Analysis Topic: Commodity Markets - Metals, Softs & Oils
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Thursday, September 29, 2011
Gold Stocks Continue To Disappoint / Commodities / Gold & Silver Stocks
By: Bob_Kirtley
The recent major rally in gold is now experiencing a correction, so it is time to take a look at how gold stocks compared to a number of other gold trading vehicles. Quite frankly, it was abysmal. The argument that gold stocks are still the best gold trading vehicle is absolutely absurd. That being said, this article is in no way trying to discredit any gold mining, exploration companies or the efforts of the industry. The aim of this article is to simply show that gold stocks in general are unsuitable when trying to benefit from rising gold prices.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Gold and Silver Producers Due for Big Upside / Commodities / Gold & Silver Stocks
By: The_Gold_Report
Mike Kachanovsky, known as "Mexico Mike," doesn't follow the so-called smart money. Founder of the website smartinvestment.ca, Mexico Mike believes mainstream commentators are leading investors astray by insisting that it is too late to get into mining stocks and precious metals. In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Mexico Mike explains why everyone needs to have some exposure to precious metals and gives his favorite prospects.
The Gold Report: Gold juniors fared worse than most equities in the economic collapse of 2008. Now economic fears are gripping the market once again. The S&P 500 has been trending down since mid-June. Many fear a double-dip recession—if not worse. Why do you still believe in junior precious metal equities given the current market conditions?
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Explaining Gold to Your Financial Advisor / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Adrian_Ash
"You wanna do what? Make a gold investment? At these prices...?!"
HAVING TROUBLE explaining to your financial advisor why you might want to make a gold investment today?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Are Gold and Silver Bugs Running Scared? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Eric_McWhinnie
Since touching $1,535 briefly on Monday, gold prices have rallied and even stabilized above $1600. Silver, which touched near $26 on Monday, has climbed back above $30. The precious metals seem to be at the whims of Europe and a strengthening US dollar. Furthermore, Germany (Europe’s economic powerhouse), does not appear to be pleased with the latest so-called sovereign debt crisis solution.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Electric Car Fantasy And The Real World / Commodities / US Auto's
By: Andrew_McKillop
With a few clicks on a touchpad or mouse we can align a forest of nice arguments and reasons for the coming all-electric car fleets of the consumer world, usually starting and ending with the threat of $200-a-barrel oil but also including Al Gore's touching calls for protecting polar bears from global warming. We can also find that both oil exporting Norway and Saudi Arabia have elites who take a major interest in electric car investing, or at least in-and-out financial plays, but in the Norwegian case its elites also continue to defend the national sport of hunting and killing whales, while worrying in public about polar bears and the "possible 7 metre rise" in world sea levels that burning Norwegian oil might cause, by about 2075.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
China Eyes West Africa’s Iron Ore: Junior Posts Positive Drill Results / Commodities / Metals & Mining
By: Submissions
Chris Devauld writes: Despite the ongoing economic turmoil and growing concern over a slowdown in global steel production, Chinese demand for iron ore remains strong. Having imported 618 million tons last year, China is by far the world’s largest iron consumer. China only produces 14% of the world’s Fe, while consuming approximately 50% of it. With 85% of its iron ore coming from Australia, Brazil, India and South Africa, the economic giant finds itself in a war to break from its dependence upon the “Big 3” producers—BHP Billiton [BHP-NYSE] , Rio Tinto [RIO-NYSE] and Vale [VALE-NYSE].
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Corruption and Financial Manipulation Behind Gold and Silver Takedown / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Bob_Chapman
The takedown of gold and silver markets over the past two weeks signified a new milestone in corruption, brazenness, arrogance and it reveals the level of evil control behind our government. This past week, in just one week, saw gold fall almost $200 and silver about $10.00. We have been involved in gold and silver for 53 years and the only event that comes close to this was October 19, 1987, when we witnessed the Bank of England sell down gold $100.00 under the orders of the Fed and the US Treasury, which borrowed the gold from the IMF. That was illegal, but that means little to the Illuminists who do as they please. Today thanks to Ronald Reagan we have the “President’s Working Group on Financial Markets,” which has legitimatized corruption to conform to the Keynesian model of corporatist fascism. After the close on Friday we were informed, that the CME, which controls the Comex, had raised margin requirements on gold by 21%, silver 16% and in copper by 18%. In retrospect it is obvious that many banking insiders and traders knew early in the week that this momentous psychological warfare was going to be unleashed on these markets. Your government definitely rigged these markets. Today in America and many other places as well, crime pays. What has been done to investors over this past week is not only a crime, but also a disgrace to all Americans.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Gold Seasonality and a Convergence of Events at the End of November 2011 / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Jesse
As an aside, the lease rates for gold went negative about four days before the recent bear raids in the metals markets began. This was most likely due to an excess of fresh supply being offered on the markets by the Western central banks. The bullion banks saw this and dropped their bids to take full advantage of the knowledge of this operation, or more properly, subsidy.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Gold Lacks Momentum, Silver Volatility Nears 30-Year Record / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Adrian_Ash
PRICE-ACTION in wholesale gold markets remained volatile in Asia and London on Wednesday, holding the gold price within $20 per ounce of last week's finish – some 7% above Monday's two-month low – around $1650.
This week's strong rally in global stock markets faded and industrial commodities also eased back, and Japanese and US government bonds were little changed as the Yen and Dollar continued to slip from last week's sudden jump.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Gold and Stocks Rally as Hong Kong Housewives Queuing Up to Buy Gold / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Ben_Traynor
U.S. DOLLAR prices to buy gold rose to $1676 an ounce Tuesday morning London time – a 9% gain on yesterday's spot market low – as stocks and commodities also rallied and government bonds fell as reports circulated that European officials were drawing up new plans to battle the ongoing debt crisis.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Gold and Silver Bubbles, Panics and Stink Bids / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Jeff_Berwick
With gold falling more than $300 in the last three weeks from highs over $1,900 to under $1,600 and silver plummeting from over $42 to under $30 in the same time period, the mainstream media was ablaze with talk of popping bubbles. Of course, the fact that mainstream media has never, in its history, called a bubble top correctly - or even recognized a bubble - is besides the point.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Deflationary Economic Collapse Crushing Gold and Silver / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Jason_Hamlin
Precious metals are getting absolutely crushed, as investors are rushing for liquidity and selling anything in the green to cover losses in other assets. The market has good reason for concern. It is all but inevitable that Greece is going to default, a few major European banks will fail, and this will throw the entire world economy into a tailspin. The FED hasn’t helped the situation, announcing a very deflationary “Operation Twist,” rather than a new round of quantitative easing as the market was so desperately craving.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Crude Oil Readying for More Downside? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Mike_Paulenoff
As of this moment, my optimal scenario for the nearby NYMEX oil price calls for a period of stability and/or a recovery rally that grinds into the 80.50-82.00 resistance area prior to another downside pivot that presses the price structure to new lows beneath 75.71 on the way to 70.00-65.00 thereafter.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Is the European Debt Crisis Bullish for Gold? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Eric_McWhinnie
Last week was a turbulent period for precious metals. On Friday, gold futures for December delivery fell more than $100 to close at $1640, logging its worst percentage drop in five years. Meanwhile, silver futures dropped $6, its worst single day dollar drop since 1980. Although the Federal Reserve made headwinds for precious metals by not announcing more quantitative easing last Wednesday, other agencies could have a significant impact on precious metals.
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Monday, September 26, 2011
Elliott Wave Counts for AMEX Gold BUGS Index and U.S. Dollar / Commodities / Gold & Silver Stocks
By: David_Petch
A number of really interesting developments have occurred so far this week. Newmont is making fresh new highs and attached a dividend to rise in turn with the commodity itself. Three hours later, Hecla Mining issued a similar sort of plan. The seniors of the HUI are holding it up, while stocks that I am following Hecla (HL) and US Gold (UXG.TO) still have not put in bottoms. Stocks such as SanGold that are just emerging producers and getting the bugs worked out also are still basing. There are several charts to suggest that gold stocks have broken the downtrend pattern to the broad stock market indices, but still will be subject to corrections when they occur. Since the next major top is not due till late 2012/early 2013 based upon our Contracting Fibonacci spiral cycle, gold and silver stocks have a very nice run ahead of them. However, the opportune time lies somewhere between now and mid November 2011.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Why the Gold Price Fell / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Julian_DW_Phillips
In what seemed like just moments, the global markets began to tumble and gain momentum, falling between 5% and 20% so far, and the falls keep coming. No fundamentals have changed, no breaking news shocked the market, but suddenly we are back to 2008, when highly leveraged investors with as little as 10% paid on their positions were wiped out and forced to sell to stop more losses. As computer-imposed, protective stop-loss instructions were triggered, falls accelerated, wiping out investors left, right, and center.
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Monday, September 26, 2011
Understanding Gold Key Support Levels / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: J_W_Jones
Gold bulls and inquiring minds are perplexed by last week's mayhem in the precious metals markets. In addition to gold and silver, copper prices also went into free fall last week which is an ominous sign for the broader economy in general. We live in interesting times as geopolitical uncertainty, social acrimony, and financial collapse shape the world around us.
The situation in Europe continues to worsen and central banks and wealthy individuals are trying to find safe havens to protect their wealth. Most gold bugs believed that gold and silver would be the answer, but in this environment that hypothesis did not play out. In addition, the Federal Reserve came out with operation twist which market participants despised. Since the 3rd round of Quantitative Easing was not announced, risk assets such as the S&P 500, gold, and silver sold off sharply.
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Monday, September 26, 2011
Gold Margin Hikes Fuels Investor Panic Stampede / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Ben_Traynor
ONGOING high volatility saw the gold price hit an eleven-week low of $1537 an ounce during Monday's Asian trading – a 7.2% fall from Friday's close – after gold futures exchanges in Shanghai and New York announced margin hikes for leveraged traders.
The silver price fell to $26.16 – its lowest level since last November – before rallying 14% in two hours.
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Monday, September 26, 2011
Gold and Silver Get Blasted as Erratic Markets Move to Cash / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: GoldCore
Gold is trading at USD 1,613.00, EUR 1,198.37, GBP 1,040.91, JPY 123,180, AUD 1,654.44 and CHF 1,465.41 per ounce.
Gold’s London AM fix this morning was USD 1,615.00, EUR 1,198.96,and GBP 1,041.87 per ounce.
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Monday, September 26, 2011
Gold D Wave Begins, Pointing Towards a November Bottom / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Toby_Connor
It's taken much longer than I originally expected, but we now have confirmation that gold's D-Wave decline has begun.
A D-Wave decline is a normal, regression to the mean, profit-taking event that occurs when gold gets too stretched above the mean. It is not a take down by an anti-gold cartel. Anyone with a modicum of common sense can look at the long-term chart of gold and tell that this is not a manipulated market. This is just a normal secular bull market, and it is acting exactly like a normal bull market acts.