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Category: India

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Thursday, February 27, 2020

India's Nifty 50 Stocks: Does the Bad Jobs Outlook Spell Trouble for Stocks? / Stock-Markets / India


India's "employment outlook" just reached its lowest level in 14 years.

There are a lot of mouths to feed in India -- north of 1.3 billion.

That means a lot of jobs are required to put food on the table for a lot of people. But there's a problem: the jobs picture in the world's second most populous nation isn't pretty.

As far back as a year ago, the Washington Post said (Feb. 1, 2019):

**India's jobs crisis is worse than people thought ...

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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Elliott Wave Analysis of the Nifty 50 Indian Stocks Index / Stock-Markets / India

By: WavePatternTraders

We are currently tracking a possible impulse wave from the all-time high at 11855, a new low is still needed to end a 5th wave of a suspected impulse wave as shown. Whilst the Banknifty has moved to a new low, we want to see the Nifty confirm that new low on the Banknifty, that would offer a bearish reversal clue.

If we do see a 5th wave to end the current impulse wave idea from the April 2018 high, then a bounce thereafter in 3 waves can be sold against 11855 stops. Based on the wave pattern from the lows made in 2016, the decline from 11855 could be a very important reversal signal, although we are taking it one step at a time.

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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

India's Brewing Nationalist Movement / Politics / India

By: John_Mauldin

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s revolutionary vision for his country’s future bears little resemblance to its present. Yet polls suggest that a strong majority of Indian society may have bought into that vision.

According to a Pew survey released this week, 88 percent of Indians hold a favorable view of Modi, and 83 percent are satisfied with the state of the economy. Most notably, 70 percent said they were satisfied with the direction their country is moving in.

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Friday, June 30, 2017

The Real Indian Currency Crisis (Things You Don’t Hear In The News) / Currencies / India


Jayant Bhandari writes: On November 8, 2016, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi dropped a bombshell. In a televised address at 8:00 pm, he declared that after midnight—four hours later—banknotes with face values of INR500 (US$7.50) and INR1,000 (US$15) would no longer be legal tender.

These bills comprised 86% of the monetary value of currency in circulation, so to say that panic ensued would be an understatement. The market stayed open all night as people rushed to buy gold, Rolex watches, and anything else they could get their hands on to use up their cash.

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Wednesday, April 05, 2017

India’s Technological Revolution Has Already Left the West Behind / Economics / India

By: John_Mauldin

My friend Raoul Pal, mastermind of Global Macro Investor, writes one of the most expensive macroeconomic letters in the world. His subscriber list is short and extremely exclusive.

Raul comes up with more unique ideas per year than any man I know. What’s fascinating is that once he comes up with an idea, you then begin to see it filtering into the trading/hedge fund community.

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Friday, December 09, 2016

India's Stock Market: Nothing "Random" About It / Stock-Markets / India


See how beautifully India's 8-year long bull market follows a clear Elliott wave fractal pattern

Every day, the mainstream financial experts attempt to explain away fluctuations in stock market trends with some "fundamental factor" du jour, all of which boil down to this: good news causes a market to rise and bad news -- to fall.

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Thursday, December 08, 2016

Developing Knowledge-Intensive Society and Knowledge Industrial Hub in Kerala: Global Applications and Implications / Economics / India

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew

This is a work on Development Strategy based on Knowledge and Brain Power, rather than Capital and Technology, including Information Technology. It is prepared for the specific context of Kerala, one of the smallest Indian states and also known as ‘God’s Own Country’. Kerala has the highest digital connectivity. The proposed Kerala Model may have wider applications to various small and big countries, including India as a whole, in pursuing a Knowledge-Intensive Development Strategy (KIDS).

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Monday, December 05, 2016

A Permanent War Against Corruption, Black Money and Fake Money Is Required In India and Elsewhere / Politics / India

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew

The heroic war against Corruption, Black Money and Fake Money Declared by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi is only a beginning of the war and not the end. Of course, it has caused pains or problems for the Common People, as no war can be fought without shedding blood, including the innocents; no surgery can be done without harming some of the healthy parts of the human body.

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Sunday, December 04, 2016

India Is Poised To Make A Quantum Leap Under Narendra Modi: Perspective Of A Political Economist / Politics / India

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew

Development of the National Economy and Welfare of the Common People or more specifically the Forgotten People - the Rural People, the Blue Color and Toiling People are the basic concern of a Political Economist. On the other hand, Corporate or Marxian or Keynesian Economists uphold a particular ideology and manipulate the economy for the sake of the Ideology or Elite, including the Left or Corporate Sector at the expense of the common people. I do belong to the category of Political Economist rather than the Corporate or Marxian or Keynesian Economists

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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Prime Minister Modi's War Against Corruption, Black Money and Fake Currency Notes in India / Politics / India

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched relentless war against Corruption and the associated widely circulating Black Money and Fake Currency Notes in India with a surprise move, as part of his election promises. Black money and fake currency notes have grown to the extent of even destabilizing the Indian Economy and the Nation for which the enemies of the nation, within and outside, have been working. From the strategic point of view, especially in the wake of the increasing Islamic Terrorism sponsored by Pakistan, India has no other option but to uproot both Black and Fake Money at any cost, along with Corruption.

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Tuesday, March 01, 2016

New Delhi's Dream of Indian Economy Surpassing China / Economics / India

By: Sol_Palha

"Do not wait for ideal circumstances nor for the best opportunities; they will never come." ~ Anonymous

India has had many aspirations to overtake China, but this is more of a pipedream than reality. India's corruption makes China's corruption seem non-existent. Add in the traffic jams, and filth one has to deal with in parts of Mumbai and Delhi, and the allure of investing in India loses its appeal rather rapidly. This is the reason India continues to suffer such a massive amount of brain drain . Smart Indians understand that their best option is to seek greener pastures. Modi's government had the strongest mandate of any government, yet like all his predecessors he seems to be all talk and little to no action; he has failed to implement any noteworthy changes.

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

India Stock Market BSE SENSEX Bombay's Last Hurrah / Stock-Markets / India

By: Austin_Galt

The BSE SENSEX is the Indian stock index which trades out of Mumbai or Bombay for those with a sense of nostalgia. Price hit a low of 22600 on the 12th February 2016 which was just over 24% down from the 2015 high of 30024.

So, is that the end of the bear market? In my opinion, the answer is both yes and no. What? That sounds like I'm having a bob each way which is not uncommon for many technical analysts, I dare say!

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Saturday, January 02, 2016

Saudi Arabia Executes Four Dozen Prisoners ISIS Style / Politics / India

By: Stephen_Lendman

Riyadh and Washington are close allies, partnering in each other’s high crimes - both countries notably supporting ISIS and other terrorist groups, used as US imperial foot soldiers.

Domestically, Riyadh’s human rights record is abominable. Fundamental freedoms don’t exist. Criticizing ruling authorities risks arrest, imprisonment or death.

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Sunday, August 02, 2015

BSE Sensex Stocks Bear Market Underway / Stock-Markets / India

By: Austin_Galt

The Indian stock exchange, the BSE Sensex, looks to be tracing out its first steps in a new bear market so let's review the action using the monthly and weekly charts.

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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Indian Stock Market BSE SENSEX The Encore Rally / Stock-Markets / India

By: Austin_Galt

The Indian stock market continues its march higher with no serious breakdown in price. But a significant decline can’t be too far away now. Perhaps this is the final rally - the encore rally. Let’s investigate.

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

India BSE SENSEX The Party Is Over In Bombay / Stock-Markets / India

By: Austin_Galt

The Indian stock exchange, the BSE SENSEX, seems relatively neglected compared to its more famous counterparts in the US and UK. But with a country in excess of 1 billion people, I feel it should garner more respect on the world stage. Based in Mumbai, the home town of the great Sachin Tendulkar, this index has smashed it out of the park in recent years. Let's take a look using a bottom up approach beginning with the daily chart.

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

India's Stocks Bull Market Forecast Still On Track / Stock-Markets / India


This chart tells you everything you need to know about the opportunities that financial forecasting firm Elliott Wave International (EWI) sees in India's stock market:

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Monday, June 02, 2014

Gujarat, India Like Investing in China… In 1980 / Stock-Markets / India

By: Money_Morning

Peter Krauth writes: Hardly anyone would argue that China isn't an economic miracle.

Over the last 20 years, its 1.3 billion people have propelled the Chinese economy into the world's No. 2 spot.

But two decades of blistering 10% annual growth have moderated to 7%.

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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Indian Stocks: You Want a REAL Opportunity? Know WHEN to Look for It / Stock-Markets / India


Why the Nifty and many other emerging market stocks screamed "Buy!" three months ago

From Elliott Wave International's February Asian-Pacific Financial Forecast (published Feb. 7):

...Bloomberg reports that "more than $7 billion flowed from ETFs investing in developing-nation assets in January, the most since the securities were created." Such massive selling...supports our view that emerging markets are ending large-degree three-wave declines.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Modi And India Election - The Rotten Is Thrown Out: Lessons For Narendra Modi And His BJP / Politics / India

By: Dr_R_M_Mathew

Congress Legacy
Indian National Congress Party, though assumed different names, has the great legacy both in the pre-and post-independent era of India. Jawaharlal Nehru and his daughter,  Indira Gandhi, as the Congress Prime Ministers,  adopted pro-poor stands while building up heavy industries and infrastructure under public sector or the direct control of the Government.  Immediately after the assassination of   Indira Gandhi, the Congress Party made her son, Rajive Gandhi as the Prime Minister of India. He modernized India bringing IT and Telecommunication Revolutions even in the remotest villages in India.

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