Category: AI
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, February 27, 2025
These Metrics Identify Only 10 AI Related Stocks That Are Undervalued / Companies / AI
By: Lorimer_Wilson
If you’re looking for AI companies primed for revenue and earnings growth, strong profitability, and upward analyst revisions, consider investing in one or more of the stocks highlighted in this article based on their current stock price relative to their forecast earnings growth over the next 12 months, i.e. their PEG ratio, and also the magnitude of their recent price change to evaluate the extent to which the stock is overbought or oversold; and the degree to which the stock has been shorted by traders.
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Friday, August 30, 2024
2024 = 1984 - AI Equals Loss of Agency / Politics / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Dear Reader
This article is part 1 of 2 of my extensive analysis US Housing Market Analysis, House Prices Trend Forecast 2024 to 2026 that was first made available to patrons who support my work. So for immediate first access to ALL of my analysis and trend forecasts then do consider becoming a Patron by supporting my work for just $7 per month, lock it in now at $7 before next rises to $10 per month for new sign-ups.
US Housing Market Analysis and House Prices Trend Forecast 2024 to 2026
Stock Market Trend Forecast
US Stock Market vs M2 Money Supply
AI Stocks Portfolio
Nvidia 10 for 1 Stock Split
AI Computers Hype
2024 - AI Equals Loss of Agency
Why Alien Intelligence Cannot Predict the Future
Consequences of AI
UBI - Universal Billionaire Income
GLOBAL WARMING Housing Market Consequences Right Now
RECESSION When Yield Curve Uninverts
Global Debt Bubble.
US Housing Market Free Equity
HOA Nightmare
Florida Hurricanes
Rentals Crisis
Who is Buying All the Houses?
Commercial Property Capitulation
US House Prices Momentum
US House Prices Trend Forecast
US Housing Market Stocks
UK General Election - 4th July 2024
Saturday, August 24, 2024
The Consequences of AI / Politics / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
What happens to humans when they are no longer able to control their own destiny i.e. become less than wage slaves? For that we look to what the Welfare States have supposedly achieved. Does giving benefits to people help or hinder people? In Britain we have a benefits culture that extends to some 9 million people of working age who for a multitude of reasons do not work. So what happens to those within this sub culture?
Are they seeking ways to better themselves or do the devolve deeper into self pity expecting someone else to do things for them, do those who live on benefits look after the property they live in? Their neighbourhoods? We'll go ask any landlord why they won't rent their properties to those on benefits because they will be a nightmare of unreliability.
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Friday, August 23, 2024
Why Alien Intelligence Cannot Predict the Future / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Humanity is now creating systems that we DO NOT UNDERSTAND how they actually work! AI is unlike anything man has developed to date, deep neural nets. Anyone who says that they understand what deep neural networks such as the LLM' with their billions and now trillion parameter neural nets are doing is lying. A deep neural net is a lot like looking at a stock price chart where we have the neural net that is on the left and we have the prediction that is outputted on the blank side of the stock chart.
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Saturday, August 17, 2024
Orwell 2024 - AI Equals Loss of Agency / Politics / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Humans have fought tooth and nail to gain agency, freedom from the Lords of the Manor but here in the 2020's we are in the process of giving up our agency to the machine intelligence. It means over time humans will become dumber and dumber as the AI will do much of our thinking for us as we perceive the AI to have superior judgment to us mere mortals with limited knowledge whist the AI can call on all of human knowledge.
Already the high priesthood of AI professes that he AI will know us better than ourselves, META already states that it's algorithms can predict a lot about it's users just through analysis of our interactions with it's platforms.
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Saturday, August 17, 2024
AI Computers Hype / Stock-Markets / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Lots of hype in the media about AI computers such as which Microsoft announced. Only problem is there is no compelling reason to upgrade to an AI computer, what are you going to do with it?
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Thursday, August 15, 2024
AI Tech Stocks Portfolio / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Current state of portfolio is 79.4% invested, 20.6% cash, though 9.76% is in crypto's which is meant to be temporary, i.e. I plan to exit virtually all of my crypto positions during the crypto bull market where the key risk is that it ends a lot earlier than expected, so effective percent invested in stocks is 70%.
All of the primaries and secondaries have delivered huge profits except Tesla and Apple. Even crappy IBM has delivered on its spike to $200 prompting heavy trimming, the big surprise was Micron, I was not expecting $130+! As for sleepers, Samsung has also delivered whilst Intel continues to snooze. All whilst most investors have a large chunk of cash parked in money market accounts because they listened to clown Cramer and the CNBC cartoon network so they are missing out on one of the greatest bull markets in history, what else can you call Nvidia 10xing in 18 months!
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Thursday, May 23, 2024
AI Stocks Portfolio and Tesla / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Portfolio is now 76.7% invested, 23.3% cash with the changes largely due to selling 89% of my MSTR holding during it's FOMO climb that topped out at $1865. patrons only
Stocks in or very near buying ranges worth accumulating are -
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Monday, April 08, 2024
Profit from the Roaring AI 2020's Tech Stocks Economic Boom / Stock-Markets / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
I have been iterating since June 2020, the message one should be receiving is that I expect this bull market to run for many more years, that I expected to target a return of X6 over some 7 years on where AI tech stocks stood June 2020, whilst my best guess 3.5 years ago was that we could see a major top during 2027, as long as run away valuations moderated from time to time delivering buying opps as they did during 2022 then I don't see why this should not still remain the big picture, thus the bull market that began March 2009 could continue to fulfill my original expectations for a 18 year bull market, where even the bear market that follows it will prove temporary as the bull market once more resumes during the 2030's.
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Monday, March 18, 2024
AI can now remember everything you say / Politics / AI
By: Stephen_McBride
- Did you know this is the biggest election year in history?
I’m not only talking November’s US presidential election.
In 2024, 76 countries with more than four billion people will head to the polls.
Investors, pay attention—because any politician who wants to get re-elected is incentivized to hand out goodies to voters.
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Why AI will Soon become SA - Synthetic Intelligence - The Machine Learning Megatrend / Politics / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Is Artificial the right word to use for what is taking place as we enter 2024?
Artificial - made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.
Neural networks are a black box, they are not a copy of something natural i.e. are an emergent property, a different form of intelligence, in the past I've called this Alien Intelligence but that is a bit Sci-fi sounding, maybe a better word that could eventually become widespread should be Synthetic Intelligence since it is a form of intelligence and not artificial i.e. the intelligence is real, but different to human intelligence.
Sunday, January 28, 2024
The Roaring AI Tech Stocks 2020's / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Just pause for a moment and take in the chart below that I have been iterating since June 2020, the message one should be receiving is that I expect this bull market to run for many more years, that I expected to target a return of X6 over some 7 years on where AI tech stocks stood June 2020, whilst my best guess 3.5 years ago was that we could see a major top during 2027, as long as run away valuations moderated from time to time delivering buying opps as they did during 2022 then I don't see why this should not still remain the big picture, thus the bull market that began March 2009 could continue to fulfill my original expectations for a 18 year bull market, where even the bear market that follows it will prove temporary as the bull market once more resumes during the 2030's.
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Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Synthetic Intelligence / Personal_Finance / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Is Artificial the right word to use for what is taking place as we enter 2024?
Artificial - made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.
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Friday, December 22, 2023
AI Tech Stocks - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Ho Ho Ho , Merry Christmas, have you all been good boys and girls during 2023? What do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas? Pop S&P 4800+ down your chimney? New all time highs in a number of AI tech stocks to celebrate Christmas morning.... Your family will wonder why this year you are so much more full of christmas spirit!
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Saturday, December 16, 2023
AI Messiah Sam Altman to Unleash AI God During 2025 / Politics / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
AI Messiah Sam Altman unleashing the Alternative to Man, soon to birth the AI God that won't be benevolent, trained on the pet prejudices of those who are creating it (zionists), things happening at a faster pace then I imagined they wood. We could see the foot prints of the AI God / Devil as early as 2025!
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Thursday, November 23, 2023
When AI Hallucinates - Top AI Tech Stocks / Companies / AI
By: Stephen_McBride
1. Turns out, AI isn’t a fraud.
The AI “App Store” wasn’t the only recent big announcement from OpenAI.
It also revealed GPT-4 Turbo, which is ChatGPT on steroids. The AI chatbot can now analyze more than 300 pages of text in one go. It also seamlessly switches between images, text, and speech.
I was once skeptical about AI. I’m always skeptical about tech that sounds amazing but that no one actually uses. That was the state of AI for a long, long time. As recently as last year, Nvidia (NVDA) was the only company making real money from AI.
Saturday, November 18, 2023
The Most Important Chat GPT Tech Reveal of 2023 / Companies / AI
By: Stephen_McBride
1. The first AI “app store” is about to launch.
On Monday, November 6, ChatGPT creator OpenAI announced “GPT Store.”
It allows anyone to create their own AI “app” based on ChatGPT’s tech—no coding skills needed.
You can build a personalized robo-tutor… a travel concierge… or your own ChatGPT-like intern that filters all your emails.
Thursday, November 09, 2023
The “new ChatGPT” just launched / Companies / AI
By: Stephen_McBride
1. All the world’s smartest people are embracing AI—and you better be too.
I was at the Network State Conference, hosted by Balaji Srinivasan.
Here’s award-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald presenting (he’s one of the good guys):
Wednesday, November 08, 2023
AI Rules Everything! A.R.E.A.M. / Companies / AI
By: Stephen_McBride
My grand-dad used to tell me, “Look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves.”
Microsoft (MSFT) founder Bill Gates still flew Economy long after he was a multimillionaire.
And to this day, the table in Amazon’s (AMZN) executive conference room is made of old doors with 4x4s attached to them for legs.
Saturday, November 04, 2023
Why AI Will Eat the World / Companies / AI
By: Stephen_McBride
US stocks have been treading water lately… but the big news is in bitcoin (BTC).
It’s on fire, surging to $35,000—a price not seen in a year and a half.
Bitcoin has now doubled this year and is easily the best-performing major investment in the world: