Category: AI
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, October 28, 2021
AI Tech Stocks Portfolio Current State / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
AI Stocks Buying Pressure Evaluation
Its now over 6 weeks since I first posted the AI generated forecasts where I deemed the resulting Buying Pressure as being the most important derived indicator for what the stocks are likely to do. For instance Facebook and AMD were expected to be the strongest, and not far behind Microsoft, Apple, Google, where Nvidia strength was contrary to my expectations for this over valued stock. Basically the AI was saying that I had a mistake mistake by selling out of Microsoft, Apple and Nvidia etc. The only decision it was concurring with was that Amazon was expected to be weak with only 17% upwards buying pressure, as was Samsung at 34%. and IBM on 26%. Whilst an unloved Intel continued to carry huge unrealised potential hence my seeking to accumulate more on any dips below $50.
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Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Dow Stock Market Trend Forecasting Neural Nets Pattern Recognition / Stock-Markets / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
So far all attempts to predict the Dow via machine learning have failed, as mentioned above feeding nets with obvious data such as open, close, high, low and then a candle chart version does not work. In fact the neural net part is the easy part via the likes of Tensor Flow. The problem is with the data which as I explained earlier needs to be preprocessed i.e. feeding raw data into the networks as inputs ends up with noisy networks, if it did work then it would be easy to successfully train neural nets and they would be widespread instead as far as I am aware there aren't really any neural nets out there that can successfully trade stocks.
So what does preprocessing actually mean?
There are 2 ways to go about preprocessing data for stock market forecasts.
1. Pattern recognition
2. Trend Analysis preprocessing.
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Saturday, August 28, 2021
AI Predicts AI Tech Stock Price Valuations into 2024 / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Dear Reader
This analysis is focused on my continuing journey to gradually off load my stock analysis processing power onto neural nets where this net attempts to forecast the value of AI stocks 3 years out based on my EC indicator resulting in a upwards pressure under the stock price indicator.
This article is an excerpt form my recent in-depth analysis : AI Predicts AI Tech Stock Price Valuations into 2024, Time to Buy Chinese Tech Stocks?
- AI Stocks Value Forecaster (ASVF).
- How I Use ASVF6 - Percent Upwards Pressure (PUP)
- AI Stocks Buying Levels Plus ASVF & PUP
- AI Stocks Portfolio Buying Levels
- Dow Stock Market Trend Forecasting Neural Nets
- Pattern Recognition
- Trend Analysis Preprocessing
- Crossing the Rubicon With These Three High Risk Tech Stocks
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 1
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 2
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 3
- CME Black Swan
Friday, August 27, 2021
AI Neural Net Predicts Facebook, AMD, and Nvidia Stock Prices Three Years Ahead / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Here my neural net stock price forecaster predicts where Amazon, Microsoft and Apple stock prices will be trading in 3 years time. For an expiation of the forecaster see AI Stocks Value Forecaster (ASVF) as excerpted form my recent extensive analysis -
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Tuesday, August 24, 2021
AI Neural Net Predicts Amazon, Microsoft and Apple Stock Prices Three Years Ahead / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Here my neural net stock price forecaster predicts where Amazon, Microsoft and Apple stock prices will be trading in 3 years time. For an expiation of the forecaster see AI Stocks Value Forecaster (ASVF) as excerpted form my recent extensive analysis -
AI Predicts AI Tech Stock Price Valuations into 2024, Time to Buy Chinese Tech Stocks?
- AI Stocks Value Forecaster (ASVF).
- How I Use ASVF6 - Percent Upwards Pressure (PUP)
- AI Stocks Buying Levels Plus ASVF & PUP
- AI Stocks Portfolio Buying Levels
- Dow Stock Market Trend Forecasting Neural Nets
- Pattern Recognition
- Trend Analysis Preprocessing
- Crossing the Rubicon With These Three High Risk Tech Stocks
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 1
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 2
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 3
- CME Black Swan
Friday, June 18, 2021
AI Stock Buying Levels, Ratings, Valuations Video / Stock-Markets / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Here is my updated AI stocks table with buying levels to capitalise upon during the anticipated stock market correction. In terms of overall valuations the portfolio is a little more expensive today than at my last update with some individual stocks very overbought so should be primed for a correction during May as I first flagged to expect in my analysis of 9th of Feb.
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Thursday, June 17, 2021
AI Stock Buying Levels, Ratings, Valuations and Trend Analysis into Market Correction / Stock-Markets / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is part 3 of my recent extensive analysis focused on updated buying levels for my AI tech stocks portfolio going into the summer stock market correction, of what I will be looking to accumulate at what price levels.
Part 1 covered Tesla, ARK Funds and more - TESLA! Cathy Wood ARK Funds Bubble BURSTS!
Part 2 covered The Top 5 AI stocks trend analysis - Top 5 AI Tech Stocks Trend Analysis, Buying Levels, Ratings and Valuations
Whilst the whole of this extensive analysis AI Stock Buying Levels, Ratings, Valuations and Trend Analysis into Market Correction was first been made available to Patrons who support my work.
- Cathy Wood ARK Funds CRASH!
- India Apocalypse Heralds Catastrophe for Pakistan and Bangladesh
- Covid-19 in Italy in August 2019!
- Stock Market Early Summer Correction Trend Forecast
- Stocks Expensive or Cheap Indicator (EC)
- AI Stock Buy % Rating Review
- 1. GOOGLE - $2398
- 2. AMAZON - $3312
- 3. MICROSOFT - $252.5
- 4. APPLE - $130
- 5. FACEBOOK - $320
- 6. NVIDIA - $592.5
- 7. AMD - $78.8
- 11. IBM - $145.5
- 12. INTEL - $57.7
- AI Stocks Buying Levels Update May 2021
- So what am I going to do
- CHIA Crypto Farming with Your Hard Drives Insanity!
Monday, June 14, 2021
AI Stocks Strength vs Weakness - Why Selling Google or Facebook is a Big Mistake! / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Stock market corrections are useful in gauging what is going on under the hood of corporations long before any information makes it into the public arena. For instance looking at the relative strength of the top 5 AI stocks shows Google and Facebook showing relative strength, whilst Apple and Amazon are showing relative weakness with Microsoft in the middle. What this is saying is that one should definitely NOT make the mistake of Selling Google or Facebook! Whilst as expected in my last AI stocks update Apple and Amazon are looking tired and so are unlikely to start galloping higher any time soon and thus set to under perform for some time. whilst Microsoft is doing its own thing somewhere in the middle.
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Thursday, June 10, 2021
Top 5 AI Tech Stocks Trend Analysis, Buying Levels, Ratings and Valuations / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is part 2 of my recent extensive analysis focused on updated buying levels for my AI tech stocks portfolio going into the summer stock market correction, of what I will be looking to accumulate at what levels. Part 1 covered Tesla, ARk Funds and more - TESLA! Cathy Wood ARK Funds Bubble BURSTS!
Whilst the whole of this extensive analysis AI Stock Buying Levels, Ratings, Valuations and Trend Analysis into Market Correction was first been made available to Patrons who support my work.
- Cathy Wood ARK Funds CRASH!
- India Apocalypse Heralds Catastrophe for Pakistan and Bangladesh
- Covid-19 in Italy in August 2019!
- Stock Market Early Summer Correction Trend Forecast
- Stocks Expensive or Cheap Indicator (EC)
- AI Stock Buy % Rating Review
- 1. GOOGLE - $2398
- 2. AMAZON - $3312
- 3. MICROSOFT - $252.5
- 4. APPLE - $130
- 5. FACEBOOK - $320
- 6. NVIDIA - $592.5
- 7. AMD - $78.8
- 11. IBM - $145.5
- 12. INTEL - $57.7
- AI Stocks Buying Levels Update May 2021
- So what am I going to do
- CHIA Crypto Farming with Your Hard Drives Insanity!
Thursday, May 27, 2021
The Shifting US Economy: AI and Automation Lead the Way / Economics / AI
By: Submissions
The Biden administration is 125 days old, and things certainly feel different. What strategies are you employing to take advantage of the shift?
Things often change temporarily before reverting to a mean. Just like market instruments, changing political ideals can, do, and will change, before ultimately reverting back to a mean, or an average state.
Labor force configurations have changed drastically, partially due to the pandemic. What was once everyone’s dream “to work from home”, went from a wish to a potentially harsh reality and has stayed there for many people.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
AI Tech Stocks Buy Ratings, Levels and Valuations / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is the final part of my most recent investing in AI tech stocks series focused on the remaining AI stocks on my list following the Top 5 in my last article. However the whole of this extensive analysis was first made available to Patrons who support my work:
AI Tech Stocks Buying Ratings, Levels and Valuations March 2021
- AI Tech Stocks Buying Levels and Valuations 2021 Explained
- Coronavirus Pandemic Vaccines Indicator Current State
- Post Pandemic Summer 2021 Social Unrest ?
- Get Ready for Inflation Mega-trend to Surge 2021
- The AI Megatrend Big Picture
- Human Brain vs High End Desktop PC in 2021
- AI Stocks Investing 2021 - Top 14 Stocks Analysis
- AI Stocks Portfolio Table 2021
- Stocks Bear Market / Crash Indicator (CI18)
So for immediate first access to ALL of my analysis and trend forecasts then do consider becoming a Patron by supporting my work for just $3 per month.
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Thursday, April 08, 2021
Top 5 AI Tech Stocks Investing 2021 Analysis / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This excerpt from of my most recent investing in AI tech stocks series focused on the top 5 AI stocks on my list, with remainder of the stocks to follow in part 3 to in about a weeks time. However the whole of this extensive analysis was first made available to Patrons who support my work:
AI Tech Stocks Buying Ratings, Levels and Valuations March 2021
- AI Tech Stocks Buying Levels and Valuations 2021 Explained
- Coronavirus Pandemic Vaccines Indicator Current State
- Post Pandemic Summer 2021 Social Unrest ?
- Get Ready for Inflation Mega-trend to Surge 2021
- The AI Megatrend Big Picture
- Human Brain vs High End Desktop PC in 2021
- AI Stocks Investing 2021 - Top 14 Stocks Analysis
- AI Stocks Portfolio Table 2021
- Stocks Bear Market / Crash Indicator (CI18)
So for immediate first access to ALL of my analysis and trend forecasts then do consider becoming a Patron by supporting my work for just $3 per month.
As well access to my latest analysis due to be posted within the next 24 hours - How to Invest in High Risk Tech Stocks for 2021 and Beyond
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Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Human Brain vs High End Desktop PC in 2021 / Politics / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Where do we stand on the path towards your desktop computer becoming more intelligent than you! Currently the best retail desktop GPU is the Nvidia RTX 3090 that carries an MSRP of $1500, though the crypto boom means right now it is very difficult to get hold of and even then prices start at $2000 typically rising to $2200. Still it is easier to obtain then the lower skew RTX 3080 that us supposed to sell for $699 but instead available supply is typically being sold on on ebay for $1200-$1400!
Nevertheless how does the processing power of an RTX 3090 GPU compare to that of a human brain. The RTX 3090 has 10,496 parallel processors and operates at 1.7ghz. That converts into 36 teraflops of raw processing power.
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Monday, March 08, 2021
The AI Stocks Megatrend Big Picture / Stock-Markets / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Stock markets are soaring on the back of vaccines that herald the end game to the Covid nightmare. However the vaccines, covid-19 are all mere blips in the long-term trend trajectory that is being driven by AI and it's full spectrum application. For instance these are the key areas that I identified to focus upon over 5 years ago, though the number is always increasing as AI encroaches into every aspect of our lives which is why my focus primarily on core AI stocks rather than applications of AI.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
3 Top-Performing Tech Stocks for 2021 / Companies / AI
By: Robert_Ross
Dear Reader,
One of my favorite reads to start off a new year is Byron Wien's list of 10 surprises, which he's published for 36 years.
While I could spend an entire article debating each point in his 2021 list, today I want to tackle the last part of No. 8:
"The equity market broadens out. Stocks beyond healthcare and technology participate in the rise in prices…
"Big cap tech… stocks are laggards for the year."
Big techs lagging the broad markets this year would indeed be a surprise. But I'm making the opposite bet—that tech will be the year's top-performing sector.
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Sunday, January 24, 2021
Intel Empire Fights Back with Rocket and Alder Lake! / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Leaked benchmarks on the performance of Intel's 11th Gen rocket lake processors due to make an appears as early as March 2020 suggest that the Intel's slide into CPU market oblivion could soon be halted on at least core basis (especially important for gaming) that deliver a 30% leap over their 10th Gen processors. And even more importantly Intel BEATS AMD's BEST processor even when overclocked, the 5950x running at 4.9ghz by about 3%! Which IS what Intel should have done with it's 10th Gen processors! Still it looks like the Intel has finally read the writing on the wall and plowed a large chunk of it's cash mountain into trying to compete against AMD, though STILL stuck on the 14nm node!
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Wednesday, January 20, 2021
General Artificial Intelligence Was BORN in 2020! GPT-3, Deep Mind / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
During 2020 the fictional general artificial intelligence of the movies to some degree become reality in the form of GPT-3 that performs exponentially better than AI that preceded it as the following graph illustrates,
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Saturday, January 16, 2021
Why Nvidia Is My “Slam Dunk” Stock Investment for the Decade / Companies / AI
By: Stephen_McBride
What was the most important financial event of 2020? Most folks would tell you it was the coronavirus pandemic and the economic devastation caused by government lockdowns.
But that’s wrong. For investors, the most life-changing thing that happened last year has to do with computer chips. In 2020, for the first time ever, the value of the computer chip industry surpassed that of the oil industry. The 30 largest semiconductor companies are now worth $2.5 trillion combined. Compare that to $1.7 trillion for the 30 largest oil firms.
This sent an important signal to investors. Oil is no longer the most important resource is the world. Computer chips are. Longtime RiskHedge readers know computer chips, also called semiconductors, are the “brains” of electronics.
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Thursday, December 31, 2020
Google, Amazon, Apple... AI Stocks Buying Levels / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is a continuation of my in-depth analysis into the buying levels for the Top 10 AI stocks to ride the electron mega-trend the whole of which was first made available to Patrons who support my work so immediate first access to ALL of my analysis and trend forecasts then do consider becoming a Patron by supporting my work for just $3 per month.
- US Presidential Election 2020 Forecast Review
- Seeing Stock Market New Highs Through the Prism of AI
- Stock Market Dow Quick Take
- AI Stocks Buying Levels and EC ratio Explained
- Top 10 AI Stocks individual analysis i.e. for Google, Amazon, Apple etc.
- AI Stocks Buying Levels Q4 2020
- The Next IMMINENT Global Catastrophe After Coronavirus
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Google and Amazon, Top 10 AI Tech Stocks Buying Levels Analysis / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is a continuation of my in-depth analysis into the buying levels for the Top 10 AI stocks to ride the electron mega-trend the whole of which was first made available to Patrons who support my work so immediate first access to ALL of my analysis and trend forecasts then do consider becoming a Patron by supporting my work for just $3 per month.
- US Presidential Election 2020 Forecast Review
- Seeing Stock Market New Highs Through the Prism of AI
- Stock Market Dow Quick Take
- AI Stocks Buying Levels and EC ratio Explained
- Top 10 AI Stocks individual analysis i.e. for Google, Amazon, Apple etc.
- AI Stocks Buying Levels Q4 2020
- The Next IMMINENT Global Catastrophe After Coronavirus