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Category: US Dollar

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Friday, July 31, 2020

Trump White House Accelerating Toward a US Dollar Crisis / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Dan_Steinbock

As US economy is heading toward its disastrous 2nd quarter results, the Trump administration is considering the expansion of the trade war to finance, which could destabilize the US dollar and derail the post-pandemic global economy.

After its failure in the COVID-19 containment and the expected -53 percent plunge of real GDP growth in the 2nd quarter, President Trump’s re-election campaign is in serious trouble. To deflect the blame, his administration has launched a series of provocative measures against China thereby fueling elevated bilateral tensions.

Worse, the White House is reportedly considering moving from a bilateral trade war to an effort to exclude China from the dollar-denominated international payment network. In Beijing, that would be seen as weaponization of US dollar.

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Monday, July 27, 2020

US Dollar Cycle Review / Currencies / US Dollar

By: readtheticker

If investors can correctly forecast the US Dollar then their portfolio will be standing on better ground.

Jesse Livermore said investors must familiarise themselves with all matters of the market. The sine wave cycle below shows regular tops and bottoms and if the investor ignores this repeating phenomena it could be at their peril. If you decide to do so, you best have a good technical or fundamental reason.

The sine wave cycle below was found with 'Cycle Finder Spectrum' use of 'Bartels' logic. Yes it is mathematics, but within the site RTT Plus service we also examine the dollar fundamentals  (like: inflation, money supply, banking risk, interest rates, market risk) and subject to another market like COVID19 smash the fundamentals suggest a slump in the US dollar in the immediate short term future.

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Friday, July 17, 2020

In Weaponizing the Dollar Trump’s Lieutenants Flunk Finance 101 / Politics / US Dollar

By: Steve_H_Hanke

In a scoop, Bloomberg reported last week that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and some of President Trump’s top lieutenants are considering fully weaponizing the U.S. dollar to undermine Hong Kong’s financial system. The idea has been hatched to punish China for its recent aggressions in Hong Kong.

Just what does the weaponization of the greenback entail? The U.S. dollar is the international currency. It is the major reserve currency held by central banks, the most prominent currency used to denominate debt, and the unit of account for invoicing goods and services in international trade. The dollar’s stable value means that it is used widely for both international payment and interbank transactions, as well as for official intervention in foreign-exchange markets. In short, the dollar is entrenched at the center of the international financial system. This gives the United States an “exorbitant privilege,” as the Frenchman Valéry Giscard d’ Estaing pointedly put it. For the U.S., the benefits are incalculable.

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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

U.S. Dollar: When Almost Everyone Is Bearish... / Currencies / US Dollar


June started off with speculators decidedly negative toward the U.S. dollar.

On the second day of the month, the Financial Times said:

Wall Street strategists say dollar could be set for "dramatic" falls

Elliott Wave International's June 10 U.S. Short Term Update, a three-times-a-week publication which provides near-term forecasts for major U.S. financial markets, took note of the bearish sentiment when it showed this chart and said:

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Monday, June 29, 2020

US Dollar with Ney and Gann Angles / Currencies / US Dollar

By: readtheticker

Where is price going, is there strength or weakness in the chart?

Previous Post on the US Dollar : Where is the US Dollar trend headed ?

The question is always what will the future price action look like ?

This post will highlight the use of lines generated by angles. Not trend lines, as trend lines require two known points on a chart, where as angles require only one known point and a angle degree to draw a line. The question then becomes how is the angle degree determined.

There are two theories: Gann Angles and Ney Angles.  Gann angles are a fixed set of degrees (see below) and these degrees are based loosely on astrology and the regular cycle of planets around the sun. Gann said price would move between these angles as the angles acted as like critical support and resistance.

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Monday, June 22, 2020

Where is the US Dollar trend headed ? / Currencies / US Dollar

By: readtheticker

where-is-the-us-dollar-trend-headedJesse Livermore said we consider all matters concerning the market, this includes demand and supply fundamentals, general conditions and price patterns.

A high US dollar is the mighty destroyer of all, it explodes foreign debt and risk assets, and it will likely change US politics.

The chart below supports a greater supply of US dollars and a bearish dollar view.

The green line is the spread between the German 10 yr interest rate versus the US 10 yr interest rates, and it is showing bearish pressure on the US dollar. The black line is the trend of the US twin deficits and the US dollar as followed this trend over a very long time and the forecast is for deeper deficits into 2020-22.

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Saturday, April 04, 2020

The US Dollar Index: How Can it Help You Trading? / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Submissions

Luckily, there are various ways to optimize your trading besides technical and fundamental analysis, especially when it comes to forex trading. Chances are that you are currently thinking about the live forex rates, however, there is an even more powerful tool to take advantage of the US dollar Index.

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Sunday, March 08, 2020

Coronavirus Infects US Dollar / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Richard_Mills

Up to a month ago the US dollar was showing resilience in the face of a slowdown in the global economy evidenced by anemic growth. As central banks including the US Federal Reserve reacted by lowering interest rates, it looked as though strength in the US economy (stock market bull, 50-year-low unemployment, etc.) would see the States through the downturn, especially since US Treasury yields were that much higher than those of competing bonds such as the German “bund”. 

All that has changed with the coronavirus. 

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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The US Dollar’s Subtle Message for Gold / Currencies / US Dollar

By: P_Radomski_CFA

Gold and the US dollar. The yellow metal and its fiat nemesis. Often, they move inversely, though the strength and even the direction of their relationship varies when examined from different time perspectives. What is the message the greenback is sending out currently?

The USD Index is moving up in a rising trend channel (all medium-term highs are higher than the preceding ones) that formed after the index ended a very sharp rally. This means that the price movement within the rising trend channel is actually a running correction, which is the most bullish type of correction out there. If a market declines a lot after rallying, it means that the bears are strong. If it declines a little, it means that bears are only moderately strong. If the price moves sideways instead of declining, it means that the bears are weak. And the USD Index didn’t even manage to move sideways. The bears are so weak, and the bulls are so strong that the only thing that the USD Index managed to do despite Fed’s very dovish turn and Trump’s calls for lower USD, is to still rally, but at a slower pace.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Setting Up A U.S. Dollar Crash And Metals Rise / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Avi_Gilburt

I know that many investors follow correlations as if they were gospel. But, do they really understand what a correlation represents?

You see, markets are not linear in nature. While two different markets may be traveling in the same direction for a period of time, unless you understand each chart on its own, how will you ever know when a seeming correlation will break? And, if you assume that they will align indefinitely, how long does it take for you to cut your losses in determining that a seeming correlation has broken?

Remember, when you are following a correlation, all you are doing is assuming a relationship will continue indefinitely in a linear manner, despite the fact that markets are simply not linear in nature.

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Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Is the Run on the US Dollar Due to Panic or Greed? / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Ellen_Brown

What’s going on in the repo market? Rates on repurchase (“repo”)  agreements should be about 2%, in line with the Federal Reserve funds rate. But they shot up to over 5% on Sept. 16 and got as high as 10% on Sept. 17. Yet banks were refusing to lend to each other, evidently passing up big profits to hold onto their cash—just as they did in the housing market crash and Great Recession of 2008-09.

Because banks weren’t lending, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York jumped in, increasing its overnight repo operations to $75 billion, and on Oct. 23, it upped the ante to $120 billion in overnight operations and $45 billion in longer-term operations.

Why are banks no longer lending to each other? Are they afraid that collapse is imminent somewhere in the system, as with the Lehman collapse in 2008?

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Sunday, November 03, 2019

Is US Dollar Topping? / Currencies / US Dollar

By: ElliottWaveForecast

The Fed’s monetary stance has turned 180 degree this year. Recall last year the Fed talked about shrinking the balance sheet on auto pilot and raising interest rate. The QT (Quantitative Tightening) of $50 billion a month, according to former Fed Chair Janet Yellen, should be boring like watching paint dry. By July this year, the $50 billion monthly rundown has ended. Instead, the Fed embarks in another balance sheet inflation to the tune of 60 billion a month. In mid-September, short term funding in repo market spiked to 10% from 2% overnight. This suggests stress in the financial system as some banks and financial institution can’t find necessary cash in the market. The Fed quickly points out this balance sheet expansion is different than asset purchase from years ago. Below is the chart of the Fed’s balance sheet. It has dropped steadily from 2017 and reverses higher this year.

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Friday, October 11, 2019

US Dollar Index Trend Analysis / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Nadeem_Walayat

A good technical starting point would be a quick look at the prospects for the US Dollar.

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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Monetary Madness Puts U.S. Dollars Holders in Jeopardy / Currencies / US Dollar

By: MoneyMetals

We’re in uncharted territory. Never before have U.S. fiscal and monetary policy been leveraged so heavily to boost an economy that wasn’t even in recession.

Something will break – and it could be the value of U.S. currency. The Federal Reserve Note now faces devaluation pressures on multiple fronts.

With the federal government running a trillion-dollar budget deficit and an election year approaching, fiscal restraint is a dead letter in Washington, D.C. Politicians are fighting over who can promise to borrow and spend the most.

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Monday, September 09, 2019

UUP Bullish Cycles from May 2011 lows / Currencies / US Dollar

By: ElliottWaveForecast

Firstly the dollar tracking ETF fund UUP  inception date was 2/20/2007. Interestingly the dollar index has a low in March 2008. The UUP ETF fund shows a low in May 2011. The dollar index did make a pullback cycle low in May 2011 however it was well above the March 2008 lows. The bullish cycle up from the May 2011 lows in UUP is the focus of this analysis where it begins on the weekly chart. It should see some further upside before any larger size pullbacks relative to the longer term cycles.

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Saturday, August 31, 2019

King Dollar Global Reserve Paradox / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Jim_Willie_CB

An intriguing paradox is evident, whereby the USDollar continues to rise despite the global economic recession. In fact, it can be argued that the USDollar is rising in the past several months, because of the global recession. On a worldwide basis, the economy is struggling badly, especially in the West. Worse still, without a doubt, the rising USDollar is destroying the individual economies of smaller nations, one by one. The King Dollar is truly an economic machete. Numerous factors are at work. All contribute toward the continued rise of the USDollar until the systemic breakdown hits both the economy and the financial system. The sign of systemic breakdown is the bond rally, which has taken bond yields into negative territory. Nobody with a working cerebrum can claim that $17 trillion in sovereign bonds sporting negative yields can defend the current system as either normal or stable. The Fed Valuation Model justifies higher stock index values when bond yields are lower, but the model has no modern feature for negative rates. Eventually, and soon, the only beneficiary will be Gold & Silver, along with a few hard assets like diamonds.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

US Dollar Finally the Achillles Heel / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Jim_Willie_CB

All important factors are finally putting tremendous pressure on the USDollar. The weak economy will result in lower interest rates, thus more downward USD pressure. The enormous USGovt debt will result in further bond dumps in addition to trade settlement outside the USD, thus more downward pressure. The resentment for threatened hot wars, trade wars, economic sanctions, and SWIFT obstructions will result in amplified resentment. They will respond with a global boycott of the King Dollar, dumping of USTreasury Bonds, and thus more downward pressure. Worse, a global currency war might erupt in the very near future, which might have basis in competing interest rates from monetary policy in addition to competing bond yields. The remarkable fact that has come to the table in the last few weeks is that foreign sovereign bond offerings are having strong demand despite lower bond yields offered than USTreasurys. However, the USTreasury auctions are being gradually noticed as failures, despite higher bond yields offered. The message is crystal clear, that collateral for the huge debt is far more important than the carry, namely the bond yield. Finally the USGovt debt is being questioned, as it rises past the $22 trillion level, as the debt limit is suspended, and as the over $20 trillion in missing funds is publicized. The USGovt financial room is a recognized crime scene.

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Friday, August 02, 2019

After Fed Disappoints, Will Trump Initiate Currency Intervention? / Currencies / US Dollar

By: MoneyMetals

Following months of cajoling by the White House, the Federal Reserve finally cut its benchmark interest rate. However, the reaction in equity and currency markets was not the one President Donald Trump wanted – or many traders anticipated.

The Trump administration wants the Fed to help drive the fiat U.S. dollar lower versus foreign currencies, especially those of major exporting countries.

Instead, the U.S. Dollar Index rallied throughout July ahead of the expected rate cut and continued rallying after Fed chairman Jerome Powell made it official on Wednesday.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Strong Dollar is good for Small Businesses / Politics / US Dollar


The Trump economy has provided a much needed optimism. While confidence for the future has grown over the meager performance under Obama, the fabric of prosperity has not yet achieved universal reach. Remember that an America First economy thrives on a strong dollar. So it is unfortunate that the establishment is pushing President Trump into favoring an internationalist trading system that hinders a domestic small business economy. The corporatists on Wall Street hate independent business.

In order to combat the export of American jobs, much higher tariffs should be imposed. Raising the value of the U.S. Dollar (Federal Reserve notes) would put an end to the oversea search for the cheapest labor regime. International trade that diminishes domestic output has been the primary cause of destroying our national autonomy. For those who are in denial, admitting this fact is a major threat to their cartel of global interdependency.

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Sunday, June 30, 2019

US Dollar Breakdown Begins, Gold Price to Bolt Higher / Currencies / US Dollar

By: Jim_Willie_CB

A major breakdown is in progress for the USDollar index. It has broken its intermediate uptrend which began in April 2018. Eighteen months of official rate hikes and tremendous hidden activity with derivative bond purchases, which obscure the absent USTreasury Bond buyers, have finally weighed on the King Dollar. The USEconomy suffers from 20 key breakdown signals, about which the lapdog press refuses to report. The historical tightening has turned into a failed experiment, an attempt to return to normalcy when no such event can possibly occur. Ponzi Schemes cannot be gradually unwound. The USGovt debt has gone past $22 trillion. The USGovt deficit this year is set to surpass $1.3 trillion. The missing money volume for the USGovt, a fat pig exploited by various departments, is conservatively estimated at $21 trillion. The global bond market investors no longer expect the USGovt debt to be repaid, as a failure mindset has crept into the bond arena. Given the repeated treatment since 2008, with expansion, the USTreasury Bond has become the global subprime bond. Next comes the reversal of monetary policy, where the US Federal Reserve begins to do emergency rate cuts in sequence. Expect some big name corporations to be monetized. The USDollar will be harmed, Gold will surely rise, and Oil will likely fall. A very valid point must be made. In past financial crises, the United States drew $trillions in capital from foreign markets. Next the opposite will occur, as foreigners will remove $trillions from their US holdings in both stocks and bonds. The US will be left to defend itself with corrupt devices. Gold will respond.

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