Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, February 11, 2018
Youtube KILLS ALL Small Channels with New DeMonetization Rules / Companies / Google
By: N_Walayat
YouTube has effectively told all small youtubers to get lost, as from the 20th of February it will be demonetizing MOST Youtube channels, as most channels are small, either sub 1000 subscribers or sub 4000 view hours per year. Now I am sure all small youtubers out there would agree that it was never about the money, for most are unlikely to be receiving more than $20 per month in revenue, which won't even pay for a weeks coffee. So it was never about the money but about being recognised as being a Youtube partner, instead now Youtube is telling small youtubers that Youtube does not want you !
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Saturday, February 10, 2018
Best Ways to Make Money / Companies / SME
By: Kavinesh_A
Most people would say that they need more money. This is a belief that stems from the fact that we’re never going to feel fully financially secure no matter how much money we may have. So, we can always feel a bit safer about our finances if we know how to make some extra money. Well, below you will find some great ways in which you can make money on your own.
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Friday, February 09, 2018
Remember When Stocks Only Went Up? / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
By: John_Rubino
Long ago in a distant galaxy called “2017,” stock prices rose every day. And the people were happy. With paper profits in hand they maxed out their credit cards and bank lines to buy flat-screen TVs and cars and cover their student loans.
Then one day a darkness began to spread. Stocks began to move in an unfamiliar way that felt profoundly wrong. They went “down” instead of up, and paper profits began to shrink. The people consulted their price charts and were confused to find them written in an unfamiliar language full of oddly sloped lines and negative numbers.
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Wednesday, February 07, 2018
Shocking: Insider Trading Announcement / Companies / Corporate News
By: OilPrice_Com
James Stafford here.
I'm the Intelligence Director here at OilPrice.com...
And I have a major announcement regarding insider trading in the energy markets.
You'll soon see it all over the news...
Thursday, February 01, 2018
Capita the Next Carillion Seeks Emergency £700mln Funding to Prevent Collapse / Companies / Corporate News
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Barely a fortnight on from the spectacular collapse of Carillion, now another PFI outsourcing corporate giant Capita finds itself teetering on the brink, seeking emergency funding of £700mln in the form of new share issuances to buy itself time whilst trying to reassure investors that it is not the next Carillion. However, as was the case for Carillion, the Capita stock price says it all about the distressed state of this corporation that has seen its stock price CRASH by over 70% over the past few weeks.
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Sunday, January 28, 2018
What is Compliance in the UK Gambling Industry and Why is it Important / Companies / Gambling
By: Steve_Marks
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Can Toys R Us Survive by Learning Lessons from The Entertainer Toy Shop's Relative Success? / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Nadeem_Walayat
In December the British arm of Toys R Us came to within hours of going bust the followed it's american parent company's filing for bankruptcy protection in September 2017 which that triggered a downsizing programme through rapid store closures that are likely to see at least 200 of it's 866 US stores close in an attempt at reducing its $5 billion debt mountain which dates back to its leveraged buy out of 2005 that costs Toys R Us $400 billion a year in interest payments.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
CAT Stock Bouncing after JPM Upgrade How High and How Long Can This CAT Jump? / Companies / Corporate News
By: EconMatters

Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Youtube Kills Small and New Channels With 1000 Subs, 4k Watch Time Monetization New Rules / Companies / Google
By: N_Walayat
Youtubers of small and new channels will have woken up today to find a message in their in box informing them that their dreams of making any money from Youtube are about to come to an abrupt end as Youtube has decided that most small and new channels are no longer eligible for monetization.
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Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Carillion Bankruptcy and the PFI Sector Spiraling Costs Crisis, Amey, G4S, Balfour Beatty, Serco.... / Companies / Corporate News
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Carillion has gone bust after Theresa May's Government decided not to bailout this particular private sector PFI contractor with tax payers money. Which the government deemed to be too small to bail, unlike the £4 trillion of banking sector liability bailouts of 2008 that the people of Britain are still paying the price for some 9 years on in terms of loss of purchasing power of real terms earnings as a consequence of inflating the money supply of asset prices through quantitative easing of over £500 billion and through a myriad of additional asset price boosting schemes such as "Funding for Lending".
Monday, January 15, 2018
Carillion Goes Bust, as Government Refuses to Bailout PFI Contractors Debt and Pensions Liabilities / Companies / Corporate News
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Carillion goes bust after Government decides not to bailout the private sector PFI contractor with tax payers money, unlike the £4 trillion banking sector liability bailout that the people of Britain continue to suffer the consequences of in terms of loss of purchasing power of real terms earnings as a consequence of inflation of the money supply and asset prices through quantitative easing of over £500 billion and through a myriad of other banking sector asset price boosting measures such as the "Funding for Lending" scheme amongst a dozen others.
Tuesday, January 09, 2018
Blockchain Makeover of a Penny Stock / Companies / BlockChain
By: EconMatters
Blockchain can sure blow smoke in your face mistaking a dog for a super model, at least in the case of Long Island Ice Tea Corp (LTEA) now rebranded to Long Blockchain (LBCC) on Nasdaq.
What would you do if you are the executive of a Nasdaq-listed company getting a “deficiency notice” from Nasdaq threatening to delist your company unless the market value rose above $35 million for 10 business days in a row? Long Island Ice Tea did receive such warning in October.
Monday, January 08, 2018
If You Hold VT Or Any Other Global ETF, You’ve Put All Your Eggs In One Basket / Companies / Emerging Markets
By: John_Mauldin
BY OLIVIER GARRET : The growth of ETFs since the Global Financial Crisis has been staggering.
Total ETF assets under management is now approaching US $5 trillion, a 400% increase from the $1 trillion held in 2009.
Investors now have access to over 7,000 ETF/ETP products. To put that number in perspective, there are only 2,400 stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
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Monday, January 08, 2018
Share Trading is an Interesting for Everyone / Companies / Stock Markets 2018
By: Kavinesh_A
Share trading is an interesting job for everyone. The reason is the fluctuation is one time price is increasing for a share, because that company would have earned some millions of dollars, same time that company must have paid that amount for different purchase. Immediately the price of that company would go down. The reason is the company has not assets. That is the reason share price is going down to that company.
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Thursday, December 21, 2017
4 Breakout Stocks to Watch / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
By: Harry_Boxer
Here are four stocks showing strong technical momentum.
BlackBerry Limited (BB) shot up out of a double-top pattern on Wednesday, closing up nearly 12% at $12.17 on 29 million shares traded. That was the largest volume since the end of September, and more than 7x the stock's daily average. The move came with the company's positive earnings announcement and news on the transformation of its core business from communications hardware to cybersecurity solutions. Price has not been this high since January 2015. Next targets: $14 and $17.
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Thursday, December 21, 2017
Is Apple Old iPhone's Stealth Slow Down IOS Update a SCAM? / Companies / Apple
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Technology expert John Poole has forced Apple to come clean on the real secret behind Apples marketing and sales success, of why customers are so eager to upgrade to the latest iPhone model, and the answer may surprise you!
Apparently what Apple has been doing for at least a year and probably for more than 5 years is to SLOW DOWN the operation of Older iPhone's via IOS software updates. Which has the effect of encouraging older phone owners to UPGRADE to the latest model. This way the consumers have no real world first hand experience to compare the speed and performance between an Old iphone and a New i-phone!
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Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Toys R Us Teetering on the Brink of Collapse, UK Retail Sector Crisis Perfect Storm / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The British arm of Toys R Us has been teetering on the brink of collapse for several months now following it's american parent company filing for bankruptcy protection in September 2017 that triggered a downsizing programme through rapid store closures that are likely to see at least 200 of it's 866 US stores close in an attempt at reducing its $5 billion debt mountain which dates back to its leveraged buy out of 2005 that costs Toys R Us $400 billion a year in interest payments.
So it should not come as that much of a surprise that the British arm of Toys R Us with its 106 stores could now be heading for at least a similar fate if not a 'Woolworth's' moment, that could unfold rapidly, all within a matter of days that could see the retailer plunged into administration with the potential loss of 3200 jobs. The triggering factor for which is a £30 million black hole in its employees pension fund that the Government Pension Protection Fund is demanding a near immediate payment of £9 million into to cover 3 years worth of past pension contributions, against which the distressed retailer is offering just £1.6 million and thus the current crisis.
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Monday, December 18, 2017
How To Play The 2018 Cannabis Boom / Companies / Cannabis
By: OilPrice_Com
Monday, December 18, 2017
Explaining My Amazement About Those Turning Bullish On The Banking Sector Now / Companies / Banking Stocks
By: Avi_Gilburt
Recent price action
With the Nasdaq continuing higher this past week, it has now reached our minimum target we were looking for before a pullback may be seen. But, I think the XLF may be providing us with certain clues about how 2018 may turn out. And, it may not be as rosy as many believe. Well, at least the first half of the year.
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Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Our MSCI ETF Forecast BEFORE the 47 Percent, 12-Month Gain / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
Our MSCI ETF Forecast BEFORE the 47 Percent, 12-Month Gain
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