Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, July 24, 2011
The Fix Is In: Washington's Planned Social Contract Destruction / Politics / US Politics
By: Stephen_Lendman
The criminal class in Washington is bipartisan, united against working household interests. In fact, lawmakers yield on virtually everything big money wants, notably when banks and other corporate favorites are affected.
Last December, Obama capitulated to Republicans, rigging a deal for up to $1 trillion dollars in handouts, mostly to corporate giants and America's wealthy with working households almost entirely left out.
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
What the U.S. Government Will Never Tell You About the Debt Crisis / Politics / US Debt
By: DailyWealth
Last week, I devoted the latest issue of The 12% Letter to the debt ceiling... and how it will affect us as investors.
After sifting through the government's numbers and mindless claims of "Armageddon," I believe it should not worry you as an investor. And I'm convinced as ever the "debt ceiling" debate is a dog and pony show that distracts Americans from our country's biggest problem.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Financial Armageddon is Looking Better and Better / Politics / US Debt
By: Bill_Bonner
Is there a fender anywhere in Christendom that the financial authorities have not dented yet?
They are lost without a compass. They are up the river without a paddle. At the automatic teller without a pin number. They have no theory that has not been discredited. They have no experience which does not contradict them.
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Friday, July 22, 2011
Norway Terror Bomber, Shooter Photo, Murdoch Press 'The Sun' Blames Al-Qeada! / Politics / Mainstream Media
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The horrific events in Oslo, Norway today that started with a large city centre bomb blast shortly followed by a nearby shoot spree at holiday island of Utoya have resulted in at least 80 murders, most of whom are teenagers.
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Friday, July 22, 2011
Pentagon Seeks to Manipulate Social Media for Propaganda Purposes / Politics / US Politics
By: Global_Research
Wired reported on Friday: The Pentagon is looking to build a tool to sniff out social media propaganda campaigns and spit some counter-spin right back at it.
On Thursday, Defense Department extreme technology arm Darpa unveiled its Social Media in Strategic Communication (SMISC) program. It’s an attempt to get better at both detecting and conducting propaganda campaigns on social media. SMISC has two goals. First, the program needs to help the military better understand what’s going on in social media in real time — particularly in areas where troops are deployed. Second, Darpa wants SMISC to help the military play the social media propaganda game itself.
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Friday, July 22, 2011
The Class Politics of the U.S. Debt Ceiling Crisis / Politics / US Politics
By: Global_Research
Patrick Martin writes: Washington, reinforced by the commentaries in the corporate-controlled media, both liberal and conservative.
Why is the demand for “deficit reduction” now being voiced so unanimously in every quarter of official American politics? What are the fundamental class issues that underlie this campaign?
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Friday, July 22, 2011
David Cameron and the Murdoch Affair / Politics / UK Politics
By: William_Bowles
The political/corporate class must be ruing the day email arrived, it is proving to be the undoing of many a powerful individual and perhaps even the downfall of the government? But only if the media do the job they claim to be doing, investigating malfeasance at every level.
Friday, July 22, 2011
U.S. Economy Destroyed, Washington Is the Enemy / Politics / US Politics
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
Recently, the bond rating agencies that gave junk derivatives triple-A ratings threatened to downgrade US Treasury bonds if the White House and Congress did not reach a deficit reduction deal and debt ceiling increase. The downgrade threat is not credible, and neither is the default threat. Both are make-believe crises that are being hyped in order to force cutbacks in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Kamikaze War on U.S. Debt Ceiling / Politics / US Debt
By: Danny_Schechter
New York: During World War 2, the Japanese deployed units of pilots who turned their planes into bombs, and sacrificed themselves in the name of their emperor in a holy war against US ships. They would aim for the deck of aircraft carriers and do as much damage as they could at a cost of their equipment and their lives.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Sarkozy Saves Greece And Launches The F.S.F. / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Andrew_McKillop
In a classic of its type, French president Nicolas Sarkozy, 21 July evening time in Brussels, gave what looked and sounded like an impromptu press conference but supposedly wasn't. In a state of high excitement he explained how almost alone, or at least with German chancellor Angela Merkel they had saved Greece. The figures thrown out by Sarkozy were part of the circus show, for example that Greek debt, in 1 year, had grown by about 100 billion euro or by nearly 40 percent of GNP, to what Sarkozy claimed was 350 billion euro, which is difficult on a GNP he also claimed as 230 bn euro this year. To be sure, 10 or 20 bn euro this way or that counts for little, in such exciting times.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
U.S. Debt Ceiling Myths / Politics / US Debt
By: Michael_Pento
The debt ceiling debate that has dominated the headlines over the past month has been thoroughly infused with a string of unfortunate misconceptions and a number of blatant deceptions. As a result, the entire process has been mostly hot air.
While a recitation of all the errors would be better attempted by a novelist rather than a weekly columnist, I'll offer my short list.
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
NHS GP's, Centralised Healthcare and The Pretense of Medical Knowledge / Politics / NHS
Andrew Foy writes: Like his mentor Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek spent his academic career trying to expose the central planner's pretense of economic knowledge. In doing so, Hayek referred to "the knowledge problem." In explaining it, he writes,
Read full article... Read full article...The peculiar character of the problem of a rational economic order is determined precisely by the fact that the knowledge of the circumstances of which we must use never exists in concentrated or integrated form but solely as the dispersed bits of incomplete and frequently contradictory knowledge which all the separate individuals possess.…
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Great Default, The Feds and Their Mega-Debts / Politics / US Debt
By: Gary_North
To cheer your day – maybe your year – click through to this chart on tax revenues. The U.S. Government has hit a tax revenue ceiling. It is in the range of 16% of GDP.
The government is spending about 24% of GDP, which is down slightly from 2009, which was the all-time high since 1945.
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Bank of America Settlement: The Latest Travesty in the U.S. Banking System / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes:
If there's one thing the recent Bank of America Corp. (NYSE: BAC) settlement proposal demonstrates, it's this: Calling the easy treatment that big banks have been enjoying in recent court and regulatory actions "a travesty of justice" is like calling the Grand Canyon a ditch.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Words Can’t Magic Away the Trade Deficit / Politics / US Politics
By: Ian_Fletcher
One recurring delusion in the controversy over America’s free-trade-induced trade mess is the idea that our gigantic trade deficit, which fluctuates around $500 billion a year, somehow “doesn’t matter.”
Anyone who’s been reading my column in the Huffington Post will probably be taken aback by this bizarre assertion, but it’s actually out there, all over the place, especially in the nooks and crannies of libertarian fantasy land, where any “free” market outcome must necessarily be good and any problems observed must therefore be illusions.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Debt Crisis and the War Cycle / Politics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Clif_Droke
Many books have been written in recent years on the problems facing us due to our nation's enormous debt. Indeed, many more could be written before the full scope of the debt problem and its consequences have been exhausted. One of the best books I've read which describes the debt problem in its simplest and most fundamental terms was written by one Richard Hoskins, entitled War Cycles/Peace Cycles.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Poor People or Old People - Who Do We Want to Help? / Politics / Social Issues
By: Paul_L_Kasriel
Milton Friedman, may he rest in peace, used to talk about the "tyranny of the status quo." By that, he meant that it is difficult to change public policy because of entrenched interest groups allied with policies that have been in effect for decades. I would argue that opposition to changes in our current Social Security and Medicare programs is an example of tyranny of the status quo. The original intent of both programs was to provide an income support floor for our retired senior citizens.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Gazprom's Increasing Influence Throughout Central Asia and Eastern Europe / Politics / Oil Companies
By: OilPrice_Com
The December 1991 collapse of the USSR was an unmitigated disaster for all 15 nations emerging from the desiccated carapace of the Soviet Union.
Now, like a plate of mercury smashed with a hammer, rivulets of the former USSR member state's energy assets two decades later are trickling back under the control and influence of Eurasia largest energy concern, Gazprom.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Iran Opens Oil Bourse - Harbinger of Trouble for New York and London? / Politics / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
The last three years of global recession have dealt a major blow to American capitalist ideas trumpeted throughout the world on the value of "free markets." Wall St has been revealed as a form of casino economy, with the bankster insiders gambling with other people's, and eventually, the government's money in the form of bailouts. As the Republicans in Congress, scenting victory in the 2012 presidential elections, hold a gun to the Obama administration's head and rating agencies consider downgrading U.S. government bonds in light of Washington's possible defaulting, many ideas around the world that previously seemed implausible because of the dominance of the U.S. economy are garnering renewed interest.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
U.S.-Saudi Dilemma: Iran's Reshaping of Persian Gulf Politics / Politics / Middle East
Reva Bhalla writes:
Something extraordinary, albeit not unexpected, is happening in the Persian Gulf region. The United States, lacking a coherent strategy to deal with Iran and too distracted to develop one, is struggling to navigate Iraq’s fractious political landscape in search of a deal that would allow Washington to keep a meaningful military presence in the country beyond the end-of-2011 deadline stipulated by the current Status of Forces Agreement. At the same time, Saudi Arabia, dubious of U.S. capabilities and intentions toward Iran, appears to be inching reluctantly toward an accommodation with its Persian adversary.