Category: Sector Analysis
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Saturday, February 14, 2015
Airline Stocks Continue to Nickel and Dime Passengers With Bag Fees / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Investment_U
Rachel Gearhart writes: In 2008, airlines justified the raise in baggage fees by blaming rising fuel costs. But in recent months, oil prices have been halved. And yet, baggage fees remain lofty.
This week's chart looks at the amount of baggage-fee revenue collected by airlines compared to the price of Brent crude over the past eight years.
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Saturday, January 10, 2015
How the Terrorism "Trend" Is Moving Your Money Today / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: As an analyst known for making bold and unusual predictions in pursuit of profits, I am usually inclined to celebrate when my “calls” are proven right.
But when it comes to the proliferation of one of the six primary trillion-dollar trends we’re following – War, Terrorism & Ugliness (WTU) – I’ve got to be completely honest. There are times when I am uncomfortable with the human cost of being right.
That’s certainly the case right now, following the horrific assassinations of 10 journalists and two police officers earlier this week at the Charlie Hebdo magazine offices in Paris. In case you somehow missed the news, the killings were allegedly carried out by two brothers who had become radicalized Muslims in the Parisian ghettos of Gennevilliers acting in response to cartoons portraying the prophet Muhammad.
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Sunday, December 07, 2014
A Monster Rally In Airline Stocks / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: DailyWealth
Since July, the price of crude oil is down more than 30%. This decline has killed oil stocks... but provided a big boost to a "bad to less bad" trade we profiled years ago.
Back in September 2011, we wrote a bullish note on airline stocks. Airlines sport razor-thin profit margins, they're subjected to wild swings in fuel costs, and they require lots of capital expenditures to keep the businesses running. This makes them horrible long-term investments. But from a trading viewpoint, it's worth noting that airlines go through big "boom and bust" cycles. These cycles can be traded for big profits.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Weak Oil Prices a Boon to Airline Stocks / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: DailyGainsLetter
George Leong writes: Oil prices are heading lower, folks. The benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) broke down to the $75.00 level last Thursday, as shown on the chart below, and could be threatening to take a run towards $70.00. Even the thicker Brent Crude oil prices (shown by the dark green line in the below chart) are not that much higher. And that’s worrisome if you are an oil producer.
Monday, November 10, 2014
For the Biggest Stock Profits, Buy HATED Sectors Like This One / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: DailyWealth
Dr. Steve Sjuggerud writes: "Hold your nose and buy"... That's the path to real wealth through investing.
I realize that saying that sounds ridiculous (and it doesn't even make sense). Here's what I mean:
"Hold your nose and buy" describes the feeling you need to feel, down in your bones, at the moment you're buying, to make the biggest profits.
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Sunday, October 26, 2014
Christmas In October β Desperate Measures / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: James_Quinn
The desperation of retailers grows by the day. I head to Wal-Mart and Giant in Harleysville every Sunday morning at 7:00 am. to do my weekly grocery shopping. I go to Wal-Mart at opening to avoid the freaks we see weekly on the People of Wal-Mart post. The workers at Wal-Mart are only a small step above the customers. They can barely communicate, rarely look you in the eye, and generally act like they are prisoners in an asylum.
I’m in winter/bad times ahead prep mode. I had a load of fire wood delivered yesterday which I wheelbarrowed to the back yard and stacked with my already decent sized stack. Last week I took an empty propane canister back to Wal-Mart to replace it with a full canister. That would give me three full propane tanks. I left the empty tank outside next to the propane cage and went in to pay. The old lady cashier with the gravelly smoker voice told me she would call for someone to get me a new tank.
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Saturday, October 25, 2014
The Trend Every Nation on Earth Is Pouring Money Into / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: When we began our time together here at Total Wealth, I promised you a deep look at each of the primary trillion-dollar trends. I told you that every dime made in the markets for the next 10 years would be on this list of trends.
We jumped right in with Technology and our Human Augmentation target – the most inspirational tech company I’ve ever visited.
Today, I want to keep that promise and focus in on our second unstoppable global trend.
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Friday, October 24, 2014
The 10th Man: The Financial Engineering Market / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: John_Mauldin
Jared Dillian writes: IBM went down hard on its quarterly earnings report this week. This made a splash in the news because, well, itβs IBM, and also Warren Buffett owns it, so it was a rare moment of human fallibility for him. But there is a lot more to the story than that. Very sophisticated people have been keeping an eye on IBM for some time.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Can Ebola Fears Deliver a Value Opportunity in the Cruise Industry? / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Investment_U
Tom Sandford writes: For a lesson on smooth sailing into global markets, one only needs to look at the global cruise industry.
In just the last decade, the number of cruise passengers has jumped by 77% from 12 million to 21.3 million, according to the Cruise Lines International Organization.
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Wednesday, October 08, 2014
How Theater Chains Can Fight Netflix / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Submissions
Netflix has just inked a four-movie deal with Adam Sandler that threatens to shake up the big theater chains by radically altering the way movies are distributed and viewed. It will allow Netflix to produce movies and to stream them directly to customers’ home entertainment centers and computers, completely bypassing exhibit houses. The online Washington Post put this ominous headline on the story: “Why the Adam Sandler deal with Netflix could doom theaters…” Exhibitors, especially big chains like Regal Cinemas, Cinemark and AMC, are understandably upset. But they needn’t be. When they come to their senses, they’ll realize not only that they have the means to compete with online movie producer/distributors such as Netflix , but to do so in a way that promises to usher in a golden era for the film medium itself.
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Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Leading Stock Market Sectors Breaking Down β Internet & Social Stocks / Stock-Markets / Sector Analysis
By: Chris_Vermeulen
In July I showed talked about the Russell 2K index and how it was underperforming the broad market. I went on to explain what it likely meant was in store for the US stock market this fall. The outlook was negative, just in case you were wondering…
This week I want to talk about two different sectors that have often lead the broad market in rallies and corrections over the years. These sectors have underperformed the broad market much like that of small cap stocks, and this does not bode well for investors going into fall.
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Sunday, September 14, 2014
The Big Investor Opportunity in the Orbital Space Junkyard / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: To say that I've been fascinated with space technology since I was a little kid is no exaggeration.
See, when I was in the first grade, I met none other than U.S. astronaut John Glenn, the first person to orbit Earth, and a man many will know about as an almost mythic figure in the book and movie The Right Stuff.
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Sunday, September 14, 2014
Kohl's and The Rest of The Retailers are in Deep Doo Doo / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: James_Quinn
"Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable." ~ Mark Twain
I never believe government manufactured numbers. They will always be adjusted, massaged, and manipulated to achieve a happy ending for the propagandists attempting to control and fleece the sheep. Yesterday, the government produced retail sales numbers for August that were weak and the corporate MSM propaganda machine immediately threw up bold headlines declaring how strong these numbers were. Positive stories were published on the interwebs and Wall Street hack economists were rolled out on CNBC, where the bubble headed bimbos and prostitutes for the status quo like Jim Cramer and Steve Liesman declared the recovery gaining strength. Woo Hoo.
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Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Five Industries Worried About Peak Oil / Stock-Markets / Sector Analysis
By: OilPrice_Com
The debate over the impact of peak oil has been raging for decades. Although few deny that the end of mass oil consumption is drawing nearer, educated estimates now range between 2020 and 2030. But more important than the timeframe of peak oil are its consequences. Some seek to spell the end of life as we know it, so reliant is the world upon black gold. Others, equally extreme in their views, embrace the news, looking forward to a time when humanity will magically clean up its act.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Airline Stocks β That Sinking Feeling / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Submissions
Market Edge writes: First, an airplane simply vanished. The MH370 is yet to be found. The assumption is that it has crashed but no one has ever seen a wreckage which even remotely is linked to the plane.
Second, we have 13 planes that go off radar in Europe on June 5. No one knows why
Third, a Iraqi Warlord released by the US (for unknown reasons) is now capturing Baghdad and taking over Oil.
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Thursday, May 29, 2014
Defense Tech Stock Plays Scorching the Market / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: After decades of working with defense technology companies, I know the ebb and flow of military spending all too well.
I remember that when the Cold War came to an end, the nation's political leaders were talking enthusiastically about the so-called "peace dividend."
That's Washington-speak for Pentagon budget cuts that always seem to come after a major conflict has ended.
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Friday, April 25, 2014
Electronic Cigarettes Shake Up the Tobaco Industry / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Richard_Cox
In the last few years, we have seen relatively few examples of true market innovation. Progress in cell phone, computer, and automobile technology has stalled and this makes it difficult to identify companies that are poised for real growth over the next 5-10 years. But it looks as though an exception can be made here in the electronic cigarette industry, which has made some major advances in recent years when compared to the traditional cigarette products that have seemingly been around forever. These innovations will have a major impact not only on the health of cigarette smokers but on the broader trajectory in many areas of the marketplace, as well. Here, we will look at some of the ways electronic cigarettes will alter the landscape -- both from a health perspective and from a market perspective.
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Monday, March 24, 2014
Global Middle-Class Growth Boosting These Stocks Worldwide / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: DailyGainsLetter
George Leong writes: The current drama surrounding Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been riveting and indicative of how the superlative growth in travel in the airline sector has encompassed Asia along with the world.
For years now, since the recession hit in 2008, I have been increasingly bullish on the airline sector across the globe, but especially in the emerging markets like China, India, Eastern Europe, and Asia. Helping to drive up the demand for travel in the airline sector has been the upward push in wealth creation in many of these regions, which has given more people the ability to afford air travel.
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Monday, March 10, 2014
Staples Store Closings Part of an Ugly Retail Sector Trend / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes: The news that Staples Inc. (Nasdaq: SPLS) plans to close 225 stores illustrates a grim trend in retail that will accelerate over the next couple of years.
The store closings are expected to save Staples $500 million by the end of 2015 and represent 12% of the office supply chain's 1,846 North American stores.
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Thursday, February 06, 2014
US Global Defensive Consumer Franchises Stock Investing Theme / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Rory_Gillen

Sometimes you can have your cake and eat it! In investing that means buying stocks with good defensive growth characteristics. In May 2010, GillenMarkets introduced the US Global Defensive Consumer Franchise Theme for subscribers and the theme included eight US companies at that time—Coca Cola, McDonalds, Proctor & Gamble, Colgate, Johnson & Johnson, Wal-Mart, Kellogg and Kraft. The European equivalents—Unilever, Diageo, Reckitt Benckiser and Kerry—were added to the theme in 2011. Kraft has since de-merged and we have substituted Mondelez (the spin off from Kraft) in Kraft's place.
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