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Market Oracle FREE Newsletter

Category: India

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

India: The Easiest Investment You Will Ever Make / Stock-Markets / India

By: Q1_Publishing

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWhat if I told you I found an investment opportunity so simple that even a two-year-old could make a fortune?

Would you believe it?

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

India, the Reality of Mass Poverty and Social Exclusion / Politics / India

By: Global_Research

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleProf. Ananya Mukherjee Reed writes: “How is India?” asked an erudite friend of mine from North America soon after I reached India last December.

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Investors Don’t Ignore The World’s No. 2 Stock Market India / Stock-Markets / India

By: Uncommon_Wisdom

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleTony Sagami writes: This should be easy for many of you. Name the two fastest-growing economies in the world.

First of all, we know who they are not. They’re not any countries in North America or Europe because both of those continents are mired in painful recessions.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Indian Government Ponders Satyam Bailout in Wake of Raju Scandal / Companies / India

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleJason Simpkins writes: Rocked by scandal, Satyam Computer Services Ltd. (ADR: SAY ) is embarking on a massive corporate restructuring, but with India's reputation as an investment destination and world leader in information technology at stake, time is of the essence and the government could be forced to step in with a financial bailout.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Indian Tech Stocks in Trouble / Stock-Markets / India

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleTony Sagami writes: The deadly terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India dominated the global headlines last week. What didn't get a lot of attention, though, was the reason behind the attacks.

The terrorists attacked the commercial heart of India — Mumbai's financial district. And I believe their purpose was to destabilize India's democracy and capitalist economy.

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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

India Pakistan Crisis- Next Steps / Politics / India


In an interview published this Sunday in The New York Times, we laid out a potential scenario for the current Indo-Pakistani crisis. We began with an Indian strike on Pakistan, precipitating a withdrawal of Pakistani troops from the Afghan border, resulting in intensified Taliban activity along the border and a deterioration in the U.S. position in Afghanistan, all culminating in an emboldened Iran. The scenario is not unlikely, assuming India chooses to strike.

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Thursday, June 05, 2008

Six Reasons to Invest in India / Stock-Markets / India

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleLarry Edelson writes: India is one of the hottest economies on the planet and holds tremendous profit potential for investors. No doubt in my mind.

Why? India's economy is growing at a 9% rate, TEN times faster than the U.S. and only a couple of percentage points behind China.

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

India One of the Worlds Best Profit Plays for Investors / Stock-Markets / India

By: Martin_Hutchinson

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe Indian market as measured by the Mumbai Sensex Index is down 22% this year, about 25% below its all-time high reached in January. That's not very surprising: China is down further (about 35%) and most other emerging stock markets have also fallen. Growth in 2008 seems likely to be slower than in 2007 and there are some signs of a credit crunch. Yet India remains one of the world's great growth opportunities and investors at this level may well be getting in on the ground floor of a very major long-term profit play .

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Investing in India, Off the Beaten Path in Bangalore! / Stock-Markets / India

By: Money_and_Markets

Tony Sagami writes: In five days, I'll be climbing aboard a Singapore Airlines plane to visit Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Macau, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Bangalore. I love going on these trips because I always uncover some fantastic investment opportunities.

Take Siliconware Precision Industries, for example. Less than a year ago, I was on a bumpy two-hour train ride through gritty towns and endless acres of rice paddies just to get to the company's hometown of Hsinchu City, Taiwan. But boy was the ride worth it — my Asia Stock Alert subscribers just bagged a 107% gain on the stock!

On another trip, I visited an education company's classroom. The teacher said a few Americans had visited the company's office in downtown Beijing but I was the first American to have come to an actual classroom.

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Will Rising World Crude Oil Prices Fuel Inflation In Volatile Times / Commodities / India

By: Submissions

Petroleum prices have started racing to $70 a barrel after staying below $60 for the better part of the winter, now coming to an end around the world. What does this portend? Does it signal that the good times are over and recession is about to be triggered in America and a number of advanced countries? The housing boom in the US is beginning to bust and a crisis is looming on the horizon. This has already created a degree of concern, if not alarm, around the world, including India.

How does it affect India and the rest of the world? Because the US dollar value is being eroded and the rupee, yen, euro, Chinese and several other currencies are being valued upwards, there is an implied cushioning of the high petroleum prices, but exporters are losers in cheaper dollars as they earn fewer rupees. The worst affected are the outsourcing companies engaged in providing information technology through service centers as well as call centers, which cover a wide spectrum of the industry.

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