Category: Global Economy
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, January 26, 2012
Slow Boat To China, Oil and Global Trade / Economics / Global Economy
By: Andrew_McKillop
An article of 26 January published by Bloomberg put it this way:
Container ships can’t go any slower. Shipping lines are running out of options to stop losses as sailing speeds reach their lower limit, exhausting a solution that helped restore profitability in 2010.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Global Economic Collapse In 2012? / Economics / Global Economy
By: Andrew_McKillop
This longstanding European genre-material for books, films, plays - and politics - dates from the end of the first world war, with a massive fillip in the 1930s long depression and rise of Stalin and Hitler, and this theme is surely back with a vengeance today. One reason is the decline isn't only economic, it is also moral, social and psychological and the track record for doing anything about it is bad, both in Europe, USA and Asia. The conventional solution, the historical precedent of the 1930s decline was Muddle Through ending with a world war, but thinking that today is unthinkable.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Restoring Economic Growth Is Not Possible, Invisible Mending ? / Economics / Global Economy
By: Andrew_McKillop
There are no shortage of search engine hits with "Restore economic growth". In Europe, the eye of the storm for ever more complex and unsure, but supposedly market friendly debt control plays that finally depend on even more government borrowing, restoring economic growth always figures somewhere on the teleprompter for leading edge interviews by political deciders. The quest to retore economic growth is always cited as a goal by deciders, but they know, and we know that it isnt possible.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
What Kim Jong Il's Death Means for the Global Economy / Politics / Global Economy
By: Money_Morning
Kerri Shannon writes:
All eyes are on North Korea and its repressed economic system this week after the country announced early Monday that Kim Jong Il, the ruling dictator for 17 years, died Saturday. The political instability to follow Kim Jong Il's death could ripple through the global economy, weighing on confidence and growth.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Global Economic Overview December 2011 / Economics / Global Economy
By: Mike_Stathis
Morgan Stanley recently downgraded its forecast for 2012 global growth to 3.5% from 3.8%. Remember in August, Morgan Stanley cut its global forecast for GDP growth down to 3.9% (from 4.2%) and 3.8% (from 4.5%) for 2011 and 2012, respectively.
In June, the IMF forecast 2.5% and 2.7% GDP growth in 2011 and 2012, respectively. This latest revision comes closer to the organization’s 2% benchmark for a global recession.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Changing Views on Growth and Economic Recovery / Economics / Global Economy
By: Bill_Bonner
What’s new?
When we signed off last week, the Germans and the French were trying to hold Europe together. This morning, they are still trying.
“Don’t you live in Europe?” asked a friend at a party over the weekend.
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Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Brazil, India, China and Eurozone Economic Headwinds to Heed in 2012 / Economics / Global Economy
By: Asha_Bangalore
There has been a string of positive news about the U.S. economy in the past few days – auto sales rose, jobless rate fell, the ISM manufacturing survey points to an increase in new orders and production, private sector construction outlays advanced. But, news from abroad is disappointing and could translate into more than a temporary dip in exports. The important question is if the tailwinds can offset the headwinds blowing through the United States.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Low Carbon Sustainable Means a Post Industrial Future / Politics / Global Economy
By: Andrew_McKillop
The chances of the long-term future being truly postindustrial is high: as Albert Einstein said on the subject of war, industrial civilization makes it certain the third world war will be nuclear - but the fourth world war will be fought with sticks and stones. By a lot less people.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Likely Economic Export Shocks From Europe / Economics / Global Economy
By: Asha_Bangalore
The European Central Bank (ECB) lowered the policy rate 25 bps to 1.25% on November 3, 2011. The possibility of a mild recession was cited as the reason for monetary policy easing. By implication, the recession should translate into fewer exports of the U.S. to Euroland. The share of US exports to the European Union (all 25 member nations) has dropped to 17.7% in August 2011 from a peak of 23.2% in February 2009.
Friday, October 14, 2011
United States and China: International Trade Data Underscore Softening Economic Fundamentals / Economics / Global Economy
By: Asha_Bangalore

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Why the IMF's Warnings About Slower Growth for the U.S. and Europe Will Be Ignored / Economics / Global Economy
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes:
In lowering its growth forecast for the United States and Europe, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned of "severe repercussions" unless drastic measures are taken soon.
But don't expect the warning to spawn any real action.
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Saturday, August 27, 2011
Global Economic Growth Stalls Amidst Debt Crisis, Austerity / Economics / Global Economy
By: Global_Research
Andre Damon writes: A new batch of economic figures released this week confirms a renewed economic downturn, amidst an intensified assault on jobs and living conditions internationally.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said the gross domestic product of its member countries grew by only 0.2 percent in the second quarter of this year, dropping from 0.3 percent in the first quarter.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Can China Save The World? Towards A New Economic Model / Economics / Global Economy
By: DK_Matai
As the West contemplates a new phase in the global financial crisis, China -- the second biggest economy on Earth -- appears to some executive decision makers to be well placed to sail through the doldrums of the global financial markets or even use her wealth to come to the rescue of the rich world. Is this wishful thinking or is it grounded in facts? Despite its rising pre-eminence on the world stage, China is unlikely to save the world if the West slides back into recession. Why?
Friday, August 19, 2011
Globalization and Global Financial and Economic Chaos / Politics / Global Economy
By: Submissions
Ron Hera writes: As social and political upheaval and civil unrest have spread across the globe, it has become clear that the problems facing Western countries are neither transient nor temporary. Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States share a common set of problems over and above economic decline and sovereign debt issues linked to problems of the global financial system. The issues surrounding civil unrest comprise a lack of economic opportunity, political disenfranchisement, erosion of individual rights, a systematic lack of accountability from local authorities to national leaders, deteriorating credibility of political and financial leaders and disintegrating national government legitimacy. The reason that the above problems are common to Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States is that they are all linked to globalization.
Friday, July 08, 2011
Piracy: A Growing Global Menace / Politics / Global Economy
By: OilPrice_Com
Over the last few years, thanks largely to Hollywood's "pirates of the Caribbean" franchise, maritime buccaneers have acquired a highly romantic image.
The reality of modern piracy is far removed from the images peddled by Tinseltown. In the most recent nautical attack, Somali pirates on 6 July attacked the 900-foot Brillante Virtuoso, which was carrying over 141,000 tons of fuel oil from Ukraine to Qingdao, China, 20 miles off the Yemeni port of Aden. The vessel's 26 crew members abandoned ship after the attackers fired an RPG round into their sleeping quarters.
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
20 Warning Signs Of A Global Doomsday / Politics / Global Economy
By: EconMatters
Worries rries of a Lehman-like financial crisis spreading through Europe and the world has made Greece talk of the market lately. Not to let Greece dominate the spotlight, the U.S. debt ceiling debate is also getting to be as traumatic since a failure to raise the debt ceiling could mean imminent default and credit downgrades for the United States sovereign debt.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Stocks, Demographics, Sovereign Debt and Global Food Prices Economic Report / Economics / Global Economy
By: John_Mauldin
This week's Outside the Box is from one of the more interesting thinkers and observers of the markets I know, Simon Hunt. When we get together in London, conversations are lively, as we don't always see eye to eye; but we can always discuss, in a very civil manner, the affairs of the world. This particular piece is wide-ranging and thought-provoking. Simon is always ready to apply actual times to his predictions, and he has held steady on them for years.
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Our Economic Future, Best to Worst Case / Economics / Global Economy
By: Casey_Research
Doug Casey, Casey Research writes: There is a great deal of uncertainty among investors about what the future of the U.S. economy may look like – so I decided to take a stab at what’s likely to happen over the next 20 years. That's enough time for a child to grow up and mature, and it's long enough for major trends to develop and make themselves felt.
Thursday, June 02, 2011
World Factory Sector Output Shifts to Lower Gear / Economics / Global Economy
By: Asha_Bangalore
The ISM manufacturing survey results of May show a decelerating trend in factory activity. The composite index declined to 6.9 points to 53.5 in May, which marks the third consecutive monthly drop. The sharp declines of indexes tracking new orders (-10.7 to 51.0) and production (- 9.8 to 54.0) are worrisome.
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Thursday, May 05, 2011
Where is the Global Economy Headed? The Worst Is Yet to Come / Economics / Global Economy
By: Casey_Research
To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
Roy Furr: I'm writing today after spending the last three days in Boca Raton, Florida, attending The Next Few Years: A Casey Research Summit. If you're not already familiar, the purpose of this summit was to bring together many of the world's top economic and investing minds to share with us where they believe we're headed in the months and years ahead.
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