Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, August 10, 2014
What if There’s a Real War in Ukraine? / Politics / Ukraine Civil War
By: LewRockwell
Russia and the West are at war – over fruits, veggies, pork, and bank loans. The cause is Ukraine, a vast emptiness formerly unknown to the western world, but now deemed a vital national security interest worthy of a risking a very scary war.
Economic embargos such as those launched by the US against Russia may seem relatively harmless. They are not. Trade sanctions are a form of strategic warfare that is sometimes followed by bullets and shells.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Follow The Money All The Way To The Next War / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: Raul_I_Meijer
A lot of people will be paying attention today to the open letter published in his own paper by Gabor Steingart, the publisher of Germany’s leading financial newspaper Handelsblatt. And it’s admittedly not an everyday occurrence when a man like Steingart writes a letter like that. But the content is not that big a deal. He doesn’t call out any lies.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
President Obama Statement on Israel Gaza War / Politics / US Politics
By: MarketOracleTV
President Obama delivers an update on the Gaza situation and U.S. position on Israel including authorisation of use of military force, a ball growing event.
Saturday, August 09, 2014
Ukraine Nuclear Doomsday Scenario / Politics / Ukraine Civil War
By: Andrew_McKillop
No Pleasure To Write This Article
For almost sure but not certainly, if there's a nuance of difference between them, I will be accused of sowing dangerous and seditious ideas, but I have already published on this theme and I am not talking about fantasies – but facts. Removed from the arena of constantly rising western sanctions against Russia and Russian counter-sanctions against the west, the Ukraine civil war goes on.
Friday, August 08, 2014
Iraq - Obama's No-Win Doctrine / Politics / US Politics
By: Andrew_McKillop
Innocent Mr Obama Addresses the Nation
Long ago in politics, in 2011, in his address to the nation from the East Room on March 18 the president said he had to act in Libya. Without international action, he said, there would be "atrocities against [the] people." and "many thousands could die. A humanitarian crisis would ensue. The entire region could be destabilized, endangering many of our allies and partners”. Obama in 2011 also said “The calls of the Libyan people would go unanswered. The democratic values that we stand for would be overrun”.
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Thursday, August 07, 2014
Israel Gaza War Crimes - Soldier's Ordered to Shoot Civilians Including Children - C4News / Politics / Israel
By: Videos
Channel 4 News once more reveals the truth of the Israel's war on Gaza with soldiers apparently ordered / given permission to shoot dead innocent men, women and children as the videoed case of Salem Shamali illustrated. And now supported by interviews with Israeli soldiers who were given permission to SHOOT dead INNOCENT civilians which amounts to war crimes that for justice to take place should land the likes of Netanyahu on trial in the Hague.
Thursday, August 07, 2014
Israel Engineered the War on Gaza to Kill Palestinians / Politics / Israel
By: Pravda
On June 12, 2014, the news agencies of the world reported that three youths, residents of the Israeli town of Gueto, were abducted and possibly killed. Eighteen days later, the government of Israel discovered the bodies of the young people, which according to report, had been shot dead. Mahdi Zanjani *
Thursday, August 07, 2014
Massive Federated, US Based Pro-Israel Network / Politics / Israel
By: Pravda
United Against a Nuclear Iran Donors Identified: Part of Massive Federated, US Based Pro-Israel Network
"We have since worked with a broad coalition of Jewish and non-Jewish groups as well as with United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) to support legislative and regulatory actions requiring divestment from companies that do business with Iran, as well other sanctions. 'Florida has been a leader in adopting strong measures to isolate the Iranian regime in the areas of procurement, divestment and banking. We encourage local communities across the U.S to join Florida to pass similar measures" said Tara Laxer, Florida Director of United Against a Nuclear Iran.' Greater Miami Jewish Federation
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Thursday, August 07, 2014
Surprise Discovery - Crony Democracy Has No Rules / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: Andrew_McKillop
You Are A Liar
When somebody said to Socrates “I know that I know nothing at all” Socrates simply told him he was lying, because he did know something! Know nothing democracy, fausse democratie, crony parties and crony government are all lies. Like the crony economy where “imperfect knowledge” creates false value, that doesn't exist. Alternately of course, the markets are imperfect, but we're working on it.
Thursday, August 07, 2014
The US Needs to Stop Meddling in Russia-Ukraine Politics / Politics / US Politics
By: EconMatters
West Point Speech & Foreign Policy Philosophy
It is ironic that President Obama in his West Point speech posited that the US couldn`t be the world`s police, and intervene in every single dispute all over the globe; and yet his foreign policy approach has ended up getting involved in every single dispute all over the world.
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Thursday, August 07, 2014
How Obama’s Support of Israel Undermines U.S. Foreign Policy / Politics / US Politics
By: Shamus_Cooke
Blasting Gaza into rubble has affected the average American in ways that U.S. politicians will learn to regret. The result will be more than simply bleeding hearts for dead Palestinian children (430 at last count). There is a deeper political effect happening, as young and old alike realize for the first time the cancerous lies coursing through the veins of the U.S. media and political system.
Tuesday, August 05, 2014
Israel’s Military Strategy to Completely Obliterate Gaza Population - Overwhelming Evidence of Genocide / Politics / Israel
By: Michel_Chossudovsky
Genocide directed against Palestinians has become a “New Normal” according to the Times of Israel.
Under certain circumstances –according to the Times of Israel article–“Genocide is Permissible” because it is directed against Palestinians who are “terrorists” and who should be “obliterated”.
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Tuesday, August 05, 2014
Immunity Politics And The End Of Democracy / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: Andrew_McKillop
Immune to Reason
Fear-motivated rejection of change in our society has become systematic or even pre-emptive. In politics and the political process this goes much further than only dumbing down, producing what we can call the Baby-and-Bathwater syndrome. The most intense negative result of this is that entire political parties and movements are now “vaccinated” against reality. Party platforms and leadershipa are no longer able to reason. This is much further into the danger zone than denying reality.
Tuesday, August 05, 2014
Warsi Quits David Cameron's Chamberlain Government Appeasing Israel's Genocide of Palestinians / Politics / UK Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Baroness Warsi tweeted this morning that she would be resigning from David Cameron's Chamberlainesk government that through silence on the current phase of the slow burn genocide / holocaust of the Palestinian people that Israel seeks to quiet, just as Germany of the 1930's had sought to bring quiet to Europe's Jews.
Tuesday, August 05, 2014
The End of Consensus Politics in China / Politics / China
John Minnich writes: Chinese President Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign is the broadest and deepest effort to purge, reorganize and rectify the Communist Party leadership since the death of Mao Zedong in 1976 and the rise of Deng Xiaoping two years later. It has already probed more than 182,000 officials across numerous regions and at all levels of government. It has ensnared low-level cadres, mid-level functionaries and chiefs of major state-owned enterprises and ministries. It has deposed top military officials and even a former member of the hitherto immune Politburo Standing Committee, China's highest governing body. More than a year after its formal commencement and more than two years since its unofficial start with the downfall of Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai, the campaign shows no sign of relenting.
Tuesday, August 05, 2014
Apocalypse Now Or Maybe Next Week / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: Andrew_McKillop
The Hydra Threat
Destroying all memory of the past, for example by saying “history is dead”, is a common thread of apocalyptic and millenarian cults as well as the Bible. It is a powerful drug for diluting and smothering social perception and acceptance of change, except mythical and fantasist change. This is the exact opposite of the Global Reset promised (or threatened) by for example Agenda 21 and the NWO.
Tuesday, August 05, 2014
World War One and the End of the Bourgeois Century / Politics / Social Issues
Ryan W. McMaken writes: Last week marked the 100 Anniversary of the beginning of World War I. That war, which produced over 37 million casualties, not counting the related famines and epidemics that came in the war’s wake, also destroyed the political systems of numerous countries, setting the stage for fascism and communism in Europe. In the United States, and of course also throughout Europe, the war led to paranoia and political repression rarely seen during the previous century, and in the United States, the Wilson administration’s “anti-sedition” efforts led to a large-scale destruction of basic American liberties unmatched even by the Alien and Sedition acts of the eighteenth century.
Monday, August 04, 2014
Three Countries to Emerge from Iraq as We Know it Now! / Politics / Iraq War
By: Julian_DW_Phillips
In the last few weeks the story of Iraq has faded from the headlines to be replaced by the story on the Ukraine, Gaza and on the business front the tumble of the Dow on the New York Stock Exchange.
But right now in the world we are watching many structural changes taking place quietly but completely. One is the shift of wealth and power to the east, the rise of the Yuan and its use in a growing number of global transactions in the place of the U.S. dollar. At the moment Russia is turning its economic head towards China and the developed world doing its best to do so too. And still the east is gaining ground and its share of global cash flow has doubled from 20% to 40% since the beginning of the century. This is set to continue strongly.
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Monday, August 04, 2014
Ron Paul - Why Won't Obama Just Leave Ukraine Alone? / Politics / Ukraine Civil War
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
President Obama announced last week that he was imposing yet another round of sanctions on Russia, this time targeting financial, arms, and energy sectors. The European Union, as it has done each time, quickly followed suit.
These sanctions will not produce the results Washington demands, but they will hurt the economies of the US and EU, as well as Russia.
Monday, August 04, 2014
Flight MH17, Gaza, ISIS - Chaos And Conspiracy Do Not Mix / Politics / Conspiracy Theory
By: Andrew_McKillop
Why We Believe in Conspiracy
Plot theories abound and pullulate, not only on the Internet but also in the glove puppet media, in politics, business, the arts and almost everywhere and anywhere in today's ersatz “global culture”. If its not MH370 then its MH17. If the weather's bad that's because of chemtrail spraying or its because the Chinese burn too much coal. If the weather's good its a freak even and it will not last long. Oil is of course running out but this is planned. Tesla Motor and the solar energy industry did it.