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Category: India

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Friday, January 31, 2014

Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia Pathways to Increase Indian Rupee Value / Currencies / India

By: Submissions

Rangaraj Srinivasan writes: The value of the rupee hit an all time low of 68.85 on August 2013. The government and Reserve Bank of India mulled over about currency swap arrangements with its trade link countries during September 2013.Usually, India is using US dollar as its medium of exchange for its exports and imports of its goods and services like most of the other countries in the world. Currency swap arrangements refer to exchanging of their own currencies of countries for their trades instead of universally accepted currency like USD. Suppose India has export and import arrangements with Malaysia. India will receive ringgit for its exports to Malaysia and remit rupee for its imports from Malaysia.    

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

India Housing Market Bubble Bursts; Panic Selling Coming Next / Housing-Market / India

By: Mike_Shedlock

On August 1, in India Housing Bubble Still Expanding I posted a series of charts by Deepak Shenoy, an economic blogger at Capital Mind in India.

Those charts showed the bubble in India was alive and growing. Here is one of the charts and a small bit of commentary ....

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

The US Turned India into a Dangerous Nuclear Power / Politics / India

By: LewRockwell

Eric Margolis: While the United States beats the war drums over North Korea and Iran’s long-ranged nuclear armed missiles –which they don’t even possess – Washington remains curiously silent about the arrival of the world’s newest member of the big nuke club – India.

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

How the Commodity Futures Markets Impoverishes Indian Farmers / Politics / India

By: Global_Research

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKavaljit Singh writes: Thousands of guar farmers in India are today caught in a vicious cycle fuelled by the spectacular rise in the prices of guar seed and guar gum products during the six months period between October 2011 and March 2012.

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Thursday, October 04, 2012

Economic Reforms in India Likely To Stick This Time / Economics / India

By: Benjamin_Shepherd

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIndia has always taken a protectionist approach to managing its economy, initially out of a certain necessity and more recently as a result of populist politics.

The initial necessity arose out of a desire to develop a stronger internal economy by fostering small businesses that cater to indigenous tastes and demands. That’s no surprise, given the huge cultural disparities within the country’s regions, especially between the more cosmopolitan and richer south and the poorer north.

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Saturday, September 01, 2012

From Bollywood to Hollywood: Ripping Up the Social Fabric of India / Politics / India

By: Global_Research

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleColin Todhunter writes: Apparently, we should ‘take care’ because we are ‘worth it.’ These are the feel-good catch phrases on English language TV channels in India that are being used to sell certain products. The commercials employ the same wording and that has been used in the West to sell these products for years. The actual news bulletins in India also bear a striking resemblance to the ‘newsworthiness’ agenda used by western channels. As in the West, the commercials and the news are becoming virtually one and the same.

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Monday, August 20, 2012

India Power Black Out: The Shape of Things to Come? / Politics / India

By: Raul_I_Meijer

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe enormous power cut recently seen in India, which affected perhaps 700 million people, serves to highlight the degree of the structural dependency we have built into our lives in the era of cheap energy.

Electricity is one of the most complex manifestations of our complex system and has come to be widely seen as a basic necessity. It enables many of our modern life support systems. Expectations have been raised, even in many of the slums of the world, that electricity will be available, at least some of the time. The lack of it, especially if that lack is sudden and unexpected, or prolonged, increasingly leads to social unrest.

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Sunday, August 05, 2012

India’s Secret Nuclear Weapons Program / Politics / India

By: Global_Research

Marya Mufty writes: If there was any arms race in the region, India has won it, at whatever the cost may be. But the claims to have good neighbourly relations, with MFN-status, no-war pact or no-first-use nuclear arsenal are just a dream seemingly never to come true.

In April this year India yanked open the door of the exclusive ICBM (International Ballistic Missile) club with the first test of Agni-V. Now, if DRDO is to be believed, India has quietly gate-crashed into an even more exclusive club of nuclear-tipped submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). The most ironic part of this achievement on part of India is that New Delhi had been able to successfully keep it as a secret ‘black project’.

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Friday, August 03, 2012

Indian Near Total Power Black Highlights the Dangers India Investing / Stock-Markets / India

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKeith Fitz-Gerald writes: For years now I've preferred China over India.

When invariably asked to compare the two as investments, my answer has always been the same.

Somewhat tongue -in-cheek, I'd point out "that India has trouble keeping the lights on from one end of the country to the other."

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Saving India from the Keynesian Economists / Economics / India


Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleShanmuganathan "Shan" Nagasundaram writes: In the murder mystery The Da Vinci Code, Silas the albino is in search of the keystone and, on confession by the four sénéchaux about the location, he visits the Saint Sulpice church in Paris to retrieve the same. However, upon digging at the specified spot, all that he finds is a stone with the inscription "Job 38:11." A nun explains the symbolism: "Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further," indicating that Silas has reached the end of the road in his attempts to find the keystone.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

India Investing: How to Play the Pullback / Stock-Markets / India

By: Yiannis_G_Mostrous

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIndia is a global business hub that consistently ranks as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. From its dense, over-crowded metropolitan centers to its dirt-road villages and sparsely populated outreaches, India is a hotbed of diversity, culture and innovation.

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Sunday, March 04, 2012

One Stock Market Where Sentiment is Bad... And Opportunity is Great / Stock-Markets / India

By: DailyWealth

In the fall of 2008, as world markets were busting, I traveled to India to find bargains...  
My guide was Rahul Saraogi, a hedge-fund manager who specializes in smaller companies in India. He took the DailyWealth team on a multi-city tour to visit everything from a high-tech outsourcing company to a paper plant. Every company we saw was outrageously cheap.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

India Economy 2012: What to Expect / Economics / India

By: Yiannis_G_Mostrous

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe political situation in India remains murky, and elections will be held in key states early this year. Uttar Pradesh, the country’s most populous state, will hold elections in seven phases, which will unfold during most of February. Punjab, a significantly smaller state in terms of population, will also hold elections in January and March.

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

India: Land of Oil, Natural Gas Energy Opportunity / Commodities / India

By: Marin_Katusa

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleMarin Katusa, Casey Research writes: Quick, what country is the economic engine that will power world growth? If you answered "China," you're far from alone. But there's another country that deserves as much attention and better yet, is much friendlier to investment: India, home to 1.2 billion people. To electrify all those houses, power the industries that keep all those people employed, and fuel the vehicles that more and more Indians own, India's energy needs are shooting skyward.

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Marking the First Signs of an Indian Spring / Politics / India

By: Submissions

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleJohn Pilger writes: When the early morning fog rises and drifting skeins from wood fires carry the sweet smell of India, the joggers arrive in Lodi Gardens. Past the tomb of Mohammed Shah, the 15th century Munghal ruler, across a landscape manicured in the 1930s by Lady Willingdon, wife of the governor-general, recently acquired trainers stride out from ample figures in smart saris and white cotton dhotis. In Delhi, the middle classes do as they do everywhere, though here there is no middle. By mid-morning, children descend like starlings. They wear pressed blazers, like those of an English prep school. There are games and art and botany classes. When shepherded out through Lady Willingdon's elegant stone gateway, they pass a reed-thin boy, prostrate beside the traffic and his pile of peanuts, coins clenched in his hand.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Indian Rupee to Stop here for a while and Why Rupee Fell? / Currencies / India

By: Dhaval_Shah


Dear investor

Indian Rupee hit the target of 54, I had given in last letter titled “ Why Indian Rupee falling precipitously??” (Link).

I had also mentioned reasons for rupee’s sharp fall like Fiscal Deficit, Trade Deficit and bearish sentiments among Foreign Investors caused by hyperinflation and mismanagement of governance.  

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Thursday, July 07, 2011

India Real Estate Market About to Crash Or Consolidation? / Housing-Market / India

By: Jenson

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIt is not easy to find an analyst on the street who will be mildly bullish on the real estate market leave along someone who is irrationally bullish. In a scenario where the market seems to be short the real estate market, the laws of contrarian investing state that “when the whole market is long/short a trade, the trade may not fructify” which is what is happening to the real estate market in India. Fundamentally, the market is poised on a knife edge with multiple triggers slowing the market down. Some of the macro pointing to an imminent fall in real estate market are:

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Friday, June 03, 2011

Indian Rupee Currency Analysis: INR-USD– Will the Rupee Depreciate? / Currencies / India

By: Evalueserve

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDuring the last decade, among major economies, India has achieved consistently impressive growth, second only to China. In the first half of fiscal 2010–11, the Indian economy grew at a healthy rate of 8.9%, and the majority of global growth going forward is expected to be driven by developing countries, specifically India and China. India is home to a vibrant services economy and a hotbed of outsourcing. Its economy has become increasingly interlinked with global markets as trade has flourished.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Investing in India: First Comes the Pain, Then Come the Gains / Stock-Markets / India

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleMartin Hutchinson writes: As investments go, India has really great long-term prospects. No doubt about it.

Indeed, India has enjoyed very decent growth rates for the last decade, pulling many of its people out of poverty in the process.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Indian Stock Market Particularly Uncorrelated / Stock-Markets / India

By: Submissions

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleJan Kaska writes: Living in the correlated world, we were particularly struck when we saw a correlation chart between India and MSCI World turning deeply negative for the first time since 1996. While S&P is up 4% since the start of the year, Sensex has dived into deep red -8% territory.

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