in due time. French President Emmanuel Macron and German government spokesman called the move unlawful. In Britain, the Brexit proponents and opposition quickly blamed each other for the tariffs. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the tariffs would “harm industries and workers on both sides of the Canada-US border.”
Monday, June 04, 2018
Stock Market One Final Pull-back? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
SPX: Long-term trend – The bull market is continuing with a top expected in the low 3000s.
Intermediate trend – The intermediate correction from 2873 is likely to continue until about early June.
Analysis of the short-term trend is done on a daily basis with the help of hourly charts. It is an important adjunct to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which discusses the course of longer market trends.
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Monday, June 04, 2018
Three Key Elements Will Drive Stocks Higher Into Year End / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Last week was a roller-coaster ride for traders and investors. After a long holiday weekend, traders were greeted with concerns originating in Italy regarding political stability and the potential that any further issues could result in a collapse of the EU. Even though the risk of this happening was somewhat minor, the US markets tanked near 2% as fear seemed to override common sense. The rest of this week has been a wild ride of price rotation within a range. We’ve been reading all types of news and comments regarding all types of “what if” scenarios from analysts and researchers while scratching our heads at some of the comments.
Sunday, June 03, 2018
The Stock Market Ain't Broke / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Rambus_Chartology
There are some big H&S bottoms on several of the US stock market indexes that I have maybe only shown you once around the time the necklines were broken. When I first discovered them I wasn’t sure they would play out so I just kept them on the back burner to see what would happen.
I’ve mentioned recently how important it is to have a game plan to follow so you know that when the charts change, then your game plan needs to be adjusted to the new information the charts are showing. Sometimes just a little adjustment is all that is needed and as long as your game plan keeps play out you just go with it until something changes.
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Sunday, June 03, 2018
Stock Market Short term Downside Limited, Medium-Long Term is Bullish / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Troy_Bombardia
As always, the economy’s fundamentals determine the stock market’s medium-long term outlook. Technicals determine the stock market’s short-medium term outlook. Here’s why the stock market’s short term downside is limited while the medium-long term is bullish.
As always, we go from the long term, to the medium term, to the short term.
*A recap of this week’s thoughts and market studies.
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Sunday, June 03, 2018
Zimbabwe High Court Overturns Reserve Bank’s Decision To Ban Cryptocurrency / Currencies / BlockChain
By: Jeff_Berwick
In a stunning display of cryptocurrency’s potential to liberate humanity, Zimbabwe just lifted its ban on the digital money after its own Reserve Bank failed to appear in court to defend themselves.
It all began on May 12 when the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) arrogantly “issued a directive to all financial institutions to stop all forms of transactions related to cryptocurrencies and to wind down all accounts tied to cryptocurrencies within 60 days.”
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Sunday, June 03, 2018
Climate Change Mass Extinction - Birds, Bees and Bugs: Going Going Gone / Politics / Climate Change
By: Richard_Mills
The twitter of birds, the buzzing of bees, the drone of insects are all welcome signs of spring, but could species reduction or extinction, made worse by climate change, mute these sounds to the point where we will have to install apps on our phones to mimic them?
The idea of a silent spring might seem a tad alarmist, but the fate of the world’s wildlife - both land-based and marine - is not looking good. According to research by the World Wildlife Fund and the Zoological Society of London, over the past 40 years the number of wild animals living on Earth has been cut in half. Among the most hard-hit species are forest elephants in central Africa, where deaths by poachers now exceed birth rates, the Hoolock gibbon in Bangladesh, the European meadow and asp vipers, grey partridges in the UK and curlew sandpipers in Australia.
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Saturday, June 02, 2018
The EU Respond Angerly to Trump’s Steel and Aluminium Tariffs / Politics / Protectionism
By: Ben_Jardine
Saturday, June 02, 2018
Making Italy Great Again / Politics / Italy
By: Peter_Schiff
This week, market watchers around the world are justifiably fixated with the high-stakes, high-drama political developments unfolding in Italy. While a political crisis in the world’s 9th largest economy (International Monetary Fund figures, 4/17/18) would normally not be enough to cause an international meltdown, given how thin the global economic ice has become as a result of ever-increasing debt loads, even small disruptions can create systemic problems. But from my perspective, what makes the Italian drama so interesting is that it parallels so precisely developments in the United States. It’s amazing that more Americans do not realize, that when looking at Italy, they are looking at a fun house mirror reflection of the United States.
Saturday, June 02, 2018
Silver Mining Stocks SIL ETF Fundamentals / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2018
By: Zeal_LLC
The major silver miners’ stocks remain deeply out of favor, languishing near multi-year lows. Of course that reflects investors’ lack of interest in silver itself. It has greatly lagged, not following gold higher like usual over the past year and a half. That’s really torpedoed silver-stock sentiment, making for a challenging environment for silver miners. But they’re weathering it as their recently-released Q1’18 results show.
Four times a year publicly-traded companies release treasure troves of valuable information in the form of quarterly reports. Companies trading in the States are required to file 10-Qs with the US Securities and Exchange Commission by 45 calendar days after quarter-ends. Canadian companies have similar requirements. In other countries with half-year reporting, many companies still partially report quarterly.
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Saturday, June 02, 2018
Buckle Up Deflationists… You’re Getting Taken to the Cleaners / Economics / Inflation
By: Graham_Summers
The current view trending in social media as well as most of the financial media is that Italy is about to trigger a systemic collapse of Europe.
Those proposing this theory are using charts of Italy’s bond yields and stock market that focus on the last few years when the country was being priced at a ridiculously low risk.
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Saturday, June 02, 2018
Is the EU About to Collapse? Stocks Don’t Think So / Politics / European Stock Markets
By: Graham_Summers
The “Italy Crisis” is over.
I know the headlines read as though Italy was collapsing and the Euro is about to implode. But the headlines are reporting on yesterday’s news.
The collapse of the Italy government means a new election. That, in turn, means a pro-Euro politician heading Italy. And that in turn means the Italy Crisis is over.
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Saturday, June 02, 2018
Crude Oil Price Bulls’ Wishes vs. Reality / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Nadia_Simmons
Wednesday’s rally that followed Tuesday’s reversal gave hope for a sustainable move higher. But only to those, who focus on the daily price movement only, without taking bigger picture into consideration. As we explained last Friday, there were bearish implications of the weekly candlestick pattern even before it was completed. In the following analyses we wrote the same about the monthly candlestick and since May is over, the candlestick is completed, and we can say that our previous expectations were met. What do the more long-term patterns indicate for the crude oil’s future and how much can we trust the recent rally?
Friday, June 01, 2018
This is Italy Not Sparta / Politics / Italy
By: Raul_I_Meijer
“European Stocks Surge Celebrating New Spanish, Italian Governments”, says a Zero Hedge headline. “Markets Breathe Easier As Italy Government Sworn In”, proclaims Reuters. And I’m thinking: these markets are crazy, and none of this will last more than a few days. Or hours. The new Italian government is not the end of a problem, it’s the beginning of many of them.
And Italy is far from the only problem. The new Spanish government will be headed by Socialist leader Pedro Sanchez, who manoeuvred well to oust sitting PM Rajoy, but he also recently saw the worst election result in his party’s history. Not exactly solid ground. Moreover, he needed the support of Catalan factions, and will have to reverse much of Rajoy’s actions on the Catalunya issue, including probably the release from prison of those responsible for the independence referendum.
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Friday, June 01, 2018
Once Again, Gold Is Not Commodit / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2018
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
We know this… we really know it. This is awkward. Gold is a metal. This is why it used to be money for thousands of years: it was rare, tangible and its supply couldn’t be increased at will. An ideal store of value. So why are we saying that gold is not commodity?
We mean here not the physical attributes of gold, but the approach to valuing it. You can model it either as a currency, or as a commodity. From the investment point of view, we always treated gold as a currency, so in the previous part of this edition of the Market Overview, we discussed – in line with that approach – the three most important drivers affecting the price of gold. Now, we will present the final critique of treating gold as a commodity.
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