Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Universal Basic Income to the Rescue? / Politics / Social Issues
By: Michael_Pento
The Keynesian Illuminati that run the world are now scrambling to find solutions to the rampant condition of income inequality that they themselves have created. After a decade of global fiscal and monetary policy madness, which were in effect Robin Hood in reverse, they are now seeking to repair the damage caused to the middle classes by making them become permanent wards of the states, just as they strip away ever more of their freedoms.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Key Gold Correlation Is Back! / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2018
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
It’s back. The crucial correlation returned to the gold market. Does it herald important shifts in trends?
Real Interest Rates Are Back in Town
One of the biggest developments in the gold market during the first four months of 2018 was the breakdown of the traditional negative correlation between real interest rates and the price of bullion. As one can see in the chart below, the price of gold was uncorrelated or even moved in tandem with long-term, inflation-indexed U.S. Treasury yields in Q1 2018.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
The Coming Copper Crunch / Commodities / Copper
By: Richard_Mills
Copper had one of it best years ever in 2017, rising 27% on the back of supply disruptions and steady demand from China, by far the largest copper consumer.
Commodities analysts are usually wrong about copper supply, always predicting a glut in the market for the ubiquitous metal used in everything from piping for plumbing to wiring in houses, to components of electric vehicles. What they fail to account for is the inevitable stoppages at the major copper mines due mostly to strikes and weather problems.
In 2017 however they were right. In January last year a collection of analysts - BMI, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and TD - were all bullish on copper, saying that after a terrible 2015 and 2016, it would be the strongest performing metal of 2017 with predictions of up to $6,200 a tonne come mid-year. By the end of 2017 copper futures trading on the London Metal Exchange (LME) were at their highest in four years, $7,236.50 a tonne or $3.28 a pound. Copper wasn’t the best performing metal of 2017 (that would be cobalt) but it was third behind palladium.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Stock Futures Are on a Sell Signal / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
Good Morning!
SPX futures are sliding as low as 2720.50 this morning, potentially breaking beneath the rally trendline at 2725.00. This gives the SPX an aggressive sell signal that will await confirmation from the VIX and NYSE Hi-Lo Index. Aggressive signals are subject to drawdowns, so take due care with any new positions.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2018
What to do When the IRS Comes for Your Property / Housing-Market / Taxes
By: Steve_Marks
Nothing in life is sure except for death and taxes. When it comes to owing the IRS, you can rest your laurels on the fact that sooner or later they will come to collect. When you owe the IRS, there are a handful of ways in which they may come after your assets—one of which is putting a lien on your home. If you’ve received a letter from the IRS notifying you of an impending lien, here are some helpful ways in which you can resolve your debt and protect your property.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
IS BITCOIN ANONYMOUS? / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Submissions
Like most people new to Bitcoin, you’re probably wondering whether it is anonymous. The answer is NO. While many individuals see it as an anonymous cryptocurrency or payment platform, Bitcoin, like many other cryptos is private but pseudo-anonymous.
While it doesn’t need users to provide their details, all the transactions they’ve made or will make are public domains, and everyone in the blockchain will be able to see them. To secure its transactions Bitcoin uses a public key, which is a long string of letters and numbers called a BTC address. These public keys are not tied to any identifiable details and information; however, in theory, they can be used to gather information about an individual over time.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Turbo Bubble Fountain Bubbles Machine for Kids Summer Fun Activities - VR 360 / Personal_Finance / Money Saving
By: Anika_Walayat
Summer has finally arrived here in the UK and so here's a great idea for keeping the kids occupied and active in the garden at little cost, a bubble making machine! You don't need to spend more than £10 to £15 to get hold of a decent machine that will flood your garden with gazillions of bubbles as here we test the Turbo Bubble Fountain that helps the bubbles by blowing them upwards (VR 360) and which currently sells for £15 (excluding batteries), but is similar in function to many other bubble machines in it's price range.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Bitcoin Tide Might Have Turned / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Mike_McAra
Bitcoin stabilized, went up, went down and now is going up again. The ride has been wild and the opinions on the outlook in the market have been shifting. We hold a steady course and strive to filter out all the noise to give you the most relevant information. An there’s rarely a more important time than now for that. The tide might have turned and we’re on the lookout for a confirmation of the trigger. Such a confirmation could increase the profits on our hypothetical position.
The South Korean government moved to raid the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the country. On Reuters, we read:
South Korean prosecutors raided the country’s biggest cryptocurrency exchange, Upbit, on Thursday and Friday on suspicion of fraud, Yonhap news agency reported.
The agency did not give details. Neither Upbit nor the financial investigation team of the Seoul Southern District public prosecutors’ office was immediately available for comment..
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
UK Savings Shock as Rates Were cut Before Base Interest Rate Vote / Personal_Finance / Saving Bonds
By: MoneyFacts
Savers still deflated from last week’s base rate announcement will now have to stomach the fact that the savings market has undergone a bit of a stumble. As the market prepared itself for a base rate change, there were unforeseen savings rate cuts, with some deals disappearing altogether.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2018
UK Online Gambling Market Grows According to UKGC / Personal_Finance / Gambling
By: Varun_Kumar
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Stock Market Study: What Happens Next when Dow Goes Up 8 Days in a Row / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Troy_Bombardia
The Dow Jones Industrial Average has gone up 8 days in a row (using CLOSE $). What’s unusual is that this is happening before the Dow has hit a new all-time high. These “up 8 consecutive days” events usually happen when the stock market is making new highs.
Here are the historical cases in which the Dow closed higher 8 days in a row, and what happened next to the stock market (Dow and S&P 500).
*This is a rather common event, so we’re only looking at the historical cases in this current bull market, which began in March 2009.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2018
The Missing Link for Gold / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2018
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
Last week we discussed the fundamentals of Gold, which do not appear bullish at the moment. Real rates (and yields) are rising and investment demand for Gold is flat. That in itself is a temporary but big missing link. However, we are referring to the missing link in the context of intermarket analysis. Gold is an asset that performs best when its outperforming its competitors. That’s true of any asset but especially Gold because it traditionally has been a counter-investment or an anti-investment. While Gold is firmly outperforming Bonds and showing strength against global currencies, it remains neutral to weak against global equities.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Fibonacci Price Ladder Points to Higher Stock Prices / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Chris_Vermeulen
We continue to appreciate the positive and supportive comments we are receiving from our followers and members. We can’t tell you how pleased we are that all of you are enjoying our efforts to provide you with the best market research and analysis we can offer. Today, we are highlighting some important Fibonacci price levels and how they should continue to drive price action over the next 3~10 days or so. Let’s get started.
This first Daily ES chart shows a pretty big picture of the Fibonacci price legs (the Fibonacci price “ladder” as we will refer to it in this article) and how these legs work in tandem with other types of support and resistance channels/level as price expands or contracts within new trends. As you probably remember, one of the key factors to understanding Fibonacci price theory is that “price MUST attempt to establish new highs or lows at all times”. Therefore, as we can see by recent price action, new price highs have been reached. This is a clear indication that a new bullish trend is in place and we should now be searching to key levels to enter new trades.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Traders and Investors Stop Blaming Everyone Else / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Avi_Gilburt
While most of the articles I write are focused towards the Elliott Wave analysis we practice, there are times that something comes to my attention which almost begs me to write publicly about it. This article is one of those that beg to be written.
I have written many articles in the past which provide general advice to traders and investors. Some of the articles I have written warn investors of the evils of using leveraged ETF’s inappropriately, or entering a trade or investment without a plan, or not using stops, etc. As I have said before, after running a trading room with over 3500 members for 6 years, I have certainly seen it all by now.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2018
DARPA's XAI Explainable Artificial Intelligence Future / Politics / AI
The popular scenario has AI deploying autonomous killer military robots as storm troopers. The mission of DARPA is to create the cutting edge of weaponized technology. So when a report contends that the Pentagon now using Jade Helm exercises to teach Skynet how to kill humans, it is not simply a screenplay for a Hollywood blockbuster.
"Simply AI quantum computing technology that can produce the holographic battle simulations and, in addition, "has the ability to use vast amounts of data being collected on the human domain to generate human terrain systems in geographic population centric locations" as a means of identifying and eliminating targets - insurgents, rebels or "whatever labels that can be flagged as targets in a Global Information Grid for Network Centric Warfare environments."
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Monday, May 14, 2018
U.S. Dollar Rally Is Doomed / Currencies / US Dollar
By: The_Gold_Report
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger discusses movements in the U.S. dollar. There was an article written a few days back where the author vehemently denied that the U.S. dollar could go any lower and where the phrases "face-ripping," "face ripper," and "rip your face off" (as well as derivatives thereof) were mentioned no fewer than nine times in a fifteen-paragraph article. The reasons given were all highly subjective and based in Modern Portfolio Theory, but what was concluded is that, once again, the U.S. dollar remains the "least smelly shirt in the laundry hamper" with aromas emitted by the euro, yen, pound and yuan all significantly more pungent than the Yankee greenback. I whole-heartedly disagree and it has nothing to do with anything taught in the CFA course or at the Rotman School of Business but rather in The Academy of Common Sense and The Ballanger Institute for Non-BS Learning.
Monday, May 14, 2018
Gloomy Scenarios for the Fed That Should Boost Precious Metals / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2018
By: MoneyMetals
Mike Gleason: It is my privilege now to welcome in Craig Hemke of the TF Metals Report. Craig runs one of the most highly respected and well-known websites in the entire industry and has been covering the precious metals for a decade now, and he puts out some of the best analysis on banking schemes, the flaws of Keynesian economics, and evidence of manipulation in the gold and silver markets.
Craig, it's been entirely too long. Thanks for joining us again, and how are you my friend?
Craig Hemke: Oh, Mike, it's always a pleasure. Thank you for having me back on. I'm a little more grayer, more wrinkles, all that kind of stuff in the last time since we've spoken, but that's what these markets will do to you, that's for sure.
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Monday, May 14, 2018
US Dollar One Reversal Too Many / Currencies / US Dollar
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Friday was the day when silver and mining stocks were likely to reverse based on their triangle-apex-based turning points and today is the day of gold’s apex-based reversal. Therefore, it seems likely that gold, silver and mining stocks are forming the final top for this short-term upswing, or that it is already in place. The problem with the reversal scenario is that the previous week was one big bearish reversal in the USD Index. Weekly reversals are significant and thus odds of a move lower in the USD increased substantially. This means more upside in metals and miners. What should one do with the profits from the current long position?
Monday, May 14, 2018
SPX futures are higher, but so is VIX / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
Good Morning!
SPX futures are marginally higher. It’s hard to say whether the trendline gives way or not this morning.
ZeroHedge reports, “S&P futures are higher, maintaining overnight gains as most Asian markets advance with the MSCI Asia Pacific index 0.5% higher, as sentiment was boosted by President Trump unexpected reversal on China telecom giant ZTE over the weekend when in a Sunday morning tweet, Trump vowed to get the Chinese telco back to business in a surprising policy U-turn after the company announced a halt to major operating activities following a US 7-year supply ban order.
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Monday, May 14, 2018
Precious Metals and Miners NUGT – The Sleeping Giant Trade / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2018
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Throughout this year, many analysts have focused on the price of Gold, Platinum & Silver markets for insight to the fear levels that exist in the global markets. Demand for Gold and Silver have been near historically high levels for the past 12+ months and the ratio of Gold to Silver has continued to show that Silver is extremely undervalued in relative value to Gold. We’ve highlighted these facts in previous articles to our readers.
The recent news regarding economic and political concerns regarding a wide range of Emerging Markets and established economies, we believe, has continued to drive upward price pressures in the precious metals markets. We feel the Metals & Miners are setting up a unique opportunity for patient and skilled traders/investors. Possibly, the opportunity of a lifetime if our analysis is correct.
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