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Category: India

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

India’s Stock Market BSE Sensex Index Heading to New Highs / Stock-Markets / India

By: Tony_Caldaro

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleNothing has changed longer term. India’s Sensex entered a multi-decade Cycle wave [3] in the spring of 2009. The current multi-year bull market is only Primary wave I of this Cycle wave, and we’re still expecting the Sensex to reach 34,000 during this bull market.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

The EU-India Free Trade Agreement, Banking Sector Liberalization / Politics / India

By: Global_Research

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKavaljit Singh writes: Since 2007, India and EU have been negotiating a free trade agreement (FTA) — covering trade in goods and services, investments, intellectual property rights and government procurement — that is fraught with problems. Till now, ten negotiating rounds have been held. The agreement is expected to be finalized by mid-2011.

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Monday, February 28, 2011

India On The Verge Of A Revolution For Corruptions / Politics / India

By: Submissions

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleRaju M. Mathew writes: Land of the billionaires and the Very Poor - In India, the benefit of liberalization, globalization, privatization of public enterprises, the infrastructure development with public money and the overall economic growth have been hijacked by a dozen families and their corporate houses. During the last fifteen years, they could virtually grab between 60 to 70 per cent of the natural, industrial, air and technological wealth of India, keeping over 80 of the population under poverty line. Now India has some of the richest billionaires on earth.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

India's Stock Market is in Freefall, a Chart You Should Start Following Immediately / Stock-Markets / India

By: DailyWealth

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleBrian Hunt writes: In an average week, my colleagues and I sift through more than 200 charts.

With some charts, we're looking for specific trading ideas... We're looking for extremes in the market that offer big "anti-consensus" opportunities. This is how we've found big winners for our readers in platinum, oil, uranium, offshore drilling, and overpriced growth stocks.

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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

India a Foreign Investors Paradise, Devastating Impacts of the EU-India Free Trade Agreement / Economics / India

By: Global_Research

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKavaljit Singh writes: Under the proposed India-EU free trade agreement, the European Commission (EC) has sought an expansive mandate to negotiate on investment issues on the behalf of the European Union. On January 20, 2011, the EC officially made recommendations to the European Council seeking modifications in the negotiating directives for the trade agreement with India.

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Ruling Clan of India Has Lost the Plot on Inflation / Economics / India

By: Justin_John

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleTHE PERILOUS COURSE
THE 2008 credit crisis exposed the financial whizkids on the Wall Street who hardly had an idea on where their acts were taking the financial markets . Years of booming markets made them complacent to risks that were building up in the system. Few saw the apocalypse that collapsed many venerable institutions.

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Sunday, January 09, 2011

India reports Exports: Massive surge 36% and Current Account deficit slips to $2.5bn / Economics / India

By: Justin_John

The country’s merchandise exports reached $22.5 billion, up 36.4 per cent in December from last year, highest in last 33 months, while imports topped $25.1 billion narrowing the trade deficit to $2.6 billion in December.

A quick look at the charts speaks about the surge in exports seen in the last 3 months.

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Friday, January 07, 2011

The Indian Economic Growth Story: Steady and Sure! / Economics / India

By: Justin_John

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIndia has withstood the global crisis beyond most would have expected. Even while the rest of the world has been recovering, India and China (credibility of growth is at stake) have not only bounced back but has now started to grow at a very steady and sure rate. In fact a quick glance at S&P and Sensex performance over the last 10 years, will highlight the incredible performance of this much ignored economy.

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Monday, November 29, 2010

India: Land of Hope and Economic Growth / Economics / India

By: Frank_Holmes

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIndian markets have rebounded nicely from the crisis, outperforming both the U.S. and China over the past three years. As of November 23, India’s Sensex was up just over 6 percent for the past three years, while the S&P 500 Index was down more than 16 percent and China’s Hang Seng Index was down 43 percent over the same time period.

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Indian Rupee Currency Forecast to Fall Towards $36-38 / Currencies / India

By: Dhaval_Shah

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleCurrency movement decides the direction of the economy. In normal times, opposite statement would have been proved right. But, this time is different. Every nation is ready to wage war against their trade partners and other exporting destinations to ensure that country can continue to boast their exports and cheap currency can help them to inflate out their debt loads.

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

India's Commonwealth Games Fiasco, Shaky Foundations of a Cheap Labour Economy / Politics / India

By: Finian_Cunningham

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAs the Commonwealth Games open in Delhi, India, the controversy over sub-standard accommodation and facilities for the participating nations continues to rage.

Several weeks ago, visiting country delegates voiced concern over the shambolic state of the newly built facilities. Now, as the games open, the event promises to turn into an embarrassing fiasco for the Indian government, with glaring publicity on what is still being widely reported as filthy and shoddy conditions. Media reports say that cleaners and labourers are “working through the night” in order to salvage conditions at the so-called Games Village, where more than 7,000 athletes from over 70 countries are scheduled to stay for the 12-day sporting tournament.

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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Poverty and Social Inequality: Should India Set Up a Sovereign Wealth Fund? / Politics / India

By: Global_Research

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKavaljit Singh writes: New Delhi's proposal to establish a $10-billion sovereign wealth fund should be treated with caution. The necessary preconditions for setting up a SWF are squarely lacking in India. Besides, the purported objectives of the fund to pursue strategic investment opportunities abroad are highly debatable.

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Thursday, July 01, 2010

India is on the Path to Double-Digit Economic Growth / Economics / India

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleJason Simpkins writes: If it's able to control inflation and cut its debt, India could well become the world's most appealing investment opportunity.

Europe is choking on debt and scrambling to salvage its beleaguered currency. The United States is saddled by high unemployment and struggling to preserve its wobbly recovery. Even China - which has had to reign in its stimulus to cool its red-hot property market and curb inflation - may have peaked.

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Monday, May 17, 2010

India Interest Rates Scenario Part1 / Interest-Rates / India

By: Dhaval_Shah

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIf you are thinking Interest Rates(IR) would not go up? Think twice.

All major inflationary forces acting like windstorm swiping the world and pouring debt(currency printing ) across the world first to bail out corporate than to taxpayers and now to nations and in last stage probably to entire world seems like windstorm & rainstorm are converging to category 5 Hurricane Katrina.

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Indian Stock Market Detailed Technical Analysis with Chart studies / Stock-Markets / India

By: StocksBuddy

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAs stated in our analysis from previous analysis, market did rally back from the oversold levels. Though market did bounce back, it once again found resistance at the center line of BB which runs around 5200. Market took cues from global rally and echoed the same here. However, towards the end of the week, all the enthusiasm waned. EUR, got a facelift on monday with a $1trillion bailout in Europe. However, it gave up all of the gains from monday and actually has broken down big time during the week. US markets too ended up on a sour note on friday and Asia is expected to open flat to negative on monday because of this. A lot of action took place last week.

Nifty once again found support outside of the lower Bollinger bands. Each day nifty went down, it had a long hammer. This clearly suggests that nifty does not really want to go down, but is going down because of reasons beyond it's control, viz. global conditions. This shows the relative strength of nifty. The question everyone has been asking is whether this is just a minor correction or is it start of a new downtrend. Looking at weekly chart, it doesn't bode well with Bulls right now as we have a "Shooting Star". Good news in this bad one is that nifty closed positive for the week.

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

India's Future Is In Its Mega Cities Signally Huge Economic Growth Potential / Economics / India

By: Frank_Holmes

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleMcKinsey Global Institute (MGI) believes India is on the verge of the second-greatest urban migration the world has ever seen. In their new report India’s Urban Awakening, MGI says India’s urban population could balloon to 590 million—nearly twice the size of the United States—by 2030.

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Saturday, May 08, 2010

Indian Stock Market Detailed Technical Analysis with Chart studies / Stock-Markets / India

By: StocksBuddy

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAs we have been stating repeatedly in our previous analysis, this week we were expecting negative divergence to kick in, and it clearly did. Nifty failed every move to cross the middle line of the BB channel as can be seen from the chart below. Nifty just followed the wrath of global markets to the downside with no pause at all.

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Monday, May 03, 2010

Hedge Funds and Equity Firms Using Micro Finance to Profit from India's Poor / Politics / India

By: Global_Research

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKavaljit Singh writes: The massive investments by private equity firms coupled with an initial public offer (IPO) by SKS Microfinance has ignited a debate about the ethics and objectives of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in India.

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Saturday, May 01, 2010

Indian Stock Market Detailed Technical Analysis with Chart studies / Stock-Markets / India

By: StocksBuddy

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAs was expected, there were wild moves on both sides owing to Options expiration. Since largest OI was centered around 5200, Nifty hovered and closed pretty much near it. After trading in a very narrow range all of last week, it closed pretty much where it left the previous week. This shows the tug of war between bulls and bears. Neither sure which way to trade at the end of the day/week. In our last analysis though we stated that there is chance of Negative Divergence building up and that would be give us two things.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Indian Stock market Detailed Technical Analysis with Chart Studies / Stock-Markets / India

By: StocksBuddy

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticlePrevious Week: Last Week Nifty showed good strength as it held on it's own. When looking at stocks or indices everyone looks at the same chart but with different conclusions and perspectives. Everyone believes that the support/resistance levels would be different. But what eventually works out is anybody's guess. As you can see from Daily chart of nifty below, Nifty nicely tagged the Lower Bollinger Band and found solid support there.

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