Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Saturday, August 21, 2021
How Alejandro Betancourt Lopez Transformed Hawkers Sunglasses Into a Market Leader / Companies / Investing 2021
By: Sumeet_Manhas
The co-founders of the Hawkers sunglasses brand had already achieved a significant amount of monetary success during its first three years of operation from 2013 to 2016. However, they realized they would need to seek outside funding to stay ahead of the bills and expand their brand beyond their home country of Spain.The Hawkers team experimented with Kickstarter campaigns in late 2015 and early 2016 with decent success. Seeking approximately $118,000 in United States currency ($100,000 in euros), the team raised almost $225,000 from 9,086 supporters. Alex Moreno, David Moreno, Pablo Sanchez, and Iñaki Soriano, the brothers and friends who originally launched Hawkers, certainly appreciated the support of their backers. They simply realized they would need to go much higher with their funding efforts to meet their business goals.
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Friday, August 20, 2021
I Stumbled Across a Massive Investing Opportunity in a Parking Lot / Companies / Investing 2021
By: Stephen_McBride
By Justin Spittler : One of the #1 ways to improve your investing returns is to simply:
Take notice of your immediate world.
Take the metaverse, for example—the new 3D, immersive internet that’s becoming more popular by the minute. If you have kids or grandkids, there’s a good chance they’re playing in the metaverse as I type. In fact, more than half of American children are taking part in the metaverse!
This is a powerful piece of information. It reminds me of the moneymaking opportunity in video game stocks in the ‘90s.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Tapping Into A Massive $53 Billion Healthcare Market / Companies / Healthcare Sector
By: Submissions
Monday, August 16, 2021
The Trillion Dollar Health Trend Taking Over Wall Street / Companies / Health and Fitness
By: Submissions
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
AI Stocks Portfolio Buying and Selling Levels Ahead of a Market CRASH / Correction 2021 / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The US stock market has been content to rally to new highs with many stocks going to the Moon including most of our AI tech giants, a rally that I have been distributing into to the extent that I have now sold 80% of my holdings in the Top 6 AI stocks in my portfolio some of which I have been accumulating for over a decade (Microsoft). The primary objective of this analysis is the determine where we stand in terms of THE TOP, after all, all bull markets eventually do top either ending with a CRASH (1987) or a bear market (2000 and 2007). So what to hold and what to sell is the question I am asking myself, with a view to riding out a potential bear market / crash, where this analysis deploys a new automated metric of individual stock SELLING LEVELs so that one better knows where one stands in terms of ones portfolio, all in just one table. After all the risk we all fear is that of a 2000 style collapse that sends stocks lower for the next 20 years! Remember that bear market bottomed with a 85% collapse for tech stocks! Yes, one could say the likes of Amazon, Microsoft, Apple had become dirt cheap, but that would have been a very painful and prolonged discounting event. So a case of balancing the risks of letting some stocks ride whilst cashing in those that will pay a heavy price for their over exuberance all whilst being aware of the AI mega-trend trundling along in the background.
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Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Debenhams CLOSED Down After 200 Years, Shopping Trip Down Memory Lane at Meadowhall Sheffield / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Eliza_Walayat
Debenhams Britains former biggest high street department store chain is now no more, the it's last stores closed a few weeks ago after over 200 years of retail trading, tracing it's roots back to 1778 when William Clark opened the first shop in London's East End, then some 30 years later William Debenhams' investment was coupled with a name change to Clark & Debenhams.
Here's a shopping trip down memory lane at the Meadowhall Sheffield Debenhams Store where whilst doubts had always remained for many years on the Town Centre stores chances of survival, few took seriously that the Meadowhall store would ever close, but the coronavirus pandemic was the final nail in Debenhams coffin.
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Sunday, August 08, 2021
Tesla and Amazon are all in on this emerging tech / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
Ready to have your mind blown?LEGO just launched an app that transforms your smartphone camera into the world’s most accurate “eye.”
Start by spreading a box of LEGOs on the ground. Open the app… and point your camera at the bricks.
“Brickit” scans the messy pile and instantly recognizes every random piece. It knows each LEGO brick ever made
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Thursday, August 05, 2021
Netflix - FAANG a Buy, Sell or Hold?, CME Black Swans Chasing Value in Biotech Stocks / Companies / Investing 2021
By: Nadeem_Walayat
I am often asked to take a look at Netflix as being one of the FAANG stocks. However Netflix the streaming service that has made it into many households during the pandemic including our own has never been on my radar because it is not an AI stock, Nevertheless enough patrons have requested I take a look at it then so I will starting with the fundamental state of the corporation that has seen huge growth during the pandemic though despite this growth in revenues and earnings the stock still trades on a lofty PE of 53.4! Whilst it is the beyond the scope of this analysis to generate a EC ratio, nevertheless the PE of 53.4 IS VERY HIGH!
The key metric where Netflix is is concerned is how fast it's subscriber base is growing for it is that which will generate future revenues and profits growth as new subscribers pay their monthly fees and for that we have this chart generated by Netflix themselves -
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Wednesday, August 04, 2021
Lisa Su's AMD Stock Price Rockets to the Moon! $200 Target, How to Buy for Under $78 / Companies / AMD
By: Nadeem_Walayat
AMD stock price rockets to new highs, trading to over $13 a share, as the emerging chip giant posted favourable earnings continuing it's phoenix like rise form the ashes that continues to erode Intel's market share. So why is AMD doing so well? We'll it's all down to ONE PERSON, Lisa Su! She took a dieing corporation trading at penny stock levels and turned it around. Much as that clown who ran Intel ruined that corporation over the same time period that Lisa Su was building AMD into a chip giant.
So the big question market Investors need to ask now is, did they AMD when it was dirt cheap, and if not why not? AND where is AMD heading to next, all in my latest AI Tech Stocks video.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Chasing Value in Unloved by Markets Small Cap Biotech Stocks for the Long-run / Companies / BioTech
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Five more biotech stocks to add to the strategy of invest and forget for a potential X10 return. a reminder of why I am engaging in this binge on biotech stocks after having been focused on AI stocks for the past 5 years.
1. Biotech stocks are an unloved stocks sector whilst tech stocks over valued, even the ultra safe stocks such as the Top 10, so I am reluctant to add at current valuations hence why I hit the SELL button for the first time in many years and reduced my exposure to AI stocks by about 40%.
2. That biotech is a derivative of AI, we'll most sectors will soon become a derivative of AI because it is the PRIMARY tech megatrend of our age that will continue to broaden its reach to encompass all sectors of the economy.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2021
What is Social Trading / Companies / Social Media
By: Sumeet_Manhas
The world of trading is advancing all of the time, and one type of trading that has become very popular in recent years is social trading. Social trading can help you to deal with a number of challenges, for example, the difficulty that comes with staying up to date with all of the latest trends, reports, and news events impacting the business world. Keeping that in mind, continue reading to discover everything you need to know about it.
Understanding social trading
Social trading is pretty much like a social network for traders. The only difference between the likes of Instagram and Facebook is that you won’t be sharing lunch photos or selfies! Instead, you will be sharing and following trading strategies and suggestions. Here, traders will brainstorm on market situations, watch the trading results of other professionals, and interact with one and other.
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
AI Predicts US Tech Stocks Price Valuations Three Years Ahead (ASVF) / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
My initial attempts some years ago at feeding raw financial data such as PE ratios, EBITA, PEG into neural nets failed to deliver anything useful, clearly it was not going to be that easy! What's required is to preprocess the data to make the various inputs better gel together rather than producing noise which means input from human intelligence (me) to preprocess the data before training the neural nets, and so was born what I call the Expensive / Cheap (EC) Indicator that includes 15 stock financial indicators all fine tuned manually to resolve in better being able to discriminate between stocks in fundamental valuation terms, add price to that to become 16 inputs. that have been preprocessed as per their formulation into the EC indicator.
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Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Nissan to Create 1000s of jobs with electric vehicle investment in UK / Companies / Auto Sector
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Nissan is set to give the UK its first electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing base with the expected announcement of the country’s first “gigafactory” in Sunderland. The futuristic sounding gigafactory – which is the name given to any facility where EV manufacturers can produce batteries for their cars – will create thousands of jobs in the Sunderland area, but perhaps more poignantly give the UK a much-needed boost in an EV race in which it is fast falling behind.
The government has pledged an undisclosed contribution to the project – which is expected to cost hundreds of millions of pounds – such is the importance of the move. The introduction of the factory ties in with the UK’s wider green initiatives, which includes the upcoming ban of new petrol and diesel cars in 2030 as part of the government’s sustainable ten-point plan.
Friday, July 16, 2021
Google, Amazon and Netflix are Scrambling For This Rare Gas / Companies / Investing 2021
By: Submissions
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Proteomics: The Next Truly Massive Investing Opportunity / Companies / Genomics
By: Stephen_McBride
Blue and red flashing lights pierced the darkness. Michael Behar and his family were on vacation at a remote campsite 10,000 feet up in the Rocky Mountains. They were huddled around a campfire when a police sergeant pulled up in his SUV. He stepped out and said, “Mr. Behar, I’m sorry to have to tell you that your mother has passed away.”
Michael’s mother had suffered a heart attack. But not too long before she had passed a series of coronary scans with flying colors. Behar knew we had to find a better way to “see” what was happening inside the body.
His doctor encouraged him to sign up for a medical trial across town. In short, the test would scour Michael’s blood for “proteins” associated with heart disease.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Why Helium Stocks Are Set To Soar in 2021 / Companies / Energy Resources
By: Submissions
Monday, July 12, 2021
Why Amazon, Google and Netflix Are Fighting Over this Rare Gas / Companies / Energy Resources
By: Submissions
Big Tech may be in for a major crisis in the coming months, all because of a global shortage virtually nobody’s talking about.
And it has nothing to do with the shortages we’ve seen worldwide in everything from computer chips to lumber to chicken wings.
This supply squeeze runs far deeper and has the potential to crush major blue-chip companies if the situation doesn’t dramatically improve soon.
That’s because Big Tech companies like Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook, and Netflix all depend on this one gas to keep their servers up and running around the clock.
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Friday, July 09, 2021
5 Little-Known Ways Businesses Waste Money / Companies / SME
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Most companies are often so focused on making money that they forget about the importance of saving it.If you’re struggling with a small profit margin, you may need to make various cutbacks to improve your company’s financial security.
Poor cash flow management can result in many organisations closing for good. Don’t follow in their footsteps by learning about the five little-known ways businesses waste money.
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Thursday, July 08, 2021
Why U.S. Corporate Bankruptcies Could Skyrocket / Companies / Financial Markets 2021
"U.S. bankruptcies in the first quarter of 2021 and all of 2020 were above the 13-year average"An April 17 article headline on the website of National Public Radio says:
U.S Economy Looking Good As Spending Jumps In March
And, on April 29, The New York Times said:
Americans' spending on durable goods -- cars and furniture and other goods meant to last a long time -- rose at a stunning 41.4 percent annual rate in the first three months of the year.
Considering that the economy is "looking good," economic observers might conclude that a wave of corporate bankruptcies is of little concern.
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Thursday, July 08, 2021
ZeroAvia Featured in New U.K. Video to Promote International Trade / Companies / Social Media
By: Umer_Mahmood
ZeroAvia, the company that is revolutionizing the aviation industry, is a proud partner of the U.K.’s Department for International Trade.
ZeroAvia, which is developing sustainable aviation solutions in partnership with leading investors and airline partners, is one of the agency’s collaborators to promote trade with innovative U.K. companies.
A new video produced by the department that touts the country’s commitment to clean transportation solutions features ZeroAvia. Those technological advancements are critical pieces in the country’s move toward its goal of being net zero in emissions by 2050.