Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Stock Market Not Pretty.....Nothing Good For The Bulls..... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Jack_Steiman
I can simply say the market is toast and stop the rest of this note, but let's explore what's taken place over the past few days. Let me try to lead you to where I think we're going. We know that the long-term monthly charts have been flashing trouble for quite some time now. The Nasdaq monthly chart had been overbought with a 70+ RSI for two, full years. Red flag number one with gusto.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Stock Market Meltdown - Dow Monday 1000 Point Crash then Rebound, What's Next? / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
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Dear Investor,
With today's market action, I don't have a lot of time, and I'm sure you don't either, but I want to drop a quick note before things get too crazy this week.
Here's the deal: This morning, the Dow crashed 1,000 at the open and has since rebounded. China declined 8.5%. Europe and the S&P 500 are down ~3% in early morning trading.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
El-Erian: Stock Market Sell off Is Not 1998 or 2008 / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Bloomberg
Mohamed El-Erian, former CEO of Pimco and columnist for Bloomberg View, spoke with Bloomberg TV's Olivia Sterns and Alix Steel about the selloff in stocks and the implications for Fed policy.
When asked whether we are looking at another 1998, El-Erian said: "I'm not a buyer that this is 1998. Nor am I am a buyer that that's 2008. And in 1998 you had a lot of fixed exchange rates. Now you have fewer of those. And 2008 was about the payments and settlement system. This is not about the payments and settlement system. This is an old-fashioned repricing of two things."
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Gold the Ultimate Financial Crisis Insurance / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Casey_Research
By Brian Hunt
You wake up in the morning, turn on the news, and get a sick feeling in your stomach…
The stock market is crashing again.
Another big Wall Street bank has failed.
Your 401(k) has lost another 25%. It’s bleeding value every week.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015
The Fed Is Spooking the Stock Markets Not China / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Peter_Schiff
Fasten your seat belts, this ride is getting interesting. Last week the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down more than 1,000 points, notching its worst weekly performance in four years. The sell-off took the Dow Jones down more than 10% from its peak valuations, thereby constituting the first official correction in four years. One third of all S&P 500 companies are already in bear market territory, having declined more than 20% from their peaks. Scarier still, the selling intensified as the week drew to a close, with the Dow losing 530 points on Friday, after falling 350 points on Thursday. The new week is even worse, with the Dow dropping almost 1,100 points near the open today before cutting its losses significantly. However, no one should expect that this selling is over. The correction may soon morph into a full-fledged bear market if the Fed makes good on its supposed intentions to raise interest rates this year. Have no illusions, while most market observers are quick to blame the sell-off on China, this market was given life by the Fed, and the Fed is the only force that will keep it alive.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Stock Market Black Monday Crash Fizzles Out, Next Black Tuesday? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Stock Market Black Monday Panic CRASH that the mainstream press and BlogosFear has been focused since Friday's 3% plunge never materialised. A 3.5% closing drop whilst not good for those long the market, nevertheless is NOT a CRASH. Of course the latest drop of 3.5% comes on the back of a 10.3% retracement from the Dow's RECENT all time high which puts the Dow now down nearly 14%.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Black Monday - Rolling A Wheelbarrow Of Dynamite Into A Crowd Of Fire Jugglers / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: James_Quinn
John Hussman has the right to gloat on this Black Monday morning as global stock markets meltdown under the weight of central bank created debt, insane debt financed corporate buybacks, and stock valuations rivaling 1929 and 2000 levels. He has been scorned, ridiculed and laughed at by the Ivy League educated sociopathic Wall Street titans of greed and avarice. Only in a warped, manipulated, corrupt, rigged financial world would those who speak the truth, use facts, and honestly assess the markets based on historical relationships would a man like John Hussman be abused by the elitist Wall Street lemmings. He has too much integrity and class to lower himself to the level of Wall Street hucksters. His letter this week is heavy on substance, facts, and sound reasoning. Therefore, it is of no use to CNBC cheerleaders or Wall Street shysters. His lessons are timeless.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Playing the Chinese Trump Card / Stock-Markets / China Economy
By: John_Mauldin
“I know the Chinese. I’ve made a lot of money with the Chinese. I understand the Chinese mind.”
Back in the olden days (pre-2000 or so), information junkies like me relied on printed newspapers, paper magazines, TV newscasts, and snail-mail newsletters. All these channels still exist, but they can’t begin to compete with the constant stream of data rushing into our tablets and smartphones. And on some days the stream rushes faster.
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Monday, August 24, 2015
Dow Theory Stock Market Sell Signal Reconfirmed / Stock-Markets / Dow Theory
By: Christopher_Quigley
If ever there was proof of the continued relevance of Dow Theory, the price action of the last 3 days provides all the evidence required.
Today’s market collapse at the open took out the October lows in both the Dow Transports and the Dow Industrials. This move to ever lower lows reconfirms the initial Dow Theory Sell signal triggered earlier this year.
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Monday, August 24, 2015
Gold and Silver: Heading for a “Blue Screen of Death” Event? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: David_Morgan
David H. Smith writes: For personal computer users who by choice or circumstance, find themselves using a version of the Microsoft Windows operating software family, a dreaded condition known as the “Blue Screen of Death” (BSoD) is a seldom occurring, yet ever-present possibility. Wikipedia defines it as being caused by poorly written device drivers or malfunctioning hardware, such as faulty memory, power supply issues, overheating of components or hardware running beyond its specification limits.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Japan Economy Clear Conclusions Concerning QE / Economics / Japan Economy
By: Michael_Pento
Japan was recently slammed with more bad economic news; growth contracted yet again in the second quarter. Gross Domestic Product for the world’s third largest economy fell by an annualized 1.6% in the three months ended in June.
The economic plan known as Abenomics, which promised massive money printing coupled with government spending would put the world's third largest economy on a path to sustainable growth, seems to have hit another roadblock. This latest contraction marks the third such set back since the optimistic launch of Abenomics at the end of 2012. Japan appears to be headed towards a triple dip recession.
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Monday, August 24, 2015
Chinese Stocks Crash, Lose 60% of Gains This Year / Stock-Markets / Chinese Stock Market
By: Mike_Shedlock
Chinese stock plunged another 296.55 points today (8.45%) to 3211.20. The market was once up over 60% on the year in June, but is now negative.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Stock Market Blockbuster Right From the Open... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
Good Morning!
The Dow futures fell to a low of 15762.00 shortly after 8:00 am, more than 4%. Since I cannot imagine any smart buyers out there trying to catch falling knives, I would have to imagine the Fed may be buying at this point, with small success. The Premarket is showing a 60-80 point bounce off the lows. That’s hardly enough to inspire confidence in the markets when they open.
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Monday, August 24, 2015
How Many Hedge Funds Will Die Next Year? / Stock-Markets / Hedge Funds
By: John_Rubino
For those who keep hearing about hedge funds but aren’t quite sure what they are: Think mutual fund with no rules. A hedge fund is an investment company that can do pretty much anything, from shorting currencies to betting on biotech takeovers to writing credit default swaps.
This kind of freedom, as you can imagine, requires a fair degree of creativity, if not genius, on the part of fund managers. And therein lies the problem. As the concept has gotten popular the number of hedge funds and the money they manage have soared. There are now 11,000 of them running about $3 trillion.
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Monday, August 24, 2015
Silver And The Petrodollar / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Hubert_Moolman
Many have mistakenly dismissed silver as just another commodity like oil, for example. If one looks at how silver has traded since 2001, in comparison with oil, one might agree with that mistaken believe. Below is a comparison of silver and oil since 2001 (charts from stockcharts.com):
Monday, August 24, 2015
Stock Market Crash Or Short-Lived Panic? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Paul_Rejczak
Briefly: In our opinion, no speculative positions are justified
Our intraday outlook is now neutral, and our short-term outlook is neutral. However, our medium-term outlook is now bearish:
Intraday outlook (next 24 hours): neutral
Short-term outlook (next 1-2 weeks): neutral
Medium-term outlook (next 1-3 months): bearish
Long-term outlook (next year): bullish
Monday, August 24, 2015
Why the Stock Market Sell-Off Happened – and How to Make Money on It / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: ...
MoneyMorning.com Shah Gilani writes: It shouldn't come as any surprise that U.S. stocks went into free-fall mode last week.
The signs were everywhere. I'll prove it to you in a moment.
What's likely to happen next is no less frightening, so investors better look for cover.
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Monday, August 24, 2015
Gold and Silver Risk On / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Alasdair_Macleod
This week market relationships underwent a sea-change, with a sudden realisation that the global economy is in a deepening crisis. Equity valuations in the developed nations are falling sharply and corporate bond spreads are widening, triggering a flight to the relative safety of government bonds. Gold and silver prices have recovered somewhat this week, with gold now 9% up from its lows of six weeks ago, and silver 8%.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Stock Market Black Monday Crash, The BIG ONE? It Doesn’t Matter / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Raul_I_Meijer
After losing 11% last week, Shanghai this morning was down almost -9% at one point, after lunch went back up to -6.5%, and ended its day at -8.49%. A Black Monday for sure, but is this the BIG ONE? It really doesn’t matter one bit. Unless perhaps you persist in calling your self an investor, in which case we pity you, but not for losing your shirt. Because God knows we’ve said enough times now that there are no functioning markets anymore, and therefore no-one who can rightfully lay claim to the title ‘investor’.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Stocks Correct, Panic Ensues. The End Of The World? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: SecularInvestor
The four major U.S. stock market indices finally corrected after a 9-month sideways trend. The ‘big’ news this week for stocks was undoubtedly that the four indices all closed below their 200-day moving average, which IS an important breakdown.
At Secular Investor, we believe the TED-spread is one of the most reliable indicators of stress in the financial system. It should be considered a ‘seismograph’ signaling that something is brewing, as explained some time ago here.
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