Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Thursday, September 30, 2021
BioDelivery Sciences International - BDSI - High RIsk Biotech Stocks Buy, Sell, Hold Investing Analysis for the Long-run / Companies / BioTech
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Five more biotech stocks to add to the strategy of invest and forget for a potential X10 return. a reminder of why I am engaging in this binge on biotech stocks after having been focused on AI stocks for the past 5 years.
1. Biotech stocks are an unloved stocks sector whilst tech stocks over valued, even the ultra safe stocks such as the Top 10, so I am reluctant to add at current valuations hence why I hit the SELL button for the first time in many years and reduced my exposure to AI stocks by about 40%.
2. That biotech is a derivative of AI, we'll most sectors will soon become a derivative of AI because it is the PRIMARY tech megatrend of our age that will continue to broaden its reach to encompass all sectors of the economy.
3. That one of my former biotech 12xers got taken over (GW Pharma) that flooded my account with cash early May and so that focused my attention on repopulating my portfolio with 10 more biotech stocks where I expect at least 3 to 10x, with most of the rest expected to survive to varying extent. Though this is the stock market and so there are never any guarantees especially where such smallish cap stocks are concerned.
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Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Takeda - TAK - High RIsk Biotech Stocks Buy, Sell, Hold Investing Analysis for the Long-run / Companies / BioTech
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Five more biotech stocks to add to the strategy of invest and forget for a potential X10 return. a reminder of why I am engaging in this binge on biotech stocks after having been focused on AI stocks for the past 5 years.
1. Biotech stocks are an unloved stocks sector whilst tech stocks over valued, even the ultra safe stocks such as the Top 10, so I am reluctant to add at current valuations hence why I hit the SELL button for the first time in many years and reduced my exposure to AI stocks by about 40%.
2. That biotech is a derivative of AI, we'll most sectors will soon become a derivative of AI because it is the PRIMARY tech megatrend of our age that will continue to broaden its reach to encompass all sectors of the economy.
3. That one of my former biotech 12xers got taken over (GW Pharma) that flooded my account with cash early May and so that focused my attention on repopulating my portfolio with 10 more biotech stocks where I expect at least 3 to 10x, with most of the rest expected to survive to varying extent. Though this is the stock market and so there are never any guarantees especially where such smallish cap stocks are concerned.
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Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Cara Therapeutics - CARA - High RIsk Biotech Stocks Buy, Sell, Hold Investing Analysis for the Long-run / Companies / BioTech
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Five more biotech stocks to add to the strategy of invest and forget for a potential X10 return. a reminder of why I am engaging in this binge on biotech stocks after having been focused on AI stocks for the past 5 years.
1. Biotech stocks are an unloved stocks sector whilst tech stocks over valued, even the ultra safe stocks such as the Top 10, so I am reluctant to add at current valuations hence why I hit the SELL button for the first time in many years and reduced my exposure to AI stocks by about 40%.
2. That biotech is a derivative of AI, we'll most sectors will soon become a derivative of AI because it is the PRIMARY tech megatrend of our age that will continue to broaden its reach to encompass all sectors of the economy.
3. That one of my former biotech 12xers got taken over (GW Pharma) that flooded my account with cash early May and so that focused my attention on repopulating my portfolio with 10 more biotech stocks where I expect at least 3 to 10x, with most of the rest expected to survive to varying extent. Though this is the stock market and so there are never any guarantees especially where such smallish cap stocks are concerned.
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Tuesday, September 28, 2021
US Antitrust Against the Big Tech / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Dan_Steinbock
In the United States, the executive branch, courts and Congress are moving to restrict the dominance of the U.S. tech giants.
In the 1960s, the US economy was driven by the automobile sector’s Big Three: GM, Chrysler and Ford. Today, it is fueled by the Big Tech. Over the past decade, US Big Tech has revolutionized internet economy, but allegedly abused its dominance.
In June 2019, the antitrust enforcers agreed to focus on Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon, while dividing responsibility over investigations. In October 2020, the House Committee finished a report recommending a range of measures to address the firms’ allegedly anticompetitive conduct. And in June, the Committee ordered to be reported a series of antitrust bills directed at Big Tech.
Last December, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in cooperation with 46 US states, launched an antitrust lawsuit against Facebook regarding its acquisition of two rivals, Instagram and WhatsApp, and the consequent monopoly power.
Monday, September 27, 2021
Blueprint Medicines - BPMC - High RIsk Biotech Stocks Buy, Sell, Hold Investing Analysis for the Long-run / Companies / BioTech
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Five more biotech stocks to add to the strategy of invest and forget for a potential X10 return. a reminder of why I am engaging in this binge on biotech stocks after having been focused on AI stocks for the past 5 years.
1. Biotech stocks are an unloved stocks sector whilst tech stocks over valued, even the ultra safe stocks such as the Top 10, so I am reluctant to add at current valuations hence why I hit the SELL button for the first time in many years and reduced my exposure to AI stocks by about 40%.
2. That biotech is a derivative of AI, we'll most sectors will soon become a derivative of AI because it is the PRIMARY tech megatrend of our age that will continue to broaden its reach to encompass all sectors of the economy.
3. That one of my former biotech 12xers got taken over (GW Pharma) that flooded my account with cash early May and so that focused my attention on repopulating my portfolio with 10 more biotech stocks where I expect at least 3 to 10x, with most of the rest expected to survive to varying extent. Though this is the stock market and so there are never any guarantees especially where such smallish cap stocks are concerned.
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Saturday, September 18, 2021
Dow Forecasting Neural Nets, Crossing the Rubicon With Three High Risk Chinese Tech Stocks / Companies / Investing 2021
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Dear Reader
This is the concluding 2nd part of my recent extensive analysis (Part 1) focused on my continuing pursuit to gradually off load my stock analysis processing power onto neural nets, where part 2 looks at data preprocessing being critical in arriving at neural networks that output useful predictions as opposed to nonsense.
And then I literally crossed the rubicon in considering investing in three high risk Chinese tek giants given their relatively attractive valuations following their 2021 stock price blood bath in comparison to US tech stocks being driven to bubble mania valuation peaks.
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Thursday, September 16, 2021
Consistent performance makes waste a good place to buy stocks / Companies / Investing 2021
By: Submissions
Stocks can turn out to be a valuable part of your investment portfolio. Owning shares in different companies can help build savings, stay ahead of inflation, getting a sense of control over your financial future. The key to investing is figuring out how much the industry will grow and affect society. Practically, you have to determine the competitive advantage of any given company and, most importantly, the durability of that advantage. These companies are closely connected to the economy, meaning that their business volume can fall abruptly during recessions. Let’s not forget that the COVID-19 pandemic is pushing the global economy into a recession.
If waste and recycling isn’t among your top picks for buying stocks, it should be. Surging commodity prices provide a significant boost for the largest publicly traded waste and recycling haulers. Trash can turn out to be the perfect place to look for opportunities. Waste management is a capital-intensive, highly regulated, necessary service. And it generates cash flow. From investors to governments and companies, just about everyone these days is concerned about the ever-growing waste problem. The waste and recycling industry is a viable and important investment option.
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
How does product development affect a company’s market value? / Companies / SME
By: Submissions
Any company strives to serve its customers and make itself sustainable to achieve its goals and missions. By launching new products, an organization can meet the seasonal requirements of customers in the market. It’s not viable to remain within the traditional product lines and expect them to sell for years at an end. On the contrary, it’s necessary to introduce new, improved products to enhance efficiency and improve profitability. Innovation is paramount to company success, as customers are becoming more demanding and savvier. Entrepreneurs need an edge to survive and, most importantly, stand out.
If products are more attractive to customers, sales spur and lead to business growth. Product development plays a key role in the growth strategy of a firm. Not surprisingly, it influences the market value of a business. Why does market value matter, anyway? Because it eliminates ambiguity and uncertainty when it comes to determining how much the company is really worth. Market value highlights the value to investors in the marketplace, offering transparency and clarity to share buyers and sellers alike.
Monday, September 13, 2021
6 Tips For Wise Investment / Companies / Investing 2021
By: Mark_Adan
Investing your Money Wisely is solemnly a daunting thing. To commence it smoothly and infinitely a basic and prominent Investing knowledge is essential. In addition, patience, and wise counsel are also required to enhance your investments, thus income becoming more positive.
Assuredly, you might have heard from your close ones about their investments in the stock market that helped them out to earn torn of money, and influenced you too as you thought it look incredible, isn’t it?
But in reality, all the victorious millionaires achieved that position by investing their money wisely for a long period of time.
Most of their strategies can turn out useful to beginners and others. So, here are the tips provided for Wise Investment that is shared by the experienced one.
Wednesday, September 08, 2021
Hyper Growth Stocks - This billionaire is now using one of our top strategies / Companies / Investing 2021
By: Stephen_McBride
By Justin Spittler :
Has billionaire Dan Loeb been reading the RiskHedge Report?
Loeb climbed to the top of Wall Street by achieving remarkable success as an “activist investor.”
In a nutshell, Loeb would buy large stakes in struggling companies… replace management… and make other adjustments (like cutting a dividend) to turn around the company.
That’s how Loeb amassed a $4 billion fortune.
Most people with that much success wouldn’t change their approach. If it isn’t broke, why fix it, right?
But Loeb recently made a huge change in how he invests…
Sunday, September 05, 2021
How the sale of a Sting CD sparked an Entire Online Industry / Companies / Internet
By: Stephen_McBride
On an August afternoon in 1994, 21-year-old Dan Kohn made history.Kohn had just sold a CD to a man in Philadelphia through his clunky website.
The man paid $12.48 plus shipping for a copy of "Ten Summoner’s Tales" by the rock star Sting.
Why was this such a big deal?
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Sunday, September 05, 2021
Three Years of Fresh Thinking With Scott Dylan and Dave Antrobus / Companies / SME
By: Sumeet_Manhas
Since launching in 2018, the Mancunian capital investment agency Fresh Thinking Group has helped numerous businesses achieve their desired growth.
There are over 500,000 distressed companies in the UK. That’s just one of the reasons why private equity and distressed M&A investor Scott Dylan teamed up with award-winning technology specialist Dave Antrobus to launch Fresh Thinking in 2018. The forward-thinking capital investment group offers the personalised support and funding these distressed companies need to flourish in their markets.
Since kickstarting the group’s plans to help companies in digital and logistics markets transform their business models, the two entrepreneurs have achieved a huge level of success in raising Fresh Thinking’s profile. Here’s how they’ve helped companies across the UK launch, recover, and grow over the past three years.
Saturday, September 04, 2021
The Most Actively Traded Companies on the Toronto Stock Exchange / Companies / Canada
By: Submissions
The Toronto Stock Exchange is a Canadian stock exchange based in Toronto. Based on market capitalization, it's the eighth-largest exchange in the world and the third-largest in North America. A wide range of businesses from Canada and all over the world are listed on the exchange, and along with conventional securities, traders can also access exchange-traded funds, split share corporations and investment funds.
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Saturday, August 28, 2021
AI Predicts AI Tech Stock Price Valuations into 2024 / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Dear Reader
This analysis is focused on my continuing journey to gradually off load my stock analysis processing power onto neural nets where this net attempts to forecast the value of AI stocks 3 years out based on my EC indicator resulting in a upwards pressure under the stock price indicator.
This article is an excerpt form my recent in-depth analysis : AI Predicts AI Tech Stock Price Valuations into 2024, Time to Buy Chinese Tech Stocks?
- AI Stocks Value Forecaster (ASVF).
- How I Use ASVF6 - Percent Upwards Pressure (PUP)
- AI Stocks Buying Levels Plus ASVF & PUP
- AI Stocks Portfolio Buying Levels
- Dow Stock Market Trend Forecasting Neural Nets
- Pattern Recognition
- Trend Analysis Preprocessing
- Crossing the Rubicon With These Three High Risk Tech Stocks
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 1
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 2
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 3
- CME Black Swan
Friday, August 27, 2021
AI Neural Net Predicts Facebook, AMD, and Nvidia Stock Prices Three Years Ahead / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Here my neural net stock price forecaster predicts where Amazon, Microsoft and Apple stock prices will be trading in 3 years time. For an expiation of the forecaster see AI Stocks Value Forecaster (ASVF) as excerpted form my recent extensive analysis -
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Friday, August 27, 2021
How "Hot" Meme Stock Market Ideas Can Burn Investors / Companies / Investing 2021
The Meme Stock Index sees a 36% decline since January
On July 30, this headline appeared on a well-known investment website:
It's Definitely Possible to Make a Fortune Off Meme Stocks
And, it's definitely true that many investors, especially newbies, have tried.
As you probably know, "meme" stocks may be loosely defined as stocks that become a white-hot focus of interest due to social media hype. The price of these shares can skyrocket within a short period of time. However, as you might imagine, these highly speculative issues can just as quickly turn southward.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2021
AI Neural Net Predicts Amazon, Microsoft and Apple Stock Prices Three Years Ahead / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Here my neural net stock price forecaster predicts where Amazon, Microsoft and Apple stock prices will be trading in 3 years time. For an expiation of the forecaster see AI Stocks Value Forecaster (ASVF) as excerpted form my recent extensive analysis -
AI Predicts AI Tech Stock Price Valuations into 2024, Time to Buy Chinese Tech Stocks?
- AI Stocks Value Forecaster (ASVF).
- How I Use ASVF6 - Percent Upwards Pressure (PUP)
- AI Stocks Buying Levels Plus ASVF & PUP
- AI Stocks Portfolio Buying Levels
- Dow Stock Market Trend Forecasting Neural Nets
- Pattern Recognition
- Trend Analysis Preprocessing
- Crossing the Rubicon With These Three High Risk Tech Stocks
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 1
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 2
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 3
- CME Black Swan
Monday, August 23, 2021
AI Predicts Google Stock Price Three Years Ahead - WHITE CHAPEL AI Dominance! / Companies / Google
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is part 2 of my AI neural net 3 year stock price forecaster, where part 1 explained the AI Stocks Value Forecaster (ASVF) as excerpts form my recent extensive analysis -
AI Predicts AI Tech Stock Price Valuations into 2024, Time to Buy Chinese Tech Stocks?
- AI Stocks Value Forecaster (ASVF).
- How I Use ASVF6 - Percent Upwards Pressure (PUP)
- AI Stocks Buying Levels Plus ASVF & PUP
- AI Stocks Portfolio Buying Levels
- Dow Stock Market Trend Forecasting Neural Nets
- Pattern Recognition
- Trend Analysis Preprocessing
- Crossing the Rubicon With These Three High Risk Tech Stocks
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 1
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 2
- Cheap Chinese Tech Stock 3
- CME Black Swan
The whole of which has first been made available to Patrons who support my work. So for immediate first access to ALL of my analysis and trend forecasts then do consider becoming a Patron by supporting my work for just $3 per month that is soon set to increase to $4 per month for new Patrons, so a short window of opportunity exists to lock in at $3 per month.. https://www.patreon.com/Nadeem_Walayat.
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Monday, August 23, 2021
Joe Biden’s Executive Order is Great for This “Backdoor EV” Play / Companies / Electric Cars
By: Stephen_McBride
Did you hear Joe Biden’s big announcement?
He recently signed an executive order for half of all new car sales in America to be electric by 2030.
This is great news for electric automakers like Tesla, right?
Just as gas guzzling cars made early Ford and GM shareholders rich, the transition to electric vehicles will do the same for a new class of EV stocks.
But I don’t recommend buying Tesla, or any other automaker, today.
There’s an even more lucrative way to profit from the coming electric car boom. One that will help you make money no matter who wins the EV race.
This stock has already handed Disruption Investor members 200%+ gains. And my research shows it could triple again as electric cars go mainstream.
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Food Tech Startups Aim To Provide Healthy Tailor Made Meals / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Sumeet_Manhas
The majority of consumers in the US and Europe want better information about food they eat, from the quality and origin of ingredients to their environmental impact according to a report from Betway. Companies are now working to increase consumer confidence in the food system by utilizing blockchain to improve transparency throughout the food chain. Its platform allows food companies to track batches and check them in real time as they move through the chain.The food tech industry is expanding rapidly with the emergence and development of verticals such as food and grocery deliveries, personal cooking boxes, on-demand meal delivery, and these verticals are becoming more popular by the day. The combination of product traceability, end-to-customer support and innovative sales models is what makes the technology possible. We believe we can create a new food culture by combining our technology with start-ups to develop new concepts in food technology.
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