Category: Global Economy
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, January 10, 2013
Economic Collapse!A Leading Indicator Of Better Times To Come / Economics / Global Economy
By: Darryl_R_Schoon
It’s going to get better; but, first, it’s going to get worse
Time of the Vulture, 3rd ed. 2012
When I presented Time of The Vulture: How to Survive the Crisis and Prosper in the Process to the Positive Deviant Network in March 2007, the economic collapse hadn’t yet happened. The next year, it did.
At the time, I suggested those in attendance shed debt, sell their homes and buy gold. Then, the US real estate market was functioning without direct government aid, gold was $650 per ounce and the financial system was stable.
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Thursday, January 03, 2013
Economic Outlook 2013: Unique, Changing, Unpredictable / Economics / Global Economy
By: Andrew_McKillop
Evolutionary biologists, botanists, zoologists, ecologists and other scientists - for example astrophysicists and cosmologists - will tell you that the universal history of change has several unchanging rules. One of these, specially when it concerns living things, is that the history of life is fractal. A very simple example is any tree-type or dendritic evolutionary diagram: take away the time or scale labelling from any part of the diagram and you cannot tell which direction we are moving because evolutionary change is a process of continual splitting of the branches of the tree. We only assume (often wrongly) that living things in a species tend to get bigger or that species get more numerous or more specialized or less specialized - or any other criteria we might apply, almost randomly.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Global Economic Growth Estimates Slashed for 2013 / Economics / Global Economy
By: InvestmentContrarian
Sasha Cekerevac writes: I realize many people might be getting tired of hearing about the eurozone and the lack of economic growth in that union; however, we must be aware that what does occur in the eurozone and the trajectory of its economic growth can and will have an impact on the American economy. The global economy is more closely tied together now than ever before, and a lack of economic growth in one area could spread into another nation.
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Monday, November 26, 2012
Marc Faber Forecasts Keynesian Catastrophe for Global Economy / Economics / Global Economy
By: Videos
Marc Faber in this 47 minute presentation from a few months ago that shows why the world economy is heading for a Keynesian catastrophe and what opportunities are likely to emerge for institutional investors if sovereign debt continues. He assesses the possible impact of social and political unrest in North Africa and the Middle East, and how hedge funds can invest in emerging markets.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Death of the West and Decline of the East / Politics / Global Economy
By: Pravda
We are used since a century to denounce and comment the so-called decline of the West; the great essay of Spengler, unfit for the public of today, was published during the WW1 and it has been quickly fulfilled, Western Europe becoming an American colony and a bureaucratic disaster, both economically and spiritually. Her ageing population is rapidly disappearing and it will be replaced during the next decennials. Nobody should lament this process since Solzhenitsyn observed that the westerners do not know if there are alive! Modern world is a bad dream, said once French philosopher Deleuze, a left-wing genius completely forgotten nowadays in what is left of France (pardon, Hollande...). Statesmen in Europe hate or fear Mr Putin for he is the last statesman with a brain and a soul. This is why there are each year more youngsters fond of him in Western Europe. We will see where this hope will get us to.
Friday, September 28, 2012
What is the Dry Bulk Shipping Industry BDI Index Saying? / Stock-Markets / Global Economy
By: Tony_Caldaro
During the past decade or so nearly every sector of the transporation industry has run into serious Secular cycle problems. First it was the Airlines, then Trucking, then the Autos, and now Shipping. While the first three sectors appear to be in some early stages of recovery. The Shipping sector has yet to find the bottom. During the 2000′s demand-driven commodity boom, shipping rates skyrocketed and new ships were coming online every month. After the 2008 collapse in demand and commodity prices, the shipping industry found itself dealing with much lower rates and huge excess shipping capacity. During the past four years some shipping companies have been forced into bankruptcy, some are facing bankruptcy, and others a struggling along with high long term debt. To reverse this downward cycle, demand has to rise along with shipping rates while industry consolidation continues.
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Are Euro-zone Rescue Efforts Too Late To Prevent A Global Recession? / Economics / Global Economy
By: Sy_Harding

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Friday, August 31, 2012
Europe Remains the Wildcard in the Global Economy / Economics / Global Economy
By: InvestmentContrarian
George Leong writes: The muted growth in Europe is far-reaching and negatively impacting the global economy…and the evidence for this is mounting.
Six eurozone countries are in a recession, and Germany and France could join in next year.
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Friday, July 20, 2012
Europe - US Hegemony And China's G-3 Solution / Politics / Global Economy
By: Andrew_McKillop
Writing in the July issue of the Global Europe newsletter (a Czech Republic-based think tank part funded by the EU), PRC Ministry of Commerce analyst Zhang Xiaotong said: "…as world opinion turns pessimistic about the prospects of the Euro debt crisis, a fault line is emerging within China regarding the status of the EU as a great power and its role in shaping world politics and economics"
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
The International Monetary Fund - World Economic Outlook / Economics / Global Economy
By: Ian_R_Campbell
Yesterday the International Monetary Fund issued both its 'World Economic Update' and its 'Global Financial Stability Report'. If you read the short Executive Summaries at the beginning of each, you effectively will have read them. That will take you less than 2 minutes in total, and you ought to take the time to do it - see links following this commentary.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
A Ship Buyer's Market / Stock-Markets / Global Economy
By: Fred_Sheehan
"China should delay its bid to pass South Korea as the world's biggest shipbuilder to prevent a flood of new vessels extending industry-wide losses, said Clarkson Plc's Managing Director Martin Stopford. 'This sort of target really should be put aside for the time being,' he said in an interview Wednesday at a conference in Shanghai. China has asked state banks to boost financing for new ships to prevent order cancellations, safeguard jobs and support a plan to pass South Korea in ship production by 2015. At the same time, the global container-ship fleet has as much as 20 percent excess capacity...." -- China Shipyards Should Delay Bid to Pass Korea, Business Asia, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Global Economic Stalemate? / Economics / Global Economy
By: Ian_R_Campbell
Why Read: Because the referenced article is a well-balanced, well-written, very brief - albeit somewhat simplistic - overview of the economic models of the United States and the Eurozone. The article also speaks to China and briefly references Brazil and India.
Featured Article: An article Monday written by Robert Samuelson, a Washington Post syndicated columnist. In this article, Mr. Samuelson describes the economic model of:
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Monday, June 18, 2012
Heads A Deflationary Implosion - Tails A Hyperinflationary Depression... / Economics / Global Economy
By: Clive_Maund
The acute global economic crisis today is the direct result of the continued willful obstruction and overriding of the normal checks and balances that should operate within a capitalistic system of commerce. This interference has been perpretated by powerful banks and governments acting in collusion, for reasons of profit and power. At every instance in recent years when it looked like the economy was slipping into a necessary recession they have assumed a godlike role and stepped in to head it off.
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Monday, June 04, 2012
Will the ECB and Fed Follow Where China Leads? / Interest-Rates / Global Economy
By: Frank_Holmes
Every month, policymakers track purchasing managers' indices (PMI) around the world as they consider fiscal and monetary actions. To us, a PMI is a measure of health of companies around the world, because it includes output, new orders, employment and prices across manufacturing, construction, retail and service sectors.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The All-Important Question, Are Major Economies in Recovery? / Economics / Global Economy
By: David_Galland
David Galland, Casey Research writes: For pretty much everyone, no matter where they are located in the economic strata, few if any questions are more germane to making plans for the future than whether the US and other major global economies are in recovery.
Getting the answer to that question right is of special importance to investors and businesses.
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Thursday, May 10, 2012
Post-Financial Crisis – How do the Major Economic Players Stack Up? / Economics / Global Economy
By: Asha_Bangalore
The global financial crisis broke out in August 2007 and the U.S. economy plunged into a severe recession in December 2007 and the recovery commenced in June 2009. The financial crisis touched nearly all major economies across the world. Where do the major economies of the world stand as the fifth anniversary of the crisis is not too distant? If progress is measured in terms of real gross domestic product, the U.S. economy ranks behind Canada in the G7 (USA, France, Germany, Italy, UK, Canada, and Japan) but it is ahead of the euro area.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
IMF World Economic Outlook / Economics / Global Economy
By: Ian_R_Campbell
Why Read: Because this commentary links to the International Monetary Fund’s 2012 World Economic Outlook. You ought to read the Executive Summary, even if you elect not to scan the entire document or listen to the 45 minute transcript of a related Press Briefing.
Featured Report: The International Monetary Fund has just released its 2012 World Economic Outlook, sub-titled ‘Growth Resuming, Dangers Remain’. At a high level, this IMF Outlook suggests:
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Global Economies Decoupling Myth Destroyed / Economics / Global Economy
By: Michael_Pento
would have thought that the decoupling myth between global economies would have been completely discredited after the events of this past credit crisis unfolded. Back in 2007 and early 2008, investors were very slowly coming to the realization that the U.S. centered real estate crisis was going to dramatically affect our domestic economy.
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Saturday, April 07, 2012
Eurozone, US, China, the Global Economy's Ups and Downs / Economics / Global Economy
By: William_R_Thomson

Kenneth Courtis: Former vice-chairman, Goldman Sachs (Asia) and co-founder of Themes Investment Management
Ernest Kepper: President, Asia Strategic Investment Associates, Japan
Robert Lloyd-George: Chairman, Lloyd-George Investment Management, Hong Kong
William Thomson: Chairman of Private Capital, Hong Kong, director of Finavestment, London
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Catch 22 for Western Democracies / Politics / Global Economy
By: Mario_Innecco
The Catch-22 , not only for the P.I.I.G.S., but for the whole of the Western democracies is the size of government and the need to cut the size of government. The equation for calculating G.D.P. is G.D.P. = C + I + G + (X-M) which stands for Private Consumption + Gross Investment + Government Spending + (Exports - Imports).
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