Monday, June 15, 2020
Staying Cautious & Staying Prepared With You Stocks Trading Account / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2020
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Over the past 30+ days, our researchers have been warning our friends and followers to stay cautious and to consider the risks within this market trend. Certainly, we’ve received some emails and contact from some people suggesting we should become more active, but we’ve also received many emails from members that feel we’ve kept them safely removed from the volatility and risks associated with this wild price rotation during these uncertain times. Additionally, we’ve been able to grow their accounts at the same time.
One of the reasons we’ve been able to accomplish this is because our research team identified a major supercycle event that was likely near August 2019 and continued to warn our members of this potential event well ahead of the projected event date. We also issued a Black Swan warning on February 21, 2020 warning all of our members to “get into cash” and to prepare for a very big price event.
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Monday, June 15, 2020
Silver: How to Gauge the Crowd's Mindset / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
Watching out for sentiment extremes helps you avoid getting "caught up with the crowd"
Simply put, a market sentiment extreme is a situation when most everyone has already taken a bullish or bearish position in a financial asset, leaving almost no one left to buy or sell.
Silver provides an excellent case study.
Let's briefly go back to April 18, 2011, when Elliott Wave International's U.S. Short Term Update, which provides near-term forecasts for major U.S. financial markets thrice weekly, showed this chart and said:
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Sunday, June 14, 2020
When to Sell Your AI Tech Stocks Investments / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Nadeem_Walayat
I get many comments asking when to sell the AI stocks given the sharp rallies over the past 6 weeks so as to capitalise on their gains. Which in my opinion defeats the whole point have having invested at deep discounts for 20-30% or so gains from March purchases, which is trading stocks rather than investing and in my opinion is nothing compared to what is to come, for instance imagine all those who bought Amazon at say $1700 and then sold it at $2000, and now are regretting doing so at $2375, hoping that it will fall to $2000 again so they can buy back in, which just illustrates investors in the AI mega-trend need to adjust their mindset.
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Sunday, June 14, 2020
Gold and Silver Precious Metals Sector Correction Starts as Risk On and Seasonal Factors Weigh / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: The_Gold_Report
Technical analyst Clive Maund discusses the factors he sees weighing on precious metals in the near term.
The precious metals sector is now set up for a correction that could be quite severe, which is evident on the charts, but also made more likely by the fundamentals where we see a return to "risk on" as a result of ongoing massive money injection by the Fed coupled with this being a seasonally weak summer period for the metals ahead of their seasonally strongest time, which runs from late July through September. The return of "risk on" will be greatly encouraged by the stock market breaking out to new highs which will suck money out of the PM sector to be deployed in biotech, blockchain, the FAANGS and the better cannabis stocks, but it should return as the economy gets going again and all the newly created money starts to drive inflation sharply higher.
Starting with gold's 6-month chart we see that it is weakening following a failed upside breakout from a Symmetrical Triangle, and is it now close to breaking the first line of support shown. Once that fails it is likely to head down to the next support level near to its 200-day moving average.
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Sunday, June 14, 2020
What Happens When Cars Can “See”? / Companies / Self Driving Cars
By: Stephen_McBride
Dairy giant Land O’Lakes recently made history. It hired a Silicon Valley startup to deliver 20 tons of butter across America by truck. The 2,800 mile drive from California to Philadelphia took over 40 hours.
And here’s the kicker: the 18-wheeler drove itself the whole way! A safety driver sat along for the ride, but he didn’t have to put his hands on the wheel once. This was the first time a self-driving semi delivered goods for a paying customer.
A few weeks ago, 60 Minutes did a special on driverless trucks. The camera crew travelled to a warehouse in the heart of Arizona’s Sonoran Desert. Inside sat a fleet of 40 new, shiny self-driving 18-wheelers. Those big rigs belong to TuSimple, a robotruck startup valued at $1 billion.
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Sunday, June 14, 2020
Rolex Watches — a Store of Value / Personal_Finance / Investing
By: Kavinesh_A
Any avid watch enthusiast and collector can appreciate the amount of work that goes into designing a Rolex watch. Thanks to its impeccable design and high-quality, Rolex has become the most recognizable name in the industry, synonymous with classy, well-made watches. Thus, either new or vintage Rolex watches can be used as a unique store of value.
History shows that there were more than a few times when Rolex watches stole the show in world-class auctions and sales, with prices going up into the six-figure range.
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Friday, June 12, 2020
US and UK Black Lives Matter Protests, Riots and Looting To Trigger 2nd Covid-19 Wave Peak? / Politics / Pandemic
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Briefly, the protesting and rioting of the past week that has shown little signs of social distancing coupled with relaxation of lockdown's is likely to trigger a second wave of sorts that a few weeks down the road could result in a rising death tolls for both the US and UK.
As things stand the Covid-19 deaths trend in the US continues to move the right direction with the 7 day average at 835 and the 14 day at distant 970, though the rate of decline has slowed over the past couple of weeks that implies that the US could be at risk of at least stalling at an average of about 800 deaths per day and worse risk an upwards trend towards a second peak over the coming weeks.
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Friday, June 12, 2020
US Dollar Cycle Points To New All-time Highs For Gold / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Hubert_Moolman
The US Dollar index is not a true measure of value of the US dollar. It just tracks an “exchange rate” between the US dollar and a basket of significant fiat currencies.
For a true measure of value of the US dollar it is better to look to Gold and Silver. However, there is a relationship between significant Gold rallies and the US Dollar index.
Gold has a tendency to rally at a certain time in a US Dollar index long-term cycle. Previously, I have looked at significant Silver rallies, relative to the US Dollar long-term cycle. Here, I would like to look at Gold.
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Friday, June 12, 2020
Will US Labor Market Recovery Sink Gold? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
The recent job report is not reliable, but it shows recovery in the US labor market. The situation is still bad, but optimism could triumph for now, which is bad for gold.
On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Services released the newest edition of the Employment Situation Report. The publication shows that the US economy regained 2.5 million jobs in May, constituting the biggest nonfarm payroll surprise in history. Indeed, the economists polled by MarketWatch had forecast a loss of 7.25 million jobs. The rebound is presented in the chart below.
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Friday, June 12, 2020
Stock Market Shift Away from Safety Begins / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2020
By: Donald_W_Dony
Sector performance or strength can tell an enormous amount about how Mr. Market is feeling.
In Chart 1, from early December to late February, the four classic safe haven sectors (precious metals, bonds, U.S. dollar and utilities) were all outperforming the benchmark S&P 500.
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Friday, June 12, 2020
Bullion Bank Retreat Puts Floor Under Gold and Silver Prices / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: MoneyMetals
Investors dumped paper gold and silver along with stocks, commodities, and most other asset classes in March. The price of silver dropped to $12.02/oz on March 18th and gold bottomed at $1,473/oz.
The bullion banks – notorious for their concentrated short positions – might have made a killing. But that isn’t what happened. Some of the most prominent players took massive losses instead.
Friday, June 12, 2020
Silver Investing Strategy / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Firstly, my long standing approach to Silver has been one of buying (accumulating) when the Silver price is cheap to invest to capitalise on long-term Spikes, as the silver price tends to be quite erratic in behaviour, prone to a lot of false signals so Silver can be a difficult market to trade i.e. tends to run stops and sharp movements contrary to the likes of Gold, just as we experienced during Summer 2019, with the bulk of the silver moves taking place towards the end of precious metals bull runs as illustrated by my analysis of May 2018 investing for a $35+ Spike.
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Thursday, June 11, 2020
Gold Silver Ratio / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Nadeem_Walayat
I am afraid I have got some bad news for all the Silver bugs out there, for the gold / silver ratio chart makes it crystal clear that Silver is NOT a safe haven precious metal. Yes you may still call it a precious metal but it is NOT GOLD! That's for sure!
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Thursday, June 11, 2020
When Profits and Politics Drive Science: The Hazards of Rushing a Coronavirus Vaccine at “Warp Speed” / Politics / Pandemic
By: Ellen_Brown
More than 100 companies are competing to be first in the race to get a COVID-19 vaccine to market. It’s a race against time, not because the death rate is climbing but because it is falling – to the point where there could soon be too few subjects to prove the effectiveness of the drug.
So says Pascal Soriot, chief executive of AstraZeneca, a British-Swedish pharmaceutical company that is a frontrunner in the race. Soriot said on May 24th,
Read full article... Read full article...“The vaccine has to work and that’s one question, and the other question is, even if it works, we have to be able to demonstrate it. We have to run as fast as possible before the disease disappears so we can demonstrate that the vaccine is effective.”
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Gold Sad Truth / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Michael_Pento
The sad truth is that few people really know very much about gold, especially when it comes to investing in the metal. They don’t understand what makes it so valuable and unique, and they know even less what moves its price. Since I don’t want to spend an hour on why it is so precious, I’ll just try and sum it up in a sentence: Gold is extremely rare, beautiful, portable, transferable, divisible without losing value, and virtually indestructible. Very few things on this earth can meet all those criteria, and that is why it is the most perfect form of money humankind has ever found.
Now more than ever, investors desperately need to know what really influences the dollar price of gold. This is the case given the unprecedented falsification of asset prices and debt monetization taking place today. Gold is not driven by the fear of a crash in the major market averages. Nor is it even primarily concerned about the inverse correlation to the U.S. dollar (USD). Indeed, the massive interest rate suppression scheme by the Fed since the Great Recession has been the main reason behind the outperformance of gold compared with the S&P 500. This is true even in the context of a rising USD.
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Thursday, June 11, 2020
Silver’s Apparent Recovery / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: Kelsey_Williams
Some might say “Silver’s performance over the past several weeks has been nothing short of phenomenal.” Others talk and act as if all of their wildly crazy price predictions have already come true.
The chart (source) below is a one-year history of daily prices for SLV (Silver ETF)…
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Thursday, June 11, 2020
Unnatural Distortions and the Precious Metals / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
By: The_Gold_Report
The most recent U.S. jobs report, which he believes is bound for revision, has Michael Ballanger musing on how economic policies are reflected—or distorted—in the precious metals markets.
I was sitting in my den looking out over the swamp—er—lake tonight when it appeared as though something was flailing around near the shoreline. So I threw on my deck shoes and went for a stroll down to the water to see what all the commotion was about. Now, you must understand that I have been around the Kawartha Lakes since my late teens, having fished for pickerel alongside the Buckhorn Dam in the summer of 1970. Back in the day, the pickerel were so plentiful that we would throw two or three of these two- to three-pound beauties into the live well and then play "catch and release" for the remainder of the day, because you were taught at a very young age that you only take what you need as food and you release anything else so they could grow and make more baby pickerel. At the root of the practice was one remarkably simple fact: Pickerel are the finest-eating freshwater fish in the world and you want to protect them.
So here I am, looking past the weeds and algae in the shallows of western Lake Scugog and what comes lumbering past is the most gawd-ugly creature that I have ever observed—an enormous Asian carp that had to be ten pounds. Before I could say "invasive species," two more appeared, equally as detestable and even larger than the leviathan that first surfaced, after which the fish began to perform a kind of floundering, splashing, mating ritual where they rotated their bodies over and around the female in a manner most foreign to anything I have observed in six decades of angling in the Ontario waterways.
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Thursday, June 11, 2020
Perceiving Coronavirus as a Disruptive Technology Accelerating Quantum AI Mega-trend / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The 'scientists' say that viruses are not alive. We'll for something that's 'technically' not alive it sure does behave like it is! Perhaps just as scientists will deem AI to be 'not alive' all the way until they take all of the jobs.
So lets leave the academic world behind, for their moronic obsession's has gotten us into this mess, certainties of solutions adopted by the likes of the UK and US to achieve 'herd immunity' when commonsense would have served our nations far better that of isolating and quarantining all those even suspected of being infected! Such as every flight entering the UK from virus infested China during January and February.
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Thursday, June 11, 2020
A 2020 guide to Business Opp Affiliate Marketing / Companies / SME
By: Submissions
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
What Huge US Jobs Number Means For Your Market Positions / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2020
By: Chris_Vermeulen
The Huge Non-Farm Payroll number released on Friday, June 5th, shocked the market. A massive 2.5 million jobs were created in May 2020. If you were paying attention to the data, you’ll also understand that 1.87 million new jobless claims just last week. In fact, over the month of May 2020, a total of 12.58 million jobless claims were filed. Taken into consideration, the new jobs created in May represent less than 20% of the total job losses over the same span of time.
Our researchers believe the jobs number is representative of a phased reopening of many US states and correlates directly with the extended opportunity for further re-engagement of the US economy over time. The current social unrest taking place throughout the US will likely result in a new spike in COVID-19 cases as well as extended losses for certain businesses.
The rioting seems to be taking place in more populated states right now – which suggests some real concerns for many of these states in regards to scheduled reopening phases and the potential for a spike in COVID-19 cases.
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