Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, November 13, 2009
Ford in High-Level Congestion / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
By: Mike_Paulenoff
All of the action in Ford (F) this week argues that the stock is carving out a high-level congestion pattern that should resolve to the upside in a thrust to 9.00/25 next. At this juncture, only a decline that breaks the recent pullback low at 8.17 will morph the congestion pattern into a deeper correction that projects to 7.85/75 prior to the emergence of another upleg.
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Thursday, November 12, 2009
Résumé Tips For CEOs, Board Members / Companies / Credit Crisis 2009
By: Mike_Shedlock
Finding a CEO these days appears to be much more difficult than in the past. For example, Bank of America was forced to expand its search to include those living in New York. Shocking!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Schwab About to Revolutionize the ETF Industry / Companies / Exchange Traded Funds
By: Ron_Rowland
I’ve been talking for years about the way exchange traded funds (ETFs) are changing the investment landscape. Yet sometimes I’m still startled to see the world change in front of my eyes. That’s exactly what happened last week when Charles Schwab launched its first four in-house ETFs.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Bear Stearns Ralph Cioffi Acquitted of Fraud Charges Yesterday / Companies / Credit Crisis 2009
By: Janet_Tavakoli
Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin, former hedge fund managers and co-heads of Bear Stearns Asset Management, were acquitted yesterday (November 10) of all six counts in their fraud trial” U.S. v. Cioffi, 08-CR-00415, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn).
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Goldman’s Undisclosed Role in AIG’s Distress / Companies / Credit Crisis 2008
By: Janet_Tavakoli
Goldman wasn’t the only contributor to the systemic risk that nearly toppled the global financial markets, but it was the key contributor to the systemic risk posed by AIG’s near bankruptcy. When it came to the credit derivatives American International Group, Inc. (AIG) was required to mark‐to‐market, Goldman was the 800‐pound gorilla. Calls for billions of dollars in collateral pushed AIG to the edge of disaster. The entire financial system was imperiled, and Goldman Sachs would have been exposed to billions in devastating losses.1
Monday, November 09, 2009
CRM SalesForce Tek Stock Analysis / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Jay_DeVincentis
Trading Approach
Identifying fundamentally stellar stocks poised technically to breakout for big profits.
Monday, November 09, 2009
U.S. Healthcare Legislation Investment Impact / Companies / Healthcare Sector
By: Richard_Shaw
Last night the U.S. House of Representatives brought us one large step closer to a national healthcare system. Investors should be cognizant of the financial effects that would follow.
In the extreme short-run, it would be reasonable to assume that the U.S. stock market would react negatively, although short-term price movements are often chaotic. In the intermediate-term, if the legislation goes forward, the healthcare sector should perform at a lower level than in periods prior to national healthcare.
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Monday, November 09, 2009
Quality Individual U.S. Companies / Companies / Investing 2009
By: Richard_Shaw
We generally prefer investment funds over individual stocks to minimize investment selection risk (focusing more on asset allocation as the greater issue). However, when we do look at individual stocks, we focus on quality companies with financial strength, limited leverage, solid cash flow, and growing sales and dividends.
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Sunday, November 08, 2009
Stock Market New Opportunities / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
By: Jay_DeVincentis
As the market bottoms, it creates new opportunities - here are several.
The Penny Stock Report
There is nothing more exciting then grabbing a penny stock and riding it for huge gains!
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Sunday, November 08, 2009
Putin Mad at General Motors European Opel Sale U-Turn / Companies / US Auto's
By: Pravda
Russian Prime minister Vladimir Putin promised that he would take into consideration GM’s negligence, after the US corporation took an U-turn in the sale of German car maker giant to the consortium of Russia’s Sberbank and Canada’s Magna.
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Friday, November 06, 2009
GE Explodes to the Upside / Companies / US Auto's
By: Mike_Paulenoff
Wow... General Electric (NYSE: GE) has exploded to the upside this morning after being upgraded by a couple of high profile research departments on the Street. From my perspective, this morning’s up-gap and upside continuation confirms the low of the 17-week cycle and the start of a new cycle, the first half of which should propel the stock higher off of this week’s low at 14.15. The initial optimal target is 16.20/40. My optimal pullback buy zones are 14.90 and 14.60.
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Friday, November 06, 2009
Research In Motion (RIMM) Stock Buyback Chart Analysis / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
"Research In Motion Ltd. (RIMM) will spend up to $1.2 billion to buy back about 21 million of its shares, or 3.6% of its total shares outstanding. The buyback will start Nov. 9 and last for up to one year."
Friday, November 06, 2009
Has Asia Dethroned Detroit as the Auto Sector Leader? / Companies / US Auto's
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: Back in May I recommended that readers should buy shares in Ford Motor Co. (NYSE: F) on the grounds that the U.S. carmaker would gain market share from the bankrupt General Motors Corp. (OTC: MTLQQ) and Chrysler Group LLC. Ford’s third-quarter profit and healthy October sales growth show I called that one right. One doesn’t like to blow one’s own trumpet excessively, but if you’d followed my advice in May, you would today be sitting on a profit of nearly 50%.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Are Biotechnology Stocks Heading for A Downturn? / Companies / Healthcare Sector
By: Oakshire_Financial
Science always looks to the future, and there's not much science that's more exciting than biotechnology.
After all, this is the field with big promises for better and longer lives for all of us through applied biology in agriculture, food science, and medicine. But although the term 'biotechnology' is often refers to futuristic genetic engineering, the industry is far broader than genetics alone.
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Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Make 20 Times Your Money Investing in this Hated Industry / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Q1_Publishing
The simplest way to make a genuine fortune – we’re talking 20 to 50 times your money here - is to buy assets no one wants and wait for them to be wanted again.
In fact, we met someone who did it firsthand a few months ago. Over breakfast with Bob Quartermain, the president of Silver Standard Resources (NASDAQ:SSRI), your editor got the first-hand account of the company’s development.
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Monday, November 02, 2009
Ford on the Move on Positive Earnings Numbers / Companies / US Auto's
By: Mike_Paulenoff
Today's very postive earnings and revenue news on Ford (NYSE: F) goosed the stock from around 7.00 to as high at 7.84 so far (+12 prior to the pullback to 7.57. Without diminishing either the report or the upside reaction, let's notice that today's upmove has NOT hurdled important resistance at the prior rally peak of 7.98 (10/21 high, at least not yet.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Healthcare Company Profits Sensitivity to Obamacare / Companies / Healthcare Sector
By: Richard_Shaw
National healthcare wherever is implemented squeezes prices and profits of the private businesses involved in the system.
Obamacare in the U.S. will be no different. For investors in healthcare companies, it is a good idea to begin to think through which companies will be most severely negatively impacted or least impacted, to potentially make deletions or substitutions.
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Thursday, October 29, 2009
Recovery Bounce for GE / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
By: Mike_Paulenoff
For anyone watching the travails of General Electric (NYSE: GE) lately, my near-term work argues that yesterday’s low at 14.35 ended the downleg from the 16.91 high from October 14. As of this moment, the lift in GE to 14.75/80 so far should be viewed as a recovery bounce within the confines of a 6-week correction that has an optimal target zone of 15.15/40 – at which point GE will be at crossroads technically.
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Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wyndham Worldwide (WYN) Beats, Raises Guidance / Companies / Corporate Earnings
By: Trader_Mark
Wyndham Worldwide (WYN) reported Tuesday evening, we did not have time to discuss it yesterday due many other activities happening. This hotel chain continues to be one of our best performers of the year and as I say in almost every update on the name ... it is STILL cheap. As I'm looking at the chart now the action the past 48 hours allowed the stock to fill a gap, and I'm smacking myself in the head because I completely missed an opportunity to add. Unlike many other names, the stock was able to fill a gap but stay over key moving averages...
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Thursday, October 29, 2009
Trillion Dollar Ticking Derivatives Time Bomb to Explode Under Bankrupt Banks / Companies / Credit Crisis 2009
By: Graham_Summers
Dear %$firstname$%,
At Gains, Pains, & Capital I’ve been warning about the Trillion Dollar Ticking Time Bomb of derivatives for months now. As a brief recap, let’s consider the following:
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